The slaughter of Vinda and Anuvinda

संजय उवाच विवर्तमाने त्वादित्ये तत्रास्तशिखरं प्रति। रजसा कीर्यमाणे च मन्दीभूते दिवाकरे॥
Sanjaya said When the sun had turned in its downward course towards the summit of the Western hills, when the earth was scattered over the dust and when the effulgence of the solar disc had become lessencd.

तिष्ठतां युध्यमानानां पुनरावर्ततामपि। अज्यतां जयतां चैव जगाम तदहः शनैः॥
And when some of the soldiers were standing aloof, some fighting on, returning to the charge and some winning victory, the day gradually began to wane.

तथा तेषु विषक्तेषु सैन्येषु जयगृद्धिषु। अर्जुनो वासुदेवश्च सैन्धवायैव जग्मतुः॥
Thus when the troops inflamed with the hopes of victory were fighting together, Arjuna and Vasudeva proceeded towards the spot where the ruler of the Sindhus were.

रथमार्गप्रमाणं कौन्तेयो निशितैः शरैः। चकार यत्र पन्थानं ययौ येन जनार्दनः॥
Vibhatsu the son of Kunti, with his sharp shafts went on creating breaches wide enough for his chariot io pass through; and through these breaches, the son of Vasudeva guided the chariot.

यत्र यत्र रथो याति पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः। तत्र तत्रैव दीर्यन्ते सेनास्तव विशाम्पते॥
Wherever the car of the illustrious son of Pandu proceeded, thither O ruler of men your troops began to give way.

रथशिक्षां तु दाशार्हो दर्शयामास वीर्यवान्। उत्तमाधममध्यानि मण्डलानि विदर्शयन्॥
Then he of the Dasharha race endued with great might, displayed his superior skill in driving the car, in as much he performed, with the car, numerous kinds of circular motions.

तेतु नामाङ्किताः पीता: कालज्वलनसंनिभाः। स्नायुनद्धाः सुपर्वाणः पृथवो दीर्घगामिनः॥ वैणवाश्चायसाश्चोग्रा ग्रसन्तौ विविधानरीन्। रुधिरं पतगैः सार्धे प्राणिनां पपुराहवे॥
Then, arrows having their names engraved on them, well-tempered, of the effulgence of the fire of dessolution, tied round with cat-guts, of polished joints, thick, far-reaching, made either of stiff bamboo or of iron, capable of taking the life out of the enemies, drank in that battle the life blood of numerous warriors, together with the birds of prey assembled on the field.

रथस्थितोऽग्रतः क्रोशं यानस्यत्यर्जुनः शरान्। रथे क्रोशमतिक्रान्ते तस्य ते नन्ति शात्रवान्॥
The arrows which Arjuna discharged standing on his car, fell two miles ahead and pierced and mangled the foe, just when that car came up to the spot.

तार्श्वमारुतरंहोभिर्वाजिभिः साधुवाहिभिः। तदागच्छद्धृषीकेशः कृत्स्नं विस्मापयजगत्॥
Borne by those yoke-bearing steeds endued with the fleetness of Garuda or the wind, Hrishikeshas, advanced with such quickness that caused the whole universe to be filled with amazement.

न तथा गच्छति रथस्तयनस्य विशाम्पते। नेन्द्रस्य न तु रुद्रस्य नापि वैश्रवणस्य च॥
O ruler of men, even the chariot of the sun himself or of Indra or of Rudra or of Vaishravana, can never proceed so quickly.

नान्यस्य समरे राजन् गतपूर्वस्तथा रथः। यथा ययावर्जुनस्य मनोऽभिप्रायशीघ्रगः॥
Indeed, no one else's chariot had before moved with such quickness in battle as Arjuna's chariot then moving with the fleetness of a glance of the mind.

प्रविश्य तु रणे राजन् केशवः परवीरहा। सेनामध्ये हयांस्तूर्णं चोदयामास भारत॥
Then having taken the chariot to the thick of the fight, that slayer of hostile heroes, Keshava, O Bharata, quickly drove the steeds of it into the ranks of the soldiers.

