The Hymn of Maheshvara.

वैशम्पायन उवाच महायोगी ततः प्राह कृष्णद्वैपायनो मुनिः। पठस्व पुत्र भद्रं ते प्रीयतां ते महेश्वरः।।शा
Vaishampayana said After Vasudeva had stopped, the great, Yogin, viz., Krishna Dvaipayana, addressed Yudhishthira, saying, O son, recite this hymn consisting of the thousand and eight names of Mahadeva, and let Maheshvara be pleased with you.

पुरा पुत्र मया मेरौ तप्यता परमं तपः। पुत्रहेतोर्महाराजस्तव एषोऽनुकीर्तितः॥
Formerly, O son, I was engaged in the practice of penances on the breast of the mountains of Meru for getting son. It is this very hymn that was recited by me.

लब्धवानीप्सिता कामानहं वै पाण्डुनन्दन। तथात्वमपि शद्धि सर्वान् कामानवाप्स्यसि॥
As the reward of this, I acquired the fruition of all my wishes, O son of Pandu! You will also by reciting this same hymn, get from Sharva the fruition of all your wishes.

कपिलश्च ततः प्राह सांख्यर्षिर्देवसम्मतः। मया जन्मान्यनेकानि भक्त्या चाराधितो भवः॥
After this, Kapila, the Rishi who preached the doctrines of Sankhya, and who is honc ired by the gods themselves, said I adored Bhava with great devotion for many lives. The illustrious god at last became pleased with me and gave me knowledge which can help one in avoiding rebirth.

प्रीतश्च भगवान् ज्ञानं ददौ मम भवान्तकम्। चारुशीर्षस्ततः प्राह शक्रस्य दयितः सखा। आलम्बायन इत्येवं विश्रुतः करुणात्मकः॥ मया गोकर्णमासाद्य तपस्तत्वा शतं समाः। अयोनिजानां दान्तानां धर्मज्ञानां सुवर्चसाम्॥ अजराणामदुःखानां शतवर्षसहस्रिणाम्। लब्धं पुत्रशतं शर्वात् पुरा पाण्डुनृपात्मज॥
After this, the Rishi named Charushirsha, that dear friend of Shakra and known also as Alambana's son and who is filled with mercy, said I in former days went to the mountains of Gokarna and sat myself to practise hard austerities for a hundred years. As the reward of those penances, I got from Sharva, O son of king Pandu, a hundred sons, all of whom were born without the agency of woman of wellcontrolled soul, conversant with righteousness, gifted with great splendour, free from disease and sorrow, and endued with lives extending for a hundred thousand years.

वाल्मीकिश्चाह भगवान् युधिष्ठिरमिदं वचः। विवादे साग्निमुनिभिर्ब्रह्मनो वै भवानिति॥
Then the illustrious Valmiki, addressing Yudhishthira, said Once upon a time in course of a disputation, certain ascetics who possessed the Homafire condemned me as one guilty of Brahmanicide.

उक्तं क्षणेन चाविष्टस्तेनाधर्मेण भारत। सोऽहमीशानमनघममोघं शरणं गतः॥
As soon as they had condemned me as such, the sin of Brahmanicide, O Bharata, possessed me. I then, for purifying myself, sought the protection of the sinless Ishana who is irresistible in energy.

मुक्तश्चास्मि ततः पापैस्ततो दुःखविनाशनः। आह मां त्रिपुरघ्नो वै यशस्तेऽयं भविष्यति॥
I became purged of all my sins. That remover of all sorrows, viz., the destroyer of the triple city of the Asuras, said to me You will acquire great fame in the world.

जामदग्न्यश्च कौन्तेयमिदं धर्मभृतां वरः। ऋषिमध्ये स्थितः प्राह ज्वलन्निव दिवाकरः॥
Then Jamadagni's son, that foremost of all pious persons, effulgent like the Sun in the midst of that assembly of Rishis said to the son of Kunti.

