जनमेजय उवाच भगवन् केन विधिना श्रोतव्यं भारतं बुधैः। फलं किं के च देवाश्च पूज्या वै पारणेष्विह॥
Janamejaya said O holy one, according to what rites should the learned listen to the Bharata? What are the fruits? What deities are to be adored during the several Parnas?
देयं समाप्ते भगवन् किं च पर्वणि पर्वणि। वाचकः कीदृशश्चात्र एष्टव्यस्तद् वदस्व मे॥
What should be the gifts that one should make, O holy one, at every Parva or sacred day (during the continuance of the recitation)? What should be the qualifications of the reciter to be engaged? Tell me all this.
वैशम्पायन उवाच शृणु राजन् विधिमिमं फलं यच्चापि भारतात्। श्रुताद् भवति राजेन्द्र यत् त्वं मामनुपृच्छसि॥
Vaishampayana said Hear, O king, what that procedure is, and what the fruits, O Bharata, are which will originate from ones' listening (to a recitation of the Bharata). This, O king of kings, is what you ask me.
दिवि देवा महीपाल क्रीडार्थमवनिं गताः। कृत्वा कार्यमिदं चैव ततश्च दिवमागताः॥
The deities, O king come to this world for sport. Having achieved their task, they ascended one more to the celestial region.
हन्त यत् ते प्रवक्ष्यामि तच्छृणुष्व समाहितः। ऋषीणां देवतानां च सम्भवं वसुधातले॥
Listen to what I tell you briefly. Is the Mahabharata is to be found the births of Rishis and deities on the Earth.
अत्र रुद्रास्तथा साध्या विश्वेदेवाच शाश्वताः। आदित्याशाश्विनौ देवौ लोकपाला महर्षयः॥ गुह्यकाश्च सगन्धर्वा नागा विद्याधरास्तथा। सिद्धा धर्मः स्वयम्भूश्च मुनिः कात्यायनो वरः॥ गिरयः सागरा नद्यस्तथैवाप्सरसां गणाः। ग्रहाः संवत्सराश्चैव अयनान्यतवस्तथा॥ स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव जगत् सर्वं सुरासुरम्। भारते भरतश्रेष्ठ एकस्थमिह दृश्यते॥
In this work, called Bharata, o foremost one of Bharata's race, are to be seen in one place the eternal Rudras, the Saddhyas. And the Vishvedevas; the Adityas, the two deities named the Ashvins, the regents of the World, the great Rishis, the Guhyakas, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Vidyadharas, the Siddhas, the diverse deities, the Self-born visible in a body, with many ascetics; the Hills and Mountains. Oceans and Seas, and Rivers; the various tribes of Apsaras; the Planets, the Years, the Half-Years, and the Seasons; and the whole universe of mobile and immobile objects, with all the celestials and Asuras.
तेषां श्रुत्वा प्रतिष्ठानं नामकर्मानुकीर्तनात्। कृत्वापि पातकं घोरं सद्यो मुच्यते मानवः॥
Hearing their celebrity, and on account of a recitation of their names and achievements, a man, who has committed even terrible sins, will be cleansed.
इतिहासमिमं श्रुत्वा यथावदनुपूर्वशः। संयतात्मा शुचिर्भूत्वा पारं गत्वा च भारते॥ तेषां श्राद्धानि देयानि श्रुत्वा भारत भारतम्। ब्राह्मणेभ्यो यथाशक्त्या भक्त्या च भरतर्षभ॥ महादानानि देयानि रत्नानि विविधानि च। गावः कांस्योपदोहाच कन्याश्चैव स्वलंकृताः॥ सर्वकामगुणोपेता यानानि विविधानि च। भवनानि विचित्राणि भूमिर्वासांसि काञ्चनम्॥
Having with a concentrated soul and purified body, heard this history duly, from the beginning, and having reached its end, one should make Shraddha offerings, O Bharata, to them (of whom one has heard) To the Brahmanas also, O chief of Bharata's race, should, with due devotion and according to one's power, be made large gifts and various kinds of gems, and kine, and vessels of white brass for milking kine, and maidens decked with every ornament, and possessed of every accomplishment suited to the enjoyment, as also various, plots of land and cloths.
