The words of Dhritarashtra

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतत् पृष्ट्वा सूतपुत्रं हृच्छोकेनार्दितो भृशम्। जये निराशः पुत्राणां धृतराष्ट्रोऽपतत् क्षितौ॥
Vaishampayana said Thus having questioned the son of Suta, Dhritarashtra, sorely oppressed with the sorrow of his heart and despondent of the victory of his sons, dropped down on the ground.

तं विसंज्ञं निपतितं सिषिचुः परिचारिकाः। जलेनात्यर्थशीतेन वीजन्त्यः पुण्यगन्धिना॥
Seeing him unconscious and fallen down on the ground, the attendants sprinkled him with very cold and holy-scented water, fanning him all the while.

पतितं चैनमालोक्य समन्ताद् भरतस्त्रियः। परिवर्महारुजमस्पृशंश्चैव पाणिभिः॥
Beholding that great king fallen down, the Bharata ladies surrounded him on all sides and began to chafe him (gently) with their hands.

उत्थाप्य चैनं शनकै राजानं पृथिवीतलात्। आसनं प्रापयामासुर्वाष्पकण्ठ्यो वराननाः॥
Then those beautiful ladies, with their voices choked up with the vapour of grief, gently raised the monarch from the surface of the earth and placed him on his throne.

आसनं प्राप्य राजा तु मूर्छयाभिपरिप्लुतः। निश्चेष्टोऽतिष्ठत तदा वीज्यमानः समन्ततः॥
Placed the throne, the monarch overwhelmed by the influence of the swoon, remained motionless, while he was fanned from all sides.

स लब्वा शनकैः संज्ञां वेपमानो महीपतिः। पुनर्गावल्गणिं सूतं पर्यपृच्छद् यथातथम्॥
Slowly regaining consciousness, that ruler of carth began to quake and he again questioned the son of Gavalgani, of the Suta tribe, regarding the events of the battle, as they occurred. on

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यः स उद्यन्निवादित्यो ज्योतिषा प्रणुदंस्तमः। अजातशत्रुमायान्तं कस्तं द्रोणादवारयत्॥ प्रभिन्नमिव मातङ्गं यथा क्रुद्धं तरस्विनम्। प्रसन्नवदनं दृष्ट्वा प्रतिद्विरदगामिनम्॥ वासितासंगमे यद्वदजय्यं प्रति यूथपैः। निजधान रणे वीरान् वीरः पुरुषसत्तमः॥
Dhritarashtra said That Ajatasatru (Yudhishthira) who like the rising sun drives awake darkness by his own radiance, who (charges an enemy), like a tremendous and infuriated elephant in rut, incapable of being defeated by a rival leader of herds, charging a rival proceeding with cheerful face towards a female of the species, what great warrior of my host faced that Ajatasatru, as he charged, in order to keep him away from Drona? That foremost of men, that hero, who has slain in battle many brave warriors.

यो होको हि महावीर्यो निर्दहेद् घोरचक्षुषा। कृत्त्रं दुर्योधनबलं धृतिमान् सत्यसंगरः॥
That mighty-armed, intelligent and brave hero of invincible might, who, singled-handed, can consume the whole host of Duryodhana by means of his terrible glances.

चक्षुर्हणं जये सक्त मिष्वासधरमच्युतम्। दान्तं बहुमतं लोके के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
That destroyer by his glances, that one ever inclined to gain victory, that wielder of bow, that hero of eternal renown, that self-controlled warrior held in high respect by the whole world-what warriors of my army did surround that hero?

के दुष्प्रधर्षे राजानमिष्वासधरमच्युतम्। समासेदुनरव्याघ्रं कौन्तेयं तत्र मामकाः॥
Who were those warriors of my host that encountered that irrepressible prince, that wielder of bow, that hero of unfading glory, that foremost of men, that son of Kunti?