पितृविप्रवधेनाहमार्तो वै पाण्डवाग्रज। शुचिर्भूत्वा महादेवं गतोऽस्मि शरणं नृप॥
I was possessed by the sin, O eldest son of Pandu, of Brahmanicide for having killed my brothers who were all learned Brahmanas. Purifying myself, I sought the protection, O king, of Mahadeva.

नामभिश्चास्तुवं देवं ततस्तुष्टोऽभवद् भवः। परशुं च ततो देवो दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि चैव मे॥
I sang the praises of the great God by reciting his names. At this Bhava became pleased with me, and gave me battleaxe and many other celestial weapons.

पापं च ते न भविता अजेयश्च भविष्यसि। न ते प्रभविता मृत्युरजरश्च भविष्यसि॥
And he said to me you will be freed from sin and you will be invincible in battle. Death himself shall not succeed in overcoming you for you, will be freed from disease.

आह मां भगवानेवं शिखण्डी शिवविग्रहः। तदवाप्तं च मे सर्वं प्रसादात् तस्य धीमतः॥
Thus did the illustrious and crested god of auspicious form said this to me. Through the favour of that god of great intelligence I got all that He had said.

विश्वामित्रस्तदोवाच क्षत्रियोऽहं तदाभवम्। ब्राह्मणोऽहं भवानीति मया चाराधितो भवः॥
Then Vishvamitra said I was formerly a Kshatriya. I paid my worship to Bhava with the desire of becoming a Brahmana. Through the favour of that great god I succeeded in getting the high status, that is so difficult to acquire, of a Brahmana.

तत्प्रसादान्मया प्राप्तं ब्राह्मण्यं दुर्लभं महत्। असितो देवलश्चैव प्राह पाण्डुसुतं नृपम्॥ शापाच्छक्रस्य कौन्तेय विभो धर्मोऽनशत् तदा। तन्मे धर्मे यशश्चाग्र्यमायुश्चैवाददत् प्रभुः॥
Then addressing the royal son of Pandu, the Rishi Asita Devala said Formerly O son of Kunti, through the curse of Shakra, all the merit of my pious deeds was destroyed. The power, Mahadeva kindly gave me back that merit together with great fame and a long life.

ऋषिर्गृत्समदो नाम शक्रस्य दयितः सखा। प्राहाजमीढं भगवान् बृहस्पतिसमद्युतिः॥
The illustrious Rishi Gritsamada, the dear friend of Shakra, who resembled the celestial preceptor Brihaspati himself, addressing Yudhishthira of Ajamidha's race said.

वरिष्ठो नाम भगवांश्चाक्षुषस्य मनोः सुतः। शतक्रतोरचिन्त्यस्य सत्रे वर्षसहस्रिके॥ वर्तमानेऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं साम्नि छुच्चारिते मया। रथन्तरे द्विजश्रेष्ठ न सम्यगिति वर्तते॥
The inconceivable Shakra had formerly celebrated a sacrifice extending for a thousand years. While that sacrifice was going on, I was engaged by Shakra in reciting the Samans. Vasishtha, the son of that Manu who originated from the eyes of Brahman, came to that sacrifice and addressing me, said O foremost of twiceborn ones, the Rathantara is not being recited properly by you.

समीक्षस्व पुनर्बुद्ध्या पापं त्यक्त्वा द्विजोत्तम। अयज्ञवाहिनं पापमकार्षीस्त्वं सुदुर्मते॥
0 best of Brahmanas cease to acquire demerit by reading so faultily, and with the help of you understanding. do you read the Samans correctly. O you of wicked understanding why do you perpetrate such sin destructive of Sacrifice.

