Fight of Hidimba's son

संजय उवाच विमुखीकृत्य सर्वांस्तु तावकान् राक्षसः। जिघांसुर्भरतश्रेष्ठ दुर्योधनमुपाद्रवत्॥
Sanjaya said Having made all your warriors turn their faces away from field of battle, the Rakshasa, 0 foremost of the Bharatas, assaulted Duryodhana out of a desire for slaying him.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य राजानं प्रति वेगितम्। अभ्यधावञ्जिघांसन्तस्तावका युद्धदुर्मदाः॥
Beholding him make towards the king with impetuosity, your warriors, all invincible in battle, rushed at him, desirous of doing away with him.

तालमात्राणि चापानि विकर्षन्तो महारथाः। तमेकमभ्यधावन्त नदन्तः सिंहसंघवत्॥
Those mighty car-warriors, stretching their bows that looked like large palmyar trees, and uttering their war-cries loud as the roars of the lions, rushed at him shooting weapons at him.

अथैनं शरवर्षेण समन्तात् पर्यवाकिरन्। पर्वतं वारिधाराभिः शरदीव बलाहकाः॥
Then they covered him with an arrow downpour, like clouds covering the mountains with a downpour of rain in the rainy season.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितस्तोत्रादित इव द्विपः। उत्पपात तदाऽऽकाशं समन्ताद् वैनतेयवत्॥
Thus pierced sore, and greatly afflicted like an elephant smitten with the hook, the Rakshasa then at once rose to the sky like the son of Vainatay Garuda,

व्यनदत् सुमहानादं जीमूत इव शारदः। दिशः खं विदिशश्चैव नादयन् भैरवस्वनः॥
Then he uttered a loud roar that resembled the rumble of autumnal clouds; and that dreadful reverberated through the subsidiary and cardinal points of the compass.

राक्षसस्य तु तं शब्दं श्रुत्वा राजा युधिष्ठिरः। उवाच भरतश्रेष्ठ भीमसेनमरिंदमम्॥
King Yudhishthira hearing those war-cries of the Rakshasa, thus spoke, O foremost of the Bharatas, to Bhimasena the subduer of foes.

युध्यते राक्षसो नूनं धार्तराष्ट्रैर्महारथैः। यथाऽस्य श्रूयते शब्दो नदतो भैरवं स्वनम्॥
"Surely the Rakshasa is fighting with mighty car-warriors of the host of Dhritarashtra's son, in as much as we can hear, (even at this distance), the noise created by his fierce cries.

अतिभारं च पश्यामि तस्मिन् राक्षसपुङ्गवे। पितामहश्च संक्रुद्धः पञ्चालान् हन्तुमुद्यतः॥
I also perceive that foremost of Rakshasas has now to bear a burden unequal to his strength; on the other hand, the grandsire inflamed with rage is exerting for slaughtering the Panchalas.

तेषां च रक्षणार्थाय युध्यते फाल्गुनः परैः। एतज्ञात्वा महाबाहो कार्यद्वयमुपस्थितम्॥
For the protection of these latter, Falguna is engaged with the foe. Having heard, O mighty armed hero, of these two tasks both of which demand prompt attention,

गच्छ रक्षस्व हैडिम्बं संशयं परमं गतम्। भ्रातुर्वचनमाज्ञाय त्वरमाणो वृकोदरः॥
He yourself for rescuing the son of Hidimba involved in a great predicament.” Accepting the words of his brother, without the least delay, Vrikodara.

प्रययौ सिंहनादेन त्रासयन् सर्वपार्थिवान्। वेगेन महता राजन् पर्वकाले यथोदधिः॥
Proceeded to the battle, terrifying all the kings with his fierce war-cries, an, O king, with an impetuosity like that of the ocean in the days of the full moon or the new moon.

तमन्वगात् सत्यधृतिः सौचित्तियुद्धदुर्मदः। श्रेणिमान् वसुदानश्च पुत्रः काश्यस्य चाभिभूः॥
Him followed Satyadhriti and Sauchitti ever invincible in battle, and Shrenimat and Vasudhara and the puissant son of the king of the Kashis,

अभिमन्युमुखाश्चैव द्रौपदेया महारथाः। क्षत्रदेवश्च विक्रान्तः क्षत्रधर्मा तथैव च॥
The sons of Draupadi, all mighty carwarriors headed by Abhimanyu, and Kshatradeva, the powerful Kshatradharman,

अनूपाधिपतिश्चैव नीलः स्वबलमास्थितः। महता रथवंशेन हैडिम्बं पर्यवारयन्॥
And Nila the sovereign of the low countries accompanied by his own divisions. They surrounded the son of Hidimba with a mighty division of cars.

