Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 59

मम त्वश्वा निवृत्तस्य न प्रावर्तन्त वर्त्मनि। उष्णमश्रु विमुञ्चन्तो रामे सम्प्रस्थिते वनम्॥ उभाभ्यां राजपुत्राभ्यामथ कृत्वाहमञ्जलिम्। प्रस्थितो रथमास्थाय तदुःखमपि धारयन्॥
On Rāma having gone to the forest, my horses as I turned away, did not proceed vigorously on the way, and shed warm tears. And having (done homage) to both the princes by joining my hands, I turned my back, bearing as best I could that load of sorrow.

गुहेन सार्धं तत्रैव स्थितोऽस्मि दिवसान् बहून्। आशया यदि मां रामः पुनः शब्दापयेदिति ॥
Indulging in the hope that Rāma might again summon me by any of the envoys (of Guha left there), I stayed there with Guha for many days.

विषये ते महाराज महाव्यसनकर्शिताः। अपि वृक्षाः परिम्लानाः सपुष्पाकुरकोरकाः॥ उपतप्तोदका नद्यः पल्वलानि सरांसि च। परिशुष्कपलाशानि वनान्युपवनानि च॥
In your dominions, O monarch, exercised by the calamity that has befallen Rāma, even trees bearing blossoms and buds and sprouts look sad; the rivers and pools and liquid lapses have their waters dried up; and the woods and groves have their foliage withered.

न च सर्पन्ति सत्त्वानि व्याला न प्रचरन्ति च। रामशोकाभिभूतं त निष्कूजमिव तद्वनम्॥
Creatures do not move and beasts of prey cease to range about; and the forest appears to be dumb, stupefied by grief on account of Rāma.

लीनपुष्करपत्राश्च नद्यश्च कलुषोदकाः। संतप्तपद्माः पद्मिन्यो लीनमीनविहंगमाः॥ जलजानि च पुष्पाणि माल्यानि स्थलजानि च। नातिभान्त्यल्पगन्धीनि फलानि च यथापुरम् ॥
Streams containing lotuses with their leaves shrivelled, have their waters stained; and lotuses have their leaves burnt; and fished and (aquatic) birds have grown lean. And flowers both on land and water have been deprived of their freshness and fragrance; and they no longer retain their former condition.

अत्रोद्यानानि शून्यानि प्रलीनविहगानि च। न चाभिरामानारामान् पश्यामि मनुजर्षभ॥
The gardens are idle with their birds drooping. And, O best of men, I do not find the bowers beautiful (as before).

प्रविशन्तमयोध्यायां न कश्चिदभिनन्दति। नरा राममपश्यन्तो निःश्वसन्ति मुहुर्मुहुः॥
When I entered Ayodhyā, none greeted me. And not seeing Rāma, the people sigh momentarily.

देव राजरथं दृष्ट्वा विना राममिहागतम्। दूरादश्रुमुखः सर्वो राजमार्गे गतो जनः॥
And, O revered one, seeing the royal car returned hither without Rāma, the people on the highways from grief appear with tearful countenance.

हम्र्यैर्विमानैः प्रासादैरवेक्ष्य रथमागतम्। हाहाकारकृता नार्यो रामादर्शनकर्शिताः॥
And from mansions, cars, and lordly edifices, ladies seeing the car come back, set up a chorus of 'Ah' and 'Alas,' afflicted with the absence of Rama.

आयतैर्विमलैनॆत्रैरश्रुवेगपरिप्लुतैः। अन्योन्यमभिवीक्षन्तेऽव्यक्तमार्ततराः स्त्रियः॥
And becoming more distressed that ever, the fair sex with their expansive and clear eyes filled with tears, began to eye each other indistinctly.

नामित्राणां न मित्राणामुदासीनजनस्य च। अहमार्ततया कंचिद् विशेषं नोपलक्षये॥
And in consequence of the general grief that prevailed, I could not perceive any difference between friends and foes and persons indifferent.

अप्रहृष्टमनुष्या च दीननागतुरंगमा। आर्तस्वरपरिम्लानविनिःश्वसितनि:स्वना ॥ निरानन्दा महाराज रामप्रव्राजनातुरा। कौसल्या पुत्रहीनेव अयोध्या प्रतिभाति मे॥
O mighty monarch, distressed in consequence of the exile of Rāma, men appear sunk in dejection, and elephants and horses are spiritless; and seized with cheerlessness, they utter doleful sounds and heave profound sighs. Ayodhyā appears to me joyless like Kausalyă deprived of her son.

सूतस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा वाचा परमदीनया। बाष्पोपहतया सूतमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of the charioteer, the king like an exceedingly forlorn, addressed the former in words lost in the vapour of sorrow.

कैकेय्या विनियुक्तेन पापाभिजनभावया। मया न मन्त्रकुशलैर्वृद्धैः सह समर्थितम्॥
Exhorted by Kaikeyi of a sinful country, born in a sinful race and cherishing sinful designs, I did not take counsel with aged people capable of offering advice.

