The address of Duryodhana

संजय उवाच तथा परुषितं दृष्ट्वा सूतपुत्रेण मातुलम्। खङ्गमुद्यम्य वेगेन द्रौणिरभ्यपतद् द्रुतम्॥
Sanjaya said Seeing his maternal uncle thus insulted by the charioteer's son, the son of Drona brandishing his scimitar ran furiously towards him.

ततः परमसंक्रुद्धः सिंहो मत्तमिव द्विपम्। प्रेक्षतः कुरुराजस्य द्रौणिः कर्णं समभ्ययात्॥
Then, excited with a great rage, the son of Drona, like a lion (rushing at) an infuriate elephant, rushed against Karna, even in the Very presence of the Kuru king. are of very very wicked

अश्वत्थामोवाच यदर्जुनगुणांस्तथ्यान् कीर्तयानं नराधम। शूरं द्वेषात् सुदुर्बुद्धे त्वं भर्ल्सयसि मातुलम्॥
Ashvatthama said O basest of men, in spite of his speaking of the qualities that Arjuna is really endowed with, you, that understanding, have insulted my heroic maternal uncle through (sheer) malice.

विकत्थमानः शौर्येण सर्वलोकधनुर्धरम्। दर्पोत्सेधगृहीतोऽद्य न कश्चिद् गणयन् मृधे॥
Without reckoning any of the words of bowmen in battle, puffed up with pride as you are, you are boasting today of your manliness.

व ते वीय क चास्त्राणि यत्त्वां निर्जित्य संयुगे। गाण्डीवधन्वा हतवान् प्रेक्षतस्ते जयद्रथम्॥
Where was your prowess and where your weapons, when defeating you in battle, the wielder of Gandiva killed Jayadratha in your very presence?

येन साक्षान्महादेवो योधितः समरे पुरा। तमिच्छसि वृथा जेतुं सूताधम मनोरथैः॥
O wretch of a charioteer, you are in vain hoping in your mind to conquer him, who formerly fought with the very Mahadeva himself.

यं हि कृष्णेन सहितं सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरम्। जेतुं न शक्ताः सहिताः सेन्द्रा अपि सुरासुराः॥
Since the combined celestials and the Asuras headed by Indra are incapable of defeating that foremost of the wielders of weapons, having Krishna for his ally.

लोकैकवीरमजितमर्जुनं सूत संयुगे। किं पुनस्त्वं सुदुर्बुद्धे सहैभिर्वसुधाधिपः॥
How can you, O Suta, backed up by these earthly kings, indulge in hopes of vanquishing in battle, the unconquerable Arjuna, the foremost of all the heroes in the world?

कर्ण पश्य सुदुर्बुद्धे तिष्ठेदानी नराधमा एष तेऽद्य शिरः कायादुद्धरामि सुदुर्मते॥
Look, O Karna of wicked understanding, O vilest of men stay here now. I will presently cut-off your head from your body.

संजय उवाच तमुद्यतं तु वेगेन राजा दुर्योधनः स्वयम्। न्यवारयन्महातेजाः कृपश्च द्विपदां वरः॥
Sanjaya said The highly-energetic king Duryodhana himself and that best of men, Kripa, prevented him (i.e., Ashvatthama) who was rushing furiously (at Karna).

कर्ण उवाच शूरोऽयं समरश्लाघी दुर्मतिश्च द्विजाधमः। आसादयतु मद्वीर्यं मुञ्चेम कुरुसत्तम॥
Karna said Let this basest of Brahmanas, who (thinks that he) is a hero, boasts of his prowess in battle and is of wicked understanding, taste of my prowess. Do leave him, O best of the Kurus.

अश्वत्थामोवाच तवैतत् क्षम्यतेऽस्माभिः सूतात्मज सुदुर्मते। दर्पमुस्क्तिमेतत् ते फाल्गुनो नाशयिष्यति॥
Ashvatthama said 0 charioteer's of wicked understanding, we forgive you of this (fault). Phalguna will destroy this swelling pride of yours.

दुर्योधन उवाच अश्वत्थामन् प्रसीदस्व क्षन्तुमर्हसि मानद। कोपः खलु न कर्तव्यः सूतपुत्रं कथंचन॥
Duryodhana said O Ashvatthama, O bestower of honours, be gratified; do forgive (him). O siniess one, you should not be angry with the charioteer's son.

