Yudhishthira with all the Pandavas go again to Bhishma.

जनमेजय उवाच धर्मात्मनि महावीर्ये सत्यसंधे जितात्मनि। देवव्रते महाभागे शरतल्पगतेऽच्युते॥ शयाने वीरशयने भीष्मे शान्तनुनन्दने। गाङ्गेये पुरुषव्याघ्र पाण्डवैः पर्युपासिते॥ काः कथाः समवर्तन्त तस्मिन् वीरसमागमे। हतेषु सर्वसैन्येषु तन्मे शंस महामुने॥
Janamejaya said When that foremost men, of righteous soul and great energy, strictly devoted to truth and with passions restrained, viz., the son of Shantanu and Ganga, named Devavrata or Bhishma of undecaying glory, lay on a hero's bed with the sons of Pandu sitting around him, tell me, O great sage, what conversation took place in that meeting of heroes after the destruction of all the soldiers.

वैशम्पायन उवाच शरतल्पगते भीष्मे कौरवाणां धुरन्धरे। आजग्मुर्ऋषयः सिद्धा नारदप्रमुखा नृप॥
Vaishampayana said When Bhishma, that chief of the Kurus, lay on his bed of arrows, many Rishis and Siddhas, O king, headed by Narada, came there.

हतशिष्टाश्च राजानो युधिष्ठिरपुरोगमाः। धृतराष्ट्रश्च कृष्णश्च भीमार्जुनयमास्तथा॥
The residue of the king with Yudhishthira at their head, Dhritarashtra, Krishna, Bhima, Arjuna and the twins also came there.

तेऽभिगम्य महात्मानो भरतानां पितामहम्। अन्वशोचन्त गाङ्गेयमादित्यं पतितं यथा॥
Approaching the grandfather of the Bharatas who shone like the Sun himself dropped from the sky, those great persons began to bewail for him.

मुहूर्तमिव च ध्यात्वा नारदो देवदर्शनः। उवाच पाण्डवान् सर्वान् हतशिष्टांश्च पार्थिवान्॥ प्राप्तकालं समाचक्षे भीष्मोऽयमनुयुज्यताम्। अस्तमेति हि गाङ्गेयो भानुमानिव भारत॥
Then reflecting for a moment, Narada, of divine features, addressed all the Pandavas and the residue of the kings, saying, 'The time, I think, has come for you to question Bhishma for Ganga's son is about to die like the Sun that is on the point of setting.

अयं प्राणानुत्सिसृक्षुस्तं सर्वेऽभ्यनुपृच्छत। कृत्स्नात् विविधान् धर्मांश्चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य वेत्त्ययम्॥
He is about to give up his ghost. Do you all, therefore, request him to discourse to you. He is acquainted with the various duties of all the four orders.

एष वृद्धः पराँल्लोकान् सम्प्राप्नोति तनुं त्यजन्। तं शीघ्रमनुयुजीध्वं संशयान् मनसि स्थितान्॥
Aged as he is, after renouncing his corporeal frame he will attain to high regions of bliss. Request him, therefore, forthwith to clear the doubts that exist in your minds.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ते नारदेन भीष्ममीयुर्नराधिपः। प्रष्टुं चाशक्नुवन्तस्ते वीक्षां चक्रुः परस्परम्॥
Thus accosted by Narada, those princes approached Bhishina, but unable to ask him anything looked at one another.

अथोवाच हृषीकेशं पाण्डुपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। नान्यस्तु देवकीपुत्राच्छक्तः प्रष्टुं पितामहम्॥
Then Yudhishthira the son of Pandu, addressing Hrishikesha, said,-"There is no one else then Devaki's son who can question the grandfather.

प्रव्याहर यदुश्रेष्ठ त्वमग्रे मधुसूदन। त्वं हि नस्तात सर्वेषां सर्वधर्मविदुत्तमः॥
O foremost one of Yadu's race, do you, therefore, O destroyer of Madhu, speak first. You are the foremost of us all and are conversant with every duty and practice.'

