Prowess of Bhagadatta

संजय उवाच तस्मिन् महति संक्रन्दे राजा दुर्योधनस्तदा। गाङ्गेयमुपसंगम्य विनयेनाभिवाद्य च॥
Sanjaya said When that dreadful battle was over, king Duryodhana, approaching the son of Ganga, and saluting him with humility,

तस्य सर्वं यथावृत्तमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे। घटोत्कचस्य विजयमात्मनश्च पराजयम्॥
Began to describe everything that had taken place, namely, victory by Ghatotkacha, and the defeat he himself has suffered.

कथयामास दुर्धर्षो विनिःश्वस्य पुनः पुनः। अब्रवीच्च तदा राजन् भीष्मं कुरुपिताहम्॥
the won That invincible warrior, O king, theli spoke these words, sighing repeatedly and addressing the grandsire of the Kurus namely Bhishma.

भवन्तं समुपाश्रित्य वासुदेवं यथा परैः। पाण्डवैर्विग्रहो घोरः समारब्धो मया प्रभो॥
"Just as the son of Vasudeva has been relied upon by the foe, so replying upon yourself, I have commenced this dreadful war with the Pandavas, O lord.

एकादश समाख्याता अक्षौहिण्यश्च या मम। निदेशे तव तिष्ठन्ति मया सार्धं परंतप॥
My troops counting eleven Akshauhini in number, as also my own self, O grinder of foes, are all under your command.

सोऽहं भरतशार्दूल भीमसेनपुरोगमैः। घटोत्कचं समाश्रित्य पाण्डवैर्युधि निर्जितः॥
Though thus supported, yet, О foremost of the Bharatas, I have been worsted in battle by the Pandava combatants headed by Bhimasena and dependent on Ghatotkacha.

तन्मे दहति गात्राणि शुष्कवृक्षमिवानलः। यदिच्छामि महाभाग त्वत्प्रसादात् परंतप॥
This it is that is corroding my limbs like fire burning a withered tree. Therefore, O you of eminent parts, O slayer of foes, through your grace, I wish,

राक्षसापसदं हन्तु स्वयमेव पितामह। त्वां समाश्रित्य दुर्धर्षं तन्मे कर्तुं त्वमर्हसि॥
O grandsire, to slay that worst of Rakshasas myself, mainly depending upon your invincible self. It behaves you to see that my wish is fulfilled.”

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं राज्ञो भरतसत्तम। दुर्योधनमिदं वाक्यं भीष्मः शान्तनवोऽब्रवीत्॥
Hearing, O foremost of the Bharatas, these words of the king, Bhishma the son of Shantanu addressed these words to Duryodhana.

शृणु राजन् मम वचो यत् त्वां वक्ष्यामि कौरव। यथा त्वया महाराज वर्तितव्यं परंतप॥
"Hear, O king the words that I shall speak to you, O scion of the Kuru race, about how you should conduct yourself, Ogrinder of foes.

आत्मा रक्ष्यो रणे तात सर्वावस्थास्वरिंदम। धर्मराजेन संग्रामस्त्वया कार्यः सदाऽनघ॥
O sire, O slayer of foes, you should ever carefully protect yourself in battle, under all circumstances. O sinless one, you should always engage with the very virtuous king Yudhishthira.

अर्जुनेन यमाभ्यां वा भीमसेनेन वा पुनः। राजधर्मं पुरस्कृत्य राजा राजानमार्छति॥
Or with Arjuna or with Bhimasena or with the twins Nakula and Sahadeva. Keeping in view the duty of a king, a king strikes another royal compose.

अहं द्रोणः कृपो द्रौणिः कृतवर्मा च सात्वतः। शल्यश्च सौमदत्तिश्च विकर्णश्च महारथः॥
Myself, Drona, Kripa, the son of Drona, Kritavarma of the Satvata race, Shalya, Somadatta's son, the might car-warrior Vikarna,

तव च भ्रातरः श्रेष्ठा दुःशासनपुरोगमाः। त्वदर्थे प्रतियोत्स्यामो राक्षसं तं महाबलम्॥
Your heroic brothers headed by Dushasana, we shall all right with that highly puissant Rakshasa for your sake.