त्वयि कर्णे कृपि द्रोणे मद्रराजेऽथ सौबले। महत् कार्यं समासक्तं प्रसीद द्विजसत्तम॥
To you and Karna and Kripa and Drona and the king of Madra and to the son of Subala, a heavy task is entrusted. O best of the twiceborn ones, be gratified.

एते ह्यभिमुखाः सर्वे राधेयेन युयुत्सवः। आयान्ति पाण्डवा ब्रह्मन्नाह्वयन्तः समन्ततः॥
O Brahmana, all the Pandavas, desiring to fight with and shouting to the son of Radha (to give battle) are coming (against him) from all sides.

संजय उवाच प्रसाद्यमानस्तु तनो राज्ञा द्रौणिर्महामनाः। प्रससाद महाराज क्रोधवेगसमन्वितः॥
Sanjaya said Thus appeased by the king, the highminded son of Drona, O great king, who was filled with a furious rage subdued his anger.

तत: कृपोऽप्युवाचेदमाचार्य:सुमहामनाः। सौम्यस्वभावाद् राजेन्द्र क्षिप्रमागतमार्दवः॥
Then the large-heated preceptor, whose mild disposition soon returned (to him) an account of his being (naturally) of a peaceful

कृप उवाच तवैतत् क्षम्यतेऽस्माभिः सूतात्मज सुदुर्मते। दर्पमुत्सितमेतत् ते फाल्गुनो नाशयिष्यति॥
Kripa said 0 Charioteer's of very wicked understanding, you are pardoned by us of this (fault). But Phalguna will (soon) destroy your swelling pride. son

संजय उवाच ततस्ते पाण्डवा राजन् पञ्चालाश्च यशस्विनः। आजग्मुः सहिताः कर्णं तर्जयन्तः समन्ततः॥
Sanjaya said Then, O king, the Pandavas and the renowned Panchalas, united together and sending forth thundering roars, poured in by thousands.

कर्णोऽपि रथिनां श्रेष्ठश्चापमुद्यम्य वीर्यवान्। कौरवाग्रयैः परिवृतः शक्रो देवगणैरिव॥ पर्यतिष्ठत तेजस्वी स्वबाहुबलमाश्रितः। ततः प्रववृते युद्धं कर्णस्य सह पाण्डवैः॥
The puissant and energetic Karna too taking up his bow and surrounding by the foremost of the Kauravas, like Shakra by the celestials, awaited (their charge) relying on the strength of his own arms. The battle, that then took place between Karna (on one side) and the Pandavas (on the other).

भीषणं सुमहाराज सिंहनादविराजितम्। ततस्ते पाण्डवा राजन् पञ्चालाश्च यशस्विनः॥
Was hot and furious and ruining with thundering shouts, O great monarch. Then, O king, the Pandavas and and the renowned Panchalas.

दृष्ट्वा कर्णं महाबाहुमुच्चैः शब्दमथानदन्। अयं कर्णः कुतः कर्णस्तिष्ठ कर्ण महारणे॥
Seeing Karna, possessed of mighty arms, sent forth loud shouts. (And the said)-"This is Karna! where is Karna! O Karna, stay in this great battle.

युध्यस्व सहितोऽस्माभिर्दुरात्मन् पुरुषाधम। अन्ये तु दृष्ट्वा राधेयं क्रोधरक्तेक्षणाऽब्रुवन्॥
O wicked-souled one, O vilest of men, give us battle. Others, with eyes burning in ire on beholding Karna, said.

हन्यतामयमुत्सिक्तः सूतपुत्रोऽल्पचेतनः। सर्वैः पार्थिवशार्दूलै नेनार्थोऽस्ति जीवता॥
This arrogant son of charioteer having but a little sense should be killed by all these foremost of kings. He has no need of life.

अत्यन्तवैरी पार्थानां सततं पापपुरुषः। एष मूलमनर्थानां दुर्योधनमते स्थितः॥
This sinful person is always an inveterate enemy to the sons of Pritha, abides by the advice of Duryodhana and is the root of all these evils.

नतैनमिति जल्पन्तः क्षत्रियाः समुपाद्रवन्। महता शरवर्षेण च्छादयन्तो महारथाः॥ वधार्थं सूतपुत्रस्य पाण्डवेयेन चोदिताः। तांस्तु सर्वांस्तथा दृष्ट्वा धावमानान् महारथान्॥
"Slay him!” Thus saying, mighty Kshatriya car-warriors, at the command of the son of Pandu, rushed to slay the charioteer's son, enveloping (all the points) with a heavy downpour of arrows. Seeing all those highly powerful sons of Pandu (rush towards him).