एवमुक्त्वा महाक्रोधः प्राह शम्भुं पुनर्वचः। प्रज्ञया रहितो दुःखी नित्यभीतो वनेचरः॥ दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशाष्टौ च शतानि च। नष्टपानीयपवने मृगैरन्यैश्च वर्जिते॥
Having said these words, the Rishi Vasishtha who was very wrathful, yielded to that passion and addressing me once more, said Be thou an animal shorn of intelligence, subject to grief, ever filled with fear, and an inhabitant of trackless forests destitute of both wind and water and abandoned by other animals. Do you thus pass ten thousand years with ten and eight hundred years in addition.

अयज्ञीयदुमे देशे रुरुसिंहनिषेविते। भविता त्वं मृगः क्रूरो महादुःखसमन्वितः॥
That forest in which you will have to pass this time will be shorn of all holy tress and will, besides, be the haunt of Rurudeer and lions. Verily, you shall have to become a cruel deer plunged in excess of grief.

तस्य वाक्यस्य निधने पार्थ जातो हं मृगः। ततो मां शरणं प्राप्तं प्राह योगी महेश्वरः॥ अजरचामरश्चैव भविता दुःखवर्जितः। साम्यं ममास्तु ते सौख्यं युवयोर्वर्धतां क्रतुः॥
As soon as he had said these words, O son of Pritha, I immediately became changed into a deer. I then sought the protection of Maheshvara. The great god said to me You will be freed from disease of every sort, and besides immortality shall be yo urs. You will never suffer from grief. Your friendship with Indra shall remain unchanged and left the sacrifices of both Indra and yourself multiply.

अनुग्रहानेवमेष करोति भगवान् विभुः। परं धाता विधाता च सुखदुःखे च सर्वदा॥
The illustrious and puissant Mahadeva favours all creatures in this way. He is always the great dispenser and ordainer of the happiness and sorrow of all living creatures.

अचिन्त्य एष भगवान् कर्मणा मनसा गिरा। न मे तात युधिश्रेष्ठ विद्यया पण्डितः समः॥
That illustrious god is incapable of being comprehended in thought, word, or deed. O son, O you who are the best of warriors, there is none who is equal to me in learning.

वासुदेवस्तदोवाच पुनर्मतिमतां वरः। सुवर्णाक्षो महादेवस्तपसा तोषितो मया॥
After this, Vasudeva, that foremost of all intelligent men, once more said Mahadeva of golden eyes was pleased by me with my penances.

ततोऽथ भगवानाह प्रीतो मां वै युधिष्ठिर। अर्थात् प्रियतरः कृष्ण मत्प्रसादाद् भविष्यसि॥
Pleased with me, O Yudhishthira, the illustrious god said to me You will, O Krishna, through my favour, become dearer to all person than riches which is coveted by all.

अपराजितश्च युद्धेषु तेजश्चैवानलोपमम्। एवं सहस्रशश्चान्यान् महादेवो वरं ददौ॥
You will be invincible in battle. Your energy shall be equal to that of Fire. Mahadeva gave me thousands of other boons at that time.

मणिमन्थेऽथ शैले वै पुरा सम्पूजितो मया। वर्षायुतसहस्राणां सहस्रं शतमेव च॥
In a former incarnation I worshipped Mahadeva on the Manimantha mountain for millions of years.

ततो मां भगवान् प्रीत इदं वचनमब्रवीत्। वरं वृणीष्व भद्रं ते यस्ते मनसि वर्तते॥
Pleased with me, the illustrious god said to me those words Blessed be you, do you solicit boons you wish for.

ततः प्रणम्य शिरसा इदं वचनमब्रुवम्। यदि प्रीतो महादेवो भक्त्या परमया प्रभुः॥ नित्यकालं तवेशान भक्तिर्भवतु मे स्थिरा। एवमस्त्विति भगवांस्तत्रोक्त्वान्तरधीयत॥
Bowing him I said these words I the powerful Mahadeva has been pleased with me, then let devotion to him be unchanged, O Ishana! This is the boon that I solicit. The great god said mc Be it so! and disappeared there and then.

