The Patriarchs

युधिष्ठिर उवाच के पूर्वमासन् पतयः प्रजानां भरतर्षभ। के चर्षयो महाभागा दिक्षु प्रत्येकशः स्मृताः॥
Yudhishthira said Who are the first Patriarch, O foremost of Bharata's race? What highly blessed Rishis are there, and on which quarters do each of them dwell?

भीष्म उवाच श्रूयतां भरतश्रेष्ठ यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि। प्रजानां पतयो येऽस्मिन् दिक्षु ये चर्षयः स्मृताः॥
'Hear me, O chief of the Bharatas, about what you ask. I shall tell you who the Patriarchs were and what Rishis are mentioned as living on which points of the horizon.

एकः स्वयम्भूर्भगवानाद्यो ब्रह्मा सनातनः। ब्रह्मणः सप्त व पुत्रा महात्मानः स्वयम्भुवः॥
There was at first one Eternal, Divine, and Self-create Brahman. The self-create Brahman begat seven illustrious sons.

मरीचिरत्र्यङ्गिरसौ पुलस्त्यः पुलहः क्रतुः। वसिष्ठश्च महाभागः सदृशो वै स्वयम्भुवा॥
They were Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, and the highly blessed Vasistha who was equal to the Self-create himself.

सप्तब्रह्माण इत्येते पुराणे निश्चयं गताः। अत उर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि सर्वानेव प्रजापतीन्॥
These seven sons have been described in the Puranas as seven Brahmanas. I shall now name the succeeding Patriarchs.

अत्रिवंशसमुत्पन्नो ब्रह्मयोनिः सनातनः। प्राचीनबहिर्भगवांस्तस्मात् प्राचेतसो दश॥
In Atri's family was born the eternal and divine Varhi the ancient, born of penances. From Varhi the ancient were born the ten Prachetasas.

दशानां तनयस्त्वेको दक्षो नाम प्रजापतिः। तस्य द्वे नामनी लोके दक्षः क इति चोच्यते॥
The ten Prachetasas had one son between them, viz., the Prajapati called by the name of Daksha. This last has two names in the world, viz., Daksha and Ka.

मरीचेः कश्यपः पुत्रस्तस्य द्वे नामनी स्मृते। अरिष्टनेमिरित्येके कश्यपेत्यपरे विदुः॥
Marichi had one son called Kashyapa. This last also has two names. Some call him Arishtanemi, and some Kashyapa.

अत्रेश्चैवौरसः श्रीमान् राजा सोमश्च वीर्यवान्। सहस्रं यश्च दिव्यानां युगानां पर्युपासिता॥
Atri had another son born of his lions, viz., the handsome and princely Soma of great power. He practised penances for a thousand divine cycles.

अर्यमा चैव भगवान् ये चास्य तनया विभो। एते प्रदेशाः कथिता भुवनानां प्रभावनाः॥
The divine Aryaman and his sons, O king, have been described as those who issued injunctions, and as creators of all creatures.

शशबिन्दोश्च भार्याणां सहस्राणि दशाच्युत। एकैकस्यां सहस्रं तु तनयानामभूत् तदा॥ एवं शतसहस्राणां शतं कस्य महात्मनः। पुत्राणां च न ते कंचिदिच्छन्त्यन्यं प्रजापतिम्॥
Shashavindu had ten thousand wives. Upon each of them he begat a thousand sons, and thus they were ten thousand in number. Those sons refused to call any body else save themselves as Patriarch.

प्रजामाचक्षते विप्राः पुराणाः शाशबिन्दवीम्। स वृष्णिवंशप्रभवो महावंशः प्रजापतेः॥
The ancient Brahmanas bestowed a name on the creatures of the world, derived from Shashavindu. That extensive family of the Patriarch Shashavindu became in time the progenitor of the Vrishni race.

एते प्रजानां पतयः समुद्दिष्टा यशस्विनः। अतः परं प्रवक्ष्यामि देवांस्त्रिभुवनेश्वरान्॥
These that I have named are noted as the illustrious Patriarchs. After this, I shall name the celestials who are the lords of the three worlds.

भर्गोऽशश्चार्यमा चैव मित्रोऽथ वरुणस्तथा। सविता चैव धाता च विवस्वांश्च महाबलः॥
Bhaga, Ansha, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Dhatri, Vivasvat of great might.

त्वष्टा पूषा तथैवेन्द्रो द्वादशो विष्णुरुच्यते। इत्येते द्वादशादित्याः कश्यपस्यात्मसम्भवाः॥
Tashtri, Pushan, Indra, and Vishnu know as the twelfth,-these are the twelve Adityas, all originated from Kashyapa.

नासत्यश्चैव दस्रश्च स्मृतौ द्वावश्विनावपि। मार्तण्डस्यात्मजावेतावष्टमस्य महात्मनः॥
Nasatya and Dashra are mentioned as the two Ashvins. These two are the sons of the illustrious Martanda, the eighth in the above.

