The fierce battle

संजय उवाच त्रिभागमात्रशेषायां रात्र्यां युद्धमवर्तत। कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च संहृष्टानां विशाम्पते॥
Sanjaya said When three fourths of the night had passed away, O ruler of men, once more the battle, between the delighted Kurus and Pandavas, commenced.

अथ चन्द्रपभां मुष्णन्नादित्यस्य पुरःसरः। अरुणोऽभ्युदयांचक्रे ताम्रीकुर्वन्निवाम्बरम्॥
Soon after Arjuna (the sun's charioteer) robbing the effulgence of the moon, appeared on the sky, spreading a coppery hue over it.

प्राच्यां दिशि सहस्रांशोररुणेनारुणीकृतम्। तपनीयं यथा चक्रं भ्राजते रविमण्डलम्॥
The eastern quarter was soon rendered crimson by the myriad rays of the sun and the solar disc looked like a circle of gold.

न्युत्सृज्य सर्वे कुरुपाण्डुयोधाः। दिवाकरस्याभिमुखं जपन्तः संध्यागताः प्राञ्जलयो बभूवुः॥
Thereupon all the warriors of the Kuru and Pandava hosts, descending from their chariots, steeds, elephants and vehicles borne by men, turned their faces towards the sun and with folded palms uttered the Sandhya (prayers of the first twilight).

ततो द्वैधीकृते सैन्ये द्रोणः सोमकपाण्डवान्। अभ्यद्रवत् सपाञ्चालान् दुर्योधनपुरोगमः॥
The host of the Kauravas having been divided into two parts, Diona, having Duryodhana in front of him, advanced (supported by one of this divisions) against the Somakas, the Panchalas and the Pandavas.

द्वैधीकृतान् कुरून् दृष्ट्वा माधवोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत्। सपत्नान् सव्यतः कृत्वा अपसव्यमिमं कुरु॥
Then beholding the Kuru army divided in twain, the scion of Madhu's race, Krishna addressing Arjuna said-"Keeping the other division of the enemy to your left, place Drona's division to your right.”

स माधवमनुज्ञाय कुरुष्वेति धनंजयः। द्रोणकर्णी महेष्वासौ सव्यतः पर्यवर्तत॥
Obedient to the counsel of Madhava, regarding everything about the Kurus. Dhananjaya wheeled round so as to keep Drona and Karna, those two might bowmen, to his right.

अभिप्रायं तु कृष्णस्य ज्ञात्वा परपुरंजयः। आजिशीर्षगतं पार्थं भीमसेनोऽभ्युवाच ह॥
Then seeing through the purposes of Krishna, that subduer of hostile cities viz., Bhimasena, addressing Arjuna then stationed at the van of the troop, said these words.

भीमसेन उवाच अर्जुनार्जुन बीभत्सो शृणुष्वैतद् वचो मम। यदर्थं क्षत्रिया सूते तस्य कालोऽयमागतः॥
Bhimasena said Ho, Arjuna, Arjuna, O Vibhatsu, hear these words of mine! The hour, for the realisation of that object for which Kshatriya ladies bring forth their sons, has now arrived.

अस्मिश्चेदागते काले श्रेयो न प्रतिपत्स्यसे। असम्भावितरूपस्त्वं सुनृशंसं करिष्यसि।॥
If at this opportune season you do not exert yourself to attain good, then you shall act meanly like a perfect wreath.

सत्यश्रीधर्मयशसां वीर्यणानृण्यमाप्नुहि। भिन्ध्यनीकं युधां श्रेष्ठ अपसव्यमिमान् कुरु॥
With the assistance of mighty do you, today, pay off your debt to Prosperity and Fame! ( foremost of warriors, penetrate into this army and keep this to your right.

संजय उवाच स सव्यसाची भीमेन चोदितः केशवेन च। कर्णद्रोणावतिक्रम्य समन्तात् पर्यवारयत्॥
Sanjaya said Thus urged on by Bhima and Kesava, Savyasachin, disregarding Kama and Drona, began to resist the foe on all sides.

तमाजिशीर्षपायान्तं दहन्तं क्षत्रियर्षभान्। पराक्रान्तं पराक्रम्य ततः क्षत्रियपुङ्गवः॥
Then as that puissant one advanced at the head of battle, leaving the foremost of Kshatriyas, these last, putting forth all their prowess.

नाशक्नुवन् वारयितुं वर्धमानमिवानलम्। अथ दुर्योधनः कर्णः शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः॥
Could not check him even as men cannot check the raging conflagration. Thereupon Duryodhana, Karna and Subala's son Sakuni.

