Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 121

तां रात्रिमुषितं रामं सुखोदितमरिंदमम्। अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं जयं पृष्ट्वा विभीषणः॥
Rāma having spent that night happily and risen up the next morning, Vibhisana, chanting his victory, spoke to that slayer of foes, with folded hands, saying.

स्नानानि चाङ्गरागाणि वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च। चन्दनानि च माल्यानि दिव्यानि विविधानि च॥
Here are various articles for bathing, pastes, clothes, ornaments, sandal and various excellent garlands.

अलंकारविदश्चैता नार्यः पद्मनिभेक्षणाः। उपस्थितास्त्वां विधिवत्स्नापयिष्यन्ति राघव॥
Here are present women having eyes like lotuses and conversant with the are of decking, Let them perform their duty, O Rāghava.

एवमुक्तस्तु काकुत्स्थः प्रत्युवाच विभीषणम्। हरीन्सुग्रीवमुख्यास्त्वं स्नानेनोपनिमन्त्रय॥
Being thus accosted Kākutstha replied to Vibhīşaņa, saying: Do you invite all these monkeys headed by Sugrīva to bath.

स तु ताम्यति धर्मात्मा मम हेतोः सुखोचितः। सुकुमारो महाबाहुर्भरतः सत्यसंश्रयः॥
The virtuous-souled Bharata, having huge arms and ever used to comforts, is greatly distressed on my account.

तं विना कैकयीपुत्रं भरतं धर्मचारिणाम्। न मे स्नानं बहुमतं वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च॥
Without Bharata the son of Kaikeyi, ever performing pious rites, I do not value bathing or these clothes and ornaments.

एतत्पश्य यथा क्षिप्रं प्रतिगच्छाम तां पुरीम्। अयोध्यां गच्छतो ह्येष पन्थाः परमदुर्गमः।७।।
Do you so manage that we may go to the city of Ayodhyă speedity. For difficult is the way leading to Ayodhyā.

एवमुक्तस्तु काकुत्स्थं प्रत्युवाच विभीषणः। अह्ना त्वां प्रापयिष्यामि तां पुरीं पार्थिवात्मज ॥
Being thus accosted Vibhīşaņa relied to Kākutstha, O son of the lord of earth, may good betide you, I shall soon take you to that city.

पुष्पकं नाम भद्रं ते विमानं सूर्यसंनिभम्। मम भ्रातुः कुबेरस्य रावणेन बलीयसा॥ हृतं निर्जित्य संग्रामे कामगं दिव्यमुत्तमम्। त्वदर्थं पालितं चेदं तिष्ठत्यतुलविक्रम॥
The car Pușpaka resembling the Sun, belonging to my brother Kuvera, was brought by the powerful Răvaņa. you of unequalled prowess, that celestial and excellent car, going everywhere at will, since the destruction of Rāvana in battle, is ready for you.

तदिदं मेघसंकाशं विमानमिह तिष्ठति। येन यास्यसि यानेन त्वमयोध्यां गतज्वरः॥
That car resembling the cloud is in the city of Lanka, in which you shaft, relieved of your anxiety, repair to Ayodhyā.

अहं ते यद्यनुग्राह्यो यदि स्मरसि मे गुणान्। वस तावदिह प्राज्ञ यद्यस्ति मयि सौहृदम्॥ लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वैदेह्या भार्यया सह। अर्चितः सर्वकामैस्त्वं ततो राम गमिष्यसि॥
If I am worthy of being favoured by you, if remember any accomplishment of mineif you have any friendship for me, do you, o wise one, wait here with your brother Lakşmaņa and spouse Vaidehi till I accomplish all my desires by worshipping you. And then you shall go (to Ayodhyā).

प्रीतियुक्तस्य विहितां ससैन्यः ससुहृद्गणः। सत्क्रियां राम मे तावद्गृहाण त्वं मयोद्यताम्॥
O Rāma, I shall worship you with great delight and do your, O Rama, with your friends and army, accept that adoration. did you

प्रणयाद्बहुमानाच्च सौहार्देन च राघव। प्रसादयामि प्रेष्योऽहं न खल्वाज्ञापयामि ते॥
O Rāma, out of love, honour, and brotherly feeling, I do crave your premising. I am a servant I cannot command you.

