Sojourn of Goutama

भीष्म उवाच तस्यां निशायां व्युष्टायां गते तस्मिन् द्विजोत्तमे। निष्क्रम्य गौतमोऽगच्छत् समुद्रं प्रति भारत॥
Bhishma said After the expiration of that night, and that best of Brahmanas had left the house, Gautama issuing from his house, began to proceed towards the sea, O Bharata.

सामुद्रिकान् स वणिजस्ततोऽपश्यत् स्थितान् पथि। स तेन सह सार्थेन प्रययौ सागरं प्रति॥
On the way he saw some sea-faring merchants. With that caravan of merchants he proceeded towards the sea.

स तु सार्थो महान् राजन् कस्मिंश्चिद् गिरिगह्वरे। मत्तेन द्विरदेनाथ निहतः प्रायशोऽभवत्॥
It so took place, however, O king, that large caravan was attacked, while passing through a mountain valley, by an infuriate elephant. Almost all the persons were killed.

स कथंचिद् भयात् तस्माद् विमुक्तो ब्राह्मणस्तथा। कांदिग्भूतो जीवितार्थी प्रदुद्रोवात्तरां दिशम्॥
Somehow escaping from the great danger, the Brahmana fled towards the north for saving his life, not knowing where he went.

स तु सार्थपरिभ्रष्टस्तस्माद् देशात् तथा च्युतः। एकाकी व्यवरत् तत्र वने किंपुरुषो यथा।॥
Separated from the caravan and gone to a great distance, he began to travel alone in a forest, like a Kimpurusha.

स पन्थानमथासाद्य समुद्राभिसरं तदा। आससाद वनं रम्यं दिव्यं पुष्पितपादपम्॥
At last coming upon a road leading towards the ocean, he travelled on till the reached a charming and heavenly forest filled with blossoming trees.

सर्वर्तुकैराम्रवणैः पुष्पितैरुपशोभितम्। नन्दनोद्देशसदृशं यक्षकिन्नरसेवितम्।।७।
It was adorned with mango trees which carried flowers and fruits throughout the year. It appeared like the garden of Nandana (in heaven) and was inhabited by Yakshas and Kinnaras.

शालैस्तालैस्तमालैश्च कालागुरुवनैस्तथा। चन्दनस्य च मुख्यस्य पादपैरुपशोभितम्।
It was also decked with Shalas Palmyras, Tamalas, and with clusters of black aloes, and many large sandal trees.

गिरिप्रस्थेषु रम्येषु तेषु तेषु सुगन्धिषु॥ समन्ततो द्विजश्रेष्ठास्तत्राकूजन्त वै तदा।
Upon the charming tablelands that he beheld there, fragrant with perfumes of various kinds, birds of the best species were always heard to send out their sweet notes.

मनुष्यवदनाश्चान्ये भारुण्डा इति विश्रुताः॥ भूलिङ्गशकुनाश्चान्ये सामुद्राः पर्वतोद्भवाः।
Other birds, called Bharundas and having faces like human beings, and those called Bhulingas, and others belonging mountainous regions and to the sea, poured forth their sweet notes.

स तान्यतिमनोज्ञानि विहगानां रुतानि वै॥ शृण्वन् सुरमणीयानि विप्रोऽगच्छत् गौतमः।
Gautama went through that forest, listening, as he went, to those delightful and charming notes of nature's songsters.

ततोऽपश्यत् सुरम्येषु सुवर्णसिकताचिते॥ देशे समे सुखे चित्रे स्वर्णोद्देशसमे नृप।
On his way he saw a very charming and level spot of land covered with golden sands and resembling heaven itself, O king, in its beauty.

