Janamejaya's query regarding the period "The heroes of Kurukshetra would remain in the celestial region,' Vaishampayana's reply, Termination of Janamejaya's SnakeSacrifice, His return from Takshashila to his capital after having dismissed the sacrificial priests with profuse gifts, The merits of the Mahabharata, The Savitri of the Mahabharata

जनमेजय उवाच भीष्मद्रोणौ महात्मानौ धृतराष्ट्रश्च पार्थिवः। विराटद्रुपदौ चोभौ शङ्खश्चैवोत्तरस्तथा।॥ धृष्टकेतुर्जयत्सेनो राजा चैव स सत्यजित्। दुर्योधनसुताश्चैव शकुनिश्चैव सौबलः॥ कर्णपुत्राश्च विक्रान्ता राजा चैव जयद्रथः। घटोत्कचादयश्चैव ये चान्ये नानुकीर्तिताः॥ ये चान्ये कीर्तिता वीरा राजानो दीप्तमूर्तयः। स्वर्गे कालं कियन्तं ते तस्थुस्तदपि शंस मे॥
Janamejaya said Bhishma and Drona, those two great persons, king Dhritarashtra, and Virata and Drupada, and Shankha and Uttara, Dhrishtaketu and Jayatsena, and Shakuni the son of Subala, Karna's sons of great prowess king Jayadratha, Ghatotkacha and others whom you have not mentioned, the other heroic kings of shining forms, tell me for what period they remained in the celestial region.

आहोस्विच्छाश्वतं स्थानं तेषां तत्र द्विजोत्तम। अन्ते वा कर्मणां कां ते गतिं प्राप्ता नरर्षभाः॥
O best of twice-born, did they live in Heaven for ever? What was the end acquired by those best of men when their acts terminated.

एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं प्रोच्यमानं द्विजोत्तम। तपसा हि प्रदीप्तेन सर्वं त्वमनुपश्यति॥
I wish to hear this, O foremost of twiceborn persons, and, therefore, have I asked you. By virtue of your blazing penances you see all things.

सौतिरुवाच इत्युक्तः स तु विप्रर्षिरनुज्ञातो महात्मना। व्यासेन तस्य नृपतेराख्यातुमुपचक्रमे॥
Sauti said Thus accosted, that twice-born Rishi, receiving the permission of the great Vyasa, began to answer the question of the king.

वैशम्पायन उवाच न शक्यं कर्मणामन्ते सर्वेण मनुजाधिप। प्रकृतिं किं नु सम्यक्ते पृच्छैषा सम्प्रयोजिता॥
Vaishampayana said Every one, O king, is not capable of returning to his own nature at the end of his deeds. Whether this is so or not, is, undoubtedly, a good question asked by you.

शृणु गुह्यमिदं राजन् देवानां भरतर्षभ। यदुवाच महातेजा दिव्यचक्षुः प्रतापवान्॥ मुनिः पुराण: कौरव्य पाराशर्यो महाव्रतः। अगाधबुद्धिः सर्वज्ञो गतिज्ञः सर्वकर्मणाम्॥ तेनोक्तं कर्मणामन्ते प्रविशन्ति स्विकां तनुम्।
Hear, O king, this which is a mystery of the celestials, O chief of Bharata's race! It was explained (to us) by Vyasa of great energy, celestial vision, and great prowess, that ancient ascetic, O Kauravya, who is the son of Parashara and who always practises high vows, who is of immeasurable understanding, who is omniscient, and who, therefore, knows the end of all deeds.

वसूनेव महातेजा भीष्मः प्राप महाद्युतिः॥ अष्टावेव हि दृश्यन्ते वसवो भरतर्षभ।
Bhishma of great energy and great effulgence acquired the dignity of the Vasus. Eight Vasus, O chief of Bharata's race, are now seen.

बृहस्पति विवेशाथ द्रोणो ह्यङ्गिरसां वरम्॥ कृतवर्मा तु हार्दिक्यः प्रविवेश मरुद्गणान् ।
Drona entered into Brihaspati, that foremost, one of Angirasaa's descendants. Hridika's son Kritavarman entered the Maruts.

सनत्कुमारं प्रद्युम्नः प्रविवेश यथागतम्॥ धृतराष्ट्रो धनेशस्य लोकान् प्राप दुरासदान्।
Pradyumna entered Sanatkumara whence he had come. Dhritarashtra obtained the regions, so difficult of acquisition, belonging to Kubera.