रौद्रे तस्मिन् राक्षसेन्द्रे यदि तेऽनुशयो महान्। अयं वा गच्छतु रणे तस्य युद्धाय दुर्मतेः॥ भगदत्तो महीपालः पुरन्दरसमो युधि। एतावदुक्त्वा राजानं भगदत्तमथाब्रवीत्॥ समक्षं पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः। गच्छ शीघ्रं महाराज हैडिम्बं युद्धदुर्मदम्॥
Or if you bear implacable hatred for that fierce prince of Rakshasas, let this ruler of earth namely Bhagadatta, who is equal to Indra in battle, encounter in battle that evil-minded one." Having thus addressed the king, Bhishma eloquent in speech thus spoke of Bhagadatta even before that foremost of king “Proceed, O mighty monarch, without delay, against the son of Hidimba, invincible in battle.

वारयस्व रणे यत्तो मिषतां सर्वधन्विनाम्। राक्षसं क्रूरकर्माणं यथेन्द्रस्तारकं पुरा॥
Putting forth all your energies do you resist that Rakshasa of cruel deeds before the eyes of these bowmen, even as Indra resisted Taraka in days gone by.

तव दिव्यानि चास्त्राणि विक्रमश्च परंतप। समागमश्च बहुभिः पुराभूदमरैः सह॥
Your weapons are of celestial make and o redresser of your foes, your prowess in divine. And before this, you have had encounters with many a host of Asuras.

त्वं तस्य नृपशार्दूल प्रतियोद्धा महाहवे। स्वबलेनोच्छ्रितो राजञ्जहि राक्षसपुङ्गवम्॥
O foremost of kings, you are a match for the Rakshasa in this fierce battle; and supported by your own divisions, O king, do you slay that foremost of Rakshasas.”

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं भीष्मस्य पृतनापतेः। प्रययौ सिंहनादेन परानभिमुखो द्रुतम्॥
Hearing these words of Bhishma the generalissimo of the Kauravas, Bhagadatta rushed towards the enemy uttering his war cries.

तमाद्रवन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य गर्जन्तमिव तोयदम्। अभ्यवर्तन्त संक्रुद्धाः पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥
Beholding him rush like a mass of roaring clouds, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host inflamed with wrath advanced with impetuosity.

भीमसेनोऽभिमन्युश्च राक्षश्च घटोत्कचः। द्रौपदेयाः सत्यधृतिः क्षत्रदेवश्च भारत॥
Bhimasena, Abhimanyu, the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, the son of Draupadi, Satyadhriti, Kshatradeva, and O sire,

चेदिपो वसुदानश्च दशार्णाधिपतिस्तथा। सुप्रतीकेन तांश्चापि भगदत्तोऽप्युपाद्रवत्॥
Vasudeva, the ruler of the Chedis, the ruler of the Dasharnas, all these warriors assaulted Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta also mounted on his elephant Supratika, charged these heroes.

ततः समभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं भयानकम्। पाण्डूनां भगदत्तेन यमराष्ट्रविवर्धनम्॥
Then ensued a dreadful combat of awful aspect, between the Pandava hosts and Bhagadatta's divisions, increasing the population of Death's domain.

प्रयुक्ता रथिभिर्बाणा भीमवेगाः सुतेजनाः। ते निपेतुर्महाराज नागेषु च रथेषु च॥
Fleet arrows charged with energy and shot by car-warriors, O mighty monarch, began to fall on elephants and chariots.

प्रभिन्नाश्च महानागा विनीता हस्तिसादिभिः। परस्परं समासाद्य संनिपेतुरभीतवत्॥
Huge-elephants with rent temples and goaded on by their riders, approached and fell upon one another dauntlessly.

मदान्धा रोषसंरब्धा विषाणार्महाहवे। बिभिदुर्दन्तमुसलैः समासाद्य परस्परम्॥
Excited to the highest pitch of fury and blind with shedding the temporal juice, those elephants approaching one another ripped one another open with the point of their tusks resembling hard bludgeons.

हयाश्च चामरापीडाः प्रासपाणिभिरास्थिताः। चोदिताः सादिभिः क्षिप्रं निपेतुरितरेतरम्॥
Horses, graced with long-flowing tails and mounted by lancers, urged on by their riders, vehemently dashed against one another totally undaunted.