अभ्यवर्षञ्छरव्रातैः कुन्तीपुत्रं धनंजयम्। तेषामस्राणि सर्वेषामुत्तमास्त्रविदां वरः॥ कदर्थीकृत्य राजेन्द्र शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्। अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य लघुहस्तो जितेन्द्रियः॥
Began to shower thousands of arrows on Kunti's son Arjuna. That foremost of all, versed in excellent weapons, baffling all the weapons hurled by his opponents, poured on them, O foremost of king's a veritable shower of arrows. Of controlled senses and endued with great lightness of hand, he repulsed the weapons shot at him by those of his own.

सर्वानविध्यन्निशितैर्दशभिर्दशभिः शरैः। उद्भूता रजसो वृष्टिः शरवृष्टिस्तथैव च॥
Then he pierced each of his foes with ten sharp shafts. The welkin was shrouded in a cloud of dust and showers of arrows fell thick.

तमश्च घोरं शब्दश्च तदा समभवन्महान्। न द्यौर्न भूमिर्न दिशः प्राज्ञायन्त तथागते॥
Impenetrable darkness set in and dreadful tumult prevailed on the field of battle. When such was the condition of things, neither the sky nor the earth, nor the points of the compass, were recognised.

सैन्येन रजसा मूढां सर्वमनधमिवाभवत्। नैव ते न वयं राजन् प्राज्ञासिष्म परस्परम्॥
one a Confounded with the dust thc troops became blind. Neither the foe, O monarch, nor we could distinguish one another.

उद्देशेन हि तेन स्म समयुध्यन्त पार्थिवाः। विरथा रथिनो राजन् समासाद्य परस्परम्॥ केशेषु समसज्जन्त कवचेषु भुजेषु च। हताश्वा हतसूताश्च निश्चेष्टा रथिनो हताः॥ जीवन्त इव तत्र स्म व्यदृश्यन्त भयार्दिताः। हतान् गजान् समाश्लिष्य पर्वतानिव वाजिनः॥ गतसत्त्वा व्यदृश्यन्त तथैव सह सादिभिः। ततस्त्वभ्यवसृत्यैव संग्रामादुत्तरां दिशम्॥
For this reason, the royal combatants fought on guided by conjecture and the challenges they uttered. Destitute of chariots, the carwarriors, O monarch, encountering another, lost all order and became confounded mass. Their horses slain the charioteer killed, many, becoming incapacitated, saved their lives and looked highly frightened. Staughtered steeds, with their riders slain, were seen to lie over elephants as if prostrate on mountain tops. Then Drona, inoving towards the northern quarter of the field.

अतिष्ठदाहवे द्रोणो विधूमोऽग्निरिव ज्वलन्। तमाजिशीर्षादेकान्तमपक्रान्तं निशम्य तु॥
Stood like fire free from smoke. Then beholding him move away from the field (towards the North).

समकम्पन्त सैन्यानि पाण्डवानां विशाम्पते। भ्राजमानं श्रिया युक्तं ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा॥ द्रोणं दृष्ट्वा परे त्रेसुश्चेरुर्मम्लुश्च भारत। आह्वयन्तं परानीकं प्रभिन्नमिव वारणम्॥
O ruler of men, the Pandava troops began to tremble. Beholding Drona exceedingly handsome and attended with prosperity and burning in his own effulgence, the soldiers of the enemy were affrighted, depressed and routed, O Bharata.-Challenging the hostile host as he stood, like an infuriate elephant in rut.

नैनमाशंसिरे जेतुं दानवा वासवं यथा। केचिदासन् निरुत्साहाः केचित् क्रुद्धा मनस्विनः॥
None ventured to conquer him even as the Danavas could not conquer Vasava. Some were depressed at heart and some intelligent warriors became inspired with rage.

विस्मिताश्चाभवन् केचित् केचिदासन्नमर्षिताः। हस्तैर्हस्ताग्रमपरे प्रत्यपिंषन् नराधिपाः॥
Some were filled with wonder and some could not beer him. Some rubbed their hands.

अपरे दशनैरोष्ठानदशन् क्रोधमूर्छिताः। व्याक्षिपन्नायुधान्यन्ये ममृदुश्चापरे भुजान्॥
Others, overwhelmed with rage, began to bite their lips, with their teeth. Others began to hurl missiles at him and others to rule their arins.

अन्ये चान्वपतन् द्रोणं त्यक्तात्मानो महौजसः। पञ्चालास्तु विशेषेण द्रोणसायकपीडिताः॥
Other warriors, of controlled passions and great might, fell upon Drona. Specially the Panchalas, though afflicted with the shafts of Drona.

समसज्जन्त राजेन्द्र समरे भृशवेदनाः। ततो विराटद्रुपदौ द्रोणं प्रययतू रणे॥
And suffering extreme pain, O king, fought on with Drona. Thereafter Virata and Drupada, both rushed against Drona in battle.

