The four modes of life

भरद्वाज उवाच दानस्य किं फलं प्राहुर्धर्मस्य चरितस्य च। तपसश्च सुतप्तस्य स्वाध्यायस्य हुतस्य वा॥
Bharadwaja said, What is the fruit of gift? What of Righteousness? What of conduct? What Penances duly performed? What of the study and recitation of the Vedas? And what of purring libations upon the fire.

भृगुरुवाच हुतेन शाम्यते पापं स्वाध्यायैः शान्तिरुत्तमा। दानेन भोगानित्याहुस्तपसा स्वर्गमाप्नुयात्॥
Sin is dissipated by pouring libations on the sacred fire. One comes by blessed place of mind, by study of the Vedas. One acquires pleasures and objects of enjoyment, by gift. One winesblissful heaven by Penances.

दानं तु द्विविधं प्राहुः परत्रार्थमिहैव च। सद्भ्यो यद् दीयते किंचित् तत्परत्रोपतिष्ठते॥
Gift is said to be of two sorts : gifts for the other world, and those for this. Whatever is given to the good yields fruits to the giver in the other world.

असद्भ्यो दीयते यत्तु तद् दानमिह भुज्यते। यादृशं दीयते दानं तादृशं फलमश्नुते॥
Whatever is given to those that are not good yields fruits in this world. The fruits of gifts are proportionate of the gifts offered.

भरद्वाज उवाच किं कस्य धर्माचरणं किंवा धर्मस्य लक्षणम्। धर्मः कतिविधो वापि तद् भवान् वक्तुमर्हति॥
Bharadwaja said What duties should be performed by whom? What also are the characteristic marks। of duty? How many kinds of duty are there? You should tell me these.

भृगुरुवाच स्वधर्माचरणे युक्ता ये भवन्ति मनीषिणः। तेषां स्वर्गफलावाप्तिर्योऽन्यथा स विमुह्यते॥
Bhrigu said The wise men who are engaged in performing the duties laid down for them, acquires heaven as their reward. By doing otherwise people are sullied with the sin of folly.

भरद्वाज उवाच यदेतच्चातुराश्रम्यं ब्रह्मर्षिविहितं पुरा। तेषां स्वे स्वे समाचारास्तान् मे वक्तुमिहाहसि॥
Bharadwaja said You should tell me about the four modes of life that were formerly laid down by Brahman, also the practices enjoined for each of them.

भृगुरुवाच पूर्वमेव भगवता ब्रह्मणा लोकहितमनुतिष्ठता धर्मसंरक्षणार्थमाश्रमाश्चत्वारोऽभिनिर्दिष्टाः। तत्र गुरुकुलवासमेव प्रथममाश्रममुदाहरन्ति। सम्यग् यत्र शौचसंस्कारनियमव्रतविनियतात्मा उभे संध्ये भास्कराग्निदैवतान्युपस्थाय विहाय तन्त्र्यालस्ये गुरोरभिवादनवेदाभ्यासश्रवणपवित्रीकृतान्तरात्मा त्रिषवणमुपस्पृश्य ब्रह्मचर्याग्निपरिचरणगुरुशुश्रूषानित्यभिक्षाभक्ष्यादि सर्वनिवेदितान्तरात्मा गुरुवचननिर्देशानुष्ठानाप्रतिकूलो गुरुप्रसादलब्धस्वाध्यायतत्परः स्यात्॥
Bhrigu said In days of yore, the divine Brahman, for the behoof of the world, and for the protection of righteousness, laid down for modes of life. Of them, to live in the house of the preceptor is the first (in order of time). In this mode of life one should have his soul cleansed by purity of conduct, by Vedic rites and by restraints and vows and humility. He should adore the morning and evening twilights the Sun, his own consecrated hearth, and the gods. He should shake off procrastination and idleness. He should purify his soul by saluting his preceptor, by studying the Vedas, and by attending to his preceptor's instructions. He should perform his ablutions thrice.

भवति चात्र श्लोकः-गुरुं यस्तु समाराध्य द्विजो वेदमवाप्नुयात्। तस्य स्वर्गफलावाप्तिः सिध्यते चास्य मानसमिति॥
He should lead a life of celibacy; attend to his consecrated hearth serve his preceptor dutifully; daily go out for alms and give ungrudgingly to his preceptor the whole of what is got in alms. Carrying out willingly the behests of his preceptor, he should be ready to receive such Vedic instruction as his preceptor may give him as a favour. There is a verse on this subject : That Brahmana who receives his Veda by attending reverentially upon his preceptor, attains to heaven and acquires the fruition of all his desires.

