Arjuna revives the child. The curse of Krishna on Ashvatthaman. Vyasa's approval of Krishna's curse. Drona's son accepts the curse and gives up the gem on his head. Pandavas return to Draupadi, who requests Yudhishthira to place the gem on his head

वैशम्पायन उवाच दृष्टैव नरशार्दूल तावग्निसमतेजसौ। गाण्डीवधन्वा संचिन्त्य प्राप्तकालं महारथः। संजहार शरं दिव्यं त्वरमाणो धनंजयः॥
Vaishampayana said "O foremost of men, seeing those two Rishis effulgent like fire, Dhananjaya quickly resolved to withdraw his celestial arrows.

उवाच भरतश्रेष्ठ तावृषी प्राञ्जलिस्तदा। प्रमुक्तमस्त्रमस्त्रेण शाम्यतामिति वै मया॥
Joining his hands, he said to those Rishis,'I discharged this weapon, saying,—Let it neutralise the enemy's weapon.

संहते परमास्त्रेऽस्मिन् सर्वानस्मानशेषतः। पापकर्मा ध्रुवं द्रौणिः प्रधक्ष्यत्यस्त्रतेजसा॥
If I withdraw this great weapon. Drona's sinful son will then, forsooth, consume us all with the power of his weapon.

यदत्र हितस्माकं लोकानां चैव सर्वथा। भवन्तौ देवसंकाशौ तथा सम्मन्तुमर्हतः॥ इत्युक्त्वा संजहारास्त्रं पुनरेवं धनंजयः। संहारो दुष्करस्तस्य देवैरपि हि संयुगे॥
You two are like gods. You should find out some means by which our well-being, as also that of the three worlds may be secured.'-Saying so Dhananjaya withdrew his weapon. The withdrawal of that weapon can with difficulty be made by the gods themselves in battle.

विसृष्टस्य रणे तस्य परमास्त्रस्य संग्रह। अशक्तः पाण्डवादन्यः साक्षादपि शतक्रतुः॥
Not excepting the great Indra himself, there was none save the son of Pandu, who could withdraw that high weapon after it had one been discharged.

ब्रह्मतेजोद्भवं तद्भि विसृष्टमकृतात्मना। न शक्यमावर्तयितुं ब्रह्मचारिव्रतादृते॥
That weapon was begotten of Brahma energy. No person of impure soul can withdraw it after it is once discharged. Only one who leads the life of a Brahmacharin can do it.

अचीर्णब्रह्मचर्यो यः सृष्ट्वा वर्तयते पुनः। तदस्त्रं सानुबन्धस्य मूर्धानं तस्य कृन्तति॥
If one who had not practised the vow of Brahmacharya tries to withdraw it after having shot it, it strikes off his own head and kills him with all his equipment's.

ब्रह्मचारी व्रती चापि दुरवापमवाप्य तत्। परमव्यसनार्तोऽपि नार्जुनोऽस्त्रं व्यमुञ्चत॥
Arjuna was a Brahmacharin and an observer of vows. Having secured that almost unattainable weapon, he had tiever used it even when put into the greatest of difficulties.

सत्यव्रतधरः शूरो ब्रह्मचारी च पाण्डवः। गुरुवर्ती च तेनास्त्रं संजहारार्जुनः पुनः॥
Truthful, heroic, and leading the life of a Brahmacharin, the son of Pandu was ever obedient to all his superiors. It was for this that he could withdrew his weapon.

द्रौणिरप्यथ सम्प्रेक्ष्य तावृषी पुरतः स्थितौ। न शशाक पुनर्घोरमस्त्रं संहर्तुमोजसा॥
Seeing those two Rishis standing before him, Drona's son could not by his energy withdraw his own dreadful weapon.

अशक्तः प्रतिसंहारे परमास्त्रस्य संयुगे। द्रौणिर्दीनमना राजन् द्वैपायनमभाषत॥
Unable to withdraw the great weapon in battle, Drona's son, O king, with a depressed heart, said to the Rishi, Vyasa.

उत्तमव्यसनातन प्राणत्राणमभीप्सुना। मयैतदस्त्रमुत्सृष्टं भीमसेनभयान्मुने॥
In fear of a great calamity, and desirous of saving my life, I discharged this weapon, through fear of Bhimasena, O Sage.

अधर्मश्च कृतोऽनेन धार्तराष्ट्र जिघांसता। मिथ्याचारेण भगवन् भीमसेनेन संयुगे।॥
This Bhimasena acted sinfully, and dishonestly while killing the son of Dhritarashtra in battle.

अतः सृष्टमिदं ब्रह्मन् मयास्त्रमकृतात्मना। तस्य भूयोऽद्य संहारं कर्तुं नाहमिहोत्सहे॥
It is for this, O Rishi, I discharged this weapon! I dare not, however, withdraw it now.

विसृष्टं हि मया दिव्यमेतदस्त्रं दुरासदम्। अपाण्डवायेति मुने वह्नितेजोऽनुमन्त्र्य वै॥
Having put into this irresistible and celestial weapon the energy of fire, I discharged it for the destruction of the Pandavas.

तदिदं पाण्डवेयानामन्तकायाभिसंहितम्। अद्य पाण्डुसुतान् सर्वान् जीविताद् भ्रंशयिष्यति॥
Discharged for the destruction of the Pandavas, this weapon, therefore, will take away the lives of all the sons of Pandu.

