Kishkinda Kanda: Chapter 31

स कामिनं दीनमदीनसत्त्वं शोकाभिपत्रं समुदीर्णकोपम्। नरेन्द्रसूनुर्नरदेवपुत्रं रामानुजः पूर्वजमित्युवाच॥
Lakşmaņa again addressed his high-minded elder brother, the son of a king, influenced by passion, stricken with grief, and poorly, with the following words.

न वानरः स्थास्यति साधुवृत्ते न मन्यते कर्मफलानुषङ्गान्। न भोक्ष्यते वानरराज्यलक्ष्मी तथा हि नातिक्रमतेऽस्य बुद्धिः॥
That monkey shall not follow the actions of the pious, shall not think of the great fruit (the accession of kingdom) reaped by our friendship; kingdom because he has not the right understanding to make good his promise.

स्तव प्रसादात् प्रतिकारबुद्धिः। हतोऽग्रजं पश्यतु वीरवालिनं न राज्यमेवं विगुणस्य देयम्॥
Owing to the wane of his understanding in consequence of your favour he is addicted to rural enjoyments and has forgot to return your benefits. O hero, killed let him espy his elder brother Vāli. It is not proper to confer kingdom upon that wicked-minded one.

न धारये कोपमुदीर्णवेगं निहन्मि सुग्रीवमसत्यमद्य। हरिप्रवीरैः सह वालिपुत्रो नरेन्द्रपुत्र्या विचयं करोतु॥
I am unable to bear the outburst of my ire forsooth shall I kill today, that liar Sugrīva. May the son of Vāli with other principal monkeys engage in quest of that daughter of a king.

तमात्तबाणासनमुत्पतन्तं निवेदितार्थं रणचण्डकोपम्। उवाच रामः परवीरहन्ता स्ववीक्षितं सानुनयं च वाक्यम्॥
Beholding him rise up from the seat with bow in his hand and greatly wrought up with anger and hearing him thus announce his intention about the destruction of Sugriva, Rama, the slayer of foes, spoke to him the following humble words worthy of being spoken on that occasion.

नहि वै त्वद्विधो लोके पापमेवं समाचरेत्। कोपमार्येण यो हन्ति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः॥ नेदमत्र त्वया ग्राह्यं साधुवृत्तेन लक्ष्मण। तां प्रीतिमनुवर्तस्व पूर्ववृत्तं च संगतम्॥
Persons like you on this earth do not perpetrate the crime of destroying their friends. He is truly a great hero and an excellent person who subdues anger by his right understanding, O Lakṣmaṇa, it is not proper for you to bring about the destruction of your friend, do you follow your former friendship and good feelings.

सामोपहितया वाचा रूक्षाणि परिर्जयन्। वक्तुमर्हसि सुग्रीवं व्यतीतं कालपर्यये॥
Avoiding harsh words do you address Sugrīva, who has violated his promise, with soothing words.

सोऽग्रजेनानुशिष्टार्थो यथावत् पुरुषर्षभः। प्रविवेश पुरी वीरो लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा॥
Being thus duly counselled by his elder brother, that best of men, the heroic Laks maņa-the slayer of foes, entered the city.

ततः शुभमतिः प्राज्ञो भ्रातुः प्रियहिते रतः। लक्ष्मणः प्रतिसंरब्धो जगाम भवनं कपेः॥ शक्रबाणासनप्रख्यं धनुः कालान्तकोपमम्। प्रगृह्य गिरिशृङ्गाभं मन्दरः सानुमानिव॥
Thereupon the highly intelligent Lakşmaņa of right understanding, and ever intent upon the welfare of his brother, taking up a bow like to Indra's, resembling the summit of a hill and terrible as Death himself, entered, wrought up with ire, the abode of the king of monkeys like the hill Mandāra.