ते च पूर्वं सुराश्चेति द्विविधाः पितरः स्मृताः। त्वष्टश्चैवात्मजः श्रीमान् विश्वरूपो महायशाः॥ अजैकपादहिर्बुध्न्यो विरूपाक्षोऽथ रैवतः। हरश्च बहुरूपश्च त्र्यम्बकश्च सुरेश्वरः॥ सावित्रश्च जयन्तश्च पिनाकी चापराजितः। पूर्वमेव महाभागा वसवोऽष्टौ प्रकीर्तिताः॥
These were called first gods and the two classes of departed manes. Tashtri had many sons. Amongst them were the beautiful and famous Visharupa. Ajaikapat, Ahi, Bradhna, Virupaksha, and Raivata. Then there were Hara and Vahurupa, Tryamyaka the chief of the Deities, and Savitrya, Jayanta and Pinaki the invincible. The highly blessed eight Vasus have formerly been enumerated by me.

एत एवंविधा देवा मनोरेव प्रजापतेः। ते च पूर्वं सुराश्चेति द्विविधाः पितरः स्मृताः॥
These were considered as gods at the time of the Prajapati Manu. These were at first called the gods and the Pitris.

शीलयौवनतस्त्वन्यस्तथान्यः सिद्धसाध्ययोः। ऋभवो मरुतश्चैव देवानां चोदितो गणः॥
The Siddhas and the Saddhyas were divided into two classes for their conduct and youth. The deities were formerly divided into two classes, viz., the Ribhus and the Maruts.

एवमेते समाम्नाता विश्वेदेवास्तथाश्विनौ। आदित्याः क्षत्रियास्तेषां विशश्च मरुतस्तथा॥
Thus have the Vishvas, the gods, and the Ashvins, been enumerated. Amongst them, the Adityas are Kshatriyas, and the Maruts are Vaishyas.

अश्विनौ तु स्मृतौ शूद्रौ तपस्युगे समास्थितौ। स्मृतास्त्वङ्गिरसो देवा ब्राह्मणा इति निश्चयः॥
The two Ashvins, practising severe penances, have been said to be Shudras. The deities sprung from Angirasa's family have been said to be Brahmanas. This is certain.

इत्येतत् सर्वदेवानां चातुर्वर्ण्य प्रकीर्तितम्। एतान् वै प्रातरुत्थाय देवान् यस्तु प्रकीर्तयेत्॥ स्वजादन्यकृताच्चैव सर्वपापात् प्रमुच्यते। यवक्रीतोऽथ रैभ्यश्च अर्वावसुपरावसू॥ औशिजश्चैव कक्षीवान् बलश्चाङ्गिरसः सुताः। ऋषिर्मेधातिथेः पुत्रः कण्वो बर्हिषदस्तथा॥ त्रैलोक्यभावनास्तात प्राच्यां सप्तपर्यस्तथा। उन्मुचो विमुचश्चैव स्वस्त्यात्रेयश्च वीर्यवान्॥ प्रमुचश्चेध्यवाहश्च भगवांश्च दृढव्रतः। मित्रावरुणयोः पुत्रस्तथागस्त्यः प्रतापवान्॥ एते ब्रह्मर्षयो नित्यमास्थिता दक्षिणां दिशम्। कवषो धौम्यः परिव्याधश्च वीर्यवान्।॥ एकतश्च द्वितश्चैव त्रिश्तचैव महर्षयः। अत्रेः पुत्रश्च भवांस्तथा सारस्वतः प्रभुः॥ एते चैव महात्मनः पश्चिमामाश्रिता दिशम्। आत्रेयश्च वसिष्ठच कश्यपश्च महानृषिः॥ गौतमोऽथ भरद्वाजो विश्वामित्रोऽथ कौशिकः। तथैव पुत्रो भगवानृचीकस्य महात्मनः॥ जमदग्निश्च सप्तैते उदीचीमाश्रिता दिशम्। एते प्रतिदिशं सर्वे कीर्तितास्तिग्मतेजसः॥
Thus have I told you about the fourfold order among the gods. The person who, after rising from his bed in the morning, recites the names of these deities, becomes purged off of all his sins-whether committed by himself intentionally or unintentionally, or whether born of his intercourse with others. Yavakrita, Raivya, Arvavasu, Paravasu, Ausija, Kakshivat, and Vala, are described as the sons of Angiras. These and Kanwa son of the Rishi Medhatithi, and Varhishada, and the wellknown seven Rishis who are the progenitors of the three worlds, all live in the East. Unmucha, Vimucha, the highly energetic Sastyatreya, Pramucha, Idhmavaha, and the divine Dridavrata, and Mitravaruna's highly energetic son Agastya, these twice-born Rishis all live in the South Ushanga, Karusha, Dhaumya, Parivyadha of great energy, and those great Rishis called Ekata, Dvita, and Trita, and Atri's son, viz., the illustrious and powerful Sarasvat, these high-souled ones live in the West. Atreya, and Vashishtha, and the great Rishi Kashyapa, and Gautama, Bharadvaja, and Vishvamitra the son of Kushika, and the illustrious son of the high-souled Richika, viz., Jamadagni,-these seven live the North. Thus have I described to you the great Rishis of fiery energy who live in the different points of the world.

साक्षिभूता महात्मानो भुवनानां प्रभावनाः। एवमेते महात्मानः स्थिताः प्रत्येकशो दिशम्॥
Those great ones are the witnesses of the universe, and the creators of all the worlds. Thus do they live in their respective quarters. unui anilda Bacall duur wordt

यस्यां यस्यां दिशि ोते तां दिशं शरणं गतः। मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यः स्वस्तिमांश्च गृहान् व्रजेत्॥
By reciting their names one is purged off of all his sins. A person by sojourning to those quarters becomes freed of all his sins and succeeds in returning home safely.'