तरसैवाभिपद्याथ यो वै द्रोणमुपाद्रवत्। यः करोति महत् कर्म शत्रूणां वै महाबलः॥ महाकायो महोत्साहो नागायुतसमो बले। तं भीमसेनमायान्तं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
That hero who rushing with headlong speed charged Drona, who achieves grand feats at the expense of the enemy, that most puissant one of gigantic stature and great vigour, who equals ten thousand elephants in strength, what warrior surrounded that Bhimasena as he charged my army?

यदाऽऽयाज्जलदप्रख्यो रथः परमवीर्यवान्। पर्जन्य इव वीभत्सुस्तुमुलामशनीं सृजन्॥
As that mighty car-warrior of excessive energy, Vibhatsu, resembling a dense mass of rain-clouds, came, creating terrible sounds like the clappings of the thunder-bolt, like Parjanya itself.

विसृजञ्छरजालानि वर्षाणि मघवानिव। अवस्फूर्जन् दिशः सर्वास्तलनेमिस्वनेन च॥
Showering torrents of arrows like Indra showering rain and causing the cardinal quarters to reverberate with the sound of his palms and rattle of his chariot-wheels.

चापविद्युत्प्रभो घोरो रथगुल्मवलाहकः। स नेमिघोषस्तनितः शरशब्दातिबनधुरः॥
(When that terrible hero) whose bow was effulgent like a flash of lightning, whose chariot resembled a cloud having for its thunder the rattle of its wheels, (that hero) the whizz of whose arrows made him all the more fierce.

रोषानिलसमुद्भूतो मनोऽभिप्रायशीघ्रगः। मर्मातिगो वाणधरस्तुमुलः शोणितोदकैः॥ सम्लावयन् दिशः सर्वा मानवैरास्तरन् महीम्। भीमनि: स्वनितो रौद्रो दुर्योधनपुरोगमान्॥ युद्धेऽभ्यषिञ्चद् विजयो गापत्रैः शिलाशितैः। गाण्डीवं धारयन् धीमान् कीदृशं वो मनस्तदा।॥
Whose ire is like a dreadful cloud, who is fleet like the mind or the wind, who always pierces the enemy to the very core of his heart, who, armed with shafts, is dreadful to gaze at, who profusely fills all the cardinal quarters with human blood like Death himself, who, with a terrific roar and a dreadful countenance, wielding the Gandiva, pours, in one continuous shower, on the head of my warriors led by Duryodhana, shafts whetted on stone and decked with the feathers of vultures, when that intelligent Vijaya came, what became the state of your mind.

इघुसम्बाधमाकाशं कुर्वन् कपिवरध्वजः। यदाऽऽयात् कथमासीत् तु तदा पार्थं समीक्षताम्॥
When that son of Pritha bearing the device of the foremost of apes on his banner, came, overspreading the sky with his shower of shafts, what became the state of your mind at the sight of him?

कच्चिद् गाण्डीवशब्देन न प्रणश्यति वैबलम्। यद्वः सभैरवं कुर्वन्नर्जुनो भृशमन्वयात्॥
Did Arjuna rush to battle, killing your warriors by the very twang of his bow Gandiva and achieving dreadful feat (as he advanced).

कच्चिन्नापानुदत् प्राणानिषुभिवों धनंजयः। वातो वेगादिवाविध्यन्मेधाशरगणैर्नृपान्॥
Did Dhananjaya deprived you of your lives with his arrows, like the hurricane scattering masses of gathering clouds or felling forest of reed by blowing through them?

को हि गाण्डीवधन्वानं रणे सोढुं नरोऽर्हति। यमुपश्रुत्य सेनाग्रे जन: सर्वो विदीर्यते॥
What man is powerful enough to encounter the wielder of the Gandiva bow in battle? Even hearing him to be on the head of the (hostile) array, all ranks of soldiers give way.

यत्सेनाः समकम्पन्त यद्वीरानस्पृशद् भयम्। के तत्र नाजहुर्दोणं के क्षुद्राः प्राद्रवन् भयात्॥
In that battle, in which soldiers trembled and even heroes were inspired with fear, who were they that did not forsake Drona and who were those mean fellows that fled out terror?

