Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 21

ततः सागरवेलायां दर्भानास्तीर्य राघवः। अञ्जलिं प्राङ्मुखः कृत्वा प्रतिशिश्ये महोदधेः॥
Then on the shore of the sea, Rāghava, spreading darbha, with his hands joined towards the great deep, laid him down, with his face to the East.

बाहुं भुजङ्गभोगाभमुपधायारिसूदनः। जारूपमयैश्चैव भूषणैर्भूषितं सदा॥ गणिकाचनकेयूरमुक्तप्रवरभूषणैः। भुजैः परमनारीणामभिमृष्टमनेकधा॥ चन्दनागुरुभिश्चैव पुरस्तादभिसेवितम्। बालसूर्यप्रकाशैश्च चन्दनैरुपशोभितम्॥ शयने चोत्तमाङ्गेन सीतायाः शोभितं पुरा। तक्षकस्येव संभोगं गङ्गाजलनिषेवितम्॥ संयुगे युगसंकाशं शत्रूणां शोकवर्धनम्। सुहृदां नन्दनं दीर्घ सागरान्तव्यपाश्रयम्॥ अस्यता च पुनः सव्यं ज्याघातविहतत्वचम्। दक्षिणो दक्षिणं बाहुं महापरिघसंनिभम्॥ गोसहस्रप्रदातारं ह्युपधाय भुजं महत्। अद्य मे तरणं वाथ मरणं सागरस्य वा॥ इति रामो धृतिं कृत्वा महाबाहुर्महोदधिम्। अधिशिश्य च विधिवत्प्रयतोऽत्रस्थितो मुनिः॥
That slayer of foes (lay down), making his pillow his arm resembling the shining form of a serpent; always dight with golden ornaments; full many a time pressed with the palms of beauteous damsels,* decked with jewelled golden Keyūras and superb ornaments studded with pearls; smeared from above with sandal and aguru; (his arm) which formerly had been graced in bed with the head of Sītā; like to the body of Takşaka under the waters of the Gangā; resembling a yoke; in battle increasing the sorrow of foes and enhancing for long the delight of friends; his arm having its skin destroyed by the strokes of the bow-string; which was the refuge of the entire earth; his right arm resembling a mighty bludgeon, the donor of thousands of kine, making this great arm his pillow (he laid him down). To-day either I shall die, or shall the Ocean. Having thus formed his resolution in respect of the great deep, Rama, restraining his speech, with a concentrated mind lay down there agreeably to rule. *The commentator appropriately remarks-As Rāma was wedded to a single wife, these damsels must mean nurses attending on him.

तस्य रामस्य सुप्तस्य कुशास्तीर्णे महीतले। नियमादप्रमत्तस्य निशास्तिस्रोऽभिजग्मतुः॥
As Rāma slept on the earth on Kuśa spread over, without ever swerving from the rule, three nights passed away.

स त्रिरात्रोषितस्तत्र नयज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः। उपासत तदा रामः सागरं सरितां पतिम्॥ न च दर्शयते रूपं मन्दो रामस्य सागरः। प्रयतेनापि रामेण यथार्हभिपूजितः॥
me. And while spending three nights, Rāma, learned in polity and attached to virtue, prayed to that lord of streams-the Ocean. Yet the wicked Ocean, albeit adored according to his deserts by Rāma with his mind concentrated, did not show himself.

समुद्रस्य ततः क्रुद्धो रामो रक्तान्तलोचनः। समीपस्थमुवाचेदं लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्॥
Thereat Răma grew enraged and had the corners of his eyes crimsoned; and he spank to Laksmana of auspicious marks, saying.

अवलेपः समुद्रस्य न दर्शयति यः स्वयम्। प्रशमश्च क्षमा चैव आर्जवं प्रियवादिता॥ असामर्थ्यफला ह्येते निर्गुणेषु सतां गुणाः।
Behold the hauteur of the Ocean in not presenting himself before Calmness, forbearance, candour, and soft speech-these virtues of the good are by the insolent taken for the effects of incompetency.

आत्मप्रशंसिनं दुष्टं धृष्टं विपरिधावकम्॥ सर्वत्रोत्सृष्टदण्डं च लोकः सत्कुरुते नरम्।
The person' that is self-laudatory, wicked and badly-bold, publish his own praise and met out chastisement everywhere, is honoured in the world. 1. The word, however, is naram (ac.), man. 2. i.e. indiscriminately.

न साम्ना शक्यते कीर्तिर्न साम्ना शक्यते यशः॥ प्राप्तुं लक्ष्मण लोकेऽस्मिञ्जयो वा रणमूर्धनि।
By moderation one cannot attain celebrity, by moderation one cannot attain fame, and, O Lakşmaņa, in this world by moderation one cannot attain victory on the edge of battle.* *Ranamārdhani, 'The perilous edge of battle when it raged.'

अद्य मद्वाणनिर्भग्नैर्मकरैर्मकरालयम्॥ निरुद्धतोयं सौमित्रे प्लवद्भिः पश्य सर्वतः। भोगिनां पश्य भोगानि मया भिन्नानि लक्ष्मण ॥ महाभोगानि मत्स्यानां करिणां च करानिह ।
See, O Sumitrā's son, the abode of Makaras, with his waters obstructed all around with Makaras destroyed by my shafts. O Laksmana, see the bodies here of serpents, and the huge on bodies of mighty fishes, and the trunks of elephants, torn by my arrows.

