Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 127

श्रुत्वा तु परमानन्दं भरतः सत्यविक्रमः। हृष्टमाज्ञापयामास शत्रुघ्नं परवीरहा॥
Hearing those words affording great delight, Bharata, the slayer of enemies, having truth for his prowess, delighted, ordered Satrughna, (saying).

दैवतानि च सर्वाणि चैत्यानि नगरस्य च। सुगन्धमाल्यैर्वादित्रैरर्चन्तु शुचयो नराः॥
Let all people being purified worship all the deities and altars of the city with fragrant garlands and diverse music.

सूताः स्तुतिपुराणज्ञाः सर्वे वैतालिकास्तथा। सर्वे वादित्रकुशला गणिकाश्चैव सर्वशः॥ राजदारास्तथामात्याः सैन्याः सेनाङ्गनागणाः। ब्राह्मणाश्च सराजन्याः श्रेणीमुख्यास्तथा गणाः॥ अभिनिर्यान्तु रामस्य द्रष्टुं शशिनिभं मुखम्।
Let all the bards conversant with the chanting of the pedigree, the flatterers, all those conversant with music, the dancing girls, the queens, the courtiers, the soldiers with their wives, Brāhmaṇas, Kşaatryas, and people of all other castes, issue out to behold the moon-like countenance of Rama.

भरतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा शत्रुघ्नः परवीरहाः॥ विष्टीरनेकसाहस्रीश्चोदयामास भागशः। समीकुरुत निम्नानि विषमाणि समानि च॥ स्थानानि च निरस्यन्तां नन्दिग्रामादितः परम्। सिञ्चन्तु पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां हिमशीतेन वारिणा॥
Hearing the words of Bharata, Śatrughna, the slayer of enemies, divided the work among the servants, (saying), "Do you level the high and low ground from nandigram to (Ayodhyā). Do you perfectly water the ground with cold water.

ततोऽभ्यवकिरन्त्वन्ये लाजैः पुष्पैश्च सर्वतः। समुच्छ्रितपताकास्तु रथ्याः पुरवरोत्तमे॥ शोभयन्तु च वेश्मानि सूर्यस्योदयनं प्रति। स्रग्दाममुक्तपुष्पैश्च सुवर्णैः पञ्चवर्णकैः॥
Thereafter sprinkle all the places with flowers and dried paddy; hoist up flags all over the city; decorate all the houses, before the rising of the moon with garlands, jewels, flowers of gold and things of five other colours.

राजमार्गमसंबाधं किरन्तु शतशो नराः। ततस्तच्छासनं श्रुत्वा शत्रुघ्नस्य मुदान्विताः॥ धृष्टिर्जयन्तो विजयः सिद्धार्थश्चार्थसाधकः। अशोको मन्त्रपालश्च सुमन्त्रश्चापि निर्ययुः॥ मत्तैर्नागसहस्रैश्च सध्वजैः सुविभूषितैः।
Let hundreds of men watch the thoroughfares. Hearing the command of Satrughna, issued out with delight Dhrsti, Jayanta, Vijaya, Siddartha, Arthasadhaka, Asoka, Mantrapala and Sumantra.

अपरे हेमकक्षाभिः सगजाभिः करेणुभिः॥ निर्ययुस्तुरगाक्रान्ता रथैश्च सुमहारथाः।
Thereupon issued out men on horse back and in cars with thousands of mad elephants welldecked with pennons and she-elephants with golden seats (on their back).

शक्त्यष्टिपाशहस्तानां सध्वजानां पताकिनाम्॥ तुरगाणां सहस्रैश्च मुख्यैर्मुख्यतरान्वितैः। पदातीनां सहस्त्रैश्च वीराः परिवृता ययुः॥
Some heroes proceeded encircled by thousand excellent steeds and persons carrying Sakti, Rşti, maces and pennons and thousands of infantry.