के वा तत्र तनूंस्त्यक्त्वा प्रतीपं मृत्युमाव्रजन्। अमानुषाणां जेतारं युद्धेष्वपि धनंजयम्॥
Who were they that battle, shuffling this mortal coil, courted Death standing before them in the shape of Dhananjaya who had obtained victory even over superhuman combatants?

न च वेगं सिताश्वस्य विसहिष्यन्ति मामकाः। गाण्डीवस्य च निर्घोषं प्रावृड्जलदनि:स्वनम्॥
My warriors cannot withstand the impetus of that one having white horses harnessed to chariot, nor can they bear to twang of the I Gandiva, that resembles the rumbling of clouds in the rainy season.

विष्वक्सेनो यस्य यन्ता यस्य योद्धा धनंजयः। अशक्यः स रथो जेतुं मन्ये देवासुरैरपि॥
consider that chariot which has Vishvaksena for its driver and Dhananjaya for its warrior, to be unconquerable even be the celestials and Asuras united together.

सुकुमारो युवा शूरो दर्शनीयश्च पाण्डवः। मेधावी निपुणो धीमान् युधि सत्यपराक्रमः॥
Delicate, youthful, brave, of a handsome appearance, that son of Pandu who is intelligent, skillful, accurate in his memory, of prowess incapable of being thwarted, in battle.

आरावं विपुलं कुर्वन् व्यथयन् सर्वसैनिकान्। यदाऽऽयान्नकुलो द्रोणं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
When that Nakula giving forth a loud roar and afflicting the whole army, rushed upon Drona, what warriors tried to check his career?

आशीविष इव क्रुद्धः सहदेवो यदाभ्ययात्। कदनं करिष्यञ्छत्रूणां तेजसा दुर्जयो युधि॥
When Sahadeva, resembling an infuriated snake of mortal poison, rushed at Drona, afflicting his enemies, when that one owning white horses and incapable of being conquered in battle.

आर्यव्रतममोधेषु द्वीमन्तमपराजितम्। सहदेवं तमायान्तं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
When that one of illustrious vows, of neverfailing aim, of bashful nature and invincible prowess, when that Sahadeva charged, who were those heroes that withstood him?

यस्तु सौवीरराजस्य प्रमथ्य महतीं चमूम्। आदत्त महिषीं भोजां काम्यां सर्वाङ्गशोभनाम्॥
That hero who having completely crushed the army of king Sauvira, took for his consort the desirable princess of the Bhojas and graceful in limbs of the body.

सत्यं धृतिश्च शौर्ये च ब्रह्मचर्ये च केवलम्। सर्वाणि युयुधानेऽस्मिन् नित्यानि पुरुषर्षभे॥
That foremost of men Yayudhana who is ever endued with truthfulness, resoulteness, bravery and Brahmacharya.

बलिनं सत्यकर्माणमदीनमपराजितम्। वासुदेवसमं युद्धे वासुदेवादनन्तरम्॥
That warrior possessed of great physical strength, who always does what is true, who is never depressed and who is invincible and equals Vasudeva in battle and is considered to be a second Vasudeva.

धनंजयोपदेशेन श्रेष्ठमिष्वस्त्रकर्मणि। पार्थेन सममस्त्रेषु कस्तं द्रोणादवारयत्॥
Who, by the teachings of Dhananjaya has become foremost in the act of using arrows, who is equal to the son of Pritha in the use of weapon, what warrior of my army kept him away from Drona?

वृष्णीनां प्रवरं वीरं शूरं सर्वधनुष्मताम्। रामेण सममस्त्रेषु यशसा विक्रमेण च॥
That foremost hero among the Vrishnis that bravest among all wielders of bow, who is equal to Rama himself in the use of weapons, in glory and in prowess.

सत्यं धृतिर्मतिः शौर्यं ब्राह्मं चास्त्रमनुत्तमम्। सात्वते तानि सर्वाणि त्रैलोक्यमिव केशवे॥
That one of the Satvata race in who there are truth, firmness, intelligence, prowess, the knowledge of the Vedas and the most excellent weapons, as the triune world is in Keshava himself.

