Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 41

अथ तस्मिन्निमित्तानि दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। सुग्रीवं संपरिष्वज्य रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing those ominous signs, Lakşmaņa's elder brother, Ramā, embracing Sugrīva, said.

असंमन्त्र्य मया सार्धं तदिदं साहसं कृतम्। एवं साहसयुक्तानि न कुर्वन्ति जनेश्वराः॥
Without consulting with me, you have acted thus rashly. But kings should not act in such a rash way.

संशये स्थाप्य मां चेदं बलं चेमं बिभीषणम्। कष्टं कृतमिदं वीर साहसं साहसप्रिय॥
Placing in suspense, me, this army and Vibhīş aņa, you, O hero, enamoured of daring deeds, have put yourself to all this trouble.

इदानीं मा कृथा वीर एवंविधमरिंदम। त्वयि किंचित्समापन्ने किं कार्य सीतया मम॥ भरतेन महाबाहो लक्ष्मणेन यवीयसा। शत्रुघ्नेन च शत्रुघ्न स्वशरीरेण वा पुनः॥
But, O hero, henceforth, do not act so. O subduer of enemies, if you come by any mischance, what shall Sita avail me; or Bharata; my younger brother-Lakşmaņa; or Satrughna, O slayer of enemies; or, again, my own person?

त्वयि चानागते पूर्वमिति मे निश्चिता मतिः। जानतश्चापि ते वीर्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपम॥ हत्वाहं रावणं युद्धे सपुत्रबलवाहनम्। अभिषिच्य च लङ्कायां विभीषणमथाप च।७।। भरते राज्यमारोप्य त्यक्ष्ये देहं महाबल।
Ere you had come, I had arrived at this determination; albeit, O you that are equal to the mighty Indra or Varuna, I knew your prowess full well. Slaying Rāvana in battle along with his sons, forces and vehicles, and installing Vibhīşaņa in Lankā, and placing the kingdom in the hands of Bharata, I shall renounce my body, O exceedingly powerful one!

तमेवं वादिनं रामं सुग्रीवः प्रत्यभाषत।।।। तव भार्यापहर्तारं दृष्ट्वा राघव रावणम्। मर्षयामि कथं वीर जानन्विक्रममात्मनः।९।।
When Rāma had said this, Sugrīva answered, Knowing my own strength, how, O Rāghava, viewing Rāvana, who had ravished away your wife, could I forbear, O hero?

इत्येवं वादिनं वीरमभिनन्द्य च राघवः। लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मिसंपन्नमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
As that hero was speaking thus Raghava addressed Lakṣmaṇa having auspiciousness, thus.

परिगृह्योदकं शीतं वनानि फलवन्ति च। बलौघं संविभज्येमं व्यूह्य तिष्ठाम लक्ष्मण॥
O Lakşmaņa, occupying some tract furnished with cool water and woods bearing fruits, we shall sojourn, dividing and marshalling our forces.

लोकक्षयकरं भीमं भयं पश्याम्युपस्थितम्। निबर्हणं प्रवीराणामृक्षवानररक्षसाम्॥
I see a mighty fear present, destructive of people, and boding destruction to the foremost heroes among the bears, monkeys and Rākşasas.

वाता हि परुषं वान्ति कम्पते च वसुंधरा। पर्वताग्राणि वेपन्ते नदन्ति धरणीधराः॥
The winds ruffle; and the earth is tremulous. And the tops of mountains tremble, and the mountains themselves send up loud sounds.

मेघाः क्रव्यादसंकाशाः परुषाः परुषस्वराः। क्रूराः क्रूरं प्रवर्षन्ते मिश्रं शोणितबिन्दुभिः॥
The clouds are goblinish; and fierce; and harsh-sounding. And wearing terrific looks, they fiercely pour down showers mixed with drops of blood.

रक्तचन्दनसंकाशा संध्या परमदारुणा। ज्वलच्च निपतत्येतदादित्यादग्निमण्डलम्॥
The Evening resembles the red sandal, and is fearful. And a flaming circle dropped from the Sun.

