The slaughter of Bhagadatta

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तथा क्रुद्धः किमकरोद् भगदत्तस्य पाण्डवः। प्राग्ज्योतिषो वा पार्थस्य तन्मे शंस यथातथम्॥
Dhritarastra said Wrought up with rage, what did Arjuna the son of Pandu do to Bhagadatta? What did also the ruler of the Pragjyotisas do towards Pritha's son? Tell me all as it happened.

संजय उवाच प्राग्ज्योतिषेण संसक्तावुभौ दाशार्हपाण्डवौ। मृत्युदंष्ट्रान्तिकं प्राप्तौ सर्वभूतानि मेनिरे॥
Sanjaya said When Krishna and Arjuna were both thus engaged with the ruler of the Pragjyotisas, all creatures regarded them as placed within the teeth of Death.

तथा तु शरवर्षाणि पातयत्यनिशं प्रभो। गजस्कन्धान्महाराज कृष्णयोः स्यन्दनस्थयोः॥
Then, O mighty monarch, froin the back of the elephant he rode, the ruler of the Pragjyotisas poured incessant showers of arrows on the two Krishnas (Arjuna and Krishna) stationed on the same chariot.

अथ कार्णायसैर्वाणैः पूर्णकार्मुकनिःसृतैः। अविध्यद् देवकीपुत्रं हेमपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः॥
Thereafter Bhagadatta, with iron shafts furnished with golden wings, whetted on stone and discharged from a full-drawn bow, pierced the illustrious son of Devaki.

अग्निस्पर्शसमास्तीक्ष्णा भगदत्तेन चोदिताः। निर्भिद्य देवकीपुत्रं क्षितिं जग्मुः सुवाससः॥
Those superbly ornamented arrows of the touch of fire, shot with force by Bhagadatta, entered the earth, having pierced through the son of Devaki.

तस्य पार्थो धनुश्छित्त्वा परिवारं निहत्य च। लालयन्निव राजानं भगदत्तमयोधयत्॥
The son of Pritha then cut-off Bhagadatta's bow and slew that warriors who supporting the latter from his flanks; he then engaged with the Pragjyotisa king as if in sport.

सोऽर्करश्मिनिभांस्तीक्ष्णांस्तोमरान् वै चतुर्दश। अप्रेषयत् सव्यसाची द्विधैकैकमथाच्छिनत्॥
Thereat Bhagadatta sped at Arjuna fourteen lances of great sharpness and of the solar effulgence; but Arjuna cut each of thein into two pieces.

ततो नागस्य तद् वर्म व्यधमत् पाकशासनिः। शरजालेन महता तद् वयशीर्यत भूतले॥
was numerous Thereafter Arjuna shattered into pieces the armour covering Bhagadatta's elephant, with a mighty shower of arrows, the armour then dropped down on the earth.

शीर्णवर्मा स तु गजः शरैः सुभृशमर्दितः। बभौ धारानिपाताक्तो व्यभ्रः पर्वतराडिव॥
With its armour shattered and mangled with arrow-wounds, that elephant appeared like a prince of mountain shorn of its cloudy envelope and with its breast drenched with showers of rain.

ततः प्राग्ज्योतिषः शक्तिं हेमदण्डामयस्मयीम्। व्यसृजद् वासुदेवाय द्विधा तामर्जुनोऽछिनत्॥
Thereupon the ruler of the Pragjyotisas hurled at Vasudeva's son a dart having a golden staff and an iron head; but Arjuna cut that dart in two.

ततश्छत्रं ध्वजं चैव छित्त्वा राज्ञोऽर्जुनः शरैः। विव्याध दशभिस्तूर्णमुत्स्मयन् पर्वतेश्वरम्॥
Thereafter having severed with arrows the umbrella and the standard of the king, Arjuna quickly pierced the ruler of the mountainprovinces with ten shafts, smiling the while.

सोऽतिविद्धोऽर्जुनशरैः सुपुकैः कङ्कपत्रिभिः। भगदत्तस्ततः क्रुद्धः पाण्डवस्य जनाधिपः॥ व्यसृजत् तोमरान् मूर्ध्नि श्वेताश्वस्योन्ननाद च। तैरर्जुनस्य समरे किरीटं परिवर्तितम्॥
Then that ruler of the Pragjyotisas was sorely wounded by Arjuna's arrows furnished with beautiful wings formed of the feathers of the Kanka birds. Thereafter Bhagadatta, O ruler of men, waxing wroth, hurled lances at the head of Pandu's son owning white steeds. And then he uttered a loud war-cry. Then by those lances, the diadem of Arjuna was displaced.

