The history of the Tirtha Vasishthapavaha

जनमेजय उवाच वसिष्ठस्यापवाहोऽसौ भीमवेगः कथं नु सः। किमर्थं च सरिच्छेष्टा तमृषि प्रत्यवाहयत्॥
Janamejaya said "Why is the current of the tirtha known as Vashishthapavaha so rapid? For why did the foremost of rivers carry away Vashishtha?

कथमस्याभवद् वैरं कारणं किं च तत् प्रभो। शंस पृष्टो महाप्राज्ञ न हि तृष्यामि कथ्यति॥
What, O lord, was the cause of the quarrel between Vashishtha and Vishvamitra? Asked by me, O you of great wisdom, tell me all this. I am never satiated with hearing your account.”

वैशम्पायन उवाच विश्वामित्रस्य विप्रर्वसिष्ठस्य च भारत। भृशं वैरमभूद् राजंस्तपः स्पर्धाकृतं महत्॥
Vaishampayana said A great enemity arose between Vishvamitra and Vashishtha, O Bharata, on account of their rivalry regarding ascetic penances.

आश्रमो वै वसिष्ठस्य स्थाणुतीर्थेऽभवन्महान्। पूर्वतः पार्श्वतश्चासीद् विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः॥
The hermitage of Vashishtha was in the tirtha called Sthanu on the eastern bank of the Sarasvati. On the opposite bank was the hermitage of the intelligent Vishvamitra.

यत्र स्थाणुर्महाराज तप्तवान् परमं तपः। तत्रास्य कर्म तद् घोरं प्रवदन्ति मनीषिणः॥
There, in that tirtha, O king, Mahadeva had practised the hardest penances. Sages still speak of those penances.

यत्रेष्ट्वा भगवान् स्थाणुः पूजयित्वा सरस्वतीम्। स्थापयामास तत् तीर्थं स्थाणुतीर्थमिति प्रभो॥
Having performed a sacrifice there and adored the river Sarasvati, Sthanu established that tirtha there. Therefore it is known by the name Sthanu-tirtha, O lord.

तत्र तीर्थे सुराः स्कन्दमभ्यषिञ्चन्नराधिप। सैनापत्येन महता सुरारिविनिबर्हणम्॥
In that tirtha, the celestials had, formerly, ) king, appointed Skanda, that destroyer of the enemies of the celestials, as the generalissimo of their army.

तस्मिन् सारस्वते तीर्थे विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। वसिष्ठं चालयामास तपसोगेण तच्छृणु॥
The great Rishi Vishvamitra, by the help of his austere penances, brought Vashishtha, to that tirtha of the Sarasvati, listen to that account.

विश्वामित्रवसिष्ठौ तावहन्यहनि भारत। स्पर्धा तपःकृतां तीव्रां चक्रतुस्तौ तपोधनौ॥
The two ascetics Vishvamitra and Vashishtha, O Bharata, competed keenly with each other in respect of superiority of their penances.

तत्राप्यादिकसंतापो विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। दृष्ट्वा तेजो वसिष्ठस्य चिन्तामभिजगाम ह॥
Being jealous of the power of Vashishtha, the great Muni Vishvamitra began to think seriously.

तस्य बुद्धिरियं ह्यासीद् धर्मनित्यस्य भारत। इयं सरस्वती तूर्णं मत्समीपं तपोधनम्॥ आनयिष्यति वेगेन वसिष्ठं तपतां वरम्। इहागतं द्विजश्रेष्ठं हनिष्यामि न संशयः॥
Thought devoted to the performance of his duties, O Bharata, he formed the resolution, viz., This Sarasvati shall speedily bring, by force of her current, that foremost of ascetics, viz., Vashishtha, to my presence. After he shall have been brought hither, I shall forsooth kill that greatest of ascetics.

एवं निश्चित्य भगवान् विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। सस्मार सरितां श्रेष्ठां क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः॥
Having formed this resolution, the illustrious and great Rishi Vishvamitra, with eyes red in ire, thought of that foremost of rivers.