आदित्यमभिवाश्यन्ति जनयन्तो महद्भयम्। दीना दीनस्वराः क्रूरा अप्रशस्ता मृगद्विजाः॥
And exciting great fear, inauspicious birds and beasts, wearing cruel looks, and in distressful guise, cry in piteous accents, facing the Sun.

रजन्यामप्रशस्तश्च संतापयति चन्द्रमाः। कृष्णरक्तांशुपर्यन्तो यथा लोकस्य संक्षये॥
At night, the ominous Moon with a black-red brim as at the time of universal wreck, burn.

हस्वो रूक्षो प्रशस्तश्च परिवेषः सुलोहितः। आदित्यमण्डले नीलं लक्ष्म लक्ष्मण दृश्यते॥
O Laksmana, there is a crimson, rough, slight, and graceful rim round the Sun; and a blue mark is visible on his disc.

दृश्यते न यथावच्च नक्षत्राण्यभिवर्तते। युगान्तमिव लोकस्य पश्य लक्ष्मण शंसति॥
The stars do not course as formerly. Behold, O Laksmana, all these, prefiguring the Doom.

काकाः श्येनास्तथा गृध्रा नीचैः परिपतन्ति च। शिवाश्चाप्यशुभा वाचः प्रवदन्ति महास्वनाः॥
And crows and hawks and vultures drop down. And jackals yell loud inauspicious notes.

शैलैः शूलैश्च खङ्गैश्च विमुक्तैः कपिराक्षसैः। भविष्यत्यावृता भूमिमा॑सशोणितकर्दमा।२१।।
The Earth, converted into mud with flesh and gore, shall be covered with darts and javelins and swords, discharged by Rākşasas and monkeys.

क्षिप्रमद्य दुराधर्षों पुरीं रावणपालिताम्। अभियाम जवेनैव सर्वतो हरिभिर्वृताः॥
This very day with all expedition shall we surrounded on all sides by the monkeys, march towards the city governed by Rāvaņa.

इत्येवं तु वदन्वीरो लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः। तस्मादवातरच्छीघ्रं पर्वताग्रान्महाबलः॥
Having said this to Laksmana, Laksmana's elder brother possessed of exceeding strength, hastily descended from the top of the mountain.

अवतीर्य तु धर्मात्मा तस्माच्छैलात्स राघवः। परैः परमदुर्धर्षं ददर्श बलमात्मनः॥
And descending from the mountain, the righteous Rāghava surveyed his troops, incapable of being beaten by enemies.

संनह्य तु ससुग्रीवः कपिराजबलं महत्। कालज्ञो राघवः काले संयुगायाभ्यचोदयत्॥
After making the mighty host of the monkeysking equip itself, Raghava versed in season, along with Sugrīva, at the proper hour, issued orders for battle.

ततः काले महाबाहुर्बलेन महता वृतः। प्रविष्टः पुरतो धन्वी लङ्कामभिमुखः पुरीम्॥
Then in due time that one, accoutred with his bow, surrounded by a mighty army, set out, with the intention of entering the city of Lanka.

तौ बिभीषणसुग्रीवौ हनूमाञ्जाम्बवानलः। ऋक्षराजस्तथा नीलो लक्ष्मणश्चान्वयुस्तदा॥
Those two-Vibhisana and Sugriva-~-and Hanumān, and jāmbavăn, and Nala, and the bear-king Nila, and Laksmana, followed (Rama).

ततः पश्चात्सुमहती पृतनक्षवनौकसाम्। प्रच्छाद्य महती भूमिमनुयाति स्म राघवम्।।२८
Behind them, the mighty array of bears and monkeys followed Rāghava, severing a wide surface of land.

शैलशृङ्गाणि शतशः प्रवृद्धांश्च महीरुहान्। जगृहुः कुअरप्रख्या वानराः परवारणाः।२९।।
The monkeys, resembling elephants, capable of resisting foes, took mountain-peaks and tall trees by hundreds.

