The Story of Marutta and Brihaspati continuned none

इन्द्र उवाच एवमेतद् ब्रह्मबलं गरीयो न ब्राह्मणात् किंचिदन्यद् गरीयः। आविक्षितस्य तु बलं न मृष्ये वज्रमस्मै प्रहरिष्यामि घोरम्॥
The power of Brahmanas is, indeed great and there are more powerful than Brahmanas, but I can never bear patiently the insolent pride of Avikshita's son, and so shall I grind him with my thunderbolt.

धृतराष्ट्र प्रहितो गच्छ मरुत्तं संवर्तेन संगतं तं वदस्व। बृहस्पतिं त्वमुपशिक्षस्व राजन् वज्रं वा ते प्रहरिष्यामि घोरम्॥
Therefore, O Dhritarashtra, according to my direction go to king Marutta, attended by Samvarta, and deliver this now to him-do you, O prince, accept Brihaspati as your spiritual preceptor, as otherwise, I shall strike you with my dreadful thunderbolt.' do you

व्यास उवाच ततो गत्वा धृतराष्ट्रो नरेन्द्र प्रोवाचेदं वचनं वासवस्य॥
Vyasa said Then Dhritarashtra went to that monarch's court and delivered this news to him from Vasava.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच गन्धर्वं मां धृतराष्ट्रं निबोध त्वामागतं वक्तुकामं नरेन्द्र। ऐन्द्रं वाक्यं शृणु मे राजसिंह यत् प्राह लोकाधिपतिर्महात्मा॥ बृहस्पतिं याजकं त्वं वृणीष्व वज्रं वा ते प्रहरिष्यामि घोरम्। वचश्चेदेतन्न करिष्यसे मे प्राहैतदेतावदचिन्त्यका॥
Dhritarashtra said O king, know that I am Dhritarashtra the Gandharva, come here with the object of delivering to you the message of Indra, do you, O foremost of kings, listen to the words which the great lord of all the worlds meant for you, that one of incomprehensible deeds (Indra) only said this much do you accept Brihaspati as your officiating priest for the sacrifice, or if you do not comply with my request. I shall strike you with my dreadful thunderbolt.

मरुत उवाच त्वं चैवैतद् वेत्थ पुरंदरच विश्वेदेवा वसवश्चाश्विनौ च। मित्रद्रोहे निष्कृतिर्नास्ति लोके महत् पापं ब्रह्महत्यासमं तत्॥
Marutta said-You, O Purandara, the Vishvadevas, the Vasus and the Ashvins you all know, that, in this world there is no escape for the results of playing false to a friend, it is a great sin like that of Brahminicide.

बृहस्पतिर्याजयतां महेन्द्र देवश्रेष्ठं वज्रभृतां वरिष्ठम्। संवर्तो मां याजयिताऽद्य राजन् न ते वाक्यं तस्य वा रोचयामि॥
Let Brihaspati (therefore) officiate as priest to that Mahendra the supreme Deva (god), the highest one holding the thunderbolt, and, O prince, Samvarta will act as my priest, as neither his (Indra's) words, nor thine commend themselves to me.

गन्धर्व उवाच घोरो नादः श्रूयतां वासवस्य नभस्तले गर्जतो राजसिंह। व्यक्तं वज्रं मोक्ष्यते ते महेन्द्रः क्षेमं राजंश्चिन्त्यतामेष कालः॥
The Gandharva said Do you, O foremost of kings, listen to the terrible war-cry, of Vasava roaring in the sky, assuredly and openly will Mahendra hurl his thunderbolt at you, do you, therefore, think of your well-being, for this is the time to do it.

व्यास उवाच इत्येवमुक्तो धृतराष्ट्रेण राजन् श्रुत्वा नादं नदतो वासवस्य। तपोनित्यं धर्मविदां वरिष्ठं संवर्तं तं ज्ञापयामास कार्यम्॥
Vyasa said Thus addressed by Dhritarashtra, and hearing the of Vasava, the king communicated this news to Samvarta firm in devotion and the highest of all virtuous men. roar

मरुत उवाच दध्वा दूरं तेन न दृश्यतेऽद्या प्रपद्येऽहं शर्म विपेन्द्र त्वत्तः प्रयच्छ तस्मादभयं विप्रमुख्य॥
Marutta said Indeed this rain cloud floating in the air, indicates that Indra must be near at present, therefore, O prince of Brahmanas, I seek shelter from you, do you, O best of Brahmanas remove this fear of Indra from my mind.