एवमुक्तः पाण्डवेन भगवान् केशवस्तदा। अभिगम्य दुराधर्षं प्रव्याहारयदच्युतः॥
Thus addressed by the son of Pandu, the illustrious Keshava of undecaying glory, approaching the unconquerable Bhishma, spoke to him as follows.

वासुदेव उवाच कच्चित् सुखेन रजनी व्युष्टा ते राजसत्तम। विस्पष्टलक्षणा बुद्धिः कच्चिच्चोपस्थिता तव॥
Have you, O best of kings passed the night happily? Has your understanding become unclouded?

कच्चिज्ज्ञानानि सर्वाणि प्रतिभान्ति च तेऽनघ। न ग्लायते च हृदयं न च ते व्याकुलं मनः॥
Does your knowledge, O sinless one, shine in you by inward light? I hope your heart does not feel pain and your mind is no longer agitated?'

भीष्म उवाच दाहो मोहः श्रमश्चैव क्लमो ग्लानिस्तथा रुजा। तव प्रसादाद् वार्ष्णेय सद्यः प्रतिगतानि मे॥
Bhishma said Burning, stupefaction, toil, exhaustion, and pain, through your Grace, O you of Vrishni's race, have all left me in a single day.

यच्च भूतं भविष्यच्च भवच्च परमाते। तत् सर्वमनुपश्यामि पाणौ फलमिवार्पितम्॥
O you of matchless splendour, I behold as distinctly as a fruit placed in my hands, all that is past, all that is future, and all that is present.

वेदोक्ताश्चैव ये धर्मा वेदान्ताधिगताच ये। तान् सर्वान् सम्प्रपश्यामि वरदानात् तवाच्युत॥
I behold clearly, O you of unfading glory, by virtue of the boon granted by you to me, all the duties laid down in the Vedas, and in the Vedantas.

शिष्टैश्च धर्मो यः प्रोक्तः स च मे हृदि वर्तते। देशजातिकुलानां च धर्मज्ञोऽस्मि जनार्दन।॥
The duties that have been described by persons of learning and righteous conduct are still fresh in my memory. I am conversant also, O Janardana, with the duties and practices obtaining in particular countries and among particular tribes and families.

चतुर्वाश्रमधर्मेषु योऽर्थः स च हृदि स्थितः। राजधर्मांश्च सकलानवगच्छामि केशव॥
I remember again everything regarding the four modes of life. I am acquainted, O Keshava, with the royal duties.

यच्च यत्र च वक्तव्यं तद् वक्ष्यामि जनार्दन। तव प्रसादाद्धि शुभा मनो मे बुद्धिराविशत्॥
I would say, O Janardana, everything in its proper hour. Through your favour, I have acquired an auspicious understanding.

युवेवास्मि समावृत्तस्त्वदनुधयनबंहितः। वक्तुं श्रेयः समर्थोऽस्मि त्वत्प्रसादाज्जनार्दन॥
Strengthened by contemplation of you, I feel as if I have become a young man again. Through your favour, O Janardana, I have become capable to talk on what is for the behoof of the world.

स्वयं किमर्थं तु भवाश्रेयो न प्राह पाण्डवम्। किं ते विवक्षितं चात्र तदाशु वद माधव॥
Why, however, O holy one, do you not yourself describe to Pandu's son all that is good? What explanation can you give about it? Tell me quickly, O Madhava.'

वासुदेव उवाच यशसः श्रेयसंश्चैव मूलं मां विद्धि कौरव। मत्तः सर्वेऽभिनिर्वृत्ता भावाः सदसदात्मकाः॥
Vasudeva said Know, O you of Kuru's race, that I am the root of fame and of everything that produces good. All things, good or bad, emanate from me.

