Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 12

स तां परिषदं कृत्स्नां समीक्ष्य समितिंजयः। प्रबोधयामास तदा प्रहस्तं वाहिनीपतिम्॥
Then surveying that entire assembly, that conqueror in battle delivered himself to Prahasta, general of the forces, saying.

सेनापते यथा ते स्युः कृतविद्याश्चतुर्विधाः । योधा नगररक्षायां तथा व्यादेष्टुमर्हसि॥
O general, it behove you so to order the disciplined fourfold forces that they may successfully protect the city.

स प्रहस्तः प्रणीतात्मा चिकीर्षनराजशासनम्। विनिक्षिप्य बलं सर्वं बहिरन्तश्च मन्दिरे॥
Thereat, Prahasta, carefully carrying out the royal behest, stationed all the forces within and without the city.

ततो विनिक्षिप्य बलं सर्वं नगरगुप्तये। प्रहस्तः प्रमुखे राज्ञो निषसाद जगाद च॥
Having posted the army for the defence of the city, Prahasta sitting down before the king, said.

विहितं बहिरन्तश्च बलं बलवतस्तव। कुरुष्वाविमनाः क्षिप्रं यदभिप्रेतमस्ति ते।।।
I have stationed the forces belonging to you who are possessed of strength, inside as well as outside. (Now), without suffering your mind to be agitated with anxiety, speedily, do what is in your heart.

प्रहस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा राजा राज्यहितैषिणः। सुखेप्सुः सुहृदां मध्ये व्याजहार स रावणः॥
Hearing the speech of Prahasta seeking the welfare of the kingdom, Rāvaņa craving for enjoyment, spoke in the midst of his aderents.

प्रियाप्रिये सुखे दुःखे लाभालाभे हिताहिते। धर्मकामार्थकृच्छेषु यूयमर्हथ वेदितुम्॥
When virtue, or happiness, or interest is in straits, it behove you to (know your course) in relation to pleasant and unpleasant, happiness and misery, profitable and unprofitable, and good and evil.

सर्वकृत्यानि युष्माभिः समारब्धानि सर्वदा। मन्त्रकर्मनियुक्तानि न जातु विफलानि मे॥
No business of mine which you have set about after taking counsel, has miscarred.

ससोमग्रहनक्षत्रैमरुद्भिरिव वासवः। भवद्भिरहमत्यर्थं वृतः श्रियमवाप्नुयाम्॥
Like Väsava environed by the moon, stars and planets and the Maruts, I surrounded by you, have attained to plenitude of prosperity.

अहं तु खलु सर्वान्वः समर्थयितुमुद्यतः। कुम्भकर्णस्य तु स्वप्नानेममर्थमचोदयम्॥
I am, for certain, going to employ you all. In consequence of Kumbhakarņa's sleep, I could not inform him of this matter.

अयं हि सुप्तः षण्मासान्कुम्भकर्णो महाबलः। सर्वशस्त्रभृतां मुख्यः स इदानीं समुत्थित॥
After having slept for six months that one of prodigious strength, foremost of those bearing arms, has just risen.

इयं च दण्डकारण्याद्रामस्य महिषी प्रिया। रक्षोभिश्चरितोद्देशादानीता जनकात्मजा ॥
Janaka's daughter and Rāma's beloved wife has been brought hither from the forest of Dandaka, the region ranged by Raksasa.

सा मे न शय्यामारोदुमिच्छत्यलसगाभिनी। त्रिषु लोकेषु चान्या मे न सीतासदृशी तथा॥
That indolent damsel wish not to ascend my bed; nor is there any in the three spheres, that to me is like to Sītā.

तनुमध्या पृथुश्रोणी शरदिन्दुनिभानना। हेमबिम्बनिभा सौम्या मायेव मयनिर्मिता॥
She is slender waisted and high-hipped and her face is as the autumnal Moon resembling a golden image. She is meek and look like the hand work of Maya himself gifted with an infinite variety of fascinations.