सशङ्खशुक्तिकाजालं समीनमकरं तथा॥ अद्य युद्धेन महता समुद्रं परिशोषये।
To day in terrible battle will I dry up the Ocean with conchs and oysters, and fishes and Makaras.

क्षमया हि समायुक्तं मामयं मकरालयः॥ असमर्थ विजानाति धिक्क्षमामीदृशे जने। न दर्शयति साम्ना मे सागरो रूपमात्मनः॥ चापमानय सौमित्रे शरांश्चाशीविषोपमान्। समुद्रं शोषयिष्यामि पद्भयां यान्तु प्लवंगमाः॥
This abode of Makaras take me, who is forbearing, to be incompetent. Fie forbearance towards such as he! In consequence of my moderation, Ocean show not his own form. O Saumitri, bring you my bow, my arrows resembling venomous snakes. I will dry up the Ocean, and the monkeys shall go over on foot.

अद्याक्षोभ्यमपि क्रुद्धः क्षोभयिष्यामि सागरम्। वेलासु कृतमर्यादं सहस्रोमिसमाकुलम्॥ निर्मर्यादं करिष्यामि सायकैर्वरुणालयम्। महार्णवं क्षोभयिष्ये महादानवसंकुलम्॥
Being angered, today, albeit incapable of being agitated, will I agitate the deep. And by means of my shafts will I make Varuna's abode, surging with a thousand billows and having his dignity maintained by his shores, overleep his continents. And I will agitate the deep harbouring numbers of mighty Dānavas.

एवमुक्त्वा धनुष्पाणिः क्रोधविस्फारितेक्षणः। बभूव रामो दुर्धर्षो युगान्ताग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Having spoken you, Rāma, equipped with his bow, with his eyes dilated in wrath, became exceedingly irrepressible, like to the flaming fire at the final dissolution.

संपीड्य च धनुर्घोरं कम्पयित्वा शनैर्जगत्। मुमोच विशिखानुग्रान्वजानिव शतक्रतुः॥
And straining his dreadful bow, making the earth shake, tremulously, he let fly fierce shafts like him of an hundred sacrifices hurling his thunder-bolt.

ते ज्वलन्तो महावेगास्तेजसा सायकोत्तमाः। प्रविशन्ति समुद्रस्य जलं वित्रस्तपन्नगम्॥
Thereat, flaming up, those vehement choice shafts surcharged with energy, enter into the waters of the sea, with its serpents afflicted with fear.

तोयवेगः : समुद्रस्य समीनमकरो महान्। स बभूव महाघोरः समारुतरवस्तथा॥
Then great and exceedingly dreadful was the motion of the sea, with fishes and Makaras, and with the roar of the winds (blowing there).

महोर्मिजालचलितः शङ्खजालसमावृतः। सधूमः परिवृत्तोर्मिः सहसासीन्महोदधिः॥
On a sudden the mighty deep was heaving with mighty surges, with conchs scattered about, and a smoke (enveloped) the ocean; and the billows became visible on all sides.

व्यथिताः पन्नगाश्चासन्दीप्तास्या दीप्तलोचनाः। दानवाश्च महावीर्याः पातालतलवासिनः॥
The serpents were distressed, with their faces flaming and their eyes aglow; as well as the Dānavas of terrific energy, and the dwellers of the nether spheres.

ऊर्मयः सिन्धुराजस्य सनक्रमकरास्तथा। विन्ध्यमन्दरसंकाशाः समुत्पेतुः सहस्रशः॥
Billows of the sovran Ocean, resembling Vindhya or Mandara, containing crocodiles and Makaras, sprang up by thousands.

आपूर्णिततरङ्गौधः संभ्रान्तोरगराक्षसः। उद्वर्तितमहाग्राहः संघोषो वरुणालयः॥
Varuņa's abode had its surges whirling its serpents and Räkşasas seized with affright, and its ferocious aquatic animals borne all around; and it sent forth sounds.

ततस्तु तं राघवमुग्रवेगं प्रकर्षमाणं धनुरप्रमेयम्। सौमित्रिरुत्पत्त्य विनिःश्वसन्तं मामेति चोक्त्वा धनुराललम्बे॥
Then Sumitrā's son, springing up, said to Raghava of fiery vehemence, as he sighed and kept stretching his matchless bow. This must not be. And he took away his (Rāma's) bow.

एतद्विनापि ह्युदधेस्तवाद्य संपत्स्यते वीरतमस्य कार्यम्। भवद्विधाः क्रोधवशं न यान्ति दीर्घं भवान्पश्यतु साधुवृत्तम्॥
Without doing this to the Ocean, you supreme of heroes, may have your work accomplished. Personages like you do not come under the influence of passion. Do you deliberately look about for some worthy means (for compassing your end.)

अन्तर्हितैश्चापि तथान्तरिक्षे ब्रह्मर्षिभिश्चैव सुरर्षिभिश्च। र्मामेति चोक्त्वा महता स्वरेण ॥
Then remaining invisible in the sky, Brahmarsis and Surarsis,* exclaiming, Well-aday! and Do'nt, in loud accents ajaculated, (Oh! and alas!) *Celestial saints.