ततस्तस्य रथौघस्य मध्यं प्राप्य हयोत्तमाः। कृच्छ्रेण रथमूहुस्तं क्षुत्पिपासासमन्विताः॥
Having penetrated into the rear of the cardivision, these excellent steeds drew the car of Arjuna with great difficulty, suffering as they did from hunger, thirst and fatigue.

क्षताश्च बहुभिः शस्त्रैर्युद्धशौण्डैरनेकशः। मण्डलानि विचित्राणि विचेरुस्ते मुहुर्मुहुः॥
They were also mangled with numerous weapons by many foremost of combatants. Then they began to move in various wonderful circular motions.

हतानां वाजिनागानां स्थानां च नरैः सह। उपरिष्टादतिक्रान्ताः शैलाभानां सहस्रशः॥
Passing over many slain steeds elephants and many men and also over broken cars, like a group of locusts.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे वीरावावन्त्यौ भ्रातरौ नृप। सहसेनो समाच्छेतां पाण्डवं क्लान्तवाहनम्॥
During this opportunity, O king, the two heroic brothers, the princes of Avanti supported by their troops, rushed upon of Pandu whose steeds were fatigued and tired.

तावर्जुनं चतुःषष्ट्यासप्तत्या च जनार्दनम्। शराणां च शतैरश्वानविध्येतां मुदान्वितौ॥
Filled with delight they pierced Arjuna with sixty-four, Janardana with seventy and the horses with a hundred shafts.

तावर्जुनो महाराज नवभिनतपर्वभिः। आजघान रणे क्रुद्धो मर्मज्ञो मर्मभेदिभिः॥
Then the enraged Arjuna knowing the vital parts of the body, pierced them both, O king, with nine arrows of depressed knots, all capable of penetrating to the very vitals.

ततस्तौ तु शरौघेण वीभत्सुं सहकेशवम्। आच्छदयेतां संरब्धौ सिंहनादं च चक्रतुः॥
Thereat inflamed with rage, those two warriors covered Vibhatsu and Keshava with the son their arrowy downpour and uttered loud warcries.

तयोस्तु धनुषी चित्रे भल्लाभ्यां श्वेतवाहनः। चिच्छेद समरे तूर्णं ध्वजौ च कनकोज्ज्वलौ॥
Then that hero of white steeds with a pair of broad-headed shafts, quickly cut-off in that battle the two wonderful bows of those princes, as also their standards of golden effulgence.

अथान्ये धनुषी राजन् प्रगृह्य समरे तदा। पाण्डवं भृशसंक्रुद्धावर्दयामासतुः शरैः॥
Thereupon, Oking, taking another two bows and excited to the highest pitch of fury, they began to afflict sorely the son of Pandu, with their arrows.

तयोस्तु भृशसंक्रुद्धः शराभ्यां पाण्डुनन्दनः। धनुशी चिच्छिदे तूर्णं भूय एव धनंजयः॥
Then again, that son of Pandu Dhananjaya, inflamed with rage, quickly cut-off their bows with another pair of arrows.

तथान्यैर्विशिखैस्तूर्णं रुक्मपुत्रैः शिलाशितैः। जघानाश्वांस्तथा सूतौ पार्णी च सपदानुगौ॥
Then with other shafts, furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone, he quickly slew their steeds, charioteers, Parshni-drivers and followers.

ज्येष्ठस्य च शिरः कायात् क्षुरप्रेण न्यकृन्तत। स पपात हतः पृथ्व्यां वातरुग्ण इव दुमः॥
Thereafter with a razor-headed arrow, he cut the head of the elder of the two brothers, off his trunk; thus slain, the latter fell down on the Earth like a tree broken down by the wind.

विन्दं तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा ह्यनुविन्दः प्रतापवान्। हताश्वं रथमुत्सृज्य गदां गृह्य महाबलः॥
The highly puissant Anuvinda, beholding Vinda thus slain, left the car of which the steeds were slain; and that mighty hero, taking up a mace.