सा ध्याता मुनिना तेन व्याकुलत्वं जगाम ह। जज्ञे चैनं महावीर्यं महाकोपं च भाविनी॥
Thus remembered by the ascetic, she became exceedingly agitated. The fair lady, repaired to that energetic and wrathful Rishi.

तत एनं वेपमानां विवर्णा प्राञ्जलिस्तदा। उपतस्थे मुनिवरं विश्वामित्रं सरस्वती॥
Pale and trembling, Sarasvati, with clasped hands, appeared before that best of sages.

हतवीरा यथा नारी साऽभवद् दुःखिता भृशम्। ब्रूहि किं करवाणीति प्रोवाच मुनिसत्तमम्॥
Indeed, the lady was greatly afflicted with sorrow, even like a woman who has lost her powerful husband. And she said to that best of sages-"Tell me what I can do for you.'

तामुवाच मुनिः क्रुद्धो वसिष्ठं शीघ्रमानय। यावदेनं निहन्म्यद्य तच्छ्रुत्वा व्यथिता नदी॥
Filled with ire, the ascetic said her-Bring here Vashishtha without delay, so that I my kill him.' Hearing these words, the river became agitated.

प्राञ्जलिं तु ततः कृत्वा पुण्डरीकनिभेक्षणा। प्राकम्पत भृशं भीता वायुनेवाहता लता॥
With clasped hands the lotus-eyed lady began to tremble in fear, like a creeper shaken by the wind.

तथारूपां तां दृष्ट्वा मुनिराह महानदीम्। अविचारं वसिष्ठं त्वमानयस्वान्तिकं मम॥
Beholding the great river in that condition, the ascetic said to her-"Bring Vashishtha before me without any scruple.'

सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा ज्ञात्वा पापं चिकीर्पितम्। वसिष्ठस्य प्रभावं च जानन्त्यप्रतिमं भुवि॥ साऽभिगम्य वसिष्ठं च इदमर्थमचोदयत्। यदुक्ता सरितां श्रेष्ठा विश्वामित्रेण धीमता॥
Hearing these words of his and knowing the evil he meant and acquainted also with the matchless power of Vashishtha she went to Vashishtha and informed him of what the intelligent Vishvamitra had said to her.

उभयोः शापयोर्भीता वेपमाना पुनः पुनः। चिन्तयित्वा महाशापमृषिवित्रासिता भृशम्॥ तु
Fearing the course of both, she trembled again and again. Indeed, she stood in fear of both.

तां कृशां च विवर्णां च दृष्ट्वा चिन्तासमन्विताम्। उवाच राजन् धर्मात्मा वसिष्ठो द्विपदां वरः॥
Seeing her pale and anxious, the righteous Vashishtha, that foremost of men, O king, said to her.

वसिष्ठ उवाच पाह्यात्मानं सरिच्छ्रेष्ठे वह मां शीघ्रगामिनी। विश्वामित्र: शद्धि त्वां मा कृथास्त्वं विचारणाम्।। २४
Vashishtha said O foremost of rivers, save yourself, O you of rapid current, bear me away, otherwise Vishvamitra will curse you! Do not feel the least scruple.'

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा कृपाशीलस्य सा सरित्। चिन्तयामास कौरव्य किं कृत्वा सुकृतं भवेत्॥
Hearing these words of that compassionate Rishi, the river began to think, O Kuru-chief, as to what she should do.

तस्याश्चिन्ता समुत्पन्ना वसिष्ठो मय्यतीव हि। कृतवान् हि दयां नित्यं तस्य कार्यं हितं मया॥
The thought Vashishtha shows great mercy for me. It is proper for me that I should serve him.'

अथ कूले स्वके राजन् जपन्तमृषिसत्तमम्। जुह्वानं कौशिकं प्रेक्ष्य सरस्वत्यभ्यचिन्तयत्॥ इदमन्तरमित्येवं ततः सा सरितां वरा। कूलापहारमकरोत् स्वेन वेगेन सा सरित्॥
Seeing then that best of Rishis, viz., Vashishtha engaged in silent recitation of Mantras on her bank and seeing Kushika's son Vishvamitra also engaged in homa, Sarasvati thought, this is my opportunity.' Then that foremost of rivers, by her current, washed away one of her banks.