जैगीषव्य उवाच ममाष्टगुणमैश्वर्यं दत्तं भगवता पुरा। यत्नेनान्येन बलिना वाराणस्यां युधिष्ठिर॥
Jaigishavya said O Yudhishthira, formerly in the city of Varanasi, the powerful Mahadeva, finding me out, conferred upon me the eight attributes of sovereignty!

गर्ग उवाच चतुःषष्ट्यङ्गमददत् कलाज्ञानं ममाद्भुतम्। सरस्वत्यास्तटे तुष्टो मनोयज्ञेन पाण्डव॥
Garga said O son of Pandu, pleased with me, on account of a mental sacrifice which had performed, the great God bestowed upon me, on the banks of the sacred river Sarasvati, that wonderful science, viz., the knowledge of Times, with its sixtyfour branches.

तुल्यं मम सहस्रं तु सुतानां ब्रह्मवादिनाम्। आयुश्चैव सपुत्रस्य संवत्सरशतायुतम्॥
He also conferred upon me a thousand solis, all possessed of equal merit and fully conversant with the Vedas. Through his favour their periods of life as also mine have become extended to ten millions of years.

पराशर उवाच प्रसाद्येह पुरा शर्वं मनसाचिन्तयं नृप। महातपा महातेजा महायोगी महायशाः॥ वेदव्यास: श्रियावासो ब्राह्मणः करुणान्वितः। अप्यसावीप्सितः पुत्रो मम स्याद् वै महेश्वरात्॥
Parashara said Formerly I pleased Sarva, O king. I then cherished the desire of getting a son who would be endued with great ascetic merit, and superior energy, and addressed to high Yoga, that would acquire worldwide fame, arrange the Vedas and become the home of prosperity, that would be devoted to the Vedas and the Brahmans and be famous for mercy. Such a son was desired by me from Maheshvara.

इति मत्वा हृदि मतं प्राह मां सुरसत्तमः। मयि सम्भावना यास्याः फलात्कृष्णोभविष्यति॥४२ सावर्णस्य मनोः सर्गे सप्तर्षिश्च भविष्यति। वेदानां च स वै वक्ता कुरुवंशकरस्तथा॥
Knowing that this was the wish of my heart, that foremost of gods said to me through the fruition of that object of yours which you wish to get from me, you will have a son named Krishna. In that creation which shall be known after the name of SavarniManu, that son of yours shall be reckoned among the seven Rishis. He shall arrange the Vedas, and be the propagator of Kuru's race.

इतिहासस्य कर्ता च पुत्रस्ते जगतो हितः। भविष्यति महेन्द्रस्य दयितः स महामुनिः॥
He shall, besides, be the author of the ancient histories and do behoof to the world, Gifted with severe penances he shall, again be the dear friend of Shakra.

अजरचामरश्चैव पराशर सुतस्तव। एवमुक्त्वा स भगवांस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत॥ युधिष्ठिर महायोगी वीर्यवानक्षयोऽव्ययः।
Freed from all sorts diseases, that son of yours, O Parashara, shall besides be immortal! Having said these words, the great god disappeared there and then, Such is the good, O Yudhishthira, that I have got from that indestructible and immutable God,, gifted with the highest penances and supreme energy.

मन्डव्य उवाच अचौरश्चौरशङ्कायां शूले भिन्नो ह्यहं तदा॥ तत्रस्थेन स्तुतो देवः प्राह मां वै नरेश्वर। मोक्षं प्राप्स्यसि शूलाच्च जीविष्यसि समार्बुदम्॥ रुजा शूलकृता चैव न ते विप्र भविष्यति।
Mandavya said Formerly, suspected wrongly of theft, I was impaled. I then worshipped the illustrious Mahadeva who said to me You shall soon be freed and live for millions of yours. The pangs due to imprisonment shall no be yours.

आधिभिर्व्याधिभिश्चैव वर्जितस्त्वं भविष्धसि॥ पादाच्चतुर्थात् सम्भूत आत्मा यस्मान्मुने तव। त्वं भविष्यस्यनुपमो जन्म वै सफलं कुरु॥
You will also be freed from all sorts of affliction and disease. And since, O ascetic this body of yours has originated from the fourth foot of Dharma, (viz., Truth), you will be peerless on Earth. Do you make your life fruitful.