ततो यानान्युपारूढाः सर्वा दशरथस्त्रियः। कौसल्या प्रमुख कृत्वा सुमित्रां चापि निर्ययुः॥ द्विजातिमुख्यैर्धर्मात्मा श्रेणीमुख्यैः सनैगमैः। माल्यमोदकहस्तैश्च मन्त्रिभिर्भरतो वृतः॥ शङ्खभेरीनिनादैश्च वन्दिभिश्चाभिनन्दितः। आर्यपादौ गृहीत्वा तु शिरसा धर्मकोविदः॥ पाण्डुरं छत्रमादाय शुक्लमाल्योपशोभितम्। शुक्ले च वालव्यजने राजार्हे हेमभूषिते॥ उपवासकृशो दीनश्चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरः। भ्रातुरागमनं श्रुत्वा तत्पूर्व हर्षमागतः॥ प्रत्युद्ययौ तदा रामं महात्मा सचिवैः सह । अश्वानां खुरशब्दैश्च रथनेमिस्वनेन च॥
Thereupon proceeded Sumitrā and all other wives of Dasaratha placing kausalya before them and seated in excellent conveyances. And hearing of the return of his brother and attaining to delight, the high-souled and pious Bharata, reduced with fasting poorly, wearing bark and skin of an antelope and conversant with religion, issued out to receive back Räma in the company of his counsellors and encircled by the twice born ones, the people of diverse castes, his own relations and kinsmen and ministers with garlands and Modaka* in their hands, eulogized by the bards, having his arrival announced with the sound of conchs and bugles and placing the sandals of his worshipful brother on his head and taking white umbrella adorned with white garlands and white Chowries decked with gold and worthy of being used by the kings.

शङ्खदुन्दुभिनादेन संचचालेव मेदिनी। गजानां बृंहितैश्चापि शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिःस्वनैः॥ कृत्स्नं तु नगरं तत्तु नन्दिग्राममुपागमत्। समीक्ष्य भरतो वाक्यमुवाच पवनात्मजम्॥
Thereupon with the sound of the horses hoofs and cars, conchs and hugles the earth shook. And the whole city went to Nandigrāma. And beholding the Wind-god's son, Bharata said.

कच्चिन्न खलु कापेयी सेव्यते चलचित्तता। नहि पश्यामि काकुत्स्थं राममायं परंतपम्॥
Did you not resort to the usual fickleness of the monkeys? We do not behold the worshipful Răma, the descendant of Kākutstha the slayer of foes. Nor do we behold the monkeys assuming shapes at will.

कच्चिन्न चानुदृश्यन्ते कपयः कामरूपिणः। अथैवमुक्ते वचने हनूमानिदमब्रवीत्॥
Having been addressed with those words, Hanumăn replied, communicating to Bharata, having truth for his prowess, the truth.

अर्थ्य विज्ञापयन्नेव भरतं सत्यविक्रमम्। सदाफलान्कुसुमितान्वृक्षान्प्राप्य मधुस्रवान्॥ भरद्वाजप्रसादेन मत्तभ्रमरनादितान्। तस्य चैव वरो दत्तो वासवेन परंतप॥ ससैन्यस्य तदातिथ्यं कृतं सर्वगुणान्वितम्।
Having reached the trees, covered by the favour of Bhardvaja, with fruits and flowers and pouring honey, the monkeys are emitting noise like maddened black bees. O slayer of foes, this boon was granted him (Rama ) by Vasava (Bharadvāja) is treating him with his army with all hospitality.

निःस्वनः श्रूयते भीमः प्रहृष्टानां वनौकसाम्॥ मन्ये वानरसेना सा नदी तरति गोमतीम्।
Hear the dreadful noise of the delighted monkeys. Methinks the monkey host has crossed the river Gomati.

रजोवर्ष समुद्भूतं पश्य सालवनं प्रति॥ मन्ये सालवनं रम्यं लोलयन्ति प्लवंगमाः। तदेतदृश्यते दूराद्विमानं चन्द्रसन्निभम्॥ विमानं पुष्पकं दिव्यं मनसा ब्रह्मनिर्मितम्। रावणं बान्धवैः सार्धं हत्वा लब्धं महात्मना ॥
Behold the huge upheaval of dust towards the Sala forest. Methinks the monkeys are agitating the graceful Săla forest. Behold there at the distance the car resembling the Sun. This celestial car Puspaka, constructed by Brahma's mind, was obtained by the high-souled (Rāma) after having slain Rāvana with his friends.

तरुणादित्यसंकाशं विमानं रामवाहनम्। धनदस्य प्रसादेन दिव्यमेतन्मनोजवम्॥
This celestial car, resembling the newly risen Sun, coursing at will and carrying Rāma (was gained) by the favour of the Giver of wealth.

एतस्मिन्भ्रातरौ वीरौ वैदेह्या सह राघवौ। सुग्रीवश्च महातेजा राक्षसश्च विभीषणः॥
(There are) the two heroic brothers-the descendants of Raghu with Vaidehi, the highly effulgent Sugriva and the Räkşasa Vibhīşana.