तमेवंगुणसम्पन्नं दुर्धारमपि दैवतैः। समासाद्य महेष्वासं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
That mighty champion who is endued with all virtues and who is incapable of being opposed even by the celestials, what warriors (of my army) approaching him, surrounded him on all sides?

पञ्चालेषूत्तमं वीरमुत्तमाभिजनप्रियम्। नित्यमुत्तमकर्माणमुत्तमौजसमाहवे॥
That foremost among the Panchalas, that hero of noble extraction and a favourite of all high-born person, always achieving excellent feats in battle, namely Uttamanjaya.

युक्तं धनंजयहिते ममानार्थमुत्थितम्। यमवैश्रवणादित्यमहेन्द्रवरुणोपमम्॥
That one ever intent on doing good to Dhananjaya and born for doing evil only to me, who resembles Yama or Vaishravana or Aditya or Mahendra or Varuna.

महारथं समाख्यातं द्रोणायोद्यतमाहवे। त्यजन्तं तुमुले प्राणान् के शूराः समवारयन्॥
That prince renowned as a great car-warrior and ever ready to sacrifice his life in the every think of battle, what heroes of my army surrounded him?

एकोऽपसृत्य चेदिभ्यः पाण्डवान् य: समाश्रितः। धृष्टकेतुं समायान्तं द्रोणं कस्तं न्यवारयत्॥
That one who alone descrting the Chedis had sided with the Pandus, namely Dhristaketu, what heroes surrounded him when he advanced towards Drona?

योऽवधीत् केतुमान् वीरो राजपुत्रं दुरासदम्। अपरान्तगिरिद्वारे द्रोणात् कस्तं न्यवारयत्॥
Thai heroic Ketumat, who slew the Prince Durjaya when the took sheller in Girivraja, what hero of my army kept him (Ketumat) away from Drona?

स्त्रीपुंसयोर्नरव्याघ्रो यः स वेद गुणागुणान्। शिखण्डिनं याज्ञसेनिमम्लानमनसं युधि॥ देवव्रतस्य समरे हेतुं मृत्योर्महात्मनः। द्रोणायाभिमुखं यान्तं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
What warriors of my army encountered Sikhandin when he rushed at Drona-Sikhandin, the foremost of mean, who has relised the pleasures (in himself) of man hood and femininity, that son of Yajnasena, who is ever cheerful in battle and who became the cause of the death of the high souled Devavrata in battle?

यस्मिन्नभ्यधिका वीरे गुणाः सर्वे धनंजयात्। यस्मिन्नस्त्राणि सत्यं च ब्रह्मचर्ये च सर्वदा॥
That most excellent hero among the Vrishnis, that foremost of all wielders of bow, that hero, in whom reside all virtues even in a greater degree than in Dhananjaya himself.

वासुदेवसमं वीर्ये धनंजयसमं बले। तेजसाऽऽदित्यसदृशं बृहस्पतिसमं मतौ॥
In whom always exist truth, (the knowledge of) the best weapons and Brahmacharya, who is equal to the son of Vasudeva in prowess and to Dhananjaya in strength.

अभिमन्युं महात्मानं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्। द्रोणायाभिमुखं यान्तं के शूराः समवारयन्॥
Who resembles Aditya in effulgence, Brihaspati in intelligence-namely, the highsouled Abhimanyu who is like Death himself with a gapping mouth.

तरुणस्तरुणप्रज्ञः सौभद्रः परवीरहा। यदाभ्यधावद्वै द्रोणं तदाऽऽसीद् वो मनः कथम्॥
What heroes surrounded him when he advanced towards Drona? That youthful hero of unripe understanding, that slayer of hostile heroes, namely Subhadra's son.

द्रौपदेया नरव्याघ्राः समुद्रमिव सिन्धवः। यद् द्रोणमाद्रवन् संख्ये के शूरास्तान् न्यवारयन्॥५१ एते द्वादश वर्षाणि क्रीडामुत्सृज्य बालकाः। अस्त्रार्थमवसन् भीष्मे विभ्रतो व्रतमुत्तमम्॥
When he charged Drona, what became the state of your mind then? When those foremost of princes, the son of Draupadi, in battle rushed at Drona liko streams flowing towards the ocean, what heroes obstructed them? Those boys, who having abandoned all boyish sports, for twelve years. And observing excellent vows danced attendance on Bhima in order to receive lessons in the use of weapons.