अभ्यवर्तत संगामे भ्रातुर्वधमनुस्मरम्। गदया रथिनां श्रेष्ठो नृत्यन्निव महारथः॥
Rushed towards Arjuna's car for avenging the death of his brother. Then that mighty car-warrior, that foremost of all car-warriors armed with his mace, appeared to dance on the field.

अनुविन्दस्तु गदया ललाटे मधुसूदनम्। स्पृष्ट्वा नाकम्पयत् क्रुद्धो मैनाकमिव पर्वतम्॥
Inflamed with rage then Anuvinda struck with that mace of his, the slayer of Madhu on the forehead. But he could not make him tremble who remained immovable like the Mainaka mountain.

तस्यार्जुनः शरैः षड्भिर्गीवां पादौ भुजौ शिरः। निचकर्त स संछिन्नः पपातादिचयो यथा॥
Of him, with six shafts, Arjuna cut-off the neck, the two legs, his arms and his head; and thus cut to pieces, he fell down like fragments of rocks.

ततस्तौ निहतौ दृष्ट्वा तयो राजन् पदानुगाः। अभ्यद्रवन्त संक्रुद्धाः किरन्तः शतशः शरान्॥
Then, O king, beholding those two heroes slain, their followers inflamed with rage, rushed against Arjuna, discharging arrows by thousands.

तानर्जुनः शरैस्तूर्णं निहत्य भरतर्षभ। व्यरोचत यथा वह्निवं दग्ध्वा हिमात्यये॥
Quickly dispatching them with his arrows, O foremost of the Bharata, Arjuna, then appeared beautiful like the fire consuming the forest at the expiration of winter.

तयोः सेनामतिक्राम्य कृच्छ्रादिव धनंजयः। विबभौ जलदं हित्वा दिवाकर इवोदितः॥
Then Dhananjaya, having passed with difficulty, through their (Vinda and Anuvinda's) divisions, appeared beautiful like the lustrous orb of the day emerging out of a cluster of clouds.

तं दृष्ट्वा कुरवस्त्रस्ताः प्रहृष्टाश्चाभवन् पुनः। अभ्यवर्तन्त पार्थे च समन्ताद् भरतर्षभ॥
At first beholding him the Kurus were struck with panic! But in the next moment they were filled with delight; and then, O foremost of the Bharatas, they rushed upon Pritha's son from all sides.

श्रान्तं चैनं समालक्ष्य ज्ञात्वा दूरे च सैन्धवम्। सिंहनादेन महता सर्वतः पर्यवारयन्॥
Beholding them fatigued and knowing the ruler of the Sindhus to be stationed afar, they surrounded Arjuna with a loud roar.

तांस्तु दृष्ट्वा सुसंरब्धानुत्स्मयन् पुरुषर्षभः। शनकैरिव दाशार्हमर्जुनो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Beholding them highly excited, that foremost of men Arjuna smilingly addressed these words to that descendant of the Dasharha

शरार्दिताश्च ग्लानाश्च हया दूरे च सैन्धवः। किमिहानन्तरं कार्यं ज्यायिष्ठं तव रोचते॥
"Our steeds are afflicted with arrowwounds; they are exhausted; the ruler of the Sindhus is still far off. What in your opinion is the best course to be adopted now?

ब्रूहि कृष्ण यथातत्त्वं त्वं हि प्राज्ञतमः सदा। भवन्नेत्रा रणे शत्रून् विजेष्यन्तीह पाण्डवाः॥
Speak, O Krishna, truly on this point? You are ever the foremost of the wise. The sons of Pandu, having yourself only for their eyes, can hope to vanquish their enemies in battle.

मम त्वनन्तरं कृत्यं यद् वै तत् त्वं निबोध मे। हयान् विमुच्य हि सुखं विशल्यान् कुरु माधव॥
Hear what seems to me to be our duty next. Unyoking the steeds, leave them to their ease and O Madhava, draw out the arrows from their body."