ततो हर्षसमुद्भूतो निःस्वनो दिवमस्पृशत्। स्त्रीबालयुववृद्धानां रामोऽयमिति कीर्तिते॥
Thereupon with the sound of there is Rama' there arose a joyous noise reaching the abode of the celestials from among women, children, the young and the old.

रथकुञ्जरवाजिभ्यस्तेऽवतीर्य महीं गताः। ददृशुस्तं विमानस्थं नराः सोममिवाम्बरे॥
Thereupon descending upon the earth from chariots, elephants and horses all people beheld him (Rāma) stationed on the car like to the moon in the sky.

प्राञ्जलिर्भरतो भूत्वा प्रहृष्टो राघवोन्मुखः। यथार्थेनार्घ्यपाद्याद्यैस्ततो राममपूजयत्॥
Facing Rāghava and with folded hands Bharata delightedly worshipped him with agreeable words, Arghya and water to wash his feet.

मनसा ब्रह्मणा सृष्टे विमाने भरताग्रजः। रराज पृथुदीर्घाक्षो वज्रपाणिरिवामरः॥
There appeared in the car constructed by Brahmā's mind the elder brother of Bharata having expansive eyes like the immortal wielder of thunder-bolt.

ततो विमानाग्रगतं भरतो भ्रातरं तदा। ववन्दे प्रणतो रामं मेरुस्थमिव भास्करम्॥
Thereupon Bharata humbly saluted his brother Rāma seated on the top of the car like to the Sun on the summit (of the mount Meru).

ततो रामाभ्यनुज्ञातं तद्विमानमनुत्तमम्। हंसयुक्तं महावेगं निपपात महीतलम्॥
Commanded by Rāma that excellent car drawn by ganders got down on the earth with great velocity.

आरोपितो विमानं तद्भरतः सत्यविक्रमः। राममासाद्य मुदितः पुनरेवाभ्यवादयत्॥
Ascending that car, Bharata, having truth for his prowess, reaching Rāma, delighted, again bowed to him.

तं समुत्थाय काकुत्स्थश्चिरस्याक्षिपथं गतम्। अङ्के भरतमारोप्य मुदितः परिषस्वजे॥
Raising Bharata up who had been seen after a long time and placing him on his lap Kākutstha, delighted, embraced him.

ततो लक्ष्मणमासाद्य वैदेहीं च परंतपः। अथाभ्यवादयत्प्रीतो भरतो नाम चाब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon Bharata, the slayer of foes, bowed to Vaidehī and welcomed Lakşmaņa.

सुग्रीवं केकयीपुत्रो जाम्बवन्तमथाङ्गदम्। मैन्दं च द्विविदं नीलमृषभं चैव सस्वजे।॥
The son of Kaikeyi (then in turn) embraced Sugrīva, Jāmbavān, Angada, Mainda, Dvivida, Nīla and Rşabha.

सुषेणं च नलं चैव गवाक्षं गन्धमादनम्। शरभं पनसं चैव परितः परिषस्वजे॥ ते कृत्वा मानुषं रूपं वानराः कामरूपिणः। कुशलं पर्यपृच्छंस्ते प्रहृष्टा भरतं तदा॥
He then embraced Sușeņa, Nala, Gavākşa, Gandhamadana, Sarabha, and Panasa. And assuming human shapes, those monkeys, assuming shapes at will, delightedly enquired after Bharata's well being.

अथाब्रवीद्राजपुत्रः सुग्रीवं वानरर्षभम्। परिष्वज्य महातेजा भरतो धर्मिणां वरः॥
Then embracing Sugrīva, the foremost of monkeys, the highly effulgent prince Bharata, the foremost of the pious, said.

त्वमस्माकं चतुर्णां वै भ्राता सुग्रीवपञ्चमः। सौहृदाज्जायते मित्रमपकारोऽरिलक्षणम्॥
O Sugrīva, you are our fifth brother. From brotherliness grow friendship and doing injury is the sign of an enemy.

विभीषणं च भरतः सान्त्ववाक्यमथाब्रवीत्। दिष्ट्या त्वया सहायेन कृतं कर्म सुदुष्करम्॥
Bharata then addressed Vibhiṣaṇa with soothing words, “It is by fortune that through your help he has accomplished such a difficult work."