धृतराष्ट्रेण सहिता गान्धारी च यशस्विनी॥ पत्नीभ्यां सहितः पाण्डुर्महेन्द्रसदनं ययौ।
The famous Gandhari gained the same regions with her husband Dhritarashtra. With his two wives, Pandu went to the abode of the great Indra. as

विराटद्रुपदौ चौभो धृष्टकेतुश्च पार्थिवः॥ निशठाक्रूरसाम्बाश्च भानुः कम्पो विदूरथः। भूरिश्रवाः शलश्चैव भूरिश्च पृथिवीपतिः॥ कंसश्चैवोग्रसेनश्च वसुदेवस्तथैव च। उत्तरश्च सह भ्रात्रा शङ्खन नरपुङ्गवः॥ विश्वेषां देवतानां ते विविशुनरसत्तमाः।
Both Virata ad Drupada, and king Dhrishtaketu, also Nishatha, Akrura, Shamba, Bhanukampa, and Viduratha, and Bhurishravas and Shana and king Bhuri, and Kansa, and Ugrasena, and Vasudeva, and Uttara, that foremost of men, with his brother Shankha, all these foremost of persons entered the celestials.

वर्चा नाम महातेजाः सोमपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥ सोऽभिमन्युइँसिंहस्य फाल्गुनस्य सुतोऽभवत्।
Soma's son of great prowess, named Varshas of mighty energy became Abhimanyu, the son of Phalguna, that foremost of men.

स युद्ध्वा क्षत्रधर्मेण यथा नान्यः पुमान् क्वचित्।।१९ विवेश सोमं धर्मात्मा कर्मणोऽन्ते महारथः। आविवेश रविं कर्णो निहतः पुरुषर्षभः॥ द्वापरं शकुनिः प्राप धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु पावकम्।
Having fought, according to Kshatriya practices, with bravery such as none else had ever been able to show, tat mighty-armed and righteous-souled being entered Soma. Killed on the field of battle, O foremost of men, sons Karna entered the Sun. Shakuni entered into the Dvapara, and Dhrishtadyumna into the God of Fire.

धृतराष्ट्रात्मजाः सर्वे यातुधाना बलोत्कटाः॥ ऋद्धिमन्तो महात्मानः शस्त्रपूता दिवं गताः।
The of Dhritarashtra were all Rakshasas of great power. Sanctified by death caused by weapons, those great beings of great prosperity all succeeded in acquiring the celestial region.

धर्ममेवाविशत् क्षत्ता राजा चैव युधिष्ठिरः॥ अनन्तो भगवान् देवः प्रविवेश रसातलम्।
Both Kshatri and king Yudhishthira entered into the God of Virtue. The holy and illustrious Ananta (who had taken birth as Balarama) went to the region below the Earth.

पितामहनियोगाद् वै यो योगाद् गामधारयत्॥ यः स नारायणो नाम देवदेवः सनातनः। तस्यांशो वासुदेवस्तु कर्मणोऽन्ते विवेश ह॥
Through the command of the Grandsire, he, helped by his Yoga power, supported the Earth. Vasudeva was a part of that eternal god of gods, called Narayana. Accordingly, he entered into Narayana.

षोडश स्त्रीसहस्राणि वासुदेवपरिग्रहः। अमज्जंस्ताः सरस्वत्यां कालेन जनमेजय॥
Sixteen thousand women had been the time came, O Janamejaya, they plunged into the Sarasvati.

तत्र त्यक्त्वा शरीराणि दिवामारुरुहुः पुनः। ताश्चैवाप्सरसो भूत्वा वासुदेवमुपाविशन्॥
Renouncing their (human) bodies there, they re-ascended to the celestial region. Transformed into Apsaras, they approached the presence of Vasudeva.

हतास्तस्मिन् महायुद्धे ये वीरास्तु महारथाः। घटोत्कचादयश्चैव देवान् यक्षांश्च भेजिरे॥
Those heroic and powerful car-warriors, viz., Ghatotkacha and others, who were killed in the great battle, attained to the status, some of celestials and some of Yakshas.

दुर्योधनसहायाश्च राक्षसाः परिकीर्तिताः। प्राप्तास्ते क्रमशो राजन् सर्वलोकाननुत्तमान्॥
Those who had fought on the side of Duryodhana are said to have been Rakshasas. Gradually, o king, they have all attained to excellent regions of happiness.