पादाताश्च पदात्यौटुस्ताडिताः शक्तितोमरैः। न्यपतन्त तदा भूमौ शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Foot-soldiers struck by other foot soldiers with lances and dares, fell down on the ground by hundreds and thousands.

रथिनश्च स्थै राजन् कर्णिनालीकसायकैः। निहत्य समरे वीरान् सिंहनादान् विनेदिरे॥
Car-warriors riding on their cars, O king, having slain many heroes with Karnis (barbed arrows) Nalikas (fire-arms) and shafts to began to vociferate their war-cries.

तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने संग्रामे लोमहर्षणे। भगदत्तो महेष्वासो भीमसेनमथाद्रवत्॥
When that hair string combat was thus raging, the fierce bowmen Bhagadatta assailed Bhimasena,

कुञ्जरेण प्रभिन्नेन सप्तधा स्रवता मदम्। पर्वतेन यथा तोयं स्रवमाणेन सर्वशः॥
On his elephant with rent temples and with the temporal juice trickling down in seven distinct lines like so many billets flowing down the mountain barest.

किरछरसहस्राणि सुप्रतीकशिरोगतः। ऐरावतस्थो मघवान् वारिधारा इवानघ॥
That sinless one advanced on the neck of Supratika, scattering thousands of arrows like the almighty Purandara riding on the Airavata.

स भीमं शरधाराभिस्ताडयामास पार्थिवः। पर्वतं वारिधारभिस्तापान्ते जलदो यथा॥
That ruler of men afflicted Bhima with an arrows down-pour, like clouds afflicting the mountains with a down-pour of rain at the end of the summer.

भीमसेनस्तु संक्रुद्धः पादरक्षान् परःशतान्। निजघान महेष्वासः संरब्धः शरवृष्टिभिः॥
Then that fierce that bowman Bhimasena excited with rage, slew his showers of arrows those warriors numbering more than hundred who were engaged in protecting Bhagadatta's feet.

तान् दृष्ट्वा निहतान् क्रुद्धो भगदत्तः प्रतापवान्। चोदयामास नागेन्द्र भीमसेनस्थं प्रति॥
Seeing them slain, the highly powerful Bhagadatta, inflamed with wrath, goaded his foremost elephant towards chariot of Bhimasena.

स नागः प्रेषितस्तेन बाणो ज्याचोदितो यथा। अभ्यधावत वेगेन भीमसेनमरिंदमम्॥
Like an arrow shot from the bowstring, that elephant, O subduer of foes, directed by Bhagadatta, impetuously rushed against Bhimasena.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य पाण्डवानां महारथाः। अभ्यवर्तन्त वेगेन भीमसेनपुरोगमाः॥
Beholding that elephant thus advance furiously, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host headed by Bhima assaulted it.

केकयाश्चाभिमन्युश्च द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्वशः। दशार्णाधिपतिः शूरः क्षत्रदेवश्च मारिष॥
The five Kaikeya brothers, Abhimanyu the sons of Draupadi, the heroic, ruler of the Dasharnas, Kshatra, and O sire,

चेदिपश्चित्रकेतुश्च संरब्धाः सर्व एव ते। उत्तमास्त्राणि दिव्यानि दर्शयन्तो महाबलाः॥
The ruler of the Chedis, and Chitraketu, all these powerful warriors wrought up with wrath, displaying their excellent weapons of celestial make,

तमेकं कुञ्जरं क्रुद्धाः समन्तात् पर्यवारयन्। स विद्धो बहुभिर्बाणैर्व्यरोचत महाद्विपः॥ संजातरुधिरोत्पीडो धातुचित्र इवाद्रिराट्। दशार्णाधिपतिश्चापि गजं भूमिधरोपमम्॥ समास्थितोऽभिदुद्राव भगदत्तस्य वारणम्। तमापतन्तं समरे गजं गजपति: स च॥
Surrounded that single elephant on all sides. That huge elephant pierced with many shafts and shedding blood profusely, appeared beautiful like the king of mountains decked with red chalk solution. The ruler of the Dasharnas, mounted on an elephant prodigious like a mountain, dashed against the elephant of Bhagadatta. Beholding that elephant rush towards himself that foremost of elephants,