तीर्थाभिषेकं सकलं त्वमविघ्नेन चाप्स्यसि। स्वर्गे चैवाक्षयं विप्र विदधामि तवोर्जितम्॥ एवमुक्त्वा भगवान् वरेण्यो वृषवाहनः। महेश्वरो महाराज कृत्तिवासा महाद्युतिः॥
You will, without any obstruction, be able to bathe in all the sacred waters of the Earth. And after the dissolution of your body, I shall, O learned Brahmana, ordain that you will enjoy the pure felicity of heaven eternally. Having said these words to me, the worshipful god having the bull for his carriage, viz., Maheshvara of peerless splendour and clad in animal skin, O king, disappeared there and then with all his companions.

गालव उवाच सगणो दैवतश्रेष्ठस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। विश्वामित्राभ्यनुज्ञातो ह्यहं पितरमागतः॥ अब्रवीन्मां ततो माता दुःखिता रुदती भृशम्। कौशिकेनाभ्यनुज्ञातं पुत्रं वेदविभूषितम्॥
Galava said Formerly I studied from my preceptor Vishvamitra. Getting his permission I started for home the object of seeing; my father. My widowed mother stricken with sorrow and, weeping bitterly, said tu me Alas, your father will never see his son who, endued with Vedic knowledge, has been allowed by his preceptor to come home and who, having all the graces of youth, is endued with selfcontrol.

न तात तरुणं दान्तं पिता त्वां पश्यतेऽनघ। श्रुत्वा जनन्या वचनं निराशो गुरुदर्शने॥ नियतात्मा महादेवमपश्यं सोऽब्रवीच्च माम्। पिता माता च ते त्वं च पुत्र मृत्युविवर्जिताः॥
Hearing these words of my mother, I became stricken with despair about seeing again my father. I then paid my adoration with a rapt soul to Maheshvara who, pleased with me, appeared before me and said Your father, your mother and yourself, O son, shall all be freed from death, Go quickly and enter your abode; you shall see your father there.

भविष्यथ विश क्षिप्रं द्रष्टासि पितरं क्षये। अनुज्ञातो भगवता गृहं गत्वा युधिष्ठिर।॥
Having got the permission of the illustrious god, I then went home, O Yudhishthira, and saw my father, O son, coming out after having finished his daily sacrifice.

अपश्यं पितरं तात इष्टिं कृत्वा विनिःसृतम्। उपस्पृश्य गृहीत्वेध्मं कुशांश्च शरणाकुरून्॥
And he come out, having his hands a quantity of sacrificialfuel and Kusha grass and some fallen fruits. And he appeared to have already taken his daily food for he had washed himself properly.

तान् विसृज्य च मां प्राह पिता सास्राविलेक्षणः। प्रणमन्तं परिष्वज्य मूर्युपाघ्राय पाण्डव॥
Throwing down those things from his hand, my father, with eyes, bathed in tears, raised me, for I had prostrated myself at his feet, and embracing me smelt my head, O son of Pandu, and said By good luck, O son, are you seen by me. You returned having acquired knowledge from your preceptor.

वैशम्पायन उवाच दिष्ट्या दृष्टोऽसि मे पुत्र कृतविद्य इहागतः। एतान्यत्यद्भुतान्येव कर्माण्यथ महात्मनः॥
Vaishampayana said Hearing these marvellous and most wonderful deeds of the great Mahadeva sung by the ascetics, the son of Pandu became amazed.

प्रोक्तानि मुनिभिः श्रुत्वा विस्मयामास पाण्डवः। ततः कृष्णोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं पुनर्मतिमतां वरः॥
Then Krishna that foremost of all intelligent persons, then spoke once more to Yudhishthira, that sea of virtue, like Vishnu speaking to Puruhuta.