भवनं च महेन्द्रस्य कुबेरस्य च धीमतः। वरुणस्य तथा लोकान् विविशुः पुरुषर्षभाः॥
Those foremost of men have gone, some to the abode of Indra, some to that of highly intelligent Kubera of great intelligence, and some to that of Varuna.

एतत् ते सर्वमाख्यातं विस्तरेण महाद्युते। कुरूणां चरितं कृत्स्नं पाण्डवानां च भारत॥
I have now told you, you of great splendour, everything about the acts, O Bharatas, of both the Kurus and the Pandavas.

सौतिरुवाच एतच्छुत्वा द्विजश्रेष्ठः स राजा जनमेजयः। विस्मितोऽभवदत्यर्थं यज्ञकर्मान्तरेष्वथ।॥
Hearing this, O foremost of twice-born ones, at the intervals of sacrificial rites, king Janamejaya became filled with wonder.

ततः समापयामासुः कर्म तत् तस्य याजकाः। आस्तीकश्चाभवत् प्रीतः परिमोक्ष्य भुजङ्गमान्॥
The sacrificial priests then finished the rites which remained to go through. Astika, having rescued the snakes (from a fiery death) became filled with joy.

ततो द्विजातीन् सर्वांस्तान् दक्षिणाभिरतोषयत्। पूजिताश्चापि ते राज्ञा ततो जग्मुर्यथागतम्॥
King Janamejaya then pleased all the Brahmanas with profuse presents. Thus adored by the king, they returned to their respective abodes.

विसर्जयित्वा विप्रांस्तान् राजापि जनमेजयः। ततस्तक्षशिलाया: स पुनरायाद् गजाह्वयम्॥
Having disinissed those learned Brahmanas, king Janamejaya returned from Takshashila to Hastinapur.

एतत् ते सर्वमाख्यातं वैशम्पायनकीर्तितम्। व्यासाज्ञया समाज्ञातं सर्पसत्रे नृपस्य हि॥
I have now told you everything that Vaishampayana described, at the command of Vyasa, to the king at his snake sacrifice.

पुण्योऽयमितिहासाख्यः पवित्रं चेदमुत्तमम्। कृष्णेन मुनिना विप्र निर्मितं सत्यवादिना॥
Called a history, it is sacred, purifying and excellent. It has been composed by the ascetic Krishna, O Brahmana, of truthful speech.

सर्वज्ञेन विधिज्ञेन धर्मज्ञानवता सता। अतीन्द्रियेण शुचिना तयसा भावितात्मना॥ ऐश्वर्ये वर्तता चैव सांख्ययोगवता तथा। नंकतन्त्रविबुद्धेन दृष्ट्वा दिव्येन चक्षुषा॥
He is omniscient, conversan: with all ordinances, endued with a knowledge of all duties, gifted with piety, capable of perceiving what is beyond the perception of the senses, pure, having a soul purified by penances, possessed of the six high attributes, and devoted to Sankhya Yoga. He has composed this, seeing everything with a celestial eye which has been cleansed (strengthened) by varied lore.

कीर्ति प्रथयता लोके पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्। अन्येषां क्षत्रियाणां च भूरिद्रविणतेजसाम्॥
He has done this, desiring to spread the fame, throughout the world, of the great Pandavas as also of other Kshatriyas endued with profuse energy.

यश्चेदं श्रावयेद् विद्वान् सदा पर्वणि पर्वणि। धूतपाप्मा जितस्वर्गो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते॥
That learned man who recites this history on sacred days in the midst of an attentive audience becomes purged of every sin, conquers that celestial region, and attains to the status of Brahma.

कार्णं वेदमिमं सर्व सर्वं शृणुयाद् यः समाहितः। ब्रह्महत्यादिपापानां कोटिस्तस्य विनश्यति॥
Of that man who listens with rapt attention to the recitation of the whole of this Veda composed by (the Island-borm) Krishna, a millions sins, numbering such grave ones as Brahmanicide and the rest, are washed off.

यश्चेदं श्रावयेच्छ्राद्धे ब्राह्मणान् पादमन्ततः। अक्षय्यमन्नपानं वै पितृस्तस्योपतिष्ठते॥
The departed manes of that man who recites even a small portion of this history at a Shraddha obtain inexhaustible food and drink.