सुलोहिततलौ श्लक्ष्णौ चरणौ सुप्रतिष्ठितौ। दृष्ट्वा ताम्रनखौ तस्या दीप्यते मे शरीरजः॥
And beholding her dainty and tender fect with roseate soles, and having coppery nails, my mind burn (with desire).

हुताग्निरर्चिः संकाशामेनां सौरीमिव प्रभाम्। उन्नसं विमलं वल्गु वदनं चारुलोचनम्॥ पश्यंस्तदवशस्तस्याः कामस्य वशमेयिवान्।
Seeing her resembling the flame of a sacrificial fire and the splendour of the Sun himself; and her fair face furnished with a prominent nose and elegant eyes, I, having lost control over self, have come under the sway of desire.

क्रोधहर्षसमानेन दुर्वर्णकरणेन च॥ शोकसंतापनित्येन कामेन कलुषीकृतः। सा तु संवत्सरं कालं मामयाचत भामिनी॥
And my passion, uninfluenced by anger and joy, capable of producing pallor, and constantly causing anguish and sorrow, has rendered me pale.

प्रतीक्षमाणा भर्तारं राममायतलोचना। तन्मया चारुनेत्रायाः प्रतिज्ञातं वचः शुभम्॥
Expecting her lord, Rāma, the beautiful one having expansive eyes, has solicited for a year's space; and I have pledged my fair woods to her of graceful eyes.

श्रान्तोऽहं सततं कामाद्यातो हय इवाध्वनि। कथं सागरमक्षोभ्यं तरिष्यन्ति वनौकसः॥ बहुसत्त्वझषाकीर्णं तौ वा दशरथात्मजौ।
But tired am I on account of my passion, like a horse spent on the way. How can the rangers of the woods, or the sons of Dasaratha cross over the sea ungovernable and swarming with countless creatures and fishes?

अथवा कपिनैकेन कृतं नः कदनं महत्॥ दुर्जेयाः कार्यगतयो ब्रूत यस्य यथामति। मानुषानो भयं नास्ति तथापि तु विमृश्यताम्॥
On the other hand, a single monkey has troubled us grievously. Hard it is therefore to understand the course of events. Do you act, each as he thinks proper, And although no fear come from mortals, yet you should deliberate (as to what you should do).

तदा देवासुरे युद्धे युष्माभिः सहितोऽजयम्। ते मे भवन्तश्च तथा सुग्रीवप्रमुखान्हरीन्॥ परे पारे समुद्रस्य पुरस्कृत्य नृपात्मजौ। सीतायाः पतवीं प्राप्य संप्राप्तौ वरुणालयम्॥
Formerly, I had gained victory with the help given by you; do you in the same way stand by me now. The king's son, having learnt that Sita can is on the other shore of the ocean, taking before them monkey headed by Sugriva, reached Varuna's abode.

अदेया च यथा सीता वध्यौ दशरथात्मजौ। भवद्भिर्मन्त्र्यतां मन्त्रः सुनीतं चाभिधीयताम्॥ नहि शक्ति प्रपश्यामि जगत्यन्यस्य कस्यचित्। सागरं वानरैस्तीत्वा निश्चयेन जयो मम ॥
Do you so counsel that Sītã may be withholden by me and the sons of Dasaratha may be slain; but you must prefer certain counsel. No other* person in this world has the power to cross the sea along with the monkeys, victory, therefore, is undubitably mine." *I fail to understand anyasya, "no other person" nor does the commentator helps me anyway.

तस्य कामपरीतस्य निशम्य परिदेवितम्। कुम्भकर्णः प्रचुक्रोध वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the sorrowful speech of (Rāvana) afflicted with lust, Kumbhakarma grew enraged, . and said.

यदा तु रामस्य सलक्ष्मणस्य प्रसह्य सीता खलु सा इहाहृता। सकृत्समीक्ष्यैव सुनिश्चितं तदा भजेत चित्तं यमुनेव यामुनम्॥
When just on seeing (Sītā) of Rāma along with Lakşmaņa, you did by main force carry away, it plainly appear that your mind, like the Yamunā filling her bed, has been possessed by her).* *This passage very obscure, and the commentator's gloss does not at all serve.