दधार सुप्रतीकोऽपि वेलेव मकरालयम्। वारितं प्रेक्ष्य नागेन्द्रं दशार्णस्य महात्मनः॥
Namely Supratika withstood it like the banks of the ocean resisting its surging waves. Beholding the excellent elephant of the highsouled ruler of Dasharna thus checked,

साधु साध्विति सैन्यानि पाण्डवेयान्यपूजयन्। ततः प्राग्ज्योतिषः क्रुद्धस्तोमरान् वै चतुर्दश॥
The troops of the Pandavas, all applauded Bhagadatta saying 'excellent' 'excellent'. Thereupon the ruler of the Pragjyotishas waxing wrath, with fourteen lances,

प्राहिणोत् तस्य नागस्य प्रमुखे नृपसत्तम। वर्म मुख्यं तनुत्राणं शातकुम्भपरिष्कृतम्॥ विदार्य प्राविशन् क्षिप्रं वल्मीकमिव पन्नगाः। स गाढविद्धो व्यथितो नागो भरतसत्तम॥
Struck, O foremost of men, the elephant of the Dasharna king; these lances penetrating the fine Armour and caparisons of gold covering the elephant's body, entered into it like snakes entering into their holes on ant-hills. That elephant, O foremost of the Bharatas, thus deeply pierced and extremely pained,

उपावृत्तमदः क्षिप्रमभ्यवर्तत वेगितः। स प्रदुद्राव वेगेन प्रणदन् भैरवं रवम्॥
With its fury quenched, turned back with great vehemence; then that elephant uttering dreadful roars of agony ran,

सम्मर्दयानः स्वबलं वायुर्वृक्षानिवौजसा। तस्मिन् पराजिते नागे पाण्डवानां महारथाः॥
Crushing the army to which it belonged, like the strong wind crushing the trees with its velocity. When that elephant of the Dasharna king was defeated, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host,

सिंहनादं विनद्योच्चैयुद्धायैवावतस्थिरे। ततो भीमं पुरस्कृत्य भगदत्तमुपाद्रवन्॥
Uttering their war cries aloud, proceeded for battle. Then placing Bhima at their head they assailed Bhagadatta,

किरन्तो विविधान् बाणाशस्त्राणि विविधानि च। तेषामापततां राजन् संकुद्धानाममर्षिणाम्॥ श्रुत्वा स निनदं धोरभमर्षाद् गतसाध्वसः। भगदत्तो महेष्वासः स्वनागं प्रत्यचोदयत्॥
Shooting arrows and weapons of various descriptions and shapes. Thereupon hearing the war-cries of those advancing and irate warriors longing for vengeance, that fierce bowman Bhagadatta Dauntless through rage, goaded his own elephant.

अङ्कुशाङ्गुनुदितः स गजप्रवरो युधि। तस्मिन् क्षणे समभवत् सांवर्तक इवानलः ॥
That foremost of elephants, thus urged on by the press and stroke of the toe and the hook, in that battle destructive like the fire of dissolution.

रथसंघांस्तथा नागान् हयांश्च हयासादिभिः। पादातांश्च सुसंक्रुद्धः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Then, O king the elephant careered, hither and thither, and crushed divisions of cars and elephants and horses mounted by cavalrysoldiers.

अमृद्गात् समरे नागः सम्प्रधावंस्ततस्ततः। तेन संलोड्यमानं तु पाण्डवानां बलं महत्॥
It also crushed foot-soldiers by hundreds and by thousands. Thus agitated by it, that mighty army of the Pandavas,

संचुकोच महाराज चर्मेवाग्नौ समाहितम्। भग्नं तु स्वबलं दृष्ट्वा भगदत्तेन धीमता॥
Contracted, O monarch, like a piece of hide held over a blazing fire. Beholding his own army thus routed by the highly inteiligent Bhagadatta,

घटोत्कचोऽथ संक्रुद्धो भगदत्तमुपाद्रवत्। विकटः परुषो राजन् दीप्तास्यो दीप्तलोचनः॥
Ghatotkacha excited to the highest pitch of fury, rushed against the former. That being of fierce aspect, with countenance and eyes flashing fire,

रूपं विभीषणं कृत्वा रोषेण प्रज्वलन्निव। जग्राहं विमलं शूलं गिरीणामपि दारणम्॥
Burning with rage, assuming a dreadful form, took up a resplendent trident capable of rending even the mountains.