अह्ना यदेनः कुरुते इन्द्रियैर्मनसापि वा। महाभारतमाख्याय पश्चात् संध्यां प्रमुच्यते॥
The sins that one commits during the day by one's senses or the mind are all washed off before evening by reciting a portion of the Mahabharata.

यद् रात्रौ कुरुते पापं ब्राह्मणः स्त्रीगणैर्वृतः। महाभारतमाख्याय पूर्व संध्या प्रमुच्यते॥
Whatever sins a Brahmana may commit at night in the midst of women, are all washed off before dawn by reciting a portion of the Mahabharata.

महत्त्वाद् भारतवत्त्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते।
The great race of the Bharatas is its topic. Hence it is called Bharata. And because of its grave meaning as also of the Bharatas being its topic, it is called Mahabharata.

निरुक्तमस्य यो वेद सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥ अष्टादशपुराणानि धर्मशास्त्राणि सर्वशः। वेदाः साङ्गास्तथैकत्र भारतं चैकतः स्थितम्॥
He who is versed in interpretations of this great work becomes purged of every sin. Such a man lives in virtue, profit and pleasure, and acquires Liberation also, O chief of Bharata's race.

श्रूयतां सिंहनादोऽयमृषेस्तस्य महात्मनः। अष्टादशपुराणानां कर्तुर्वेदमहोदधेः॥ त्रिभिर्वरिदं पूर्ण कृष्णद्वैपायनः प्रभुः।
That which is in this is elsewhere. That which does not occur here occurs no where else. This history is known by the name of Jaya. It should be heard by every one desirous of Liberation.

अखिल भारतं चेदं चकार भगवान् मुनिः॥ आकर्य भक्त्या सततं जयाख्यं भारतं महत्।
It should be read by Brahmanas, by kings, and by women big with children. He who desires Heaven attains to Heaven; and he who desires victory achieves it.

श्रीश्च कीर्तिस्तथा विद्या भवन्ति सहिताः सदा॥ धर्मे चार्थे च कामे च मोक्षे च भरतर्षभ। यदिहास्ति तदन्यत्र यन्नेहास्ति न कुत्रचित्॥
The woman big with child gets either a son or a daughter highly blessed. The powerful Island-born Krishna, who will not have to come back, and who is Liberation incarnate, made an abstract of the Bharata, moved by the desire of helping the cause of virtue.

जयो नामेतिहासोऽयं श्रोतव्यो मोक्षमिच्छता। ब्राह्मणेन च राज्ञा च गर्भिण्या चैव योषिता॥ स्वर्गकामो लभेत् स्वर्ग जयकामो लभेज्जयम्। गर्भिणी लभते पुत्रं कन्यां वा बहुभागिनीम्॥ अनागतश्च मोक्षश्च कृष्णद्वैपायनः प्रभुः। संदर्भ भारतस्यास्य कृतवान् धर्मकाम्यया।॥ षष्टिं शतसहस्राणि चकारान्यां स संहिताम्।
A Brahmana desirous of emancipation, A Kshatriya desirous of ruling and a pregnant women desirous of having a son should listen to this history named as Jaya. One who desires the heaven achieve the same and the man desirous of victory in war achieve the same and pregnant women gets an able son or a luckiest daughter, In case, these recite or listen to this Bharata. The renowned sage Krishna Dvaipayana has composed this Bharata in order to establish the rightiousness, because he himself was in the form of emancipation. He made another compilation consisting of sixty lakh of verses.

त्रिंशच्छतसहस्राणि देवलोके प्रतिष्ठितम्॥ पित्र्ये पञ्चदशं ज्ञेयं यक्षलोके चतुर्दश।
Thirty lakhs of these were placed in the region of the celestials. In the region of the Pitris fifteen lakhs it should be known, are current; while in that of the Yakshas fourteen lakhs are current.

एकं शतसहस्रं तु मानुषेषु प्रभाषितम्॥ नारदोऽश्रावयद् देवानसितो देवलः पितॄन्। रक्षोयक्षाशुको मान् वैशम्पायन एव तु॥ इतिहासमिमं पुण्यं महार्थं वेदसम्मितम्।
One lakh is current among human beings. Narada recited the Mahabharata to the gods; Asita-Devala to the Pitris; Shuka to the Rakshasa and the Yakshas; and Vaishampayana to human beings. This history is sacred, and of deep significance, and considered as equal to the Vedas.