वाहनानि च देयानि हया मत्ताश्च वारणाः। शयनं शिबिकाश्चैव स्यन्दनाश्च स्वलंकृताः॥
Animals also should be given, such as horses and elephants, and beds, and covered conveyances borne on the shoulders of men, and well-decked cars.
यद् यद् गृहे वरं किञ्चिद् यद् यदस्ति महद् वसु। तद् तद् देयं द्विजातिभ्य आत्मा दाराश्च सूनवः॥
Whatever objects are in the house, of the foremost kind, whatever wealth of great value is in it, should be given away to Brahmanas. Indeed, one should give away one's ownself, wives and children.
श्रद्धया परया युक्तं क्रमशस्तस्य पारगः। शक्तितः सुमना हृष्टः शुश्रूषूरविकल्पकः॥
One desirous of hearing the Bharata should hear it without a doubting heart, with cheerfulness and joy; and as he goes of listening to its recitation, he should, according to the extent of his power, make gift with great devotion.
सत्यार्जवरतो दान्तः शुचिः शौचसमन्वितः। श्रद्दधानो जितक्रोधो यथा सिध्यति तच्छृणु।॥
Hear how a person who is devoted to truth and sincerity, who is self-controlled, pure (in mind), and observant of those deeds which lead to purity of body, that is endued with faith, and that has subjugated anger, acquires success.
शुचिः शीलान्विताचारः शुक्लवासा जितेन्द्रियः। संस्कृतः सर्वशास्त्रज्ञः श्रद्दधानोऽनसूयकः॥ रूपवान् सुभगो दान्तः सत्यवादी जितेन्द्रियः। दानमानगृहीतश्च कार्यो भवति वाचकः॥
He should appoint as reciter one who is pure (of body), who is endued with good and pious conduct, who should be robed in white, who should have a complete mastery over his passions, who is cleansed of all offences, who is conversant with every branch of learning, who is endued with faith, who is free from malice who is possessed of handsome features, who is blessed, self-controlled, truthful and with passions under control, and who is beloved of all for the gifts he makes and the honours of which he is the possessor,
अविलम्बमनायस्तमद्रुतं धीरमूर्जितम्। असंसक्ताक्षरपदं स्वरभावसमन्वितम्॥ त्रिषष्टिवर्णसंयुक्तमष्टस्थानसमीरितम्। वाचयेद् वाचकः स्वस्थः स्वासीनः सुसमाहितः॥२२
The reciter, seated at his asana free from all bodily complaints, and with rapt attention, should recite the text without slowness, without a labouring voice, without being fast or quick, quietly, with sufficient energy, without confusing the letters and words together, in a sweet intonation and with such accent and emphasis as would show the sense, giving full utterance to the there and sixty letters of the alphabet from the eight places of their formation.
नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्। देवी सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत्॥
Saluting Narayana, and to Nara, that foremost male-beings as also to the goddess Sarasvati, should the word Jaya be uttered.
ईदृशाद् वाचकाद् राजश्रुत्वा भारत भारतम्। नियमस्थः शुचिः श्रोता शृण्वन् स फलमश्नुते॥
Listening to the Bharata, O king, when recited, O you of Bharata's race, by a reader of this kind, listener, observant of vows the while and purified by purificatory rites, acquires valuable fruits.
पारणं प्रथमं प्राप्य द्विजान् कामैश्च तर्पयन्। अग्निष्टोमस्य यज्ञस्य फलं वै लभते नरः॥
When the first Parana is reached, the hearer should satisfy Brahmanas with presents of all desirable objects. By doing this, one acquires the fruits of the Agnishtoma sacrifice.
अप्सरोगणसंकीर्णं विमानं लभते महत्। प्रहृष्टः स तु देवैश्च दिवं याति समाहितः॥
He acquires a large (celestial) car full of various orders of Apsaras. With a glad heart and with celestials in his company, he proceeds to the celestial region, his heart rapt (in felicity).