न सुहृद्भिर्न चामात्यैर्मन्त्रयित्वा सनैगमैः। मयायमर्थः सम्मोहात् स्त्रीहेतोः सहसा कृतः॥
Without consulting with friends or courtiers or persons versed in the Vedas, I have in the interest of a woman rashly done this thing through ignorance.

भवितव्यतया नूनमिदं वा व्यसनं महत्। कुलस्यास्य विनाशाय प्राप्तं सूत यदृच्छया॥
Meseems, O charioteer, for the purpose of destroying this line entirely, this mighty disaster has surely befallen us through the influence of Destiny.

सूत यद्यस्ति ते किंचिन्मयापि सुकृतं कृतम्। त्वं प्रापयाशु मां रामं प्राणाः संत्वरयन्ति माम्॥
O charioteer, if I have ever done you any good do you immediately take me to Rāma: my life urges me on (in this direction).

यद्यद्यापि ममैवाज्ञा निवर्तयतु राघवम्। न शक्ष्यामि विना रामं मुहूर्तमपि जीवितुम्॥
Or let my command make Rāghava turn back. I cannot live for a moment without Rāma.

अथवापि महाबाहुर्गतो दूरं भविष्यति। मामेव रथमारोप्य शीघ्रं रामाय दर्शय॥
But if that mighty-armed one has proceeded far, do you placing me on a car speedily show me to Rāma.

वृत्तदंष्ट्रो महेष्वासः क्वासौ लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः। यदि जीवामि साध्वेनं पश्येयं सीतया सह॥
Where is that elder brother of Lakşmaņa of a mighty bow, furnished with teeth resembling Kunda flowers? If I live so long, I will behold him in company with Sītā.

लोहिताक्षं महाबाहुमामुक्तमणिकुण्डलम्। रामं यदि न पश्येयं गमिष्यामि यमक्षयम्॥ अतो नु किं दुःखतरं योऽहमिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनम्। इमामवस्थामापनो नेह पश्यामि राघवम्॥
What can be sadder than this, that reduced to such a pass, I cannot see here that descendant of Ikşvāku, Rāghava?

हा राम रामानुज हा हा वैदेहि तपस्विनि। न मां जानीत दुःखेन म्रियमाणमनाथवत्॥
Ah Rāma! Ah you younger brother of Rāma! Ah you unfortunate Vaidehī! You do not know that I am through grief lamenting like one deserted.

स तेन राजा दुःखेन भृशमर्पितचेतनः। अवगाढः सुदुष्पारं शोकसागरमब्रवीत्॥
Deprived of his consciousness through that sorrow of his, the king said.

रामशोकमहावेगः सीताविरहपारगः। श्वसितोर्मिमहावर्तो वाष्पवेगजलाविलः॥ बाहुविक्षेपमीनोऽसौ विक्रन्दितमहास्वनः। प्रकीर्णकेशशैवाल: कैकेयीवडवामुखः॥ ममाश्रुवेगप्रभवः कुब्जावाक्यमहाग्रहः। वरवेलो नृशंसाया रामप्रव्राजनायतः॥ यस्मिन् बत निमग्नोऽहं कौसल्ये राघवं विना। दुस्तरो जीवता देवि मयायं शोकसागरः॥ अशोभनं योऽहमिहाद्य राघवं दिदृक्षमाणो न लभे सलक्ष्मणम्। इतीव राजा विलपन् महायशाः पपात तूर्णं शयने स मूर्च्छितः॥
I have plunged myself into this ocean of woe hard to cross, with grief for Rāma as its mighty tide; separation from Sītā, its other shore; sighs heaved, its furious billows and whirlpools; tears, rivers that rush into it; tossing of the arms, its fishes; lamentations it roar; my hair flung about, its moss; Kaikeyi, its submarine fire; my fastflowing tears, its current; the words of the humpbacked one, its terrific ravenous animals; the boon, its continents; and the exile of Rama, its expanse. And, O Kausalyā, without Rāghava, I shall sink in this ocean. O exalted dame, living, it is hard for me to cross over this ocean. It is surely owing to my sin that to-day wishing to behold Rāghava and Lakşmaņa, I do not get them (before me). Having thus lamented, the illustrious king all of a sudden dropped to the earth in a swoon.

इति विलपति पार्थिवे प्रणष्टे करुणतरं द्विगुणं च रामहेतोः। वचनमनुनिशम्य तस्य देवी भयमगमत् पुनरेव राममाता॥
On the king swooning away lamenting, that exalted lady, Rāma's mother, hearing his words doubly bitter and more piteous than ever uttered for Rāma, was seized with fresh apprehension.

इति विलपति पार्थिवे प्रणष्टे करुणतरं द्विगुणं च रामहेतोः। वचनमनुनिशम्य तस्य देवी भयमगमत् पुनरेव राममाता॥
On the king swooning away lamenting, that exalted lady, Rāma's mother, hearing his words doubly bitter and more piteous than ever uttered for Rāma, was seized with fresh apprehension.