अयमायाति वै वज्री दिशो विद्योतयन् दशा अमानुषेण घोरेण सदस्यास्त्रासिता हि नः॥
The Holder of the Thunderbolt is coming encompassing the ten directions of space with his dreadful and super-human refulgence and my assistants at this sacrificial assembly have been filled with fear.

संवर्त उवाच भयं शक्राद् व्येतु ते राजसिंह प्रणोत्स्येऽहं भयमेतत् सुघोरम्। संस्तम्भिन्या विद्यया क्षिप्रमेव मा भैस्त्वमस्याभिभवात् प्रतीतः॥
O foremost of kings, your fear of Shakra will soon be removed, and I shall soon remove this terrible pain by means of my magic (incantation), be calm and have no fear of being overpowered by Indra.

अहं संस्तम्भयिष्यामि मा भैस्त्वं शक्रतो नृप। सर्वेषामेव देवानां क्षयितान्यायुधानि मे॥
You have nothing to fear from the God of a Hundred Sacrifices, I shall use my staying charms, O king, and the weapons of all the gods will avail them not.

दिशो वज्रं व्रजतां वायुरेतु वर्षं भूत्वा वर्षतां काननेषु। आपः प्लवन्त्वन्तरिक्षे वृथा च सौदामनी दृश्यते मापि भैस्त्वम्॥ वह्निर्देवस्त्रातु वा सर्वतस्ते कामान् सर्वान् वर्षतु वासवो वा। वजं तथा स्थापयतां वधाय महाघोरं प्लवमानं जलौघैः॥
Let the lightning flash in all the directions, and the winds entering into the clouds pour down rain in the midst of the forests, and the water deluge the heavens and the flashes of lightning that are seen will avail not, you have nothing to fcar, let Vasava pour down the rains and plat his terrific thunderbolt where he will, floating among the masses of (clouds) for your destruction, for the god Vahni (Agni) will protect you in every way, and make you attain all the objects of your desire.

मरुत उवाच घोरः शब्दः श्रूयते वै महास्वनो वज्रस्यैष सहितो मारुतेन। न मे स्वास्थ्यं जायते चाद्य विप्र॥
This dreadful crash of the thunderbolt together with the roaring of the winds, seem dreadful to my ears and my heart is stricken again and again, O Brahmana, and my peace of mind is gone at present.

संवर्त उवाच वज्रादुग्राद् व्येतु भयं तवाद्य वातो भूत्वा हन्मि नरेन्द्र वज्रम्। भयं त्यक्त्वा वरमन्यं वृणीष्व कं ते कामं मनसा साधयामि॥
Samvarta said O king, the fear in your mind from this terrible thunderbolt will leave you immediately. I shall remove the thunder by the help of the winds, and setting aside all fear from your mind, do you accept a boon from me according to your heart's desire, and I shall do it for you.

मरुत्त उवाच इन्द्रः साक्षात् सहसाभ्येतु विप्र हविर्यज्ञे प्रतिगृह्णातु चैव। स्वं स्वं धिष्ण्यं चैव जुषन्तु देवा हुतं सोमं प्रतिगृह्णन्तु चैव॥
Marutta said-I wish, O Brahmana, that Indra all of a sudden should come bodily at this sacrifice, and accept the oblation offered to him, and that all the other celestials also come and take their appointed shares of the offerings and accepts the libations of Soma offered to them.

संवर्त उवाच अयमिन्द्रो हरिभिरायाति राजन् देवैः सर्वैस्त्वरितैः स्तूयमानः। मन्त्राहूतो यज्ञमिमं मयाद्य पश्यस्वैनं मन्त्रविसस्तकायम्॥
I have, by the power of my incantations, attracted Indra bodily to this sacrifice. See, O king, Indra coming with his horses, and adored by the other celestials hastening to this sacrifice.