यथोक्तकारी वचनमुत्तरं चैव सोत्तरम्। बृहस्पतिसमो बुद्ध्या मत्वा रामानुजस्तदा॥ कामक्रोधसमुत्थेन भ्रातुः क्रोधाग्निना वृतः। प्रभञ्जन इवाप्रीतः प्रययौ लक्ष्मणस्ततः॥
Intelligent like Bșhaspati and ever abiding by his elder brother's behest, Laksmana, revolving in his mind what he should say as well as Sugrīva's answers, and enveloped with the fire of anger arising from the excitement of his brother's amour, and therefore displeased, proceeded quick as air.

सालतालाश्वकर्णाश्च तरसा पातयन् बलात्। पर्यस्यन् गिरिकूटानि दुमानन्यांश्च वेगितः॥ शिलाश्च शकलीकुर्वन् पद्भ्यां गज इवाशुगः। दूरमेकपदं त्यक्त्वा ययौ कार्यवशाद् द्रुतम्॥
And on he proceeded, felling down by his velocity, Sāla, Tāla, and Aśvakarņa trees, throwing aside the mountain summits and other trees, breaking rocks into pieces with his feet and striding very quickly like to a fleet-coursing elephant.

तामपश्यद् बलाकीर्णां हरिराजमहापुरीम्। दुर्गामिक्ष्वाकुशार्दूलः किष्किन्धां गिरिसंकटे॥
And that best of Ikşwakus, beheld that splendid city of the king of monkeys hard to enter, surrounded by monkey-herds, and mountains.

रोषात् प्रस्फुरमाणोष्ठः सुग्रीवं प्रति लक्ष्मणः। ददर्श वानरान् भीमान् किष्किन्धायां बहिश्चरान्॥
And having his lips swollen with anger for Sugrīva, Lakşmaņa beheld the terrible monkeys walking outside the city.

तं दृष्ट्वा वानराः सर्वे लक्ष्मणं पुरुषर्षभम्। शैलशृङ्गाणि शतशः प्रवृद्धांश्च महीरुहान्। जगृहुः कुञ्जरप्रख्या वानराः पर्वतान्तरे॥
Beholding that best of men-Laksmana, the monkeys resembling elephants entered the mountainous stronghold and took up the summits of the hill and huge trees.

तान् गृहीतप्रहरणान् सर्वान् दृष्ट्वा तु लक्ष्मणः! बभूव द्विगुणं क्रुद्धो बहिन्धन इवानलः॥
And observing them armed, Lakṣmaṇa was doubly inflamed with anger like to fire kindled with fuels.

तं ते भयपरीताङ्गाः क्षुब्धं दृष्ट्वा प्लवङ्गमाः। कालमृत्युयुगान्ताभं शतशो विद्वता दिशः॥
Beholding Lakṣmaṇa, highly enraged, terrible as Death himself at the time of dissolution, the monkeys, stricken with fear, fled away, by hundreds, into various quarters.

ततः सुग्रीवभवनं प्रविश्य हरिपुंगवाः। क्रोधमागमनं चैव लक्ष्मणस्य न्यवेदयन्॥
Thereat those foremost of monkeys, entering the palace of Sugrīva, communicated to him, Laksmana's ire and approach.

तारया सहितः कामी सक्तः कपिवृषस्तदा। न तेषां कपिसिहानां सुश्राव वचनं तदा॥
That amorous chief of monkeys, attached to Tārā, paid no heed to the words of those foremost of monkeys.

ततः सचिवसंदिष्टा हरयो रोमहर्षणाः। गिरिकुञ्जरमेधाभा नगरानिर्ययुस्तदा॥
Thereupon those terrible monkeys, resembling hills, elephants and clouds, went out of the city being commanded by the minister.

नखदंष्ट्रायुधाः सर्वे वीरा विकृतदर्शनाः। सर्वे शार्दूलदंष्ट्राश्च सर्वे विवृतदर्शनाः॥ दशनागबलाः केचित् केचिद् दशगुणोचराः। केचिनागसहस्रस्य बभूवुस्तुल्यवर्चसः॥
Some of them had sharpened teeth and nails, some were grim-visaged, some had teeth like those of tigers, some had the strength of ten elephants, some had the strength of hundred elephants and some had that of thousand elephants.