शीतांशुश्चन्द्र इत्युक्ते लोके को विस्पयिष्यति। तथैव यशसा पूर्णे मयि को विस्मयिष्यति॥
Who on Earth will wonder if the Moon be said possessing cool rays? Similarly, who will wonder if I were described as one endued with the greatest fame.

आधेयं तु मया भूयो यशस्तव महाद्युते। ततो मे विपुला बुद्धिस्त्वयि भीष्म समर्पिता॥
I have, however, resolved to enhance your fame, O you of great splendour. It is for this, O Bhishma, that I have just filled you with great intelligence.

याबद्धि पृथिवीपाल पृथ्वीयं स्थास्यति ध्रुवा। तावत् तत्तवाक्षया कीर्तिर्लोकाननुचरिष्यति॥
As long, O king, as the Earth will last, so long will your fame travel with unmitigated lustre through all the worlds.

यच्च त्वं वक्ष्यसे भीष्म पाण्डवायानुपृच्छते। वेदप्रवाद इव ते स्थास्यते वसुधातले॥
Whatever, O Bhishma, you will say to the inquiring son of Pandu, will pass on Earth like the authoritative declarations of the Vedas.

यश्चैतेन प्रमाणेन योक्ष्यत्यात्मानमात्मना। स फलं सर्वपुण्यानां प्रेत्य चानुभविष्यति।॥
That person, who will follow the authority of your declarations, will obtain hereafter the meed of every meritorious act.

एतस्मात् कारणाद् भीष्म मतिर्दिव्या मया हि ते। दत्ता यशो विप्रथयेत् कथं भूयस्तवेति ह॥
For this reason, O Bhishma, I have conferred on you celestial understanding so that your fame may be increased on Earth.

यावद्धि प्रथते लोके पुरुषस्य यशो भुवि। तावत् तस्याक्षयं स्थानं भवतीति विनिश्चिता॥
As long as a man's fame lasts in the world, so long are his good deeds alive.

राजानो हतशिष्टास्त्वां राजन्नभित आसते। धर्माननुयुयुक्षन्तस्तेभ्यः प्रब्रूहि भारत॥
The unslain residue of the kings are sitting around you, desirous of hearing your discourses on morality and duty. Do you speak to them, O Bharata.

भवान् हि वयसा वृद्धः श्रुताचारसमन्वितः। कुशलो राजधर्माणां सर्वेषामपराश्च ये॥
You are aged and your conduct is consistent with the injunctions of the Shrutis. You are a master of the royal duties and of every other science of duty.

जन्मप्रभृति ते कश्चिद् वृजिनं न ददर्श ह। ज्ञातारं सर्वधर्माणां त्वां विदुः सर्वपार्थिवाः॥
No one, has ever marked the slightest transgression in you since your very birth. All the kings know you to be master of the sciences of morality and duty.

तेभ्यः पितेव पुत्रेभ्यो राजन् ब्रूहि परं नयम्। ऋषयश्चैव देवाश्च त्वया नित्यमुपासिताः॥
Like a father to his sons do you, therefore, O king, describe to them high morality. You have always adored the Rishis and the gods.

तस्माद् वक्तव्यमेवेदं त्वयावश्यमशेषतः! धर्मं शुश्रूषमाणेभ्यः पृष्टेन च सता पुनः॥ वक्तव्यं विदुषा चेति धर्ममाहुर्मनीषिणाः।
You should discourse on these subjects fully to persons desirous of listening to discourses on morality and duty. A learned person, especially when requested by the righteous, should talk of the same. The sages have declared this to be a duty.

अप्रतिब्रुवत: कष्टो दोषो हि भविता प्रभो॥ तस्मात् पुत्रैश्च पौत्रेश्च धर्मान् पृष्टान् सनातनान्। विद्वाजिज्ञासमानस्त्वं प्रब्रूहि भरतर्षभ॥
O powerful one if you do not speak on such subjects, you will incur sin. Therefore, questioned by your sons and grandsons, o learned one, about the eternal duties (of men), do you, O foremost of the Bharatas, describe this subject them.