तौ त्वदीर्पण कालेन भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। रावणस्य पुरीं लङ्कामासेदतुररिंदमौ॥ पताकामालिनी रम्यामुद्यानवनशोभिताम्। चित्रवप्रां सुदुष्प्रापामुच्चैः प्राकारतोरणाम्॥
In a short time those repressors of foes— two brothers Rāma and Lakşmaņa-arrived at the city of Răvaņa; with pennons streaming over her; charming; garnished with groves and woods, having variegated gateways; inaccessible; and having walls and gates.

तां सुरैरपि दुर्धर्षां रामवाक्यप्रचोदिताः। यथा निदेशं संपीड्य न्यविशन्त वनौकसः॥
And urged on by Rāma's command, the wood-raingers,* as commanded, blocking up (Lankā) incapable of being subdued even by the gods, stationed themselves. *Monkeys.

लङ्कायास्तूत्तरद्वारं शैलशृङ्गमिवोत्रतम्। रामः सहानुजो धन्वी जुगोप च रुरोध च॥ लङ्कामुपनिविष्टस्तु रामो दशरथात्मजः। लक्ष्णानुचरो वीरः पुरीं रावणपालिताम्॥ उत्तरद्वारमासाद्य यत्र तिष्ठति रावणः। नान्यो रामाद्धि तद्वारं समर्थः परिरक्षितुम्॥ रावणाधिष्ठितं भीमं वरुणेनेव सागरम्। सायुधै राक्षसैीमैरभिगुप्तं समन्ततः॥ लघूनां त्रासजननं पातालमिव दानवैः। विन्यस्तानि च योधाना बहूनि विविधानि च॥ ददर्शायुधजालानि तथैव कवचानि च।
Coming to Lanka ruled by Ravana, that hero, Rama, son to Dasaratha, along with Laksmana, remained stationed at the Northern gate, where Råvaņa used to reside. None save Rāma was competent to protect that dreadful gate, where Råvaņa used to reside and guarded by Rāvana himself, like the Ocean guarded by Varuna, and protected on all sides by terrible Rākşasas equipped with weapons; capable of striking terror into the weak; like to the nether regions guarded by Danavas. And (Rama) saw there : many and various arms and mail of the warriors, ranged together.

पूर्वं तु द्वारमासाद्य नीलो हरिचमूपतिः॥ अतिष्ठत्सह मैन्देन द्विविदेन च वीर्यवान् ।
And coming to the Eastern gate, that leader of the monkeys-army, the powerful Nila, along with Mainda and Dvivida, took up his post there.

अङ्गदो दक्षिणद्वारं जग्राह सुमहाबलः॥ ऋषभेण गवाक्षेण गजेन गवयेन च। हनूमान्पश्चिमद्वारं ररक्ष बलवान्कपिः४०।।
The exceedingly strong Angada, accompanied by Risabha, Gavaksa, Gaya, and Gavaya, occupied the Southern gate. And the mighty monkey Hanumān protected the Western entrance.

प्रजङ्घतरसाभ्यां च वीरैरन्यैश्च संगतः। मध्यमे च स्वयं गुल्मे सुग्रीवः समतिष्ठत॥
And Sugrīva himself, with Prajangha, Tarasa and other heroes, was quartered near the garrison in the centre.

सह सर्वैर्हरिश्रेष्ठैः सुवर्णपवनोपमैः। वानराणां तु षट्त्रिंशत्कोट्यः प्रख्यातयूथपाः॥ निपीड्योपनिविष्टाश्च सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः।
And accompanied by all the foremost monkeys resembling Suparņa or the Wind, twenty kotis of renowned monkey-leaders, blocking up all sides, stationed themselves near the monkeys, Sugriva.

शासनेन तु रामस्य लक्ष्मणः सविभीषणः॥ द्वारे द्वारे हरीणां तु कोटि कोटीयवेशयत्।
At Rama's command, Laksmana along with Vibhisana, went from door to door, issuing instructions to kotis of monkeys.

पश्चिमेन तु रामस्य सुषेणः सहजाम्बवान्॥ अदूरान्मध्यमे गुल्मे तस्थौ बहुबलानुगः।
On the west of Rāma, Jāmbavän along with Susena, followed by innumerable troops, remained hard by at the garrison in the minddle.