द्वितीयं पारणं प्राप्य सोऽतिरात्रफलं लभेत्। सर्वरत्नमयं दिव्यं विमानमधिरोहति॥
When second Parana is reached, the hearer acquires the fruits of the Atiratha now, Indeed, he ascends a celestial car made entirely of costly gems.
दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरो दिव्यगन्धविभूषितः। दिव्याङ्गदधरो नित्यं देवलोके महीयते॥
Wearing celestial garland sand dresses, and decked with celestial unguents and always shedding a celestial fragrance around, he receives great honours I then celestial region.
तृतीयं पारणं प्राप्य द्वादशाहफलं लभेत्। वसत्यमरसंकाशो वर्षाण्ययुतशो दिवि॥
When the third Parana is reached, he acquires the fruits of the Dvadashaha vow. Indeed, he lives in the celestial region fro myriads of years, like god.
चतुर्थे वाजपेयस्य पञ्चमे द्विगुणं फलम्। उदितादित्यसंकाशं ज्वलन्तमनलोपमम्॥ विमानं विबुधैः सार्धमारुह्य दिवि गच्छति। वर्षायुतानि भवने शक्रस्य दिवि मोदते॥
At the fourth Parana he acquires the fruits of the Vajapeya sacrifice. At the fifth, he acquires twice those fruits. Ascending a celestial car which resembles the rising sun or a blazing fire, and with the deities for his companions, He goes to the celestial region and sport happily for myriads of years in the abode of Indra.
षष्ठे द्विगुणमस्तीति सप्तमे त्रिगुणं फलम्। कैलासशिखराकारं वैदूर्यमणिवेदिकम्॥ परिक्षिप्तं च बहुधा पणिविदुमभूषितम्। विमानं समधिष्ठाय कामगं साप्सरोगणम्॥ सर्वांल्लोकान् विचरते द्वितीय इव भास्करः। अष्टमे राजसूयस्य पारणे लभते फलम्॥
At the sixth Parana, he acquires twice, and at the seventh, thrice those fruits. Ascending a celestial car which resembles the summit of the Kailasa mountains (in beauty), which is equipt with an altar made of stones of Lapis Lazuli and other precious gems, that is surrounded by beautiful objects of various kinds, that is decked with gems and orals, that moves at the will of the rider, and that teems with waiting Apsaras, he roves through all the happy regions, like a second deity of the Sun. At the eighth Parana he acquires the fruits of the Rajasuya sacrifice.
चन्द्रोदयनिभं रम्यं विमानमधिरोहति। चन्द्ररश्मिप्रतीकाशैर्हयैर्युक्तं मनोजवैः॥
He ascends a car as beautiful as the rising moon, and to which are yoked horses white as the rays of the moon and fleet like thought.
सेव्यमानो वरस्त्रीणां चन्द्रात् कान्ततरैर्मुखैः। मेखलानां निनादेन नूपुराणां च निःस्वनैः॥
He is served by most beautiful women faces are more charming than the moon. He hears the music of the garlands that encircle their waists and he Nupuras encircling their ankles.
अङ्के परमनारीणां सुखसुप्तो विबुध्यते। नवमे क्रतुराजस्य वाजिमेधस्य भारत॥
Sleeping with is head resting on the laps of women of great beauty he awakes greatly refreshed. At the ninth Parana, he acquires, O Bharata, the fruits of that foremost of sacrifice, viz., the Horse-Sacrifice.
काञ्चनस्तम्भनिहवैदूर्यकृतवेदिकम्। जाम्बूनदमयैर्दिव्यैर्गवाक्षैः सर्वतो वृतम्॥ सेवितं चाप्सरःसङ्गैर्गन्धर्वैर्दिविचारिभिः। विमानं समधिष्ठाय श्रिया परमया ज्वलन्॥
Ascending on a car equipt with a chamber consisting of a top supported by columns of gold, furnished with a seat made of stones of lapis lazuli, with windows on all sides made of pure gold, and full of Apsaras and Gandharvas and other celestials, he blazes forth to splendour.
दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरो दिव्यचन्दनरूषितः। मोदते दैवतैः सार्धं दिवि देव इवापरः॥
Wearing celestial garland sand dresses, and decked with celestial unguents, he sports happily, with deities for his companions, in the celestial region, like a second deity himself.
दशमं पारणं प्राप्य द्विजातीनभिवन्द्य च। किंकिणीजालनिर्घोषं पताकाध्वजशोभितम्॥ रत्नवेदिकसम्बाधं वैदूर्यमणितोरणम्। हेमजालपरिक्षिप्तं प्रवालबलभीमुखम्॥ गन्धर्वर्गीतकुशलैरप्सरोभिश्च शोभितम्। विमानं सुकृतावासं सुखेनैवोपपद्यते॥
Reaching the tenth Parana and pleasing Brahmanas, he acquires, a car which tinkles with innumerable bells, which is decked with flags and banners, which is equipt with a seat made of precious, gems, which has many arches made of lapis lazuli which has a net work of gold all round, which has turrents inade of corals. Which is adorned with Gandharvas and Apsaras expert in singing, and which is fit for the residence of the Righteous.
मुकुटेनाग्निवर्णेन जाम्बूनदविभूषिणा। दिव्यचन्दनदिग्धाङ्गो दिव्यमाल्यविभूषितः॥ दिव्याल्लोकान् विचरति दिव्यैर्भोगैः समन्वितः। विबुधानां प्रसादेन श्रिया परमया युतः॥
Crowned with a diadem of the complexion of fire, decked with ornaments of gold, his body smeared with celestial sandalpaste, garnished with celestial garlands, he passes through all celestial regions enjoying all celestial objects of enjoyment, and gifted with grcat splendour, through the grace of the deities.
अथ वर्षगणानेवं स्वर्गलोके महीयते। ततो गन्धर्वसहितः सहस्राण्येकविंशतिम्॥ पुरन्दरपुरे रम्ये शक्रेण सह मोदते। दिव्ययानविमानेषु लोकेषु विविधेषु च॥ दिव्यनारीगणाकीर्णो निवसत्यमरो यथा। ततः सूर्यस्य भवने चन्द्रस्य भवने तथा॥ शिवस्य भवने राजन् विष्णोर्याति सलोकताम्। एवमेतन्महाराज नात्र कार्या विचारणा॥
Thus accoutred, he received great honours in the celestial region for many long years. With Gandharvas in his company, for full twenty-one thousand years, he sports in bliss with Indra himself in the abode of Indra. He roves at pleasure every day through the various celestial regions, riding on celestial cars and conveyances, and surrounded by celestial dainsels of great beauty. He is able to go to the abode of the Sun, of the Moon, and of Shiva. O king, Indeed, he succeeds in living in the same region with Vishnu himself. It is even so, O inonarch. There is no doubt in this,
श्रद्दधानेन वै भव्यमेवमाह गुरुर्मम। वाचकस्य तु दातव्यं मनसा यद् यदिच्छति॥
A person listening with faith, becomes even so. My preceptor has said this. To the reciter should be given all such objects as he many wish. cars
हस्त्यश्वस्थयानानि वाहनानि विशेषतः। कटके कुण्डले चैव ब्रह्मसूत्रं तथा परम्॥ वस्त्रं चैव विचित्रं च गन्धं चैव विशेषतः। देववत् पूजयेत् तं तु विष्णुलोकमवाप्नुयात्॥
Elephants and horses and and conveyances, especially animals and the vehicles they draw, a bracelet of gold a pair of ear-rings, sacred threads, beautiful dresses, and perfumes in especial (should be give). By adoring him as a deity one acquires the regions of Vishnu.
अतः परं प्रवक्ष्यामि यानि देयानि भारते। वाच्यमाने तु विप्रेभ्यो राजन् पर्वणि पर्वणि॥ जाति देशं च सत्यं च माहात्म्यं भरतर्षभ। धर्मं वृत्तिं च विज्ञाय क्षत्रियाणां नराधिप।॥
After this I shall declare what should be given away, as each Parvan is reached of the Bharata in course of its recitation, to Brahmanas, after ascertaining their birth country, truthfulness, and greatness, O chief of Bharata's race, as also their inclination for piety, and to Kshatriyas too, o king, after ascertainment of similar details.