सर्वमेतन्महाराज कृतमप्रतिमं तव। विधीयेत सहास्माभिरादावेवास्य कर्मणः॥
O great king! all this (that you have done) is not worthy of you. If you had at the outset consulted us in this matter, we would have done what was proper. *i.e. we would have prevented you.

न्यायेन राजकार्याणि यः करोति दशानन। न स संतप्यते पश्चानिश्चितार्थमतिर्नृपः॥
O ten-faced one, the king, that arriving at certain conclusions, carry on his regal affairs agreeably to justice, has not to repent afterwards.

अनुपायेन कर्माणि विपरीतानि यानि च। क्रियमाणानि दुष्यन्ति हवींष्यप्रयतेष्विव ॥
But those actions that are done without deliberation, like to clarified butter poured in an impure sacrifice, conducted only to harma.

यः पश्चात्पूर्वकार्याणि कर्माण्यभिचिकीर्षति। पूर्वं चापरकार्याणि स न वेद नयानयौ ॥
He does not know what is proper and what not, that performs prior actions afterwards, and posterior actions first.

चपलस्य तु कृत्येषु प्रसमीक्ष्याधिकं बलम्। छिद्रमन्ये प्रपद्यन्ते क्रौञ्चस्य खमिव द्विजाः॥
Others spy holes in the actions of the volatile, the latter may be possessed of great power, like swans passing Krauñca through the hole. * *The hole made by the dart of Kumāra.

त्वयेदं महदारब्धं कार्यमप्रतिचिन्तितम्। दिष्ट्या त्वां नावधीद्रामो विषमिश्रमिवामिषम्॥
By luck it is that Rāma has not yet slain you, who has done this tremendous thing, with poison.

तस्मात्त्वया समारब्धं कर्म ह्यप्रतिमं परैः। अहं समीकरिष्यामि हत्वा शस्तवानघ॥
But as you have entered upon a course of action which is improper even in respect of foes, I will, O sinless one, perform your work by slaying your enemies.

अहमुत्सादयिष्यामि शत्रुस्तव निशाचर। यदि शक्रविवस्वन्तौ यदि पावकमारुतौ। तावहं योधयिष्यामि कुबेरवरुणावपि॥
O ranger of the night, I will exterminate your foe. Even if Sakra and the sun, even if fire and the War-god, even if Kubera and Varuna, should range themselves against me, I will fight them.

गिरिमात्रशरीरस्य महापरिघयोधिनः। नर्दतस्तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रस्य बिभीयाद्वै पुरन्दरः॥
Purandara himself shall be afflicted with fright when I having my body measuring a mountain, and furnished with sharp teeth, shall, setting up roars, fight with my huge bludgeon.

पुना स द्वितीयेन शरेण निहनिष्यति। ततोऽहं तस्य पास्यामि रुधिरं काममाश्वस॥
Before Rama shoot a second shaft, to slay me, I shall drink his life-blood.

वधेन वै दाशरथेः सुखावह जयं तवाहर्तुमहं यतिष्ये।। हत्वा च रामं सह लक्ष्मणेन खादामि सर्वानहरियूथमुख्यान्॥
Be you comforted by slaying Daſaratha's son, I will exert to secure blessed victory for you. Having killed Rāma along with Lakşmaņa, I shall devour all the principal monkeys.

रमस्य कामं पिब चावयवारुणीं कुरुष्व कार्याणि हितानि विज्वरः। मया तु रामे गमिते यमक्षयं चिराय सीता वशगा भविष्यति।४०॥
Do you make merry at your will, drink the Vāruņi, and, with your mind set at rest, conduct affairs fraught with your welfare. On Rāma being despatched to the mansion of Yama, Sītā shall come under your subjection for ever and a day.