अग्निरुवाच ततो देवैः सहितो देवराजो रथे युक्त्वा तान् हरीन् वाजिमुख्यान्। राविक्षितस्याप्रमेयस्य सोमम्॥
Then the King of the Celestials attended by the other deities and riding in his chariot drawn by the most excellent horses, approached the sacrificial altar of that son of Avikshit and drank the Soma libations of that peerless king.

तमायान्तं सहितं देवसंघैः प्रत्युद्ययौ सपुरोधा मरुत्तः। चक्रे पूजां देवराजाय चाश्यां यथाशास्त्रं विधिवत् प्रीयमाणः॥
And king Marutta with his priest rose to receive Indra coming with the host of celestials and well-pleased in mind, he welcomed the King of Deities with due and foremost honours according to the Shastras.

संवर्त उवाच स्वागतं ते पुरुहूतेह विद्वन् यज्ञोऽप्ययं संनिहिते त्वयीन्द्र। शोशुभ्यते बलवृत्रघ्न भूयः पिबस्व सोमं सुतमुद्यतं मया।॥
Welcome to you, O Indra, by your presence here, I learned one, this sacrifice has been made grand, O destroyer of Vala, and Vritra, do you, again, drink this Soma juice produced by me today.

मरुत्त उवाच शिवेन मां पश्य नमश्च तेऽस्तु प्राप्तो यज्ञः सफलं जीवितं मे। अयं यज्ञं कुरुते मे सुरेन्द्र बृहस्पतेरवरजो विप्रमुख्यः॥
Marutta said-Do you look with kindness upon me, I bow to you, O Indra, by your presence, my sacrifice has been perfected, and my life too blessed with good results. O Surendra, this excellent Brahmana, the younger brother of Brihaspati is engaged in celebrating my sacrifices.

इन्द्र उवाच जानामि ते गुरुमेनं तपोधनं बृहस्पतेरनुजं तिग्मतेजसम्। यस्याह्वानादागतोऽहं नरेन्द्र प्रीतिर्मेऽद्य त्वयि मन्युः प्रनष्टः॥
Indra said I know your priest, this highly energetic ascetic, the younger brother of Brihaspati, at whose invitation I have come to this sacrifice, I am, o king, well-pleased with you, and my anger against you is gone.

संवर्त उवाच यदि प्रीतस्त्वमसि वै देवराज तस्मात्स्वयं शाधि यज्ञे विधानम्। स्वयं सर्वान् कुरु भागान् सुरेन्द्र जानात्वयं सर्वलोकश्च देव॥
If, O King of the Celestials, you are pleased with us, do you yourself give all the directions for this sacrifice, and, O Surendra, yourself ordain the sacrificial portions (for the gods), so that, O god, all the world may know that it has been done by you.

व्यास उवाच एवमुक्तस्त्वाङ्गिरसेन शक्रः समादिदेश स्वयमेव देवान्। सभाः नियन्तामावसथाश्च मुख्याः सहस्रशश्चित्रभूताः समृद्धाः॥ क्लृप्ताः स्थूणाः कुरुतारोहणानि गन्धर्वाणामप्सरसां च शीघ्रम्। यत्र नृत्येरन्नप्सरसः समस्ताः स्वर्गोपमः क्रियतां यज्ञवाटः॥
Vyasa said Thus addressed by the son of Angira, Shakra himself gave directions to all the celestials to erect the hall of assembly, and a thousand well-furnished excellent rooms loO king grand as in a canvass and quickly to complete the staircase massive and durable, for the ascent of the Gandharvas and Apsaras and to furnish that portion of the sacrificial ground reserved for the dance of the Apsaras, like the palace of Indra in the celestial region.