न विव्यथे सूतपुत्रो न च त्रासमगच्छत। दृष्ट्वा संहारकल्पं तमुद्भूतं सैन्यसागरम्॥
The charioteer's son was neither pained nor struck with terror. Beholding that wonderful army, vast as a sea and looking like Death itself.

पिप्रीषुस्तव पुत्राणां संग्रामेष्वपराजितः। सायकौघेन बलवान् क्षिप्रकारी महाबलः॥
That puissant, light-handed and highly powerful one, devoted to the good of your sons and never vanquished in battle, by means of showers of arrows.

वारयामास तत् सैन्यं समन्ताद् भरतर्षभ। ततस्तु शरवर्षेण पार्थिवास्तमवारयन्॥
Began to check (the career of) that army on all sides, O most exalted of the Bharatas. Then the Pandavas also, discharging downpours of shafts checked, (him).

धनूंषि ते विधुन्वानाः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। अयोधयन्त राधेयं शक्रं दैत्यगणा इव॥
Shaking hundreds and thousands of bows, they battled with the son of Radha as the Daityas (fought with) Shakra in days of yore.

शरवर्षं तु तत् कर्णः पार्थिवैः समुदीरितम्। शरवर्षेण महता समन्ताद् व्यकिरत् प्रभो॥
That downpour, of shafts discharged by the kings on all sides, was destroyed by the puissant Karna with a heavy shower of arrows.

तद् युद्धमभवत् तेषां कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणाम्। यथा देवासुरे युद्धे शक्रस्य सह दानवैः॥
Then a marvellous battle, in which each party was desirous of warding off the blows of the other and which resembled the fight between Shakra and the Danavas in the war between the gods and the Asuras, took place between them. arrows

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम सूतपुत्रस्य लाघवम्। यदेनं सर्वतो यत्ता नाप्नुवन्ति परे युधि॥
There we beheld of wonderful lighthandness of the charioteer's son : for, all the hostile forces, exerting their utmost, could not subdue him in that battle.

निवार्य च शरौघांस्तान् पार्थिवानां महारथः। युगेष्वीपासु च्छत्रेषु ध्वजेषु च हयेषु च॥ आत्मनामाङ्कितान् घोरान् राधेयः प्राहिणोच्छरान्।
That mighty car-warrior, the son of Radha, checking those downpours of discharged by the (hostile) kings, shot at their yokes, umbrellas, cars and steeds, dreadful arrows, marked with his own name. Then, afflicted by Karna and not knowing what to do, those (hostile) kings.

ततस्ते व्याकुलीभूताः राजानः कर्णपीडिताः॥ बभ्रमुस्तत्र तत्रैव गावः शीतार्दिता इव। हयानां वध्यमानानां गजानां रथिनां तथा॥ तत्र तत्राभ्यवेक्षाम संघान् कर्णेन ताडितान्। शिरोभिः पतितै राजन् बाहुभिश्च समन्ततः॥ आस्तीर्णा वसुधा सर्वा शूराणामनिवर्तिनाम्। हतैश्च हन्यमानैश्च निष्टनदिश्च सर्वशः॥
Wandered about there on the field of battle) like cows pained with cold. Innumerable horses, elephants and car-warriors afflicted by Karna were seen to drop dead there. The entire field was strewn on all sides with the fallen heads and arms of the unretreating warriors, O king, with the dead and the dying and the waiting (combatants) lying on all sides.

बभूवायोधनं रौद्रं वैवस्वतपुरोपमम्। ततो दुर्योधनो राजा दृष्ट्वा कर्णस्य विक्रमम्॥
The field of battle looked like the region of the son of Vivasvata, O king. Then, 0 monarch, beholding the feats of Karna, Duryodhana.

अश्वत्थामानमासाद्य वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह। युध्यतेऽसौ रणे कर्णो दंशितः सर्वपार्थिवैः॥
Approached Ashvatthama and then said these words-"Yonder Karna, with his armour on, is seen (fighting) with all the (hostile) kings.

पश्यैतां द्रवती सेनां कर्णसायकपीडिताम्। कार्तिकेयेन विध्वस्तामासुरी पृतनामिव॥
Behold, the (enemy's) army, oppressed with the arrows of Karna, is, like the Asura force afflicted by Kartikeya, running away in all the directions).