एवमुक्तस्ततो रामः प्रत्युवाच विभीषणम्। रक्षसां वानराणां च सर्वेषामेव शृण्वताम्॥
Being thus addressed, Rāma replied to Vibhīşaņa in the presence of all the Rākşasas and monkeys, saying.

पूजितोऽस्मि त्वया वीर साचिव्येन परेण च। सर्वात्मना च चेष्टाभिः सौहार्देन परेण च॥
I have been worshipped by you, O hero, with your excellent counsels, with your earnest endeavours and with your great friendship.

न खल्वेतन्न कुर्यां ते वचनं राक्षसेश्वर। तं तु मे भ्रातरं द्रष्टुं भरतं त्वरते मनः॥ मां निवर्तयितुं योऽसौ चित्रकूटमुपागतः। . शिरसा याचतो यस्य वचनं न कृतं मया॥
Do not think,O lord of Raksasas, that I do not comply with your request-my heart hastens me to behold my brother Bharata, who, to take me back, did come to the mount Citrakūța, who laid low his crown at my feet and whose words I did not keep.

कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च कैकेयीं च यशस्विनीम्। गुहं च सुहृदं चैव पौराञ्जानपदैः सह ॥
(I am anxious to see) Kausalyā, Sumitrā, Kaikeyi, with my friends, citizens and villagers.

अनुजानीहि मां सौम्य पूजितोऽस्मि विभीषण। मन्युर्न खलु कर्तव्यः सखे त्वां चानुमानये॥
Do you regard me, O Vibhīşaņa, O gentle one, as worshipped. O friend do you be not angry-I request you.

उपस्थापय मे शीघ्रं विमानं राक्षसेश्वर। कृतकार्यस्य मे वासः कथं स्यादिह संमतः॥
Do you speedily bring the car for me, O lord of Räkşasas my work is done-how can I wish to live here long.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण राक्षसेन्द्रो विभीषणः। विमानं सूर्यसंकाशमाजुहाव त्वरान्वितः॥
Being thus addressed by Rāma, Vibhīşaņa the lord of Rākşasas, speedily brought the car resembling the Sun.

ततः काञ्चनचित्राङ्गं वैदूर्यमणिवेदिकम्। कूटागारैः परिक्षिप्तं सर्वतो रजतप्रभम्॥ पाण्डुराभिः पताकाभिर्ध्वजैश्च समलंकृतम्। काञ्चनं काञ्चनैर्हम्हेमपद्मविभूषितैः॥ प्रकीर्णं किङ्किणीजालैर्मुक्तामणिगवाक्षकम्। घण्टाजालैः परिक्षिप्तं सर्वतो मधुरस्वनम्॥ तं मेरुशिखराकारं निर्मितं विश्वकर्मणा। बृहद्भिर्भूषितं हम्युर्मुक्तारजतशोभितैः॥ तलैः स्फटिकचित्राङ्गैर्वैदूर्यैश्च वरासनैः। महार्हास्तरणोपेतैरुपपत्रं महाधनैः॥ उपस्थितमनाधृष्यं तद्विमानं मनोजवम्। निवेदयित्वा रामाय तस्थौ तत्र विभीषणः॥
Thereupon arrived there the car adorned all over with gold paintings, altars crested with Vaidurya jewels having upper rooms, silvered all over, adorned with white flags and flag-staffs, beautified with gilt lotuses, adorned with golden houses, covered with a network of girdles, having windows made of pearls and jems, girt on all sides with a net of bells, giving forth melodious sound, resembling the summit of the mount Meru, constructed by Viśvakarmā (the architect of the celestials) adorned with huge apartments beautified with silver and pearlshaving its base created with crystal, containing excellent seats made of Vaidūrya, abounding in valuable coverlets and immense wealth, incapable of being broken down and coursing at will. And communicating to Rāma (the arrival of that car) Vibhīşana waited there.

मुपस्थितं भूधरसंनिकाशम्। दृष्ट्वा तदा विस्मयमाजगाम रामः ससौमित्रिरुदारसत्त्वः॥
Beholding that flowery car, coursing at will and resembling a huge mountain, Rama, of a generous spirit, along with Saumitri, attained to an excess of astonishment.