वासुदेव उवाच युधिष्ठिरं धर्मनिधि पुरुहूतपिवेश्वरः। उपमन्युर्मयि प्राह तपन्निव दिवाकरः॥ अशुभैः पापकर्माणो ये नराः कलुषीकृतः। ईशानं न प्रपद्यन्ते तमोराजसवृत्तयः॥
Vasudeva said Upamanyu, who appeared to shine like the sun, said to me Those sinful men who are sullied with impious deeds, do not succeed in attaining to Ishana. Having their nature sullied by the qualities of Darkness and Ignorance they can never approach the Supreme Deity. It is only those twiceborn persons who are of purified souls that succeed in attaining to the Supreme Deity.

ईश्वरं सम्प्रपद्यन्ते द्विजा भवितभावनाः। सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि यो भक्तः परमेश्वरे॥
Even if a person enjoys every pleasure and luxury, yet if he be devoted to the Supreme Deity he is considered equal to hermits of purified souls.

सदृशोऽरण्यवासीनां मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्। ब्रह्मत्वं केशवत्वं वा शक्रत्वं वा सुरैः सह॥
If Rudra be pleased with a person he can confer upon him the dignity of either Brahma or of Keshava or of Shakra with all the gods under him, or the sovereignty of the three worlds.

त्रैलोक्यस्याधिपत्यं वा तुष्टो रुद्रः प्रयच्छति। मनसापि शिवं तात ये प्रपद्यन्ति मानवाः॥
Those men, O sire, who adore Bhava even mentally, succeed in freeing themselves from all sins and live in the celestial region with all the gods.

विधूय सर्वपापानि देवैः सह वसन्ति ते। भित्त्वा भित्त्वा च कूलानि हत्वा सर्वमिदं जगत्॥
A person who raises houses to their foundations and destroys tanks and lakes, indeed, who lays waste the entire universe, does not become stained with sin if he adores and worships the illustrious three eyed god.

यजेद् देवं विरूपाक्षं न स पापेन लिप्यते। सर्वलक्षणहीनोऽपि युक्तो वा सर्वपातकैः॥
A person who is shorn of every auspicious mark and who is stained by every sin, destroys all his sins by meditating upon Shiva.

सर्वं तुदति तत्पापं भवयञ्छिवमात्मना। कीटपक्षिपतङ्गानां तिरश्चामपि केशव॥६८।
Even worms, insects and birds, O Keshava, that devote themselves to Mahadeva are enabled to move about fearlessly.

महादेवप्रपन्नानां न भयं विद्यते क्वचित्। एवमेव महादेवं भक्ता ये मानवा भुवि॥
This is my belief that those men who devote themselves to Mahadeva become, forsooth, freed from rebirth.

न ते संसारवशगा इति मे निश्चिता मतिः। ततः कृष्णोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं धर्मपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
After this, Krishna again addressed Yudhishthira the son of Dharma in the following words.