स्वस्ति वाच्य द्विजानादौ ततः कार्ये प्रवर्तिते। समाप्ते पर्वणि तत: स्वशक्त्या पूजयेद् द्विजान्।५५।
Causing the Brahmanas to utter benedictions the business of recitation should be begun. When a Parvan is finished, the Brahmanas should be adored to the best of one's power.
आदौ तु वाचकं चैव वस्त्रगन्धसमन्वितम्। विधिवद् भोजयेद् राजन् मधु पायसमुत्तमम्॥
At first, the reciter, clad in good dresses, and smeared with perfumed paste, should, O king, be duly fed with honey and frumenty of the best kind.
ततो मूलफलप्रायं पायसं मधुसर्पिघा। आस्तीके भोजयेद् राजन् दद्याच्चैव गुडौदनम्॥
When the Astika Parva is being recited, Brahmanas should be entertained with fruits and roots, and frumenty, and hosey and clarified butter, and rice boiled with raw sugar.
अपूपैश्चैव पूपैश्च मोदकैश्च समन्वितम्। सभापर्वणि राजेन्द्र हविष्यं भोजयेद् द्विजान्॥
When the Sabha Parva is being recited, Brahinanas should be fied with Havishıya along with Apupas and Pupas and Modakas, O king.
आरण्यके मूलफलैस्तर्पयेत्तु द्विजोत्तमान्। अरणीपर्व चासाद्य जलकुम्भान् प्रदापयेत्॥
When the Aranyaka Parva is being recited, great Brahmanas should be fied with fruts and roots. When the Arani Parva is reached, waterpots full of water should be distributed.
तर्पणानि च मुख्यानि वन्यमूलफलानि च। सर्वकामगुणोपेतं विप्रेभ्योऽन्नं प्रदापयेत्॥
Many superior kinds of sweet food, also rice and fruits and roots, and good food should be presented to be Brahmanas:
विराटपर्वणि तथा वासांसि विविधानि च। उद्योगे भरतश्रेष्ठ सर्वकामगुणान्वितम्॥ भोजनं भोजयेद् विप्रान् गन्धमाल्यैरलंकृतान्। भीष्मपर्वणि राजेन्द्र दत्त्वा यानमनुत्तमम्॥ ततः सर्वगुणोपेतमन्नं दद्यात् सुसंस्कृतम्। द्रोणपर्वणि विप्रेभ्यो भोजनं परमार्चितम्॥ शराश्च देया राजेन्द्र चापान्यसिवरास्तथा। कर्णपर्वण्यपि तथा भोजनं सार्वकामिकम्॥ विप्रेभ्यः संस्कृतं सम्यग् दद्यात् संयतमानसः। शल्यपर्वणि राजेन्द्र मोदकैः सगुडौदनैः॥ अपूरैस्तर्पणैश्चैव सर्वमन्नं प्रदापयेत्। गदापर्वण्यपि तथा मुद्गमित्रं प्रदापयेत्॥
During the recitation of the Virata Parva, various kind of dresses should be given away : and during that of the Udyoga Parva. O hief of the Bharatas, the twice-born ones, after being decked with perfumes and garlands, should be entertained with good food. During toe recitation of the Bhishma Parva, O king of kings, after giving them excellent cars and conveyances, food should be given which is pure and well-cooked and possessed of every desirable quality. During the Drona Parva food of every superior, kind should be given to trained Brahmanas, as also beds O monarch, and bows, and good swords. During the recitation of the Karna Parva, food of the foremost. kind, which is, besides, pure and well-cooked, should be presented to the Brahmanas by the householder with rapt mind. During the recitation of the Shalya Parva, O kings, food with confectionery and rice boiled with raw sugar as also cakes of wheat and soothing and nutritive articles of food, and drink should be presented. During the recitation of the Gada Parva. Brahmanas should be treated with food mixed with Mudga.