तेन कूलापहारेण मैत्रावरुणिरौह्यत। उह्यमानः स तुष्टाव तदा राजन् सरस्वतीम्॥ पितामहस्य सरसः प्रवृत्ताऽसि सरस्वति। व्याप्तं चेदं जगत् सर्वं तवैवाम्भोभिरुत्तमैः॥
In washing away that bank, she carried away Vashishtha. While being borne away. ) king, Vashishtha lauded the river saying: "From Brahma's Manasa-lake you have originated, O Sarasvati! The entire carth is filled with thy pure waters!

त्वमेवाकाशगा देवि मेघेषु सृजसे पयः। सर्वाश्चापस्त्वमेवेति त्वत्तो वयमधीमहि॥
Passing through the sky, O Goddess, thou impartest thy waters to the clouds! All the waters are thee! Through thee we exercise our thinking faculties!

पुष्टिषुतिस्तथा कीर्तिः सिद्धिबुद्धिरुमा तथा। त्वमेव वाणी स्वाहा त्वं तवायत्तमिदं जगत्॥ त्वमेव सर्वभूतेषु वससीह चतुर्विधा।
Thou art Pushti and Dyuti, Kiriti and Siddhi and Uma! Thou art Speech and thou art Svaha! This entire universe depends on thee. Thou dwellest in all creatures, in four forms."

एवं सरस्वती राजन् स्तूयमाना महर्षिणा॥ वेगेनोवाह तं विप्रं विश्वामित्राश्रमं प्रति। न्यवेदयत चाभीक्ष्णं विश्वामित्राय तं मुनिम्॥
Thus lauded by that great Rishi, Sarasvati, O king, speedily bore that Brahmana towards the hermitage of Vishvamitra and repeatedly announced to the latter the arrival of the former.

तमानीतं सरस्वत्या दृष्ट्वा कोपसमन्वितः। अथान्वेषत् प्रहरणं वसिष्ठान्तकरं तदा॥
Seeing Vashishtha thus brought before him by Sarasvati, Vishvamitra, worked up with ire, began to look for a weapon where with to kill that Brahmana.

तं तु क्रुद्धमभिप्रेक्ष्य ब्रह्मवध्याभयानदी। अपोवाह वसिष्ठं तु प्राची दिशमतन्द्रिता॥ उभयोः कुर्वती वाक्यं वञ्चयित्वा च गाधिजम्।
Seeing him wrathful, the river, fearing to behold a Brahmana's slaughter, quickly bore Vashishtha away to her eastern bank once more. She thus had obeyed the words of both, although she deceived Vishvamitra by her act.

ततोऽपवाहितं दृष्ट्वा वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम्॥ अब्रवीद् दुःखसंक्रुद्धो विश्वामित्रो ह्यमर्षणः।
Seeing that best of Rishis, viz., Vashishtha, borne away, the vindictive Vishvamitra becoming enraged addressed Sarasvati, saying

यस्मान्मां त्वं सरिच्छ्रेष्ठे वञ्चयित्वा पुनर्गता॥ शोणितं वह कल्याणि रक्षोग्रामणिसम्मतम्।
Since, O best of rivers, thou hast gone away and deceived me, let thy current be changed into blood liked of Rakshasas!'

ततः सरस्वती शप्ता विश्वामित्रेण धीमता॥ अवहच्छोणितोन्मिभं तोयं संवत्सरं तदा।
Thus cursed by the intelligent Vishvamitra, Sarasvati flowed for a whole year, bearing blood mixed with water.

अथर्षयश्च देवाश्च गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तदा॥ सरस्वती तथा दृष्ट्वा बभूवुर्भृशदुःखिताः।
Beholding the Sarasvati in that plights the gods, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras became filled with great sorrow.

एवं वसिष्ठापवाहो लोके ख्यातो जनाधिप॥ आगच्छच्च पुनर्मार्ग स्वमेव सरितां वरा॥
For this reason, O king, the tirtha passed by the name of Vashishthapavaha on Earth. The best of rivers, however, once more regained her own proper condition.