नागं जिघांसुः सहसा चिक्षेप च महाबलः। स विस्फुलिङ्गमालाभिः समन्तात् परिवेष्टितः॥
Then that highly powerful hero desirous of slaying the elephant, hurled the lance, emitting scintillations of fire from all sides.

तमापतन्तं सहसा दृष्ट्वा प्राग्ज्योतिषो नृपः। चिक्षेप रुचिरं तीक्ष्णमर्धचन्द्रं सुदारुणम्॥
Beholding that lance swiftly course towards the elephant, the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, sped dreadful crescent-shaped arrow of exceeding sharpness and effulgence.

चिच्छेद तन्महन्छूलं तेन बाणेन वेगवान्। उत्पपात द्विधा च्छिन्नं शूलं हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥
Then with that arrow, that hero endued with energy, cut off the fierce trident; and that trident of golden effulgence then fell down on the ground divided in twain,

महाशनिर्यथा भ्रष्टा शक्रुमुक्ता नभोगता। शूलं निपतितं दृष्ट्वा द्विधा कृत्तं च पार्थिवः॥
Like the mighty thunder bolt of Indra discharged by him, dropping through the skies. Then beholding that trident fallen and severed in twin, that ruler of the earth Bhagadatta,

रुक्मदण्डां महाशक्ति जग्राहाग्निशिखोपमाम्। चिक्षेप तां राक्षसस्य तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
Took up a lance furnished with a golden staff and blazing like the flames of fire, and then hurled it at the Rakshasa saying 'Stay' 'Stay.'

तामापतन्ती सम्प्रेक्ष्य वियत्स्थामशनीमिव। उत्पत्य राक्षसस्तूर्णं जग्राह च ननाद च॥
Beholding it course through the air like the thunder bolt itself, the Rakshasa lightly jumped up and caught hold of it uttering fierce warcries.

बभञ्ज चैनां त्वरितो जानुन्यारोप्य भारत। पश्यतः पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Then before before the very eyes eyes of the Pragjyotishas, O Bharata, he broke it into pieces placing it on his things. This feat was indeed wonderful.

तदवेक्ष्य कृतं कर्म राक्षसेन बलीयसा। दिवि देवाः सगन्धर्वा मुनयश्चापि विस्मिताः॥
Beholding that mighty feat achieved by the puissant Rakshasa, the celestial in the heavens, along with the Gandharvas and the sages were amazed.

पाण्डवाश्च महाराज भीमसेनपुरोगमाः। साधु साध्विति नादेन पृथिवीमन्वनादयन्॥
The Pandavas also, O mighty monarch, headed by Bhimasena filled the earth with their shouts of 'well-done' 'well-done'.

तं तु श्रुत्वा महानादं प्रहृष्टानां महात्मनाम्। नामृष्यत महेष्वासो भगदत्तः प्रतापवान्॥
Hearing the roars of the delighted Pandavas of high soul, the highly powerful Bhagadatta that fierce bowman was unable to brook them.

स विस्फार्य महच्चापमिन्द्राशनिसमप्रभम्। तर्जयामास वेगेन पाण्डवानां महारथान्॥
Then stretching his mighty bow equal to the thunder bolt of Indra in effulgence, he assailed with vehemence the mighty car-warriors of the Pandavas,

विसृजन् विमलांस्तीक्ष्णान् नाराचाज्वलनप्रभान्। भीममेकेन विव्याध राक्षसं नवभिः शरैः॥
Discharging, as he advanced, resplendent dares of exceeding sharpness and of the effulgence of fire. He pierced Bhima with one shaft and the Rakshasas with nine,

अभिमन्यु त्रिभिश्चैव केकयान् पञ्चभिस्तथा। पूर्णायतविसृष्टेन शरेणानतपर्वणा॥
Abhimanyu with three, and the Kaikeyas with five. Then with a shaft of straight joints, shot from his bow drawn to its fullest length,

बिभेद दक्षिणं बाहुं क्षत्रदेवस्य चाहवे। पपात सहसा तस्य सशरं धनुरुत्तमम्॥
He pierced in that battle the right arm of Kshatradeva, and suddenly the latter's excellent bow with shafts fixed on the string fell down, loosed from the grasp.

