Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 77

निकुम्भो भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा सुग्रीवेण निपातितम्। प्रदहन्निव कोपेन वानरेन्द्रमुर्दक्षत॥
Seeing his brother slain by Sugrīva, Nikumbha, gazed at the lord of the monkeys, as if consuming him with his passion.

ततः स्रग्दामसंनद्धं दत्तपञ्चाङ्गुलं शुभम्। आददे परिघं धीरो महेन्द्रशिखरोपमम्॥ हेमपट्टपरिक्षिप्तं वज्रविदूमभूषितम्। यमदण्डोपमं भीमं रक्षसां भयनाशनम्॥
Then that one endowed with calmness, grasped a bludgeon entwined with wreaths, and furnished with an iron ring measuring five fingers, and resembling the top of the Mahendra;* plated with gold and embellished with diamonds and lapises, and looking like the rod of Yama himself; dreadful and capable of removing the fear of the Raksas. *The mountain, so named.

तमाविध्य महातेजाः शक्रध्वजसमौजसम्। निननाद विवृत्तास्यो निकुम्भो भीमविक्रमः॥
And whirling this, that highly powerful one, resembling the banner itself of Sakra in energy, Nikumbha possessed of terrific strength, with his mouth wide open, set up shouts.

उरोगतेन निष्केण भुजस्थैरङ्गदैरपि। कुण्डलाभ्यां च चित्राभ्यां मालया च स चित्रया।।५ निकुम्भो भूषणैाति तेन स्म परिघेण च। यथेन्द्रधनुषा मेघः सविद्युत्स्तनयित्नुमान्॥
With gold adorning his breast, and Angadas placed on his arms and a pair of curious and variegated ear-rings, Nikumbha, with his ornaments and that same bludgeon, appeared beautiful like a mass of roaring clouds laughing with lightning and furnished with the iris.

परिघाग्रेण पुस्फोट वातग्रन्धिर्महात्मनः। प्रजज्वाल सघोषश्च विधूम इव पावकः॥
The head of that huge-bodied hero's parigha undid the conjunction of the seven' Winds and appeared? like a noiseless and smokeless flame. 1. This indicates the length of the Parigha. 2. This might refer to Kumbha as well.

नगर्या विटपावत्या गन्धर्वभवनोत्तमैः। सतारागणनक्षत्रं सचन्द्रसमहाग्रहम्।। निकुम्भपरिघाघूर्ण भ्रमतीव नभस्थलम्॥
Along with the gyration of Nikumbha's parigha the whole welkin, together with the excellent city* of the gandharvas, and the planets, stars and the moon, began to whirl. *Some say Vitapabati and some say Alaka.

दुरासदश्च संजज्ञे परिघाभरणप्रभः। क्रोधेन्धनो निकुम्भाग्नियुगान्ताग्निरिवोत्थितः॥
Nikumbha was hard to approach like to the fire of dissolution, being resplendent with the brilliance of parigha and other ornaments and having his anger for its fuels.

राक्षसा वानराश्चापि न शेकुः स्पन्दितुं भयात्। हनुमांस्तु विवृत्योरस्तस्थौ प्रमुखतो बली॥
The Rākşasas and monkeys did not dare stir even out of fear. And the heroic Hanumān, spreading his breast, stood before him.

परिघोपमबाहुस्तु परिघं भास्करप्रभम्। बली बलवतस्तस्य पातयामास वक्षसि॥
Thereat the powerful (Nikumbha) having long-arm* threw his parigha resembling the Sun at the breast of that powerful one. *Lit. arms resembling parighas.

स्थिरे तस्योरसि व्यूढे परिघः शतधा कृतः। विकीर्यमाणः सहसा उल्काशतमिवाम्बरे॥
Falling on the firm and spacious breast of Hanumān it was broken into hundred pieces. The broken portions, being scattered, appeared like hundreds of fire-brands in the sky.

स तु तेन प्रहारेण न चचाल महाकपिः। परिघेण समाधूतो यथा भूमिचलेऽचलः॥
Like to a mountain standing still even at the time of an earthquake that mighty monkey was not moved albeit struck with the parigha.

स तथाभिहतस्तेन हनूमान् प्लवगोत्तमः। मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास बलेनातिमहाबलः॥
Being thus hurt that highly powerful Hanumān, the foremost of the monkeys, with great velocity clenched his fist.

तमुद्यम्य महातेजा निकुम्भोरसि वीर्यवान्। अभिचिक्षेप वेगेन वेगवान्वायुविक्रमः॥
With this, the powerful (monkey) gifted with great impetuosity, and resembling the wind in prowess, struck Nikumbha on his breast.

तत्र पुस्फोट वर्मास्य प्रसुस्राव च शोणितम्। मुष्टिना तेन संजज्ञे मेघे विद्युदिवोत्थिता॥
With that fist, his (Nikumbha's) armour* was riven and blood gushed out. And a light rising out of his breast suddenly disappeared like to lightning disappearing in a mass of clouds. *Some texts read carma (skin) in the place of Varma-(armour) i.e., his skin was rent-This equally indicates Hanuman's strength.

स तु तेन प्रहारेण निकुम्भो विचचाल च। स्वस्थश्चापि निजग्राह हनूमन्तं महाबलम्॥
Being struck with his (Hanuman's) fist Nikumbha was greatly moved and restoring himself attacked the mighty Hanumān and pulled him up.

चुक्रुशुश्च तदा संख्ये भीमं लङ्कानिवासिनः। निकुम्भेनोद्यतं दृष्ट्वा हनूमन्तं महाबलम्॥
Beholding in conflict the terrible and powerful Hanumăn pulled up by Nikumbha, the residents of Lankā began to shout with joy.

स तथा ह्रियमाणोऽपि हनूमांस्तेन रक्षसा। आजघाननिलसुतो वज्रकल्पेन मुष्टिना॥
Being thus put to shame by that Rākşasa, Hanumăn the son of the Wind, struck him with his iron fist.

आत्मानं मोक्षयित्वाथ क्षितावभ्यवपद्यत। हनूमानुन्ममाथाशु निकुम्भं मारुतात्मजः॥
And releasing himself from the grasp of Nikumbha, Hanumān the Wind-god's son instantly planted his foot on the earth.

निक्षिप्य परमायत्तो निकुम्भं निष्पिपेष च। उत्पत्य चास्य वेगेन पपातोरसि वेगवान् ॥ परिगृह्य च बाहुभ्यां परिवृत्य शिरोधराम्। उत्पाटयामास शिरो भैरवं नदतो महत्॥
Inflamed with ire, he, throwing down Nikumbha, began to crush him; and gifted with vehemence, he, with great impetuosity, leaped up and sat on the breast (of the Raksa). And halding his head with two hands, he, emitting loud roars, displaced his head.

अथ निनदति सादिते निकुम्भे पवनसुतेन रणे बभूव युद्धम्। {शतरमागतरोषयोः सुभीमम्॥
Nikumbha being thus slain in conflict by the Wind-god's son, there ensued a terrible conflict between the highly enraged armies of the son of Dasaratha and the lord of Rākşasas.

व्यपेते तु जीवे निकुम्भस्य हृष्टा विनेदुः प्लवंगा दिश: सस्वनुश्च । बलं राक्षसानां भयं चाविवेश॥
Nikumbha being deprived of his life, the monkeys began to shout-as if resounding all the quarters. And with it the whole earth moved and the abode of the celestials dropped down. And the Rākşasas-hosts were greatly terrified.