व्यासोक्तं श्रूयते येन कृत्वा ब्राह्मणमग्रतः॥ स नरः सर्वकामांश्च कीर्ति प्राप्येह शौनक।
That man, O Shaunaka, who hears this history, placing a Brahmana before him, acquires both fame and the fruition of all his desires.

गच्छेत् परमिकां सिद्धिमत्र मे नास्ति संशयः॥ भारताध्ययनात् पुण्यादपि पादमधीयतः।
He who, with fervid devotion, listens to a recitation of the Mahabharata, attains (hereafter) to great success on account of the merit that becomes his through understanding even a very small part thereof. All the sins of that man who recites or listens to this history with devotion are washed off.

श्रद्धया परया भक्त्या श्राव्यते चापि येन तु॥ य इमां सहितां पुण्यां पुत्रमध्यापयच्छुकम्।
Formerly, the great Rishi Vyasa, having composed this work caused his son Shuka to read it with him, along with these four verses.

मातापितृसहस्राणि पुत्रदारशतानि च। संसारेष्वनुभूतानि यान्ति यास्यन्ति चापरे॥
Thousands of mothers, and fathers, and hundreds of sons and wives arise in the world and depart from it. Others will arise and similarly go away.

हर्षस्थानसहस्राणि भयस्थानशतानि च। दिवसे दिवसे मूढमाविशन्ति च पण्डितम्॥
There are thousands of occasions for joy and hundreds of occasions for fear. These affect only him who is ignorant but never him that is wise.

ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्विरोम्येष न च कश्चिच्छणोति मे। धर्मादर्थश्च कामश्च स किमर्थं न सेव्यते॥
With uplifted arms I am crying aloud but nobody hears me. From Virtue originate Profit and Pleasure. Why should not Virtue, therefore, be sought?

न जातु कामान्न भयान्न लोभाद् धर्म त्यजेज्जीवितस्यापि हेतोः। नित्यो धर्मः सुखदुःखे त्वनित्ये जीवो नित्यो हेतुरस्य त्वनित्यः॥
For the sake neither of pleasure, not of fear, nor of cupidity should any one renounce Virtue. Indeed, for the sake of even life, one should not renounce Virtue. Virtue is eternal. Pleasure and Pain are not eternal. Jiva is eternal. The cause, however of Jiva's being covered with a body is not so.

इमा भारतसावित्री प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत्। स भारतफलं प्राप्य परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति॥
That man who, arising early in the morning, reads this Savitri of the Bharata, acquires all the rewards attached to a recitation of this history and ultimately attains to the highest Brahma.

यथा समुद्रो भगवान् यथा हि हिमवान् गिरिः। ख्यातावुभौ रत्ननिधी तथा भारतमुच्यते॥
As the sacred Ocean, as the Himavat mountain, are both, considered as mines of precious gems, so is this Bharata.

कार्यों वेदमिमं विद्वाश्रावयित्वार्थमश्नुते। इदं भारतमाख्यानं यः पठेत् सुसमाहितः। स गच्छेत् परमां सिद्धिमिति मे नास्ति संशयः॥
The learned man, by reciting in others this Veda or Agama composed by (the Island-born) Krishna, acquires wealth. There is no doubt in this that he who, with rapt attention, recites this history called Bharata, acquires great success.

द्वैपायनोष्ठपुटनिःसृतममप्रेयं पुण्यं पवित्रमथ पापहरं शिवं च। यो भारतं समधिगच्छति वाच्यमान। किं तस्य पुष्करजलैरभिषेचनेन॥
What need has that man of a sprinkling of the waters of Pushkara who attentively listens to this Bharata, while it is recited to him? It represents the nectar that dropped from the lips of the Island-born. It is immeasurable, sacred, sanctifying, sincleansing, and auspicious.

यो गोशतं कनकशृङ्गमयं ददाति विप्राय वेदविदुषे सुबहुश्रुताया पुण्यां च भारतकथां सततं शृणोति तुल्यं फलं भवति तस्य च तस्य चैव॥
Who gives hundred cows, with horns cased in gold to a most learned Brahmana, well versed in the Vedas and one who listens the sacred story of Bharata every day, both acquire equal fruit.