द्रौपदेयास्ततः पञ्च पञ्चभिः समताडयत्। भीमसेनस्य च क्रोधान्निजघान तुरङ्गमान्॥
Then again he pierced the five sons of Draupadi with five shafts, and inflamed with rage he slew the chargers of Bhimasena.

ध्वजं केसरिणं चास्य चिच्छेद विशिखैस्त्रिभिः। निर्बिभेद त्रिभिश्चान्यैः सारथिं चास्य पत्रिभिः॥
Then with three shafts he cut down Bhima's standard bearing the device of the lion, and with another three winged shafts be penetrated the latter's charioteer.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितो रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्। विशोको भरतश्रेष्ठ भगदत्तेन संयुगे॥
The charioteer Vishoka thus deeply pierced and extremely pained by Bhagadatta in the conflict, squatted down on the terrace of the car, O foremost of the Bharatas.

ततो भीमो महावाहुर्विरथो रथिनां वरः। गदां प्रगृह्य वेगेन प्रचस्कन्द रथोत्तमात्॥
Then O mighty monarch, that foremost of car-warriors Bhima, thus deprived of the use of his car, quickly leapt off from his excellent chariot with a mace in hand.

तमुद्यतगदं दृष्ट्वा सशृङ्गमिव पर्वतम्। तावकानां भयं घोरं समपद्यत भारत॥
Beholding him with the uplifted mace resemble a crested mountain, your troops, O Bharata, were seized with panic.

एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु पाण्डव: कृष्णसारथिः। आजगाम महाराज निनशत्रून् समन्ततः॥
At this juncture, O king, that son of Pandu, whose charioteer is Krishna, came destroying his foes right and left,

यत्र तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ पितापुत्रौ महाबलौ। प्राग्ज्योतिषेण संयुक्तौ भीमसेनघटोत्कचौ॥
To that pare of the field where those two foremost of the men, those two mighty carwarriors, viz., Bhimasena and Ghatotkacha, father and son, were engaged with the ruler of the Pragjyotishas.

दृष्ट्वा च पाण्डवो भ्रातृन् युध्यमानान् महारथान्। त्वरितो भरतश्रेष्ठ तत्रायुध्यत् किरञ्छरान्॥
Beholding his brothers, all mighty carwarriors, thus engaged in battle, that son of Pandu (Arjuna), O foremost of the Bharatas, joined the fight scattering his shafts on all sides.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा त्वरमाणो महारथः। सेनामचोदयत् क्षिप्रं रथनागाश्वसंकुलाम्॥
Then that mighty car-warrior namely Duryodhana himself in all haste urged on his army teeming with chariots and elephant.

तामापतन्तीं सहसा कौरवाणां महाचमूम्। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन पाण्डवः श्वेतवाहनः॥
Thereupon that son of Pandu owning white steeds, rushed with velocity against the mighty army of the Kauravas that was speedily advancing.

भगदत्तश्च समरे तेन नागेन भारत। विमृद्गन् पाण्डवबलं युधिष्ठिरमुपाद्रवत्॥
Then in that combat, O Bharata, Bhagadatta also, crushing the ranks of the Pandavas with that elephant of his, assailed Yudhishthira himself.

तदाऽऽसीत् सुमहद् युद्धं भगदत्तस्य मारिष। पञ्चालैः पाण्डवेयैश्च केकयैश्चोद्यतायुधैः॥
Thereat, O sire, a fierce battle commenced between Bhagadatta on one side, and the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, and the Kaikeyas on the other, all with weapons upraised.

भीमसेनोऽपि समरे तावुभौ केशवार्जुनौ। अश्रावयद् यथावृत्तमिरावद्वधमुत्तमम्॥
In the course of that combat, Bhimasena apprised Keshava and Arjuna of the slaughter of Iravat as it had happened.