कृतं पापमिदं ब्रह्मन् रोषाविष्टेन चेतसा। वधमाशास्य पार्थानां मयास्त्रं सृजता रणे॥
O Rishi, I have, under the influence of anger, done this sinful deed! I invoked this weapon in battle for the destruction of the Pandavas!'

व्यास उवाच अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरस्तात विद्वान् पार्थो धनंजयः। उत्सृष्टवान्न रोषेण न नाशाय तवाहवे॥
Pritha's son Dhananjaya, O child, knew the use of the weapon called Brahmashira. Neither from anger, nor for your destruction in battle, did he discharge that weapon.

अस्त्रमस्त्रेण तु रणे तव संशमयिष्यता। विसृष्टमर्जुनेनेदं पुनश्च प्रतिसंहृतम्॥
Arjuna, on the other hand, let it off for baffling your weapon. He has again withdrawn it.

ब्रह्मास्त्रमण्यवाप्यैतदुपदेशात् पितुस्तव। क्षत्रधर्मान्महाबाहुर्नाकम्पत धनंजयः॥
Having obtained even the Brahma weapon through your fathers instructions the powerful Dhananjaya did not deviate from a Kshatriya's duties.

एवं धृतिमतः साधोः सर्वास्त्रविदुषः सतः। सभ्रातृबन्धोः कस्मात् त्वं वधमस्य चिकीर्षसि॥
Arjuna is endued with such patience, and honesty. He is, besides, a master of every weapon. Why do you try to bring about the destruction of such a man with all his brothers.

अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरो यत्र परमास्त्रेण वध्यते। समा द्वादश पर्जन्यस्तद्राष्ट्र नाभिवर्षति॥
The region where the weapon Brahmashira is counteracted by another high weapon, suffers from a drought for twelve years, for the clouds do not pour a drop of water you.

एतदर्थं महाबाहुः शक्तिमानपि पाण्डवः। न विहन्त्येतदस्त्रं तु प्रजाहितचिकीर्षया।॥
Therefore the mighty-armed son of Pandu, although he had the power, would not still, for doing good of living creatures, baffle your weapon with his.

पाण्डवास्त्वं च राष्ट्रं च सदा संरक्ष्यमेव हि। तस्मात् संहर दिव्यं त्वमस्त्रमेतन्महाभुज॥
The Pandavas should be protected; your self should be protected; the kingdom also should be protected. Therefore, withdraw this your celestial weapon.

अरोषस्तव चैवास्तु पार्थाः सन्तु निरामयाः। न ह्यधर्मेण राजर्षिः पाण्डवो जेतुमिच्छति॥
Drive away from your heart, and let the Pandavas be self! The royal sage Yudhishthira never wishes to gain victory be perpetrating any sinful act.

मणिं चैव प्रयच्छाद्य यस्ते शिरसि तिष्ठति। एतदादाय ते प्राणान् प्रतिदास्यन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
Give them that gem which is on your head. Taking that, the Pandavas will grant in return your life.

द्रौणिरुवाच पाण्डवैर्यानि रत्नानि यच्चान्यत् कौरवैर्धनम्। अवाप्तमिह तेभ्योऽयं मणिर्मम विशिष्यते॥
Drona's son said This my gem is more valuable than all the wealth that has ever been acquired by the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

यमाबध्य भयं नास्ति शस्त्रव्याधिक्षुधाश्रयम्। देवेभ्यो दानवेभ्यो वा नागेभ्यो वा कथंचन॥
Whenever this gem is used, the wearer entertains no fear from weapons or discase or hunger. He ceases to have any fear of celestials and Danavas and Nagas.

न च रक्षोगणभयं न तस्करभयं तथा। एवंवीर्यो मणिरयं न मे त्याज्यः कथंचन॥
He does not fear the Rakshasas and the robbers, these are the virtues of my gem.

यत्तु मे भगवानाह तन्मे कार्यमनन्तरम्। अयं मणिरयं चाहमीषिका तु पतिष्यति॥ गर्भेषु पाण्डवेयानाममोघं चैतदुत्तमम्। न च शक्तोऽस्मि भगवन् संहर्तुं पुनरुद्यतम्॥ एतदस्त्रमतश्चैव गर्भेषु विसृजाम्यहम्। न च वाक्यं भगवतो न करिष्ये महामुने॥
I cannot, by any means, part with it. Whatever, O holy one, you command me, should be done by me. Here is this gem! Here is myself! This blade of grass, converted into a dreadful weapon, will, however, fall into the wombs of the Pandava women, for this weapon is high and powerful, and cannot be baffled. O Rishi, I am unable to withdraw it, having once discharged it. I will not throw this weapon into the wombs of the Pandava women. As regards your other commands, O Rishi, I will obey them.

व्यास उवाच एवं कुरु न चान्या तु बुद्धिः कार्या त्वयानघ। गर्भेषु पाण्डवेयानां विसृज्यैतदुपारम॥
Vyasa said Do then this. Do not, however, cherish any other purpose, O sinless one. Stop throwing this weapon into the wombs of the Pandava women.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः परममस्त्रं तु द्रौणिरुद्यतमाहवे। द्वैपायनवच : श्रुत्वा गर्भेषु प्रमुमोच ह॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard these words of Dvaipayana Vyasa, the son of Drona threw that uplifted weapon into the wombs of the Pandava women.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः परममस्त्रं तु द्रौणिरुद्यतमाहवे। द्वैपायनवच : श्रुत्वा गर्भेषु प्रमुमोच ह॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard these words of Dvaipayana Vyasa, the son of Drona threw that uplifted weapon into the wombs of the Pandava women.