ततस्तैः कपिभिर्व्याप्तां दुमहस्तैर्महाबलैः। अपश्यल्लक्ष्मणः क्रुद्धः किष्किन्धां तां दुरासदाम्।।२६।
Thereupon Laksmana, angry, espied the city of Kiskindhă, hard to enter and surrounded by mighty monkeys with trees in their hands.

ततस्ते हरयः सर्वे प्राकारपरिखान्तरात्। निष्क्रम्योदग्रसत्त्वास्तु तस्थुराविष्कृतं तदा॥
And getting over the ditch around the city walls, those terrible-looking monkeys stationed themselves openly.

सुग्रीवस्य प्रमादं च पूर्वजस्यार्थमात्मवान्। दृष्ट्वा क्रोधवशं वीरः पुनरेव जगाम सः॥
And meditating upon Sugrīva's error and his brother's interest, the self-controlled Laksmana, heroic, proceeded on wards.

स दीर्घोष्णमहोच्छ्वासः कोपसंरक्तलोचनः। बभूव नरशार्दूलः सधूम इव पावकः॥
Sighing hot and hard, that best of men-Laks maņa, with reddened eyes appeared like to smoky fire.

बाणशल्यस्फुरज्जिह्वः सायकासनभोगवान्। स्वतेजोविषसम्भूतः पञ्चास्य इव पन्नगः॥
He appeared like to a terrible serpent of five mouths having the top of the arrow for his tongue, the bow for his expanded hood and his own prowess for the poison.

तं दीप्तमिव कालाग्रिं नागेन्द्रमिव कोपितम्। समासाद्याङ्गदस्त्रासाद् विषादमगमत् परम्॥
Beholding him like the flaming fire of dissolution and enraged lord of serpents, Angada, out of fear, became exceedingly sorry.

सोऽङ्गदं रोषताम्राक्षः संदिदेश महायशाः। सुग्रीवः कथ्यतां वत्स ममागमनमित्युत॥ एष रामानुजः प्राप्तस्त्वत्सकाशमरिंदम। भ्रातुर्व्यसनसंतप्तो द्वारि तिष्ठति लक्ष्मणः॥ तस्य वाक्यं यदि रुचिः क्रियतां साधु वानर। इत्युक्त्वा शीघ्रमागच्छ वत्स वाक्यमरिंदम॥
Thereupon the far-famed Laksmana, having his eyes reddened with ire, spoke to Argada, saying-0 child, do you inform Sugriva of my arrival. O conqueror of foes, do you tell him:-'Laksmana, the younger brother of Rama, being stricken with grief on account his brother's disaster, has come to you and is waiting at the gate. If it pleaseth you, do you make good your promise.' Saying these words do you speedily return, O my child, O conqueror of foes.

लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा शोकाविष्टोऽङ्गदोऽब्रवीत्। पितुः समीपमागम्य सौमित्रिरयमागतः॥
Hearing Laksmana's words, Angada overwhelmed with grief, approaching his uncle said-'Saumitree has arrived here.'

अथाङ्गदस्तस्य सुतीव्रवाचा सम्भ्रान्तभावः परिदीनवक्त्रः। निर्गत्य पूर्वं नृपतेस्तरस्वी .ततो रुमायाश्चरणौ ववन्दे॥
Being greatly agitated with harsh words, Angada, with a pale and poorly countenance issued out speedily and approaching touched first the king's feet and afterwards with reverence Ruma's feet.

संगृह्य पादौ पितुरुग्रतेजा जग्राह मातुः पुनरेव पादौ। पादौ रुमायाश्च निपीडयित्वा निवेदयामास ततस्तदर्थम्॥
That one of exceeding prowess first touched the feet of his uncle then saluted again his mother and afterwards touching the feet of Rumā related to them every thing in full.