तथा चरन्तं संग्रामे भृशं समरदुर्जयम्। द्रुपदस्य ततः पौत्रास्त्रय एव विशाम्पते॥
Who, invincible as he was in battle, was roving freely on the field. Then O ruler of men, the grandsons of Drupada, in three number.

चेदयश्च महेष्वासा द्रोणमेवाभ्ययुर्युधि। तेषां दुपदपौत्राणां त्रयाणां निशितैः शरैः॥
And the Chedis, all fierce bowmen, assailed Drona in battle. Of those three grandsons of Drupada, with sharp arrows.

त्रिभिट्टैणोऽहरत् प्राणांस्ते हता न्यपतन् भुवि। ततो द्रोणोऽजयद् युद्धे चेदिकैकेयसंजयान्॥
Three in number Drona robbed the vital breaths, whereupon they fell down dead on the ground. Thereafter Drona vanquished in battle, the Chedis the Kaikayas and the Srinjayas.

मत्स्यांश्चैवाजयत् कृत्स्नान् भारद्वाजो महारथान्। ततस्तु दुपदः क्रोधाच्छरवर्षमवासृजत्॥
That mighty car-warrior the son of Bharadvaja then also conquered the Matsyas. Thereafter Drupada, worked up with rage, poured a shower of arrows.

द्रोणं प्रति महाराज विराटश्चैव संयुगे। तं निहत्येषुवर्षं तु द्रोणः क्षत्रियमर्दनः॥
On Drona, O mighty monarch. Virata also did so in that battle. Then that crusher of foes, viz., Drona, destroying that shower of arrows.

तौ शरैश्छादयामास विराटदुपदावुभौ। द्रोणेन च्छाद्यमानौ तु क्रुद्धौ संग्राममूर्धनि॥
Covered the two, Drupada and Virata with his own arrows. Thus covered by Drona and inflamed with wrath at the head of battle.

द्रोणं शरैर्विव्यधतुः परमं क्रोधमास्थितौ। ततो द्रोणो महाराज क्रोधामर्षसमन्वितः॥
Those two heroes began to afflict Drona wrathfully in that battle. O mighty monarch, therefore, Drona filled with rage and fury.

भल्लाभ्यां भृशतीक्ष्णाभ्यां चिच्छेद धनुषी तयोः। ततो विराटः कुपितः समरे तोमरान् दश॥
Cut off the bows cf them both with a couple of broad headed shafts of great sharpness. Thereupon, filled with rage, Virata hurled ten tomaras.

दश चिक्षेप च शरान् द्रोणस्य वधकाङ्क्षया। शक्तिं च दुपदो घोरामायसी स्वर्णभूषिताम्॥ चिक्षेप भुजगेन्द्राभां क्रुद्धो द्रोणरथं प्रति। ततो भल्लैः सुनिशितैश्छित्त्वा तांस्तोमरान् दश॥
As also ten shafts at Drona, with a view to encompass his slaughter. Drupada also, equally enraged, hurled at the car of Drona, a dreadful dart made wholly of iron and decked with gold and effulgent like the body of a excellent snake. Then cutting off with a well-sharpened bhalla those tomaras.

शक्तिं कनकवैदूर्यां द्रोणश्चिच्छेद सायकैः। ततो द्रोणः सुपीताभ्यां भल्लाभ्यामरिमर्दनः॥
Drona cut-off the dart adorned with gold and lapises shot at him with his own arrows. Then that crusher of foes., viz., Drona with a couple of well-tempered bhalla.

दुपदं च विराटं च प्रेषयामास मृत्यवे। हते विराटे दुपदे केकयेषु तथैव च॥
Dispatched both Drupada and Virata to the region of Death. Upon the slaughter of Virata and Drupada and the Kaikayas also.

तथैव चेदिमत्स्येषु पञ्चालेषु तथैव च। हतेषु त्रिषु वीरेषु दुपदस्य च नृप्पृषु॥
As also the Chedis and the Panchalas and the Matsyas and upon the slaughter of the three heroic grandsons of Drupada.

द्रोणस्य कर्म तद् दृष्ट्वा कोपदुःखसमन्वितः। शशाप रथिनां मध्ये धृष्टद्युम्नो महामनाः॥
And beholding these cruel deeds accomplished by Drona, the high-souled Dhristadyumna, filled with rage and grief,

इष्टापूर्तात् तथा क्षात्राद् ब्राह्मण्याच स नश्यतु। द्रोणो यस्याद्य मुच्येत यं वा द्रोणः पराभवेत्॥
"Let that man lose the merits of his Istha, Purth, Kshatra and Brahmanya, whom Drona shall escape or shall defeat in battle."