स्त्रीपर्वणि तथा रत्तैस्तर्पयेत्तु द्विजोत्तमान्। घृतौदनं पुरस्ताच्च ऐषीके दापयेत् पुनः॥ ततः सर्वगुणोपेतमन्नं दद्यात् सुसंस्कृतम्। शान्तिपर्वण्यपि तथा हविष्यं भोजयेद् द्विजान्॥
During the recitation of the Stree Parva, foremost of Brahmanas should be served with gems and precious stones : and during the recitation of the Astika Parva, rice boiled in clarified butter should first be given, and then food pure and well-cooked and possessed of every desirable attribute, should be presented. During the recitation of the Shanti Parva, the Brahmanas should be fed with Havishya.
आश्वमेधिकमासाद्य भोजनं सार्वकामिकम्। तथाऽऽश्रमनिवासे तु हविष्यं भोजयेद् द्विजान्॥
When the Ashvamedhika Parva is reached, agreeable food should be served and when the Ashramavasika is reached, Brahmanas should be served with Havishya.
मौसले सार्वगुणिकं गन्धमाल्यानुलेपनम्। महाप्रास्थानिके तद्वत् सर्वकामगुणान्वितम्॥
When the Mausala is reached, scents and garlands, should be given away. During the Mahaprasthanika, similar presents should be made, possessed of every good quality.
स्वर्गपर्वण्यपि तथा हविष्यं भोजयेद् द्विजान्। हरिवंशसमाप्तौ तु सहस्रं भोजयेद् द्विजान्॥
When the Svarga Parva is reached, the Brahmanas should be left with Havishya. Upon the conclusion of the Harivansha, a thousand Brahmanas should be fed.
गामेकां निष्कसंयुक्तां ब्राह्मणाय निवेदयेत्। तदर्धेनापि दातव्या दरिद्रेणापि पार्थिव॥
To each of them should be presented a cow accompanied with a piece of gold. Half of this should be presented to each poor man, O king.
प्रतिपर्वसमाप्तौ तु पुस्तकं वै विचक्षणः। सुवर्णेन च संयुक्तं वाचकाय निवेदयेत्॥
Upon the conclusion of all the Parvas, the wise householder should give to the reciter a copy of the Mahabharata with a piece of gold.
हरिवंशे पर्वणि च पायसं तत्र भोजयेत्। पारणे पारणे राजन् यथावद् भरतर्षभ॥
When the Harivansha Parva being recited, Brahmanas should be fed with frumenty at each successive Parvas, O king.
समाप्य सर्वाः प्रयत: संहिताः शास्त्रकोविदः। शुभे देशे निवेश्याथ क्षौमवस्त्राभिसंवृताः॥ शुक्लाम्बरधरः स्रग्वी शुचिर्भूत्वा स्वलंकृतः।
Having finished all the Parvas, one versed in the scriptures, dressing himself in while wearing garlands, decked with ornaments, and properly purified, should place a copy of the Mahabharata on an auspicious sport and cover it with a piece of silken cloth and adore it, according to due rites, with scents and garlands, offering each at a time.
अर्चयेत यथान्यायं गन्धमाल्यैः पृथक्-पृथक्॥ संहितापुस्तकान् राजन् प्रयतः सुसमाहितः। भक्ष्यैर्माल्यैश्च पेयैश्च कामैश्च विविधैः शुभैः॥
Indeed, O king, the several volumes of this work should be adored by one with devotion and tapt mind. Offerings should be made to them of various kinds of food and garlands and drinks and various auspicious articles of enjoyment.
