Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 109

भ्रातरं निहतं दृष्ट्वा शयानं निर्जितं रणे। शोकवेगपरीतात्मा विललाप विभीषणः॥
Beholding his brother defeated, slain and lying down on the battle-field, Vibhisana overpowered with the weight of his grief, began to lament.

वीरविक्रान्त विख्यात प्रवीण नयकोविद। महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि ॥ निक्षिप्य दी? निश्चेष्टौ भुजावङ्गदभूषितौ। मुकुटेनापवृत्तेन भास्कराकारवर्चसा ॥
O hero, well-known for your prowess, wise and conversant with polity, you were used to excellent beds, why did you lie down on the earth spreading (on the earth) your long and actionless arms always adorned with Angadas and being shorn of your helmet having the resplendence of the Sun.

तदिदं वीर संप्राप्तं यन्मया पूर्वमीरितम्। काममोहपरीतस्य यत्तन्न रुचितं तव॥
O hero you have come by what I had anticipated and what did not please you who were possessed by delusions.

यन्न दात्प्रहस्तो वा नेन्द्रजिन्नापरे जनाः। न कुम्भकर्णोऽतिरथो नातिकायो नरान्तकः। न स्वयं बहु मन्येथास्तस्योदर्कोऽयमागतः॥
Prahasta, Indrajit Kumbhakarma, Atikāya, Atiratha, Narāntaka, yourself and others-none of you paid heed, out of haughtiness, to what I had said which has now been brought about.

गतः सेतुः सुनीतानां गतो धर्मस्य विग्रहः। गतः सत्त्वस्य संक्षेपः सुहस्तानां गतिर्गता॥ आदित्यः पतितो भूमौ मग्नस्तमसि चन्द्रमाः। चित्रभानुः प्रशान्ताचिर्व्यवसायो निरुद्यमः।। अस्मिन्निपतिते वीरे भूमौ शस्त्रभृतां वरे॥
Oh! the bridge of the pious has been broken, the figure of the virtue has been spoiled, the refuge of the strong and powerful has disappeared and you have attained to the state of the heroes! The sun has fallen down on the earth, the moon has been shorn of its lustre, the fire has been extinguished and virtue has desisted from its action, this hero, the foremost of those using weapons, falling down on the earth.

किं शेषमिहलोकस्य गतसत्त्वस्य संप्रति। रणे राक्षसशार्दूले प्रसुप्त इव पांसुषु।।।।।
O you the foremost of the Rakşasas lying down in the dust on the battle field like one asleep whom else have these remaining (Raksasas) deprived of their power and energy, got?

स्तपोबलः शौर्यनिबद्धमूलः। रणे महानराक्षसराजवृक्षः संमर्दितो राघवमारुतेन।९।।
The huge tree of the lord of Räkşasas having patience for its leaves velocity for its flowers the power of asceticism and heroism for its firm roots, has been uprooted by the Rāghava wind.

तेजोविषाणः कुलवंशवंशः कोपप्रसादापरगावहस्तः। इक्ष्वाकुसिंहावगृहीतदेहः सुप्तः क्षिप्तौ रावणगन्धहस्ती॥
Mad-elephant-like Ravana, having prowess for its tusk, family rank for its back bone, anger for its legs, and delighedness for its trunk, has been laid low on the ground by the lion of the Iksvāku race.

निःश्वासधूमः स्वबलप्रतापः। निर्वापितो रामपयोधरेण॥
The powerful Räksasa-fire having prowess and energy for its rays, angry breath for its smoke, own strength for it power of burning, has been extinguished in battle by Rāma like cloud.

सिंहङ्क्षलाङ्गेलककुद्विषाणः पराभिजिद्गन्धनगन्धवाहः। रक्षोवृषश्चापलकर्णचक्षुः क्षितीश्वरव्याघ्रहतोऽवसन्नः॥
The Räkşasas bull ever defeating others and powerful as the wind having Rākşasas for its tail hump an a horns, and fickleness for its ears and eyes, has been slain today by Rāma-tiger.