गार्हस्थ्यं खलु द्वितीयमाश्रमं वदन्ति। तस्य समुदाचारलक्षणं सर्वमनुव्याख्यास्यामः। समावृत्तानां सदाचाराणां सहधर्मचर्यफलार्थिना गृहाश्रमो विधीयते। धर्मार्थकामावाप्तिहत्र त्रिवर्गसाधनमपेक्ष्यागहितेन कर्मणा धनान्यादाय स्वाध्यायोपलब्धप्रकर्षेण वा ब्रह्मर्षिनिमितेन वा अद्रिसारगतेन वा। हव्यकव्यनियमाभ्यासदैवतप्रसादोपलब्धेन वा धनेन गृहस्थो गार्हस्थ्यं वर्तयेत्। तद्धि सर्वाश्रमाणां मूलमुदाहरन्ति। गुरुकुलनिवासिनः परिव्राजका ये चान्ये संकल्पितव्रतनि यम धर्मानुष्ठायिनस्तेषामप्यत एव भिक्षाबलिसंविभागाः प्रवर्तन्ते॥
Next comes the life of a householder. We shall explain to you all the pious acts and characteristic marks of that mode. This mode of life is ordained for those who, having lived the full term in the preceptor's house, return home, who are of pious conduct, who wish the fruits of a virtuous life with their wives. In it exist Virtue, Profit and pleasure. It is (thus) suited to the cultivation of the three-fold objects of life. Acquiring riches by irreproachable acts, or with wealth of great efficacy which is got from recitation of the Vedas, or living upon means followed by the regenerate Rishis, or with the produce of inountains and mincs, or with the wealth of offerings made in sacrifices and on the finish of vows and other observances, and those made to gods, the house-holder should lead this mode of life, That mode of life is considered as the root of all the others. Those who live in the houses of preceptors, those who lead lives of mendicancy, and others who observe vows and restraints, derive from this mode the means they live upon, the offerings they make to the departed manes and the gods, and, in short, their entire support.

वानप्रस्थानां च द्रव्योपस्कार इति प्रायशाः खल्वेते साधवः साधुपथ्यौदनाः स्वाध्यायप्रसङ्गिनस्तीर्थाभिगमनदेशदशनार्थं पृथिवीं पर्यटन्ति, तेषां प्रत्युस्थानाभिगमनाभिवादनानसूय वाक्प्रदानसुखशक्त्यासनसुखशयनाभ्यवहरिसक्रिया चेति॥
The third mode of life is called the Vanaprastha or life in forest. Those that lead it, need not kcep in store wealth and articles. Living upon good food, and engaged in the study of the Vedas, generally those pious and god men walk over the Earth for visiting the sacred shrines and various other kingdoms. Standing up, advancing forward, sweet and sincere speeches, gifts according to the means of the giver, offer of seats and beds of the best sort, and presents of excellent viands, are some of the means for showing them regard.

भवन्ति चात्र श्लोकाः-अतिथिर्यस्य भग्नाशो गृहात् प्रतिनिवर्तते। स दत्त्वा दुष्कृतं तस्मै पुण्यमादाय गच्छति॥
There is a verse on this subject. If a guest goes away from a house with expectations not fulfilled, he is supposed to take away the merits of the householder and transfer to the latter all his sins.

अपि चात्र यज्ञक्रियाभिर्देवताः प्रीयन्ते। निवापेन पितरो विद्याभ्यासश्रवणधारणेन ऋषयः। अपत्योत्पादनेन प्रजापतिरिति॥
Then again in the domestic mode of life the gods are propitiated by sacrifices and other religious rites : the departed manes by the performances of obsequial rites; the Rishis by the study of the Vedas, by listening to the instructions of preceptors, and by getting by heart the scriptures, and lastly the Creator by begetting children.

श्लोकौ चात्र भवतः-वात्सल्यात्सर्वभूतेभ्यो वाच्याः श्रोत्रसुखा गिरः। परितापोपघातश्च पारुष्यं चात्र गर्हितम्॥
There are two verses on this subject. One following this mode of life, should address all creatures with words of affection, and pleasant to the cars. To give pain, to inflict tortures, and use harsh words, are all censurable.

अवज्ञानमहंकारो दम्भश्चैव विगर्हितः। अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधः सर्वाश्रमगतं तपः॥
Insult, pride, and, deceit, also should be avoided. Abstention from injury, truth, and absence of anger, yield the merit of penances in all the modes of life.

अपि चात्र माल्याभरणवस्त्राभ्यङ्गनित्योपभोगनृत्यगीतवादित्रश्रुतिसुखनयना-भिरामदशनानां प्राप्तिर्भक्ष्यभोज्यलेह्यपेयचोष्याणामभ्यवहार्याणां विविधानामुपभोगः। स्वविहारसंतोष: कामसुखावाप्तिरिति॥
These are allowed in a house-holders life, viz.., the use and enjoyment of garlands, ornaments, dresses, perfumed oils and scents, enjoyment of pleasures accruing froin dancing and music both vocal and instrumental, and all pleasant sights and scenes; the enjoyment of various kinds of foods and drinks belonging to best kinds of edibles, viz., those that are swallowed, those that are sucked; and the enjoyment of pleasures derivable from sports and all sorts of amusement and the gratification of desires.

त्रिवर्गगुणनिर्वृत्तिर्यस्य नित्यं गृहाश्रमे। स सुखान्यनुभूयेह शिष्टानां गतिमाप्नुयात्॥
That men who following this mode of life seeks to acquire the three-fold objects of life (viz., Religion, Profit, and Pleasure, as well as Emancipation,-the great end of the three qualities of Goodness, Darkness and Ignorance, enjoys grcat happiness in this world and at last attains to the end reserved for virtuous and good persons.

उञ्छवृत्तिर्गृहस्थो यः स्वधर्माचरणे रतः। त्यक्तकामसुखारम्भः स्वर्गस्तस्य न दुर्लभः॥
Even that householder who satisfies the duties of his life by following the practice of picking up fallen grains of corn from the lines of fields and who gives up sensual pleasure and attachment to action, does not find it difficult to acquire heaven.