हिरण्यं च सुवर्णं च दक्षिणामथ दापयेत्। सर्वत्र त्रिपलं स्वर्ण दातव्यं प्रयतात्मना॥ तदर्धं पादशेष वा वित्तशाठ्यविवर्जितम्। यद् यदेवात्मनोऽभीष्टं तत् तद् देयं द्विजातये॥ सर्वथा तोषयेद् भक्त्या वाचकं गुरुमात्मनः । देवता: कीर्तयेत् सर्वा नरनारायणौ तथा॥
Gold and other precious metals should be given as Dakshina. One should offer as gift to all scriptures three palas of gold with full concentration of mind. Or one and half or threforth palas on all sriptures. However, one should not be miser if he has suffice wealth. The things dearer to a man should be offered as gift to the Brahmains. The reciter is once preceptor hence he should be satisfied with keen devotion. The names should then be taken of all the celestials as also of Nara and Narayana.
ततो गन्धैश्च माल्यैश्च स्वलंकृत्य द्विजोत्तमान्। तर्पयेद् विविधैः कामैर्दानैश्चोच्चावचैस्तथा॥
Then worshipping the persons of some foremost of Brahmanas with scents and garlands, they should be satisfied with various kinds of gifts of enjoyable and verb superior or costly articles.
अतिरात्रस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः। प्राप्नुयाच्च क्रतुफलं तथा पर्वणि पर्वणि॥
By doing this, one acquires the merits of the Atiratha sacrifice. Indeed, at each successive Parva, he acquires the merits which belong to the performance of a sacrifice.
वाचको भरतश्रेष्ठ व्यक्ताक्षरपदस्वरः। भविष्यं श्रावयेद् विद्वान् भारतं भरतर्षभ॥
The reciter, O chief of the Bharatas, should be endued with learning and endued with a good voice and a clear utterance about both letters and words. Such a man should, O chief of the Bharatas, recite the Bharata.
भुक्तवत्सु द्विजेन्द्रेषु यथावत् सम्प्रदापयेत्। वाचकं भरतश्रेष्ठ भोजयित्वा स्वलंकृतम्॥
After entertaining a number of foremost Brahmanas, presents should be made to them according to the ordinances. The reciter also, O chief of the Bharatas, should be decked with ornaments and fed sumptuously.
वाचके परितुष्टे तु शुभा प्रतिरनुत्तमा। ब्राह्मणेषु तु तुष्टेषु प्रसन्नाः सर्वदेवताः॥
The reciter being satisfied the house holder acquiring excellent and auspicious contentment. It the Brahmanas are satisfied all the deities are gratified. an
ततो हि वरणं कार्यं द्विजानां भरतर्षभ। सर्वकामैर्यथान्यायं साधुभिश्च पृथग्विधैः॥
After this, O chief of the Bharatas. Brahmanas should be duly served with various kinds of enjoyable articles and superior things.
इत्येष विधिरुद्दिष्टो मया ते द्विपदां वर। श्रद्दधानेन वै भाव्यं यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि॥
I have thus indicated the ordinances, O foremost of men, (about the manner of reciting these scriptures) in response to your enquiries, You should observe them with faith.
भारतश्रवणे राजन् पारणे च नृपोत्तम। सदा यत्नवता भाव्यं श्रेयस्तु परमिच्छता॥
In listening to a recitation of the Bharata and at each Parana. O best of kings, one who desires to acquire to the highest good should listen with the greatest care an attention.
भारतं शृणुयान्नित्यं भारतं परिकीर्तयेत्। भारतं भवने यस्य तस्य हस्तगतो जयः॥
One should listen to the Bharata every day. One should proclaim the merits of the Bharataevery day. One who has the Bharata in his house, has in his hands all those Scriptures which are know by the name of Jaya.
भारतं परमं पुण्यं भारते विविधाः कथाः। भारतं सेव्यते देवैर्भारतं परमं पदम्॥
The Bharata is purifying and sacred. In the Bharata are various topics. The Bharata is adored by the very gods. The Bharata is the highest end.
भारतं सर्वशास्त्राणामुत्तमं भरतर्षभ। भारतात् प्राप्यते मोक्षस्तत्त्वमेतद् ब्रवीमि तत्॥
The Bharata, O chief of the Bharatas, is the foremost of all scriptures, One acquires Liberation through the Bharata. This that I tell you is certain truth.