क्षत्रंजयः क्षत्रदेवः क्षत्रवर्मा च मानदः। धृष्टद्युम्नात्मजा वीराः के तान् द्रोणादवारयन्॥
Those boys, namely Kshatranjaya, Kshatradeva and Kshatravarma and Manada. Those heroic sons of Dhrishtadyumna, what warriors kept them away from Drona?

शताद् विशिष्टं यं युद्धे सममन्यन्त वृष्णयः। चेकितानं महेष्वासं कस्तं द्रोणादवारयत्॥
That one whom the Vrishnis consider superior in battle to hundred warriors. That mighty warrior Chekitana, what hero of my army tried to keep him away from Drona?

वार्धक्षेमिः कलिङ्गानां यः कन्यामाहरद् युधि। अनाधृष्टिरदीनात्मा कस्तं द्रोणादवारयत्॥

Anadhrishti, the generous of Vriddhaksema had kidnapped the daughter of Kalingaraja, who had prevented him to make an access to Drona?

भ्रातरः पञ्च कैकेया धार्मिका: सत्यविक्रमाः। इन्द्रगोपकसंकाशा रक्तवर्मायुधध्वजाः॥ मातृष्वसुः सुता पाण्डवानां जयार्थिनः। तान् द्रोणं हन्तुमायातान् के वीराः पर्यवारयन्॥
The five Kekaya brothers, virtuous and endued with prowess incapable of being thwarted. Resembling the Indragopakas (in complexion), furnished with red armours and weapons and banners, those heroes who are the sons of the sister of the Pandavas' mother and who ever long for the victory of the Pandavas. What heroes of my army surrounded them when they assaulted Drona with a view to kill hin?

यं योधयन्तो राजानो नाजयन् वारणावते। षण्मासानपि संरब्धा जिघांसन्तो युधाम्पतिम्॥ धनुष्मतां वरं शूरं सत्यसंघ महाबलम्। द्रोणात् कस्तं नरव्याघ्रं युयुत्सुं पर्यवारयत्॥
That lord of battles, desirous of slaying whom the enraged Monarchs united together for six months in Varanavata could not defeat, that best of all wielders of bows, that hero of great strength and unerring aim, that foremost of men, Yuyutsu, tried to keep him away from Drona?

यः पुत्रं काशिराजस्य वाराणस्यां महारथम्। समरे स्त्रीषु गृध्यन्तं भल्लेनापाहरद्रथात्॥ धृष्टद्युम्नं महेष्वासं पार्थानां मन्त्रधारिणम्। युक्तं दुर्योधनानथें सृष्टं द्रोणवधाय च॥ निर्दहन्तं रणे योधान् दारयन्तं च सर्वतः। द्रोणाभिमुखमायान्तं के शूराः पर्यवारयन्॥
Who in a battle in Varanasi, everthrew from his car with a broad-headed shaft, the great warrior the son of Kashiraja, desirous of scizing a maiden, what hero kept him away from Drona? That mighty warrior Dhrishtadyumna, that principal counsellor of the sons of Pritha. Who is ever engaged in doing harm to Duryodhana, who has been created to slay Drona, what warriors of my side surrounded him, when consuming in battle all warriors and shattering all the ranks of my soldiers, he advanced towards Drona?

उत्सङ्ग इव संवृद्धं द्रुपदस्यास्त्रवित्तमम्। शैखण्डिनं शस्त्रगुप्तं के च द्रोणादवारयन्॥
That foremost of all men conversant with the weapons, who has been reared, as it were, on the very lap of Drupada. That Sikhandin, guarded by Arjuna's weapons, what warriors of my army kept him away from Drona?