स निद्राक्लान्तसंवीतो वानरो न विबुद्धवान्। बभूव मदमत्तश्च मदनेन च मोहितः॥
That monkey, possessed by amour and under the influence of liquor, being asleep could not hear (what Angada had said).

ततः किलकिलां चक्कुर्लक्ष्मणं प्रेक्ष्य वानराः। प्रसादयन्तस्तं क्रुद्धं भयमोहितचेतसः॥
Beholding Lakşmaņa highly enraged, the monkeys, possessed by fear, began to make noise as they were welcoming him.

ते महौघनिभं दृष्ट्वा वज्राशनिसमस्वनम्। सिंहनादं समं चक्रुर्लक्ष्मणस्य समीपतः॥
They, approaching Lakşmaņa began to set up a terrible roar like to thunder and resembling the uproar of lions and the noise of water-falls.

तेन शब्देन महता प्रत्युबुध्यत वानरः। मदविह्वलताम्राक्षो व्याकुलः स्रग्विभूषणः॥
By that terrible sound awoke that monkeychief, having coppery eyes, agitated, adorned with garlands and possessed by liquor.

अथाङ्गदवचः श्रुत्वा तेनैव च समागतौ। मन्त्रिणौ वानरेन्द्रस्य सम्मतोदारदर्शनौ।॥ प्लक्षश्चैव प्रभावश्च मन्त्रिणावर्थधर्मयोः। वक्तुमुच्चावचं प्राप्तं लक्ष्मणं तौ शशंसतुः॥
Hearing the words of Angada, the tow counsellors of Sugrīva, intelligent and of magnificent looks, along with him, approached that lord of monkeys. And those two ministers Yaksa and Prabhava, to give him proper counsels, informed (that monkey-chief) of the arrival of Lakşmaņa.

प्रसादयित्वा सुग्रीवं वचनैः सार्थनिश्चितैः। आसीनं पर्युपासीनो यथा शक्रं मरुत्पतिम्॥ सत्यसंधौ महाभागौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। मनुष्यभावं सम्प्राप्तौ राज्याही राज्यदायिनौ ॥ तयोरेको धनुष्पाणिभरि तिष्ठति लक्ष्मणः। यस्य भीताः प्रवेपन्तो नादान् मुञ्चन्ति वानराः॥
Satisfying Sugrīva with words pointing out his welfare, they sitting by him, spoke to that lord of wind resembling the king of celestials, saying: Of those two great and truthful brothers Rāma and Lakşmaņa, who are born as men, worthy of attaining to kingdom and who have gained for you your kingdom, Laksmana, with a bow in his hand, is waiting at your gate. And afraid of whom, the monkeys, trembling, are setting up terrible roars.

स एष राघवभ्राता लक्ष्मणो वाक्यसारथिः। व्यवसायरथः प्राप्तस्तस्य रामस्य शासनात्॥
That Laksmana, Raghava's brother, having words for his charioteer, and perseverance for his chariot, has approached you at his brother's command.

अयं च तनयो राजस्ताराया दयितोऽङ्गदः। लक्ष्मणेन सकाशं ते प्रेषितस्त्वरयानघ॥
O blameless king, by that Laksmana-Tara's darling, Angada has been despatched to you.

सोऽयं रोषपरीताक्षो द्वारि तिष्ठति वीर्यवान्। वानरान् वानरपते चक्षुषा निर्दहनिव॥
O king, of monkeys, that highly powerful one, having his eyes full of ire, is waiting at your gate, as if burning down with his eyes all the monkeys.

तस्य मूर्जा प्रणामं त्वं सपुत्रः सहबान्धवः। गच्छ शीघ्रं महाराज रोषो ह्यद्योपशाम्यताम्॥
O king, along with your children and friends do you repair to him speedily and bowing to him with your head down do you pacify his wrath.

यथा हि रामो धर्मात्मा तत्कुरुष्व समाहितः। राजस्तिष्ठ स्वसमये भव सत्यप्रतिश्रवः॥
And do you, O king, with a composed heart, perform what the virtuous-souled Rāma has ordered you to do and thus fulfil your promise.