विष्णु उवाच आदित्यचन्द्रावनिलानलौ च द्यौर्भूमिरापो वसवोऽथ विश्वे। धतार्यमा शुक्रबृहस्पती च रुद्राः ससाध्या वरुणोऽथ गोपः॥ ब्रह्मा शक्रो मारुतो ब्रह्म सत्यं वेदा यज्ञा दक्षिणा वेदवाहाः। सोमो यष्टा यच्च हव्यं हविश्व रक्षा दीक्षा संयमा ये च केचित्॥ स्वाहा वौषट् ब्राह्मणाः सौरभेयी धर्मे चायं कालचक्रं बलं च। यशो दमो बुद्धिमतां स्थितिश्च शुभाशुभं ये मुनयश्च सप्त॥ अग्र्या बुद्धिर्मनसा दर्शने च स्पर्शश्चाग्र्यः कर्मणां या च सिद्धिः। गणा देवानामूष्मपाः सोमपाच लेखाः सुयामास्तुषिता ब्रह्मकायाः॥ आभासुरा गन्धपा धूमपाश्च वाचा विरुद्धाश्च मनोविरुद्धाः। शुद्धाश्च निर्माणरताश्च देवाः स्पर्शाशना दर्शषा आज्यपाश्च॥ चिन्त्यद्योता ये च देवेषु मुख्या ये चाप्यन्ये देवताश्चाजमीढ। सुपर्णगन्धर्वपिशाचदानवा यक्षास्तथा चारणपन्नगाश्च ७६॥ स्थूलं सूक्ष्मं मृदु चाप्यसूक्ष्म दुःखं सुखं दुःखमनन्तरं च। सांख्यं योगं तत्पराणां परं च शर्वाज्जातं विद्धि यत् कीर्तितं मे॥ तत्सम्भूता भूतकृतो वरेण्या: सर्वे देवा भुवनस्यास्य गोपाः। आविश्यमां धरणीं येऽभ्यरक्षन् पुरातनी तस्य देवस्य सृष्टिम्॥
Vishnu said The Sun, the Moon, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Vishvedevas, Datri, Aryaman Shukra, Brihaspati the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Gopa, Brahman, Shakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that teach a knowledge of Brahma, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the gods in sacrificial offerings, clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Svaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of piety, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Selfcontrol, the Steadiness of all intelligent persons, all acts of goodness and otherwise, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all deeds, the various tribes of the celestials, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Likhas, Suyamas, Tushita, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that control their speech, those that restrain their minds, the pure, they who are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yogapower, those celestials who live on touch those celestials who live on vision and those who live upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings who can create by their will the objects they require, they who are regarded as the foremost one among the celestials, and all the Other celestials O Ajamidha the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pishachas the Danavas, the Yakslias, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys all sorrow that comes after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow the Samkhya philosophy, Yoga and that which is above all objects regarded as foremost and very superior all adorable things, all the celestials and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this arcient creation of that of that illustrious Deity have originated from that creator of all creatures.

विचिन्वन्तस्तपसा तन्स्थवीयः किंचित् तत्त्वं प्राणहेतोर्नतोऽस्मि। नाभिष्टुतो नः प्रभुरव्ययः सदा॥
All that I have mentioned is grosser than what the wise think of with the help of Penances. Indeed, that subtile Brahma is the cause of life. I bow respectfully to it. Let that immutable and indestructible Lord, always worshipped by us, grant us desirable boons.

इमं स्तवं संनियतेन्द्रियश्च भूत्वा शुचिर्यः पुरुषः पठेत। अभग्नयोगो नियतो मासमेकं सम्प्राप्नुयादश्ोधे फलं यत्॥
That person who, governing his senses and purifying himself, recites this hymn, continually for his vow, for one month, succeeds in acquiring the merit of a Horsesacrifices.

वेदान् कृत्स्नान् ब्राह्मणः प्राप्नुयात् तु जयेन्नृपः पार्थ महीं च कृत्स्नाम्। वैश्यो लाभं प्राप्नुयान्नैपुणं च शूद्रो गति प्रेत्य तथा सुखं च॥
By reciting this hymn the Brahmana succeeds in acquiring all the Vedas; the Kshatriya becomes crowned with victory, O son of Pritha; the Vaishya, in acquiring riches and cleverness; and the Shudra, in acquiring happiness here and a good end hereafter.

स्तवराजमिमं कृत्वा रुद्राय दधिरे मनः। सर्वदोषापहं पुण्यं पवित्रं च यशस्विनः॥
By reciting the best of hyinns that can cleanse every sin and that is highly sacred and purifying, highly illustrious persons set their hearts on Rudra.

यावन्त्यस्य शरीरेषु रोमकूपाणि भारत तावन्त्यब्दससहस्राणि स्वर्गे वसति मानवः॥
A man by reciting this best of hymns succeeds in living in the celestial region for as many years as there are pores in his body.