एवमुक्तस्तु पार्थेन केशवः प्रत्युवाच तम्। म्माप्येतन्मतं पार्थ यदिदं ते प्रभाषितम्॥
Thus spoken to by Pritha's son, Keshava replied to him saying-"O Partha, I am also of the same opinion that you have expressed."

अर्जुन उवाच अहमावारयिष्यामि सर्वसैन्यानि केशव। त्वमप्यत्र यथान्यायं कुरु कार्यमनन्तरम्॥
Arjuna said O Keshava, I shall hold the whole army in check. Do you duly perform whatever should be done now.

संजय उवाच सोऽवतीर्य रथोपस्थादसम्भ्रान्तो धनंजयः। गाण्डीवं धनुरादाय तस्थो गिरिरिवाचलः॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon descending from the terrace of his car, Dhananjaya, with the Gandiva bow in his grasp, stood on the field of battle like an immovable hill.

तमभ्यधावन् क्रोशन्तः क्षत्रिया जयकाक्षिणः। इदं छिद्रमिति ज्ञात्वा धरणीस्थं धनंजयम्॥
Beholding Dhananjaya on the ground and taking this to be a meet opportunity, the Kshatriyas, desirous of obtaining victory and uttering load roars, rushed upon the former.

तमेकं रथवंशेन महता पर्यवारयन्। विकर्षन्तश्च चापानि विसृजन्तश्च सायकान्॥
Then with a mighty host of cars, they surrounded that single-handed hero, stretching their bows and discharging their arrows right and left.

शस्त्राणि च विचित्राणि क्रुद्धास्तव व्यदर्शयन्। छादयन्तः शरैः पार्थं मेघा इव दिवाकरम्॥
Inflamed with rage, they then displayed numerous wonderful weapons; and like the clouds covering the solar disc, they covered Pritha's son with their arrows.

अभ्यद्रवन्त वेगेन क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियर्षभम्। नरसिंहं रथोदारा: सिंह मत्ता इव द्विपाः॥
Then those Kshatriyas, illustrious carwarriors all, rushed with impetuously upon that foremost of Kshatriyas and that best of men, Arjuna, like infuriate elephant rushing upon a lion.

तत्र पार्थस्य भुजयोर्महद्बलमदृश्यत। यत् क्रुद्धो बहुलाः सेनाः सर्वतः समवारयत्॥
Then we beheld the wonderful might of Partha's arms inasmuch as inflamed with wrath, he held in check, the numerous army of the Kauravas.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य द्विषतां सर्वतोविभुः। इषुभिर्बहुभिस्तूर्णं सर्वानेव समावृणोत्॥
Resisting with his own weapons those hurled by the foe, that highly puissant hero quickly covered all his adversaries with his myriad shafts.

तत्रान्तरिक्षे बाणानां प्रगाढानां विशाम्पते। संघर्षण महार्चिष्मान् पावकः समजायत॥
The, O ruler of men, generated by the clash of those thick showers of arrows, a mighty fire of blazing flames, burnt on that part of the welkin.

तत्र तत्र महेष्वासैः श्वसद्भिः शोणितोक्षितैः। हयैर्नागैश्च सम्मिन्नैर्नदद्धिश्चारिकर्षणैः॥ संरब्धैश्चारिभिर्वीरैः प्रार्थयद्भिर्जयं मृधे। एकस्थैर्बहुभिः क्रुद्धैरूष्मेव समजायत॥
There, in consequence of countless heroes, all inflamed with wrath and united together for a common cause seeking to obtain victory in battle, supported by steeds bespattered with blood and breathing heavily and by maddened and foe-crushing elephants emitting fierce yells, the weather became excessively hot.