कुञ्जरैश्च सदा मत्तैः षट्सहस्रैः प्रहारिभिः। अभ्यरक्षन्त सहिता राक्षसेन्द्रं घटोत्कचम्॥
With six thousand highly infuriated elephants, all potent smiters, those heroes began to protect Ghatotkacha that foremost of the Rakshasas.

सिंहनादेन महता नेमिघोषेण चैव ह। खुरशब्दनिपातैश्च कम्पयन्तो वसुन्धराम्॥
These warriors made the very earth quake with their fierce war-cries, the clatter of their car-wheels, the sound produced by the hoofs of their galloping horses.

तेषामापततां श्रुत्वा शब्दं त तावकं बलम्। भीमसेनभयोद्विग्नं विवर्णवदनं तथा॥
Hearing that noise of the assaulting army, the warriors of the army of your sons, wore a pallid countenance being agitated with the fear of Bhimasena;

परिवृत्तं महाराज परित्यज्य घटोत्कचम्। ततः प्रववृते युद्धं तत्र तेषां महात्मनाम्॥ तावकानां परेषां च संग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिनाम्। नानारूपाणि शस्त्राणि विसृजन्तो महारथाः॥
And leaving Ghatotkacha alone, they turned back from the field of battle. But the combatants of your army and those of the enemy's host were both entreating; so there once more ensured, O mighty monarch, a terrible battle, between these high-souled warriors. Mighty car-warriors hurling weapons of various shapes,

अन्योन्यमभिधावन्तः सम्प्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे। व्यतिषक्तं महारौद्रं युद्धं भीरुभयावहम्॥
Rushed at one another and then smote down one another. Thus raged the most dreadful combat capable of inspiring terror into the hearts of the cowards.

हया गजैः समाजग्मुः पादाता रथिभिः सह। अन्योन्यं समरे राजन् प्रार्थयानाः समभ्ययुः॥
Horse-soldiers encountered elephant-riders and foot-soldiers fought with the car-warriors; challenging one another in battle they rushed against one another, O king.

सहसा चाभवत् तीव्र संनिपातान्महद् रजः। गजाश्वरथपत्तीनां पदनेमिसमुद्धतम्॥
In consequence of this on sleight of cars, horses, elephants, and infantry, a thick and impenetrable cloud of dust appeared being raised by the car-wheels and tread of the footsoldier.

धूम्रारुणं रजस्तीव्र रणभूमि समावृणोत्। नैव स्वेन परे राजन् समजानन् परस्परम्॥
Then the field of battle, O king, was shrouded by a thick cloud of dust of the reddish hue of smoke; and none was able to distinguish between his friend and his foe.

पिता पुत्रं न जानीते पुत्रो वा पितरं तथा। निर्मर्यादे तथाभूते वैशसे लोमहर्षणे॥
Father could not distinguish his son nor the son his father, in that horripilating, carnage where no consideration was of any evil.

शास्त्राणां भरतश्रेष्ठः मनुष्याणां च गर्जताम्। सुमहानभवच्छब्दः प्रेतानामिव भारत॥
The clashing of weapons and the yells of men, O foremost of the Bharatas, created a fierce din, that resembled the roar of demons themselves.

गजवाजिमनुष्याणां शोणितान्त्रतरङ्गिणी। प्रावर्तत नदी तत्र केशशैवलशाद्वला॥
On the field of battle a river started up into existence, of which the currents, were constituted by the gore of elephants, horses, and men, and the weeds and moss by the hair (of the warriors).

नराणां चैव कायेभ्यः शिरसां पततां रणे। शुश्रुवे सुमहाञ्छब्दः पततामश्मनामिव॥
A defending noise, like that produced by a shower of stones, was heard there, as the heads of the combatants fell on the field severed from their trunks.