इत्युक्तास्ते चक्रुराशु प्रतीता दिवौकसः शक्रवाक्यान्नरेन्द्र। ततो वाक्यं प्राह राजानमिन्द्रः प्रीतो राजन् पूज्यमानो मरुत्तम्॥ एष त्वयाहमिह राजन् समेत्य ये चाप्यन्ये तव पूर्वे नरेन्द्र। सर्वाश्चान्या देवता: प्रीयमाणा हविस्तुभ्यं प्रतिगृह्णन्तु राजन्॥
o king, thus directed, the renowned denizens of heaven quickly carried out the directions of Shakra. And then, O king, Indra well-pleased and worshipped, thus said to king Marutta, O prince, by associating with you at this sacrifice, your ancestors who have gone before you, as well as the other celestials have been highly pleased and accepted the oblations offered by you.

आग्नेयं वै लोहितमालभन्तां वैश्वदेवं बहुरूपं हि राजन्। नीलं चोक्षाणं मध्यमप्यालभन्तां चलच्छिश्नं सम्प्रदिष्टं द्विजायाः॥
And now, O king, let the foremost of twiceborn ones, offer on the sacrificial altar a red bull belonging to the Fire-God and a sacred and duly consecrated blue bull with variegated skin, belonging to the Vishvedevas.

ततो यज्ञो ववृधे तस्य राजन् यत्र देवाः स्वयमन्नानि जहः। यस्मिशक्रो ब्राह्मणैः पूज्यमानः सदस्योऽभूद्धरिमान् देवराजः॥
Then, O king, the sacrificial ceremony grew in splendour, wherein the celestials themselves collected the food, and Shakra the King of the a Celestials, possessed of horse, and adored by the Brahmanas, become all assistant at the sacrifice.

ततः संवर्तश्चैत्यगतो महात्मा यथा वह्निः प्रज्वलितो द्वितीयः। हवींष्युच्चैराह्वयन् देवसंघान् जुहावाग्नौ मन्त्रवत् सुप्रतीतः॥
And then the great Samvarta ascending the altar, and loO king radiant as the second embodiment of the Burning Fire, loudly addressing the celestials with satisfaction, offered oblations of clarified butter to the fire with incantation of the sacred hymns.

ततः पीत्वा बलभित् सोममयं ये चाप्यन्ये सोमपा देवसंघाः। सर्वेऽनुज्ञाताः प्रययुः पार्थिवेन यथाजोषं तर्पिताः प्रीतिमन्तः॥
And then the Destroyer of Vala first drank the Soma juice, and then the assembly of other celestials who drank Soma, and then in happiness and with the king's permission they returned home well-pleased and delighted.

ततो राजा जातरूपस्य राशीन् पदे पदे कारयामास हृष्टः। द्विजातिभ्यो विसृजन् भूरि वित्तं रराज वित्तेश इवारिहन्ता॥
Then that king, the destroyer of his enemies, with a delighted heart, placed heaps of gold on various spots, and distributing the immense riches to the Brahmanas, he looked glorious like Kubera the King of Riches.

ततो वित्तं विविधं संनिधाय यथोत्साहं कारयित्वा च कोषम्। अनुज्ञातो गुरुणा संनिवृत्य शशास गामखिलां सागरान्ताम्॥
And with a pleased heart, the king filled his treasury with different kinds of wealth, and with the permission of his spiritual preceptor he returned (to his kingdom) and continued to rule the entire kingdom extending to the limits of the sea.

एवंगुण: सम्बभूवेह राजा यस्य क्रतो तत् सुवर्णं प्रभूतम्। तत् त्वं समादाय नरेन्द्र वित्तं यजस्य देवांस्तर्पयानो निवापैः॥
So virtuous in this world was that king, at whose sacrifice such an enormous quantity of gold was collected, and now, O prince you must collect that gold and adoring the gods with due rites, do you celebrate this sacrifice.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो राजा पाण्डवो हृष्टरूप: श्रुत्वा वाक्यं सत्यवत्याः सुतस्य। मनश्चक्रे तेन वित्तेन यष्टुं ततोऽमात्यैर्मन्त्रयामास भूयः॥
Vaishmpayana said Then the Pandava prince Yudhishthira was delighted on hearing this speech of the son of Satyavati (Vyasa), and desirous of celebrating his sacrifice with those riches, he consulted again and again with his ministers.