दृष्वैतां निर्जितां सेनां रणे कर्णेन धीमता। अभियात्येष बीभत्सुः सूतपुत्रजिघांसया॥
Witnessing the defeat of his army by the intelligent Karna, Vibhatsu, in order to slay the charioteer's son, is advancing (against him).

तद् यथा प्रेक्षमाणानां सूतपुत्रं महारथम्। न हन्यात् पाण्डव: संख्ये तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्॥
Adopt such measures that the son of Pandu may not kill that mighty car-warrior, i.e., the charioteer's son in battle in our very sight."

ततो द्रौणिः कृपः शल्यो हार्दिक्यश्च महारथः। प्रत्युद्ययुस्तदा पार्थं सूतपुत्रपरीप्सया॥
(Hearing these words of the king), the son of Drona and Kripa and Shalya and that mighty car-warrior, the son of Hridika, advanced against Partha in order to protect the charioteer's son.

आयान्तं वीक्ष्य कौन्तेयं शक्रं दैत्यचमूमिव। बीभत्सुरपि राजेन्द्र पञ्चालैरभिसंवृतः॥ प्रत्युद्ययौ तदा कर्णं यथा वृत्रं शतक्रतुः ।
Seeing that the son of Kunti was coming against them like Shakra against the Daitya force. Then, O king of kings Vibhatsu also surrounded by the Panchalas marched against Karna like Purandara (marching against) Vritra.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच संरब्धं फाल्गुनं दृष्ट्वा कालान्तकयमोपमम्॥ कर्णो वैकर्तनः सूत प्रत्यपद्यत् किमुत्तरम्।
Dhritarashtra said Seeing the wrathful Phalguna looking like Yama, the destroyer of time, what measures, O charioteer, did Karna, the son of Vikartana, adopt?

यो ह्यस्पर्धत पार्थेन नित्यमेव महारथः॥ आशंसते च बीभत्सुं युद्धे जेतुं सुदारुणम्।
That mighty car-warrior (i.e. Karna) always challenged Partha and hoped that he has powerful enough to vanquish Vibhatsu.

स तु त सहसा प्राप्तं नित्यमत्यन्तवैरिणम्॥ कर्णो वैकर्तनः सूत किमुत्तरमपद्यत।
Thus meeting all on a sudden his inveterate enemy, what measures, O charioteer, did Karna, the son of Vikartana adopt?

संजय उवाच आयान्तं पाण्डवं दृष्ट्वा गजं प्रतिगजो यथा॥ असम्भ्रान्तो रणे कर्णः प्रत्युदीयाद् धनंजयम्।
Sanjaya said Seeing the son of Pandu (advance against) his rival elephant, Karna dauntlessly fell upon Dhananjaya.

तमापतन्तं वेगेन वैकर्तनमजिह्मगैः॥ छादयामास पार्थोऽथ कर्णस्तु विजयं शरैः।
Partha then enveloped Karna who was thus furiously advancing against him, with straightcoursing arrows furnished with golden wings.

स कर्ण शरजालेन च्छादयामास पाण्डवः॥ ततः कर्णः सुसंरब्धः शरैसिभिरविध्यत।
(And) the son of Pandu covered Karna with a dense shower of arrows. Then Karna greatly excited with rage pierced him with three darts,

तस्य तल्लाघवं पार्थो नामृष्यत महाबलः॥ तस्मै बाणाशिलाधौतान् प्रसन्नाग्रानजिह्मगान्। प्राहिणोत् सूतपुत्राय त्रिशतं शत्रुतापनः॥ विव्याध चैन संरब्धो बाणेनैकेन वीर्यवान्। सव्ये भुजाग्रे बलवान् नाराचेन हसन्निव॥
The mighty car-warrior (Partha) witnessing this nimbleness on his part could not endure it. That scorcher of foes, then, shot thirty arrows sharpened on stone, having flaming points and coursing straight, at the charioteer's son. That puissant and mighty one, then, as if with a smile, pierced him angrily with another long arrow in the end of his left arms. From that hand of his which was (thus) pierced with (great) force, his bow fell down.