शत्रुघ्नश्च तदा राममभिवाद्य सलक्ष्मणम्। सीतायाश्चरणौ वीरो विनयादभ्यवादयत्॥
Thereupon the heroic Satrughna saluting Rāma and Lakşmaņa, respectfully bowed to Sitā.

रामो मातरमासाद्य विवर्णां शोककर्शिताम्। जग्राह प्रणतः पादौ मनो मातुः प्रहर्षयन्।॥
Having approached his mother, pale and pulled down with grief, Rāma humbly touched her feet and enhanced her delight.

अभिवाद्य सुमित्रां च कैकेयीं च यशस्विनीम्। स मातृश्च ततः सर्वाः पुरोहितमुपागमत्॥
Thereupon saluting Sumitrā, famed Kaikeyi and all his mothers he approached the priests.

स्वागतं ते महाबाहो कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन। इति प्राञ्जलयः सर्वे नागरा राममब्रुवन्॥
Thereupon all the citizens with folded hands welcomed him saying, “Welcome are you, O you of long arms! O you the enhancer of Kausalya's joy!"

तान्यञ्जलिसहस्राणि प्रगृहीतानि नागरैः। व्याकोशानीव पद्मानि ददर्श भरताग्रजः॥
The elder brother of Bharata observed the folded hands of the citizens like so many blown lotuses.

पादुके ते तु रामस्य गृहीत्वा भरतः स्वयम्। चरणाभ्यां नरेन्द्रस्य योजयामास धर्मवित्॥ अब्रवीच्च तदा रामं भरतः सकृताञ्जलिः।
And himself taking the sandals of Rāma, Bharata, conversant with piety, placed them at the feet of that lord of men. Thereupon Bharata with folded hands spoke to Rāma, saying.

एतत्ते सकलं राज्यं न्यासं निर्यातितं मया॥ अद्य जन्म कृतार्थं मे संवृत्तश्च मनोरथः। यत्त्वां पश्यामि राजानमयोध्यां पुनरागतम्॥
This all your kingdom, which you did leave to my care, I return you. Blessed is my birth today and accomplished is my desire, since I behold you again as king in Ayodhyā after your return.

अवेक्षतां भवान्कोशं कोष्ठागारं गृहं बलम्। भवतस्तेजसा सर्वं कृतं दशगुणं मया।५६।।
Do you examine your wealth treasury, palace and army. By your favour I have increased all these ten fold.

तथा ब्रुवाणं भरतं दृष्ट्वा तं भ्रातृवत्सलम्। मुमुचुनिरा बाष्पं राक्षसश्च विभीषणः॥
Hearing Bharata speak in that wise and beholding him devoted to his brother all the monkeys and the Rākşasa Vibhîşana shed tears.

ततः प्रहर्षाद्भरतमङ्कमारोप्य राघवः। ययौ तेन विमानेन ससैन्यो भरताश्रमम्॥
Thereupon placing Bharata, in delight, on his lap, Raghava, with his army in that car, proceeded towards Bharata's abode.

भरताश्रममासाद्य ससैन्यो राघवस्तदा। अवतीर्य विमानाग्रादवतस्थे महीतले॥
That time reaching Bharata's palace Räghava from the top of the aerial car with his army descended upon the earth.

अब्रवीत्तु तदा रामस्तद्विमानमनुत्तमम्। वह वैश्रवणं देवमनुजानामि गम्यताम्॥
Thereupon Rāma said to the excellent car, Do you (now) go to Vaisravana, I do permit you.

ततो रामाभ्यनुज्ञातं तद्विमानमनुत्तमम्। उत्तरां दिशमुद्दिश्य जगाम धनदालयम्॥
Thereupon being thus commanded by Rāma, that excellent car, proceeding towards the north, reached the abode of the Giver of wealth.

विमानं पुष्पकं दिव्यं संगृहीतं तु रक्षसा। अगमद्धनदं वेगाद्रामवाक्यप्रचोदितम् ॥
That celestial car Puspaka had been taken away by the Raksasa (Ravana); but now at the words Rāma it reached (again) the Giver of wealth.

पुरोहितस्यात्मसखस्य राघवो बृहस्पतेः शक्र इवामराधिपः। निपीड्य पादौ पृथगासने शुभे सदैव तेनोपविवेश वीर्यवान्॥
And touching the feet of his priest the powerful Rāghava sat on a separate and excellent seat like to Sakra, the lord of immortals (by the side of) Brhaspati.