महाभारतमाख्यानं क्षितिं गां च सरस्वतीम्। ब्राह्मणान् केशवं चैव कीर्तयेन् नावसीदति॥
One who proclaim the merits of this history called the Mahabharata, of the Earth of the cow, of Sarasvati (the goddess of speech), of Brahmanas, and of Keshava, has never to languish.
वेदे रामायणे पुण्ये भारते भरतर्षभ। आदौ चान्ते च मध्ये च हरिः सर्वत्र गीयते॥
In this Veda in the Ramayana and in the sacred Bharata, O chief of Bharata's race, Hari is sung ia the beginning, the middle, and the end.
यत्र विष्णुकथा दिव्याः श्रुतयश्च सनातनाः। तच्छ्रोतव्यं मनुष्येण परं पदमिहेच्छता॥
That in which occurs excellent discourse abyur Vishnu, and the eternal Shrutis should be listened to be men desirous of acquiring the highest end.
एतत् पवित्रं परममेतद् धर्मनिदर्शनम्। एतत् सर्वगुणोपेतं श्रोतव्यं भूतिमिच्छता॥
This treatise is purifying. This is the highest indicator as regards duties: this is endues with every merit. One desirous of prosperity should listen to it.
कायिकं वाचिकं चैव मनसा समुपार्जितम्। तत् सर्वं नाशमायाति तमः सूर्योदये यथा॥
Sins committed by means of the body by means of words and by means of the mind, are all dissipated (through listening to the Bharata) as Darkness at sunrise.
अष्टादशपुराणानां श्रवणाद् यत् फलं भवेत्। तत् फलं समवाप्नोति वैष्णवो नात्र संशयः॥
One devoted to Vishnu acquires (through this) that merit which is acquired by listening to the eighteen Puranas. There is no doubt in this.
स्त्रियश्च पुरुषाश्चैव वैष्णवं पदमाप्नुयुः। स्त्रीभिश्च पुत्रकामाभिः श्रोतव्यं वैष्णवं यशः॥
Man and women (by listening to (this) world certainly acquire the status of Vishnu. Women desirous of children should certainly listen to this which proclaims the fame of Vishnu.
दक्षिणा चात्र देया वै निष्कपञ्चसुवर्णकम्। वाचकाय यथाशक्त्या यथोक्तं फलमिच्छता॥
One desirous of acquiring the fruits which belong to a recitations of the Bharata should according to one's power, give unto the reciter Dakshina as also as honorarium in gold.
स्वर्णशृङ्गी च कपिला सवत्सां वस्त्रसंवृताम्। वाचकाय च दद्याद्धि आत्मनः श्रेय इच्छता॥
One desirous of one's own behoot should give to the reciter a Kapila cow with horns cased in gold and accompanied by her calf, covered with a cloth.
अलङ्कारं प्रदद्याच्च पाण्योर्वे भरतर्षभ। कर्णस्याभरणं दद्याद् धनं चैव विशेषतः॥
Ornaments, O chief of Bharata's race for the arms as also those for the ears, should be given. Besides these other kinds of riches should be presented.
भूमिदानं समादद्याद् वाचकाय नराधिप। भूमिदानसमं दानं न भूतं न भविष्यति॥
To the reciter, O king of men, gift of land should be made. No gift like that of land could ever be or will be.
शृणोति श्रावयेद् वापि सततं चैव यो नरः। सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो वैष्णवं पदमाप्नुयात्॥
The man who listens to the Bharata) or that recites it to other people becomes purged of all his sins and acquires. at last the status of Vishnu.
पितृनुद्धरते सर्वानेकादशसमुद्भवान्। आत्मानं ससुतं चैव स्त्रियं च भरतर्षभ॥ दशांशश्चैव होमोऽपि कर्तव्योऽत्र नराधिप। इदं मया तवाग्रे च प्रोक्तं सर्वे नरर्षभ॥
Such a man rescue his ancestors to the eleventh, degree, as also himself with his wives and sons, O chief of Bharata's race. After concluding a recitation of the Bharata, one should, O king perform a Homa with all its ten parts. I have thus, o king, told everything in your presence.