परिवृत्तं किरीटं तद् यमयन्नेव पाण्डवः। सुदृष्टः क्रियतां लोक इति राजानमब्रवीत्॥
Then putting his displaced diadem, in its proper place, Phalguna said to king Bhagadatta-"Take you a full view of this world."

एवमुक्तसतु संक्रुद्धः शरवर्षेण पाण्डवम्। अभ्यवर्षत् सगोविन्दं धनुरादाय भास्वरम्॥
Thus spoken to, king Bhagadatta, inflamed with rage, took up a lustrous bow and showers of arrow on Pandu's son and Govinda.

तस्य पार्थोधनुश्छित्त्वा तूणीरान् संनिकृत्य च। त्वरमाणो द्विसप्तत्या सर्वमर्मस्वताडयत्॥
The son of Pritha then having cut-off Bhagadatta's bow and quivers quickly pierced the latter in all his vital limbs with seventy two arrows.

विद्धस्ततोऽतिव्यथितो वैष्णवास्त्रमुदीरयन्। अभिमन्त्र्याङ्कुशं क्रुद्धो व्यसृजत् पाण्डवोरसि।। १७
Thus pierced and pained to the extreme, Bhagadatta invoked the Vaishnava weapon and inspiring its hook with sacred aphorisms, he let to go, in rage, at the breast of Pandu's son.

विसृष्टं भगदत्तेन तदस्त्रं सर्वघाति वै। उरसा प्रतिजग्राह पार्थं संच्छाद्य केशवः॥
Thereupon Keshava, covering Pritha's son, received upon his own breast that weapon capable of slaying every being, hurled by Bhagadatta.

वैजयन्त्यभवन्माला तदस्त्रं केशवोरसि। पद्मकोशविचित्राढ्या सर्वर्तुकुसुमोत्कटा॥ ज्वलनार्केन्दुवर्णाभा पावकोज्ज्वलपल्लवा । तया पद्मपलाशिन्या वातकम्पितपत्रया॥ शुशुभेऽभ्यधिकं शौरिरतसीपुष्पसंनिभः।
That weapon turned into Vaijayanti garland when it had about to touch the chest of god Sri Krishna. That garland was made of all seasonal flowers and excellently graced with the stamen of lotus flower. It was illuminating like fire, sun and moon. Each petal of flowers intertwined in it was blazing like fire. God Keshava, the killer of Keshi, son of Sureasena, holder of Saranga bow, suppressor of enemy having their dark complexion like the Tisi flowers of that garland looked as if a mountain covered by clouds in one evening of rainy season. That garland was looked fantastic with lotus petals moving with the breeze,

ततोऽर्जुन: क्लान्तमना: केशवं प्रत्यभाषत॥ अयुध्यमानस्तुरगान् संयन्तास्मीति चानघ। इत्युक्त्वा पुण्डरीकाक्ष प्रतिज्ञा स्वां न रक्षसि॥ यद्यहं व्यसनी वा स्यामशक्तो वा निवारणे। ततस्त्वयैवं कार्यं स्यान्न तत्कार्यं मयि स्थिते॥
Thereafter with a sorrowful heart Arjuna thus addressed Keshava "O sinless one, without fighting for you, I will drive your steeds, in battle. Even these, O lotus-eyed one, were the words you spoke before. Why then do you not keep your promise inviolate? It is only then when I shall be involved in a calamity or shall be incapable or resisting (my foes and their weapons), it is then only that you shall take it upon yourself to protect me; but not when I am competent and standing thus.

सबाणः सधनुश्चाहं ससुरासुरमानुषान्। शक्तो लोकानिमाजेतुं तच्चापि विदितं तव॥
Equipped with my bows and arrows, I am competent enough to conquer the words with all the celestials, Asuras and mortals dwelling in them; this fact indeed you also know."

ततोऽर्जुनं वासुदेवः प्रत्युवाचार्थवद् वचः। शृणु गुह्यमिदं पार्थ पुरा वृत्तं यथानघ॥
Thereupon the son of Vasudeva addressing Arjuna spoke these words in reply-"Hear, O sinless one, O son of Pritha, this ancient and mysterious piece of history.