श्रिया जुष्टं महावृक्षं न्यग्रोधं च सुमण्डलम्॥ शाखाभिरनुरूपाभिर्भूयिष्ठं क्षत्रसंनिभम्।
On that plot was huge and beautiful banian with a spherical top. Having numberless branches which wore like the parent tree in beauty and size, that banian looked like an umbrella set over the plain, to

सुखः शिवः। तस्य मूलं च संसिक्तं वरचन्दनवारिणा॥ दिव्यपुष्पान्वितं श्रीमत् पितामहसभोपमम।
The spot underneath that beautiful tree was drenched with water perfumed with the most fragrant sandal. Highly beautiful and abounding with sweet flowers all around, the spot appeared like the court of the Grandfather himself.

तं दृष्ट्वा गौतमः प्रीतो मन:कान्तमनुत्तमम॥ मेध्यं सुरगृहप्रख्यं पुष्पितैः पादपैर्वृतम्।
Seeing that charming and peerless spot, filled with blossoming trees, sacred, and looking like the house of a very god, Gautama was highly pleased.

तमासाद्य मुदा युक्तस्तस्याधस्तादुपाविशत्॥ तत्रासीनस्य कौन्तेय गौतमस्य पुष्पाणि समुपम्पृश्य प्रववावनिल: शुभः। ह्लादयन् सर्वगात्राणि गौतमस्य तदा नृप॥
Arrived there, he sat himself down with a delighted mind. While sitting there, O son of Kunti, a swect, charming, and auspicious breeze, carrying the perfume of many kinds of flowers, began to blow softly, cooling the limbs of Gautama and filling him with divine pleasure, O king.

स तु विप्रः प्रशान्तश्च स्पृष्टः पुण्येन वायुना। सुखमासाद्य सुष्वाप भास्करश्चास्तमभ्ययात्॥
Fanned by that sweet-scented breeze, the Brahmana became refreshed, and for the pleasure he felt ho soon fell asleep. Meanwhile the sun set behind the setting hills.

ततोऽस्तं भास्करे याते संध्याकाल उपस्थिते। आजगाम स्वभवनं ब्रह्मलोकात् खगोत्तमः॥
When the shining luminary entered his chambers in the west and the evening twilight came, a bird that was the best of his species, returned there, which was his home, from the regions of Brahinan.

नाडीजङ्घ इति ख्यातो दयितो ब्रह्मणः सखा। बकराजो महाप्राज्ञः कश्यपस्यात्मसम्भवः॥
His name was Nadijangha and he was a great friend of the Creator. He was a prince of Cranes; endued with great wisdom, and a son of (the sage) Kashyapa.

राजधर्मेति विख्यातो बभूवाप्रतिमो भुवि। देवकन्यासुतः श्रीमान् विद्वान् देवसमप्रभः॥
He was also known widely on Earth by the name of Rajdharman. Indeed, he excelled every one on Earth in fame and wisdom. The child of a celestial maiden, endued with great beauty and learning, he shone like a celestial.

पृष्टाभरणसम्पन्नो भूषणैरर्कसंनिभैः। षितः सर्वगात्रेषु देवगर्भः श्रिया ज्वलन्॥
Decorated with the many ornaments that he wore and that were as brilliant as the sun himself, that child of a celestial girl shone in great beauty.

तमागतं खगं दृष्ट्वा गौतमो विस्मितोऽभवत्। क्षुत्पिपासापरिश्रान्तो हिंसार्थी चाभ्यवेक्षत॥
Seeing that bird arrived there, Gautama was stricken with wonder. Worn out with hunger and thirst, the Brahmana began to look at the bird from desire of killing him.

राजधर्मोवाच स्वागतं भवतो विप्र दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि मे गृहम्। अस्तं च सविता यातः संध्येयं समुपस्थिता।॥
Rajdharman said Welcome, O Brahmana! By good luck have I got you to-day in my house! The sun is set. The evening twilight has came.

मम त्वं निलय प्राप्तः प्रियातिथिरनिन्दितः। पूजितो यास्यसि प्रातर्विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा॥
Having come to my house you are to-day my dear and excellent guest! Having received my adorations according to the rites laid down in the scriptures, you may go where you like tomorrow morning.