वदन्तं हेतुमद्वाक्यं परिदृष्टार्थनिश्चयम्। रामः शोकसमाविष्टमित्युवाच विभीषणम्॥
Hearing these words pregnant with sound reasonings from Vibhīşaņa and beholding him overwhelmed with grief Rāma said.

नायं विनष्टो निचेष्टः समरे चण्डविक्रमः। अत्युनतमहोत्साहः पतितोऽयमशङ्कितः॥
(This lord of Rākşasas) of dreadful prowess has not been slain in battle disabled. he is gifted with great prowess and energy and devoid of the fear of death.' * i.e. he has accidentally met with death.

नैवं विनष्टाः शोच्यन्ते क्षत्रधर्मव्यवस्थिताः। वृद्धिमाशंसमाना ये निपतन्ति रणाजिरे॥
The heroes abiding by the virtues of the kş arriyas, who fall at the battle field for enhancing their glory, when dead, should not be mourned for.

येन सेन्द्रास्त्रयो लोकास्त्रासिता युधि धीमता। अस्मिन्कालसमायुक्ते न कालः परिशोचितुम्॥
This is not the time to mourn for him although possessed by death, by whom gifted with intellect Indra with the three worlds was terrified in conflict.

नैकान्तविजयो युद्धे भूतपूर्वः कदाचन। परैर्वा हन्यते वीरः परान्वा हन्ति संयुगे॥
Besides success in battle is not perpetual; either one slays his enemy or meets with his destruction at his hands in the conflict.

इयं हि पूर्वैः संदिष्टा गतिः क्षत्रियसंमता। क्षत्रियो निहतः संख्ये न शोच्य इति निश्चयः॥
This procedure of the Ksatryas was laid down by the ancient preceptors that a kşatrya, when slain in battle should not be mourned for.

तदेवं निश्चयं दृष्ट्वा तत्त्वमास्थाय विज्वरः। यदिहानन्तरं कार्य कल्प्यं तदनुचिन्तय॥
Beholding this to be certain and attaining calmness, do you be freed from your sorrow an think what should be done now.

तमुक्तवाक्यं विक्रान्तं राजपुत्रं विभीषणः। उवाच शोकसंतप्तो भ्रातुर्हितमनन्तरम्॥
Thereupon Vibhișaņa stricken with grief addressed the powerful son of the king speaking thus with words ter ting to his brother's wellbeing.

योऽयं विमर्देष्वविभग्नपूर्वः सुरैः समस्तैरपि वासवेन। भवन्तमासाद्य रणे विभग्नो वेलामिवासाद्य यथा समुद्रः॥
You have, like ine ocean breaking down its banks, broken him down, who had not been are this even defeated by Basava and the celestials.

अनेन दत्तानि वनीपकेषु भुक्ताश्च भोगा निभृताश्च भृत्याः। धनानि मित्रेषु समर्पितानि वैराण्यमित्रेषु निपातितानि॥
By him were conferred many a gift on those who wanted them, were enjoyed many a luxury, were maintained many a servant distributed wealth to friends and slain the enemies.

एषोऽहिताग्निश्च महातपाश्च वेदान्तगः कर्मसु चाग्र्यशूरः। एतस्य यत्प्रेतगतस्य कृत्यं तत्कर्तुमिच्छामि तव प्रसादात्॥
He propitiated fire, performed great austerities, was conversant with the Vedas and the great performer of sacrifices. I desire to perform, by your instructions, his becoming obsequies.

स तस्य वाक्यैः करुणैर्महात्मा संबोधितः आज्ञापयामास नरेन्द्रसूनुः स्वर्गीयमाधानमदीनसत्त्वः॥
Being thus addressed by Vibhīşaņa with piteous accents, the high-souled son of the lord of men. gifted with great energy, ordered him to perform his obsequies and said.

मरणान्तानि वैराणि निवृतं नः प्रयोजनम्। क्रियतामस्य संस्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव ॥
With death our enmity has terminated and our object has been accomplished: he is as dear to me as to you: perform (therefore) his funeral rites.