विशिरस्कैर्मनुष्यैश्च च्छिन्नगात्रैश्च वारणैः। अश्वैः सम्भिन्नदेहैश्च संकीर्णाभूद् वसुन्धरा॥
The earth was covered with headless trucks with mutilated elephants and with horses with limbs mangled and hacked to pieces.

नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि विसृजन्तो महारथाः। अन्योन्यमभिधावन्तः सम्प्रहारार्थमुद्यताः॥
Mighty car-warriors, putting forth all their energies rushed to smite down one another, hurling at the same time weapons of various kinds.

हया हयान् समासाद्य प्रेषिता हयसादिभिः। समाहत्य रणेऽन्योन्यं निपेतुर्गतजीविताः॥
Urged on by their riders, encountering one another, horses dashed against one another, and fell down on the field deprived of life.

नरा नरान् समासाद्य क्रोधरक्तेक्षणा भृशम्। उरांस्युरोभिरन्योन्यं समाश्लिष्य निजनिरे॥
Combatants, with eyes crimsoned in rage, meeting one another, struck one another with their breasts, and thus killed one another.

प्रेषिताश्च ग्रमहामात्रैर्वारणाः परवारणैः। अभ्यघ्नन्त विषाणाग्रैर्वारणानेव संयुगे।॥
Goaded on by their riders, elephants slew their hostile compeers with the ends of their tusks, in that battle.

ते जातरुधिरोत्पीडाः पताकाभिरलंकृताः। संसक्ताः प्रत्यदृश्यन्त मेघा इव सविद्युतः॥
These elephants decked with fluttering pennons and shedding blood in copious quantities and bespattered with it, appeared like clouds adorned by forks of lightening.

मुमुचुः शोणितं भूरि केचिद् भिन्ना विषाणाचैर्भिन्नकुम्भाश्च तोमरैः। विनदन्तोऽभ्यधावन्त गर्जमाना घना इव॥
Some of these with bodies mangled with tusk wounds, others with their temples rent by broad-headed shafts, careered all over the field roaring like roaring clouds.

केचिद्धस्तैर्द्विधा च्छिन्नैश्छिन्नगात्रास्तथाऽपरे। निपेतुस्तुमुले तस्मिंश्छिन्नपक्षा इवाद्रयः॥
Some with their trunks cut in twin, others with their bodies mutilated, fell down in that sanguinary battle, like mountains having their wings cut off.

पार्श्वस्तु दारितैरन्ये वारणैर्वरवारणाः। धातूनिव महीधराः॥
Other huge elephants having their sides opened by their hostile compeers, copiously shed blood like mountains discharging liquefied red chalk.

नाराचनिहतास्त्वन्ये तथा विद्धाश्च तोमरैः। विनदन्तोऽभ्यधावन्त विशृंगा इव पर्वताः॥
Others, slain with lances and pierced with Tomaras, with their riders killed, looked like mountains deprived of their crests.

केचित् क्रोधसमाविष्टा मदान्धा निरवग्रहाः। रथान् हयान् पदातींश्च ममृदुः शतशो रणे॥
Others, possessed with fury, and inflamed with shedding the temporal juice, and having none to restrain them, began to crush in that battle, horses and cars and soldiers by hundreds.

तथा हया हयारोहैस्ताडिताः प्रासतोमरैः। तेन तेनाभ्यवर्तन्त कुर्वन्तो व्याकुला दिशः॥
So also horses pierced with lances and dares by cavalry-soldiers, dashed against their assailants, as if agitating all the points of the compass.

रथिनो रथिभिः सार्धं कुलपुत्रास्तनुत्यजः। परां शक्तिं समास्थाय चक्रुः कर्माण्यभीतवत्॥
Car-warriors born in noble families, and reckless of their lives, meeting their hostile compeers, fought on dauntlessly depending on their own excellent strength.

स्वयंवर इवामर्दे प्रजह्वरितरेतरम्। प्रार्थयाना यशो राजन् स्वर्ग वा युद्धशालिनः॥
Those horses accomplished in battle, O king, desirous of securing either fame or paradise, smote down one another in that fierce carnage, as if in a Svayamvara.

तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने संग्रामे लोमहर्षणे। धार्तराष्ट्रं महत् सैन्यं प्रायशो विमुखीकृतम्॥
When that hair-string comb was thus raging, the troops belonging to Dhritarashtra's army were generally made to turn back their faces from the field of battle.