चतुर्मूर्तिरहं शश्वल्लोकत्राणार्थमुद्यतः। आत्मानं प्रविभज्येह लोकानां हितमादधे॥
Ever occupied as I am in achieving the welfare of the worlds. I have four semblance's. Dividing myself into parts I do try to bring about the world's benefit.

एका मूर्तिस्तपश्चर्यां कुरुते मे भुवि स्थिता। अपरा पश्यति जगत् कुर्वाणं साध्वसाधुनी॥
One of my semblance's, remaining on earth, is even now practising ascetic austerities. Another keeps an eye over the world engaged in good and evil deeds.

अपरा कुरुते कर्म मानुषं लोकमाश्रिता। शेते चतुर्थी त्वपरा निद्रां वर्षसहस्रिकम्॥
My third semblance, staying in the world of men, is engaged in the performance of acts and my fourth semblance sleeps a sleep extending over four thousand years.

याऽसौ वर्षसहस्रान्ते मूर्तिरुत्तिष्ठते मम। वराहेभ्यो वराश्रेष्ठांस्तस्मिन् काले ददाति सा॥
This last-mentioned semblance of mine that awakes at the end of the every thousand years, accords excellent boons at that time, to those who really deserve them.

तं तु कालमनुप्राप्तं विदित्वा पृथिवी तदा। अयाचत वरं यन्मां नरकार्थाय तच्छृणु॥
On one such occasion, the Earth knowing that the boon-giving hour has come, solicited a boon for her son Naraka; hear, I shall tell it to you.

देवानां दानवानां च अवध्यस्तनयोऽस्तु मे। उपेतो वैष्णवास्त्रेण तन्मे त्वं दातुमर्हसि॥
Possessed of the Vaishnava weapon let my son be unslayable, both by the gods and the demons. It behoves you to grant me that weapon.

एवं वरमह श्रुत्वा जगत्यास्तनये तदा। अमोघमस्त्रं प्रायच्छं वैष्णवं परमं पुरां॥
Listening then to that prayer for the boon that earth wanted me accord to her son, I gave the excellent and irresistible Vaishnava weapon to him.

अवोचं चैतदस्त्रं वै ह्यमोघं भवतु क्षमे। नरकस्याभिरक्षार्थं नैनं कश्चिद् वधिष्यति॥
I then said-'O Earth, let this weapon be infallible in protecting Naraka. None, I say, will be able to slay him.

अनेनास्त्रेण ते गुप्तः सुतः परबलार्दनः। भविष्यति दुराधर्षः सर्वलोकेषु सर्वदा॥
'Protected by this weapon, your son, the crusher of hostile hosts, will, in all times and everywhere, be invincible.

तथेत्युक्त्वा गता देवी कृतकामा मनस्विनी। स चाप्यासीद् दुराधर्षो नरकः शत्रुतापनः॥
Then saying “Be it so", that intelligent goddess went away, satisfied at the fruition of her desire. Her son Naraka, that afflicter of hostile horses, also accordingly became invincible.

तस्मात् प्राग्ज्योतिषं प्राप्तं तदस्त्रं पार्थ मामकम्। नास्यावध्योऽस्ति लोकेषु सेन्द्ररुद्रेषु मारिष॥
Then, O son of Pritha, that weapon of mine was secured by the ruler of the Pragjyotisas from Naraka; and O sire, there, is none unslayable by it in all the worlds, not excluding Indra and Rudra themselves.

तन्मया त्वत्कृते चैतदन्यथा व्यपनामितम्। विमुक्तं परमास्त्रेण जहि पार्थ महासुरम्॥
For your sake therefore, O Arjuna, I did baffle the weapon. Now slay the mighty Asura deprived of his excellent weapon.

वैरिणं जहि दुर्धर्षं भगदत्तं सुरद्विषम्। यथाऽहं जनिवान् पूर्वं हितार्थं नरकं तथा॥
Now slay in battle your invincible opponent Bhagadatta, that enemy of the gods, like myself slaying, in the days of yore, Naraka, for the worlds' benefit.