शरोर्मिणं ध्वजावर्तं नागनकं दुरत्ययम्। पदातिमत्स्यकलिलं शङ्खदुन्दुभिनि:स्वनम्॥ असंख्येयमपारं च रथोर्मिणमतीव च। उष्णीषकमठं छत्रपताकाफेनमालिनम्॥ रणसागरमक्षोभ्यं मातङ्गाङ्गशिलाचितम्। वेलाभूतस्तदा पार्थः पत्रिभिः समवारयत्॥
Then with his arrows Pritha's son held in check that uncrossable, wide, fathomless ocean of cars-incapable of being, agitated, having arrows for its waves, flags for its whirl-pools, elephants for its sharks fcot-soldiers for its countless fishes, the blare of conches and the sound of drums for its roar, chariots for its swelling current, turbans of warriors for its tortoises, umbrellas and banners for its foam and the carcasses of elephants for its submarine rocks, which then was appearing like a vast continent.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच अर्जुने धरणी प्राप्ते हयहस्ते च केशवे। एतदन्तरमासाद्य कथं पार्थो न घातितः॥
Dhritarashtra said Dhritarashtra asked-Why did my soldiers killed the son of Kunti when Arjuna descended on earth and god Krishna started giving treatment to the horses because it was the good opportunity.

संजय उवाच सद्यः पार्थिव पार्थेन निरुद्धाः सर्वपार्थिवाः। रथस्था धरणीस्थेन वाक्यमच्छान्दसं यथा॥
Sanjaya said Sanjaya said Partha in the meantime resisted all kings seated on chariots suddenly, the same way as the sentence contrary to Vedas is declared unacceptable. This valour he exhibited when merely stood on the earth.

सपार्थः पार्थिवान् सर्वान् भूमिस्थोऽपिरथस्थितान्। एको निवारयामास लोभः सर्वगुणानिव॥
As the greed suppresses all qualities, Arjuna resisted all kings seated on their chariots even when his feet were touching the ground and chariot was wrecked.

ततो जनार्दनः संख्ये प्रिय पुरुषसत्तमम्। असम्भ्रान्तो महाबाहुरर्जुनं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Then as the battle progressed, the mighty armed and dauntless Janardana addressing his dear friend, that foremost of men (Arjuna), thus spokeउदपानमिहाश्वानां नालमस्ति रणेऽर्जुन।

परीप्सन्ते जलं चेमे पेयं न त्ववगाहनम्॥
O Arjuna, there is no water here on the field of battle for the forces to drink from. They want water for drinking and not for a bath.

इदमस्तीत्यसम्भ्रान्तो ब्रुवन्नस्त्रेण मेदिनीम्। अभिहत्यार्जुनश्चक्रे वाजिपानं सरः शुभम्॥
Thereupon saying “Here is it" Arjuna fearlessly struck the Earth with a weapon and thus created a beautiful lake there from which the teeds could quench their thirsts.

हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णं चक्रवाकोपशोभितम्। सुविस्तीर्णं प्रसन्नाम्भः प्रफुल्लवरपङ्कजम्॥
That watery expanse abounded in swans and ducks and was beautified with hosts of Chakravakas. Its water was translucent and abounded with full-blown lotuses of the best order.

कूर्ममत्स्यगणाकीर्णमगाधमृषिसेवितम्। आगच्छन्नारदमुनिदर्शनार्थं कृतं क्षणात्॥
It swarmed with tortoises and fishes and was fathomless and frequented by numerous seas. Then there came the sage Narada to have a look at that lake created there in a moment's time.

शरवंशं शरस्थूणं शराच्छादनमद्भुतम्। शरवेश्माकरोत् पार्थस्त्वष्टेवाद्भुतकर्मकृत्॥
Then Partha that performer of wonderful works like Krishna himself, created there an arrowy hall having arrows for its beams and rafts, arrows for its pillars and arrows for its roof.

ततः प्रहस्य गोविन्दः साधु साध्वित्यथाब्रवीत्। शरवेश्मनि पार्थेन कृत तस्मिन् महात्मना॥
Thereupon Govinda, seeing the illustrious son of Pritha construct that hall there, laughing applauded him saying "Well-done, welldone."