तस्य विद्धस्य बाणेन कराच्चापं पपात ह। पुनरादाय तचापं निमेषार्धान्महाबलः॥ छादयामास बाणौघैः फाल्गुनं कृतहस्तवत्।
Taking up that bow within half the time of the twinking of an eye, that highly powerful one, with great nibleness of hand, covered Phalguna with downpours of arrows.

शरवृष्टिं तु तां मुक्तां सूतपुत्रेण भारत॥ व्यधमच्छरवर्षेण सम्पन्निव धनंजयः।
The arrowy shower, sent forth by the charioteer's son, was baffled by Dhananjaya with discharges of arrows, as if with a smile, O Bharata.

तौ परस्परमासाद्य शरवर्षेण पार्थिव॥ छादयेतां महेष्वासौ कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ।
Those two mighty wielders of bow desiring to baffle each other and coming up to catch each other enveloped each other with a (perfect) deluge of arrows.

तदद्भुतं महद् युद्धं कर्णपाण्डवयोर्मधे॥ क्रुद्धयोर्वासिताहेतोर्वन्ययोर्गजयोरिव।
Then a marvellous encounter took place between Karna and the of Pandu resembling that between two wild elephants for the sake of a she-elephant in the time of her passion.

ततः पार्थो महेष्वासो दृष्ट्वा कर्णस्य विक्रमम्॥ मुष्टिदेशे धनुस्तस्य चिच्छेद त्वरयान्वितः।
Then that mighty bowman Partha, witnessing the prowess of Karna, speedily cutoff that part of his bow at which it is grasped.

अश्वांश्च चतुरो भल्लैरनयद् यमसादनम्॥ सारथेच शिरः कायादहरच्छत्रुतापनः।
(And) that scorcher of (his) foes (i.e. Dhananjaya) sent his horses to the abode of Yama with broad headed shafts and severed the head of his charioteer from the body. son

अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं हताश्वं हतसारथिम्॥ विव्याध सायकैः पार्थश्चतुर्भिः पाण्डुनन्दनः।
Then Partha, the son of Pandu pierced that one (i.e., Karna) deprived on his steeds and driver and whose bow was cut-off with four arrows.

हताश्वात् तु रथात् तूर्णमवप्लुत्य नरर्षभः॥ आरुरोह रथं तूर्णं कृपस्य शरपीडितः।
Afflicted with arrows of Kripa that foremost of men jumped down from the car of which the steeds were slain, quickly got up to another car.

स नुन्नोऽर्जुनबाणौघेराचितः शल्यको यथा॥ जीवितार्थमभिप्रेप्सुः कृपस्य रथमारुहत्।
Afflicted with (Arjuna's) darts, that most exalted of men hastily jumped down from his steedless car and got up to the car of Kripa.

राधेयं निर्जितं दृष्ट्वा तावका भरतर्षभ।॥ धनंजयशरैर्नुन्नाः प्राद्रवन्त दिशो दश।
0 best of the Bharatas, witnessing the defeat of the son of Radha, your Partisans, (already) mangled by the shafts of Dhananjaya ran away in ten directions.

द्रवतस्तान् समालोक्य राजा दुर्योधनो नृप॥ निवर्तयामास तदा वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।
Beholding that they were running away King Duryodhana himself rallied them and spoke these words.

अलं दुतेन वः शूरास्तिष्ठध्वं क्षत्रियर्षभाः॥ एष पार्थवधायाहं स्वयं गच्छामि संयुगे।
Heroes, do not take to flight! O best of the Kshatriyas, stay! I am myself going against Partha in order to slay him in battle.

अहं पार्थान् हनिष्यामि सपञ्चालान् ससोमकान्॥ अद्य मे युध्यमानस्य सह गाण्डीवधन्वना।
I will myself destroy Partha together with the Panchalas assembled (under his banners). In the battle that I will today fight with the wielder of Gandiva.

द्रक्ष्यन्ति विक्रमं पार्थाः कालस्येव युगक्षये॥ अद्य मदाणजालानि विमुक्तानि सहस्रशः।
The son of Pritha will behold my prowess resembling that of the destroyer at the end of a Yuga. Today the arrowy showers that I will discharge by thousands.

द्रक्ष्यन्ति समरे योधाः शलभानामिवायतीः॥ अद्य बाणमयं वर्षं सृजतो मम धन्विनः।
in battle, will be seen by the sons of Pritha to resemble (thick) flights of locusts. Today, when wielding my bow, I will continue to rain down arrows.