एवमुक्तस्तदा पार्थः केशवेन महात्मना। भगदत्तं शितैर्बाणैः सहसा समवाकिरत्॥
Thus spoken to by the high-souled Keshava, Pritha's son suddenly covered Bhagadatta with a shower of sharp arrows.

ततः पार्थो महाबाहुरसम्भ्रान्तो महामनाः। कुम्भयोरन्तरे नागं नाराचेन समार्पयत्॥
Then the mighty-armed and high-souled Arjuna dauntlessly wounded Bhagadatta's clephant between its frontal globes with a (long) lance.

स समासाद्य तं नागं बाणो वज्र इवाचलम्। अभ्यगात् सह पुढेन वल्मीकमिव पन्नगः॥
Then like the thunder-bolt rending a mountain open, that dart flying towards the elephant penetrated into its body to the very wings, like a snake entering into its hole in an ant-hill.

स करी भगदत्तेन प्रेर्यमाणो मुहुर्मुहुः। न करोति वचस्तस्य दरिद्रस्येव योषिता॥
Then like the wife of a poor man, refusing to carry out the orders of her husband, that elephant though often urged by Bhagadatta, refused to obey his orders.

स तु विष्टभ्य गात्राणि दन्ताभ्यामवनिं ययौ। नदन्नार्तस्वनं प्राणनुत्ससर्ज महाद्विपः॥
With its limbs paralysed it fell down striking the earth with its tusks. Then that huge elephant gave up its breath uttering a yell of distress.

ततो गाण्डीवधन्वानमभ्यभाषत केशवः। अयं महत्तरः पार्थ पालितेन समावृतः॥ वलीसंछन्ननयनः शूरू परमदुर्जयः। अक्ष्णोरुन्मीलनार्थाय बद्धपट्टो ह्यसौ नृपः॥
God Sri Krishna then said to Arjuna-O son of Kunti! Bhagadatta is in his old age with all hair lured grey and eyes covered by the forehead flesh due to wrinkles appear as if these are closed. He is great warrior and gallant. It is tough to defeat him in the battle. He has tied the eyelids with a strip of cloth with the forehead so as to keep both eyes opened.

दैववाक्यात् प्रचिच्छेद शरेण भृशमर्जुनः। छिन्नमात्रेऽशुके तस्मिन् रुद्धनेत्रो बभूव सः॥
In compliance with the direction, Arjuna took out crescent shaped arrow of straight knots and shot at the eyes of Bhagadatta. He thus, lost his eyes and became blind.

तमोमयं जगन्मेने भगदत्त: प्रतापवान्। ततश्चन्द्रार्धविम्बेन बाणेन तनपर्वणा॥ बिभेद हृदयं राज्ञो भगदत्तस्य पाण्डवः।
The mighty Bhagadatta then seemed the whole world sank in darkness a she was blind now. Arjuna, the son of Pandu, in the meantime; pierced the heart of king Bhagadatta by hitting hard an arrow crescent shaped and bent knot at that spot.

स भिन्नहृदयो राजा भगदत्तः किरीटिना॥ शरासनं शरांश्चैव गतासुः प्रमुमोच ह। शिरसस्तस्य विभ्रष्टं पपात च वरांशुकम्। नालताडनविभ्रष्टं पलाशं नलिनादिव॥
His bosom being torn open the diademdecked Arjuna. King Bhagadatta lost the grasp of his bow and arrows, being deprived of vitality. The precious cloth that had constituted his turban now fell off from his head like a petal falling off from a lotus when its stem is struck violently.

स हेममाली तपनीयभाण्डात् पपात नागाद् गिरिसंनिकाशात्। सुपुष्पितो मारुतवेगरुग्णो महीधराग्रादिव कर्णिकारः॥
He himself decorated with a garland of gold fell down from the back of his mountain-like elephant, decked also with trappings of gold, like a blossoming Karnikara tree falling down from the crest of a hill, being uprooted by the violence of the wind.

निहत्य तं नरपतिमिन्द्रविक्रम सखायमिन्द्रस्य तदैन्द्रिराहवे। ततोऽपरांस्तव जयकाक्षिणो नरान् बभञ्ज वायुर्बलवान् द्रमानिव॥
Then in that battle, the son of Indra having slain that monarch equal to Indra in prowess and who was a friend of Indra, began to crush, inspired with the hopes of victory, other warriors of your army, like a violent gust of wind crushing large number to trees.