ते तु वानरशार्दूलाः शार्दूला इव दंष्ट्रिणः।। गृहीत्वा द्रुमशैलाग्रान्हष्टा युद्धाय तस्थिरे॥
And those tiger-like monkeys, furnished with teeth like to tigers, wielding trees and mountaintops, stood ready for fight.

सर्वे विकृतलाङ्गलाः सर्वे दंष्ट्रानखायुधाः। सर्वे विकृतचित्राङ्गाः सर्वे च विकृताननाः॥
All had their tails curled up, and all were armed with teeth and nails, and all had chequered bodies, and all had frightful faces.

दशनागबलाः केचित् केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः। केचिन्नागसहस्रस्य बभूवुस्तुल्यविक्रमाः॥
Some had the strength of ten elephants; and some had strength ten times as much; and some of the monkeys-leaders there had the strength of a thousand elephants.

सन्ति चौघबलाः केचित्केचिच्छतगुणोत्तराः। अप्रमेयबलाश्चान्ये तत्रासन्हरियूथपाः॥
Some had the strength of numbers (of elephants); and some had strength hundred times as much. And others had immeasurable might.

अद्भुतश्च विचित्रश्च तेषामासीत्समागमः। तत्र वानरसैन्यानां शलभानामिवोद्गमः।॥
And wonderful and astonishing was their meeting. And the concourse at that place of the monkey-forces was like the concourse of locusts.

प्रतिपूर्णमिवाकाशं संपूर्णेव च मेदिनी। लङ्कामुपनिविष्टैश्च संपतद्भिश्च वानरैः॥
The air was filled up, and the earth was covered quite with the monkeys coursing towards Lankā and dropping down into it.

शतं शतसहस्राणां पृतनार्शवनौकसाम्। लङ्काद्वाराण्युपाजग्मुरन्ये योद्धं समन्ततः॥
And hundreds and thousands making up the army of monkeys, arrived at the gate of Lanka; while others were pouring in from all sides for encounter.

आवृतः स गिरिः सर्वैस्तैः समन्तात्प्लवङ्गमैः। अयुतानां सहस्रं च पुरी तामभ्यवर्तत॥
That mount was covered with monkeys by all sides and a thousand ayutas were going round the city.

वानरैर्बलवद्भिश्च बभूव दुमपाणिभिः। सर्वतः संवृता लङ्का दुष्प्रवेशापि वायुना॥
And Larkā, blocked up everywhere with powerful monkeys bearing trees in their hands, was incapable of being entered even by the Wind.

राक्षसा विस्मयं जग्मुः सहसाभिनिपीडिताः। वानरैर्मेघसंकाशैः शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमैः॥
The Rākşasas, sore pressed by thousands of monkeys resembling masses of clouds, and like to Śakra himself in battle, were seized with amazement.

महाञ्छब्दोऽभवत्तत्र बलौघस्याभिवर्ततः। सागरस्येव भित्रस्य यथा स्यात्सलिलस्वनः॥
Like to the roar of water on the ocean being riven, there arose a mighty tumult in consequence of the forces surging hither and thither.

तेन शब्देन महता सप्राकारा सतोरणा। लङ्का प्रचलिता सर्वा सशैलवनकानना ॥
With that sound the entire Lankā, with her wall and gateways, her mountains, woods, and forests, began to shake.

रामलक्ष्मणगुप्ता सा सुग्रीवेण च वाहिनी। बभूव दुर्धर्षतरा सर्वैरपि सुरासुरैः॥
That army, protected by Rāma and Lakşmaņa as well as Sugrīva, became and the more invincible even by the Asuras and celestials.

राघवः संनिवश्यैव स्वसैन्यं रक्षसां वधे। संमन्त्र्य मन्त्रिभिः सार्धं निश्चित्य च पुनः पुनः॥ आनन्तर्यमभिप्रेप्सुः क्रमयोगार्थतत्त्ववित्।। बिभीषणस्यानुमते राजधर्ममनुस्मरन्॥ अङ्गदं वालितनयं समाहूयेदमब्रवीत्।
Having arraigned his forces with the view of destroying the Räkşasa, Rāghava, versed in the resources of war, taking counsel of the counsellors, and deciding again and again his course of action, intending to adopt further measures, resolved to abide by the advice of Vibhīşaņa, remembering the morality regulating monarchs. And then, calling Vāli's son, Angada, (Rāma) said.