जीमूतस्येव धर्मान्ते द्रक्ष्यन्ति युधि सैनिकाः॥ जेष्याम्यद्य रणे पार्थं सायकैर्नतपर्वभिः।
My soldiers will behold me like a cloud discharging torrents of rain at the end of the summer. Today I will, by means of straight arrows, conquer the sons of Pritha.

तिष्ठध्वं समरे शूरा भयं त्यजत फाल्गुनात्॥ न हि मद्वीर्यमासाद्य फाल्गुनः प्रसहिष्यति।
Brave warriors, stay in battle. Shake off your fear of Phalguni. Encountering my prowess, Phalguni will not be able to stand it.

यथा वेलां समासाद्य सागरो मकरालयः॥ इत्युक्त्वा प्रययौ राजा सैन्येन महता वृतः।
As the ocean, the abode of the Makaras reaching the point between the high and the low tide-marks, is unable to get beyond it. Saying this, the king, surrounded by a mighty army, marched.

फाल्गुनं प्रति दुर्धर्षः क्रोधात् संरक्तलोचनः॥ तं प्रयान्तं महाबाहुं दृष्ट्वा शारद्वतस्तदा।
Furiously with his eyes reddened in wrath, against Phalguni. Seeing that mighty-armed one advance (against Arjuna), the son of Saradvatta (i.e. Kripa).

अश्वत्थामानमासाद्य वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥ एष राजा महाबाहुरमर्षी क्रोधमूर्छितः।
Approaching Ashvatthama said these words-"This mighty-armed king, under the influence of rage and insensible with ire.

पतङ्गवृत्तिमास्थाय फाल्गुनं योद्भुमिच्छति॥ यावन्नः पश्यमानानां प्राणान् पार्थेन संगतः। । न जह्यात् पुरुषव्याघ्रस्तावद् वारय कौरवम्॥ यावत् फाल्गुनबाणानां गोचरं नाद्य गच्छति।
Resorting to the practices of the insects, (which heedless of danger rush into fire) is desiring to fight with Arjuna (heedless of his life). Prevent the Kaurava king (from doing this) before he sacrifices his life in our very sight by encountering Partha in battle. So long as he does not present himself within the range। of Kirit's shafts.

कौरवः पार्थिवो वीरस्तावद् वारय संयुगे॥ यावत् पार्थशरै।रैर्निमुक्तोरगसंनिभैः। न भस्मीक्रियते राजा तावद् युद्धान्निवार्यताम्॥ अयुक्तमिव पश्यामि तिष्ठत्स्वस्मासु मानद।
The heroic Kaurava king can only remain alive in battle. Prevent the king (from taking this rash step) before he is burnt to ashes by the dreadful arrows of Partha looking like snakes that have just cast off their sloughs. It looks very improper, O giver of hunours, that when we are here.

स्वयं युद्धाय यद् राजा पार्थं यात्यसहायवान् दुर्लभं जीवितं मन्ये कौरव्यस्य किरीटिना। युध्यमानस्य पार्थेन शार्दूलेनेव हस्तिनः॥ मातुलेनैवमुक्तस्तु द्रौणिः शस्त्रभृतां वरः।
The king will go in person to fight in battle like one having no support. I think it will be (as) greatly difficult for Kaurava king to escape with life while fighting with Kiriti in battle, as it is in the case of an elephant (fighting with) a tiger. Thus addressed by his maternal uncle, the son of Drona, who was the foremost of those that could wield weapons.

दुर्योधनमिदं वाक्यं त्वरितः समभाषत॥ मयि जीवति गान्धारे न युद्धं गन्तुमर्हसि।
Quickly approaching Duryodhana, said these words-"O son of Gandhari so long as I am alive, it is not proper for you to fight.

मामनादृत्य कौरव्य तव नित्यं हितैषिणम्॥ न हि ते सम्भ्रमः कार्यः पार्थस्य विजयं प्रति। अहमावारयिष्यामि पार्थं तिष्ठ सुयोधन॥
Disregarding me who am always devoted to your welfare. O Kaurava king, you need at all be anxious for vanquishing Partha. I will myself check Partha. Stay (here), 0 Suyodhona.

दुर्योधन उवाच आचार्य: पाण्डुपुत्रान् वै पुत्रवत् परिरक्षति। त्वमप्युपेक्षां कुरुषे तेषु नित्यं द्विजोत्तम॥
Duryodhana said The protector protects the sons of Pandu as if they were his own children. You also never manage in right earnest with my enemies.