य इमां पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां चर्मवत् समवेष्टयत्। महता रथघोषेण मुख्यारिनो महारथः॥ दशाश्वमेधानाजहे स्वन्नपानाप्तदक्षिणान्। निरर्गलान् सर्वमेधान् पुत्रवत् पालयन् प्रजाः॥ गङ्गस्रोतसि यावन्यः सिकता अप्यशेषतः। तावतीर्गा ददौ वीर उशीनरसुतोऽध्वरे॥
That one who, as if with a leathern belt, encompassed this extensive earth. With the deafening rattle of his chariot, that foremost of warriors, the chief of all slayers of enemies, who in lieu of other sacrifices accomplished ten horse-sacrifices with ample food, drink and Dakshina, that one who ruled his subjects, as if they were his own sons, that son of Ushinara who in his sacrifice gave away kineas numerous as the sand that over-spread the banks of the Ganges-stream, whose this deed no man has been or will be able to imitate.

न पूर्वे नापरे चकुरिदं केचन मानवाः। इतीदं चुकुशुर्देवाः कृते कर्मणि दुष्करे॥
After the accomplishment by him of this feat, the very gods had exclaim saying, We do not see in the three worlds with all their mobile and immobile creations,

पश्यामस्त्रिषु लोकेषु न तं संस्थास्नुचारिषु। जातं चापि जनिष्यन्तं द्वितीयं चापि साम्प्रतम्॥ अन्यमौशीनराच्छैव्याद् धुरो वोढारमित्युत। गतिं यस्य न यास्यन्ति मानुषा लोकवासिन.॥
A second person save Ushinara's son, who has attained to regions, after death, which are unattainable by human beings'-who amongst my warriors, opposed that Shaivya, that grandson of the Ushinara's son, while he assaulted Drona?

तस्य सप्तारमायान्तं शैब्यं कः समवारयत्। द्रोणायाभिमुखं यत्तं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्॥
Shaivya, the grand son of that king was when approaching to Dronacarya with widely opened mouth like the death god (Kala), who had prevented him marching that time?

विराटस्य रथानीकं मत्स्यस्यामित्रघातिनः। प्रेप्सन्तं समरे द्रोणं के वीराः पर्यवारयन्॥
What warriors of my host obstructed that squadron of cars, belonging to Virata, the king of the Matsyas, the slayer of his enemies, as it careered towards Drona?

सद्यो वृकोदराज्जातो महाबलपराक्रमः। मायावी राक्षसो वीरो यस्मान्मम महद् भयम्॥ पार्थानां जयकामं तं पुत्राणां मम कण्टकम्। घटोत्कचं महात्मानं कस्तं द्रोणादवारयत्॥
That one endued with great strength and prowess, born of Vrikodara in the course of a single day, that heroic Rakshasa of potent illusive powers, of whom I entertain great apprehensions. Who is always desirous of victory for the sons of Pritha, who is a thorn in the sides of my sons, what hero of my army kept that Ghatotkacha of gigantic body away from Drona?

एते चान्ये च बहवो येषामर्थाय संजय। त्यक्तारः संयुगे प्राणान् किं तेषामजितं युधि॥
O Sanjaya, what cannot be vanquished by them for whose interests these and other such numerous (heroes) are ever ready to sacrifice their lives in battle?

येषां च पुरुषव्याघ्रः शाईधन्वा व्यपाश्रयः। हितार्थी चापि पार्थानां कथं तेषां पराजयः॥
Those sons of Pritha, whose well-wisher and refuge is that wielders of Saranga bow, those sons, how could they suffer defeat in battle?

लोकानां गुरुरत्यर्थं लोकनाथः सनातनः। नारायणो रणे नाथोदिव्यो दिव्यात्मकः प्रभुः॥
The son of Vasudeva in the supreme preceptor of the worlds, the Lord of all and the Eternal; that master Narayana, that one of divine soul is the refuge of men in battle.

यस्य दिव्यानि कर्माणि प्रवदन्ति मनीषिणः। तान्यहं कीर्तयिष्यामिभक्त्या स्थैर्यार्थमात्मनः॥
His divine achievements are extolled by the wise; I shall also recite them with reverence, regaining my equanimity.