गत्वा सौम्य दशग्रीवं ब्रूहि मद्वचनात्कपे॥ लङ्घयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कां भयं त्यक्त्वा गतव्यथः। भ्रष्टश्रीकं गतैश्वर्यं मुमूर्षानष्टचेतनम्॥
O mild one, going to the Ten-necked one, tell him in my words, Bounding over the deep and casting off fear and dejection, I have laid siege to the city of Lankā; and have reft you of your prosperity and your wealth; and rendered you moribund and senseless.

ऋषीणां देवतानां च गन्धर्वाप्सरसां तथा। नागानामथ यक्षाणां राज्ञां च रजनीचर॥ यच्च पापं कृत मोहादवलिप्तेन राक्षस। नूनं ते विगतो दर्पः स्वयंभूवरदानजः॥ यस्य दण्डधरस्तेऽहं दाराहरणकर्शितः। दण्डं धारयमाणस्तु लङ्काद्वारे व्यवस्थितः॥
You have, O night-ranger, through delusion and pride injured saints and celestials, and Gandharvas and Apsaras, and Serpents, and Yaksas, and crowned heads. But, O Raksasa, your pride begot of the boon received from the Self-create has gone from you, whose destroyer I, afflicted in consequence of my wife having been carried off, wielding the rod, have sat down at the door of Lankā.

पदवी देवतानां च महर्षीणां च राक्षस। राजर्षीणां च सर्वेषां गमिष्यसि युधि स्थिरः॥
O Rākşasa, you shall, remaining steady in fight, attain the state of celestials and Maharsis and Rājarşis.

बलेन येन वै सीतां मायया राक्षसाधम। मामतिक्रमयित्वा त्वं हृतवांस्तनिदर्शय॥
O worst of Rākşasas, do you display that prowess of your by which, aided by your power of illusion, you have forcible carried off Sītā, disregarding me.

अराक्षसमिमं लोकं कर्तास्मि निशितैः शरैः। न चेच्छरणमभ्येषि तामादाय तु मैथिलीम्॥
I shall with my sharpened shafts render this world free from Rākşasas, unless rendering back Mitbila's daughter, you throw yourself on my mercy.

धर्मात्मा राक्षसश्रेष्ठः संप्राप्तोऽयं बिभीषणः। लकैश्वर्यमिदं श्रीमान्ध्रुवं प्राप्नोत्यकण्टकम्॥
And, for certain, that foremost of Rākşasas, the righteous and graceful Vibhīşaņa, who has joined us, shall obtain, without having a thorn in his side, all this wealth of Lankā.

नहि राज्यमधर्मेण भोक्तुं क्षणमपि त्वया। शक्यं मूर्खसहायेन पापेनाविदितात्मना ॥
For you, foolish, wicked, ignorant of selfknowledge, and having dolts for councillors, are not competent to unrighteously exercise kingship for a moment.

युध्यस्व मा धृतिं कृत्वा शौर्यमालम्ब्य राक्षस। मच्छरैस्त्वं रणे शान्तस्ततः शान्तो भविष्यसि।।७०
Fight you, O Rāksasa, summoning fortitude and heroism. On being slain with my shafts, you shall attain peace.

यद्याविशसि लोकांस्त्रीन्पक्षीभूतो निशाचर। मम चक्षुःपथं प्राप्य न जीवन्प्रतियास्यसि।७१।।
O night-ranger, if you should range the three worlds in the shape of a bird, you, coming in my ken, shall not be able to preserve your life.

ब्रवीमि त्वां हितं वाक्यं क्रियतामौर्ध्वदेहिकम्। सुदृष्टा क्रियतां लङ्का जीवितं ते मयि स्थितम्॥
It is all this for your good; do you perform acts for the good of your body surviving death; and do you see Lankā well; for your life is in my keeping.