मम वा मन्दभाग्यत्वान्मन्दस्ते विक्रमो युधि। धर्मराजप्रियार्थं वा द्रौपद्या वा न विद्म तत्॥
It is either owing to my ill luck or owing to your desire to do good to the Dharmaraj ihat your prowess diminishes in battle, though I do not know what is the true cause.

धिगस्तु मम लुब्धस्य यत्कृते सर्ववान्धवाः। सुखार्हाः परमं दुःखं प्राप्नुवन्त्यपराजिताः॥
Fie on my avaricious self on whose account all the friends, solicitous of my welfare, are, being vanquished (in battle), now experiencing great misery.

को हि शस्त्रविदां मुख्यो महेश्वरसमो युधि। शत्रु न क्षपयेच्छक्तो यो न स्याद् गौतमीसुतः॥
What person is there, O son of Goutama's daughter, who though capable yet would not destroy my enemies, besides you that are the foremost of those that wield weapons and are equal to Maheshvara himself in battle.

अश्वत्थामन् प्रसीदख नाशयैतान् ममाहितान्। तवारगोचरे शक्ताः स्थातुं देवा न दानवाः॥
O Ashvatthama, be gratified. Destroy my enemies. Neither the celestials nor thc Danavas are capable of staying within the range of your weapons.

पञ्चालान् सोमकांश्चैव जहि द्रौणे सहानुगान्। वयं शेषान् हनिष्यामस्त्वयैव परिरक्षिताः॥
O Drona's son, destroy the Panchalas as well as the Somakas together with all their followers. Protected by you we shall slay the rest.

एते हि सोमका विप्र पञ्चालाश्च यशस्विनः। मम सैन्येषु संक्रुद्धा विचरन्ति दवाग्निवत्॥
Look, O Brahmana, the Somakas and the renowned Panchalas are ranging furiously amidst my troops like a forest fire.

तान् वारय महाबाहो केकयांश्च नरोत्तम। पुरा कुर्वन्ति निःशेषं रक्ष्यमाणाः किरीटिना॥
O mighty-armed and most excellent of men, check the career of these and also of the Kaikayas, before, they, backed up as they are by Kiriti, destroy (all our forces).

अश्वत्थामंस्त्वरायुक्तो याहि शीघ्रमरिंदमा आदौ वा यदि वा पश्चात् तवेदं कर्म मारिष॥
Ashvatthama, O chastiser of foes march (against them) speedily. Earlier or latter this take should be accomplished by you, O Brahmana.

त्वमुत्पन्नो महाबाहो पञ्चालानां वधं प्रति। करिष्यसि जगत् सर्वमपाञ्चालं किलोद्यतः॥
As, O mighty-armed one, you have sprung into existence in order to slay the Panchalas, you will surely, exerting your utmost, make the earth devoid of the Panchalas.

एवं सिद्धाऽब्रुवन् वाचो भविष्यति च तत् तथा। तस्मात्त्वं पुरुषव्याघ्र पञ्चालाञ्जहि सानुगान्॥
It will surely come to pass as the worshipful sages who have attained (ascetic) success have said this. Therefore O most valiant of men, destroy the Panchalas together with their followers.

न तेऽस्रगोचरे शक्ताः स्थातुं देवाः सवासवाः। किमु पार्थाः सपाञ्चालाः सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Not to speak of the sons of Pritha together with the Panchalas, even the very celestials together with their allies cannot stand within the range of your weapon. I speak this truly.

न त्वां समर्थाः संग्रामे पाण्डवाः सह सोमकैः। बलाद् योधयितुं वीर सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I will tell you truth, O hero, that the Pandavas together with the Somakas, are incapable of fighting with you, even though they put forth their (utmost energy).

गच्छ गच्छ महाबाहो न नः कालात्ययो भवेत्। इयं हि द्रवते सेना पार्थसायकपीडिता॥
O mighty-armed one, go, go. Do not waste time. Your forces, afflicted with Parthas' shafts, are taking to flight.

शक्तो ह्यसि महाबाहो दिव्येन स्वेन तेजसा। निग्रहे पाण्डुपुत्राणां पञ्चालानां च मानद॥
0 mighty-armed one, O bestower of honours, you are (No doubt) capable, by virtue of your own celestial energy, of chastising the sons of Pandavas as well as the Panchalas.