इति तेषां प्रतिश्रुत्य मध्ये सर्वधनुष्मताम्। आयाद द्रोणं सहानीकः पाञ्चाल्यः परवीरहा॥
Thus having sworn in the midst of all bowmen, that slayer of foes, viz., the Panchala prince rushed upon Drona, supported by his own division.

पञ्चालास्त्वेकतो द्रोणमभ्यघ्नन् पाण्डवैः सह। दुर्योधनश्च कर्णश्च शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः॥
The Panchalas attacked Drona from one side whilst the Pandavas attacked him from the other. Then Duryodhana, Karna, Subala's son Sakuni.

सोदर्याश्च यथामुख्यास्तेऽरक्षन् द्रोणमाहवे। रक्ष्यमाणं तथा द्रोणं सर्वैस्तैस्तु महारथैः॥ यतमानास्तु पञ्चाला न शेकुः प्रतिवीक्षितुम्। तत्राक्रुध्यद् भीमसेनो धृष्टद्युम्नस्य मारिष॥ स एनं वाग्भिरुग्राभिस्ततक्ष पुरुषर्षभः।
And his other principal uterine brothers began to protect Drona in battle. Then the Panchalas, though striving hard, could not even look at Drona who was then being thus protected in battle by those high-souled warriors. Thereupon, O sire, Bhimasena became enraged with Dhistadyumna and then addressed that foremost of men in these harsh words.

भीमसेन उवाच दुपदस्य कुले जातः सर्वानेष्वस्रवित्तमः॥ कः क्षत्रियो मन्यमानः प्रेक्षतारिमवस्थितम्।
Bhimasena said What man is there who, being regarded as a Kshatriya and who being born in the Dynasty of Drupada and who being foremost of all men possessing knowledge of weapons, would only thus passively look at his foe, stationed before him?

पितृपुत्रवधं प्राप्य पुमान् कः परिपालयेत्॥ विशेषतस्तु शपथं शपित्वा राजसंसदि।
What person, having seen his father and son slain by his foes and having also sworn such a terrible oath in the assemblage of kings, would thus suffer his foe to stand before him?

एष वैश्वानर इव समिद्धः स्वेन तेजसा॥ शरचापेन्धनो द्रोणः क्षत्रं दहति तेजसा।
Yonder stands Drona like a fire swelling with its own energy; indeed with bow and arrows constituting fuel he is consuming all the Kshatriyas with his energy.

शरचापेन्धनो द्रोणः क्षत्रं दहति तेजसा। पुरा करोति निःशेषां पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्॥ स्थिताः पश्यत मे कर्म द्रोणमेव व्रजाम्यहम्।
Soon will he completely destroy the Pandava army; stand here passively as spectators of the feat I am going to perform; I myself assail Drona.

संजय उवाच इत्युक्त्वा प्राविशत् क्रुद्धो द्रोणानीकं वृकोदरः॥ शरैः पूर्णायतोत्सृष्टै वयंस्तव वाहिनीम्।
Sanjaya said Having thus spoken, Vrikodara, worked up with rage, penetrated into Drona's division; and he then routed your troops with arrows shot from his bow drawn to the fullest stretch.

धृष्टद्युम्नोऽपि पाञ्चाल्यः प्रविश्य महतीं चमूम्॥ आससादरणे द्रोणं तदाऽऽसीत् तुमुलं महत्।
The Panchala price Dhristadyumna also, pushing into the heart your mighty troops, approached Drona; whereupon a confused and terrible encounter commenced.

नैव नस्तादृशं युद्धं दृष्टपूर्वं न च श्रुतम्॥ यथा सूर्योदये राजन् समुत्पिञ्जोऽभवन्महान्।
We never saw nor heard of such a battle before as, O king, was fought during that hour of sun-rise.

संसक्तान्येव चादृश्यन् रथवृन्दानि मारिष॥ हतानि च विकीर्णानि शरीराणि शरीरिणाम्।
() sire, the chariots were then entangled with one another; thousands of corpses of slain creatures were also seen lying on the field of battle.

केचिदन्यत्र गच्छन्तः पथि चान्यैरुपद्रुताः॥ विमुखाः पृष्ठतश्चान्ये ताड्यन्ते पार्श्वतः परे।
Some, when going to other parts of the field, were assailed by their foe on the way. Some, in flying away, were wounded on their backs and others on their sides.

तथा संसक्तयुद्धं तदभवद् भृशदारुणम्। अथ संध्यागतः सूर्यः क्षणेन समपद्यत॥
Thus then that general engagement raged furiously. Soon however the morning sun made its appearance of the sky,