इत्युक्तः स तु तारेयो रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। जगामाकाशमाविश्य मूर्तिमानिव हव्यवाट्॥
Thus addressed by Rāma of untiring deeds, Tara's son went through the welkin like the embodied bearer of sacrificial offerings.

सोऽतिपत्य मुहूर्तेन श्रीमान्रावणमन्दिरम्। ददर्शासीनमव्यग्रं रावणं सचिवैः सह॥
Arriving near that subduer of enemies, Rāvana, in a moment, that graceful one saw Rāvana, sitting calmly in the midst of his ministers.

ततस्तस्याविदूरेण निपत्य हरिपुंगवः। दीप्ताग्निसदृशस्तस्थावङ्गदः कनकाङ्गदः।७५ ।।
And dropping down in his vicinity like a flaming fire, that best of monkeys, Augada, resembling a golden bracelet, stood there.

तद्रामवचनं सर्वमन्यूनाधिकमुत्तमम्। सामात्यं श्रावयामास निवेद्यात्मानमात्मना ॥
Then introducing himself, Angada delivered to Rāvana along with his ministers all that Rama had excellently spoken to him, neither extenuating nor setting down aught of himself.

दूतोऽहं कोशलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः। बालिपुत्रोऽङ्गदो नाम यदि ते श्रोत्रमागतः।७७।।
I am the envoy of the king of Kosala, Rāma of untiring deeds; and I am the son of Vāli I do not know whether you have heard of me.

आह त्वां राघवो रामः कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनः। निष्पत्य प्रतियुध्यस्व नृशंस पुरुषो भव॥
Raghu's son, Rāma-enhancer of Kausaiya's joy-has said to you, 'Do you, O fell one, coming out, give me battle and prove your prowess.

हन्तास्मि त्वां सहामात्यं सपुत्रज्ञातिबान्धवम्। निरुद्विग्नास्त्रयो लोका भविष्यन्ति हते त्वयि। ७९ ।।
I shall slay you together with your ministers, and with your sons and relations and friends. And you being slain, the three worlds shall attain peace.

देवदानवयक्षापां गन्धर्वोरंगरक्षसाम्। शत्रुमद्योद्धरिष्यामि त्वामृषीणां च कण्टकम्॥
Today shall I destroy the enemy of the gods and Dänavas, and Yakşas, of the Gandharvas serpents and Rākṣasas, and the thorn (in the side of the Saints).

विभीषणस्य चैश्वर्यं भविष्यति हते त्वयि। न चेत्सत्कृत्य वैदेही प्रणिपत्य प्रदास्यसि॥
On you being slain, all the wealth shall be Vibhisana's; unless, bowing down (to me) and paying me homage, you render back Maithilī.

इत्येवं परुषं वाक्यं ब्रुवाणे हरिपुंगवे। अमर्षवशमापन्नो निशाचरगणेश्वरः।॥
When that monkey-chief had spoken thus, the lord of the night-rangers was wrought up with wrath.

ततः स रोषमापन्नः शशास सचिवांस्तदा। गृह्यतामिति दुर्मेधा वध्यतामिति चासकृत्॥
And coming under the sway of passion, he commanded his counsellors, saying, "Take this one of perverse understanding, and slay him at once.”

रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा दीप्ताग्निमिव तेजसा। जगृहुस्तं ततो घोराश्चत्वारो रजनीचराः।॥
Hearing Råvaņa's speech, four grim-visaged night rangers seized (Angada) flaming in energy like fire itself,

ग्राहयामास तारेयः स्वयमात्मानमात्मवान्। बलं दर्शयितुं वीरो यातुधानगणे तदा॥
Tara's son suffered himself to be taken, in order that the hero might then display his prowess before the Yātudhānas.

स तान्बाहुद्वयासक्तानादाय पतगानिव। प्रासादं शैलसंकाशमुत्पपाताङ्गदस्तदा॥
Then Angada, taking them up, who were pressed against his arms, like insects, leapt up on a palace resembling a hill.

तस्योत्पतनवेगेन निधूतास्तत्र राक्षसाः। भूमौ निपतिताः सर्वे राक्षसेन्द्रस्य पश्यतः॥
Thereat, in consequence of the impetuosity of his bound, the Raksasas, slipping off, fell on to the ground in the very sight of the Rākṣasa king.

ततः प्रासादशिखरं शैलशृङ्गमिवोन्नतम्। चक्राम राक्षसेन्द्रस्य वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥
Then the powerful son of Vāli with his legs attacked the top of that palace, elevated like a hill, of the lord of Rākşasas.

पफाल च तदाक्रान्तं दशग्रीवस्य पश्यतः। पुरा हिमवतः शृङ्गं वज्रेणेव विदारितम्॥
Thereat, as formerly the summit of the Himavān had been cleft by the thunder bold, the palace, thus assailed, was split in the very presence of the Ten-necked one.

भङ्क्त्वा प्रासादशिखरं नाम विश्राव्य चात्मनः। विनद्य सुमहनादमुत्पपात विहायसा॥
Having reft the top of the edifice, and proclaimed his name, Angada, setting up a mighty roar, sprang into the sky.

व्यथयन्राक्षसान्सर्वान्हर्षयंश्चापि वानरान्। स वानराणां मध्ये तु रामपार्श्वमुपागतः॥
Aggrieving the Rākşasas and rejoicing all the monkeys, he came back to the side of Rāma in the midst of the monkeys.

रावणस्तु परं चक्रे क्रोधं प्रासादधर्षणात्। विनाशं चात्मनः पश्यन्निःश्वासपरमोऽभवत्॥
Rāvana was transported with wrath in consequence of the breaking down of the palace. And, finding his destruction (at hand), he began to heave sighs.

रामस्तु बहुभिहृष्टैर्विनदद्भिः प्लवंगमैः। वृतो रिपुवधाकाङ्क्षी युद्धायैवाभिवर्तत॥
Rāma, surrounded by innumerable delighted monkeys setting up shouts, anxious for slaying his foe, prepared for battle.

सुषेणस्तु महावीर्यो गिरिकूटोपमो हरिः। बहुभिः संवृतस्तत्र वानरैः कामरूपिभिः॥ स तु द्वाराणि संयम्य सुग्रीववचनात्कपिः। पर्यक्रामत दुर्धर्षो नक्षत्राणीव चन्द्रमाः॥
At the command of Sugrīva, the exceedingly powerful monkey-Susena, resembling a mountain-summit, surrounded by a large number of monkeys capable of assuming shapes at pleasure, began to range from door to door; like the Moon ranging the stars.

तेषामक्षौहिणिशतं समवेक्ष्य वनौकसाम्। लङ्कामुपनिविष्टानां सागरं चाभिवर्तताम्॥ राक्षसा विस्मयं जग्मुस्खासं जग्मुस्तथापरे। अपरे समरे हर्षाद्धर्षमेवोपपेदिरे।९७।।
Seeing the hundred Akşauhinis of the woodrangers, stationed in Lankā, extending down to the sea, some of the Rākşasas were struck with astonishment, while some came under the influence of fear; and some experienced delight from the (anticipated) delight of battle.

कृत्स्नं हि कपिभिर्व्याप्तं प्राकारपरिखान्तरम्। ददृशू राक्षसा दीनाः प्राकारं वानरीकृतम्।। हाहाकारमकुर्वन्त राक्षसा भयमागताः॥
The space between the well and the moat all was flooded with monkeys. And the distressed Rākşasas saw the wall thronging with monkeys; and thereat exclaiming “Alas” “Alas,” the Rāks asa were extremely terrified. *A translator cannot help feeling of disappointment at the difference, to the disadvantage of English-between Sanskrit and English. The original for 'thronging with monkeys' is a verbal attributivevanarikrita-lit. monkeyed.

तस्मिन् महाभीषणके प्रवृत्ते कोलाहले राक्षसराजयोधाः। प्रगृह्य रक्षांसि महायुधानि युगान्तवाता इव संविचेरुः॥
On that frightful uproar arising, the warriors of the Rākşasa monarch, Raksasa-seizing mighty arms, began to patrol about, like to winds blowing at the time to the universal dissolution. a