Fight of Hidimba's son

संजय उवाच तु दुःसहं दानवैरपि। ततस्तद् बाणवर्षं दधार युधि राजेन्द्रो यथा वर्ष महाद्विपः॥
Sanjaya said Then that shower of arrows, which it was difficult even for the Danavas to withstand, was borne by that foremost of kings Duryodhana, like a mighty elephant bearing a shower of rains.

ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टो निःश्वसत्रिव पन्नगः। संशयं परमं प्राप्तः पुत्रस्ते भरतर्षभ॥
Thereafter your son possessed with rage, and breathing like a snake was involved in a very hazardous situation in that battle, O foremost of the Bharatas.

मुमोच निशितांस्तीक्ष्णान् नाराचान् पञ्चविंशतिम्। तेऽपतन् सहसा रांजस्तस्मिन् राक्षसपुङ्गवे॥
Then he (Duryodhana) shot (at the Rakshasa), twenty five keep-pointed dares of exceeding sharpness; those dares, O king fell upon that foremost of Rakshasas with great force,

आशीविषा इव क्रुद्धाः पर्वते गन्धमादने। स तैर्विद्धः स्रवन् रक्तं प्रभिन्न इव कुञ्जरः॥
Like infuriate snakes falling upon the mountain Gandhamadana. Pierced with those arrows, and shedding blood copiously like an elephant in rut (shedding the temporal juice),

दधे मतिं विनाशाय राज्ञः स पिशिताशनः। जग्राह च महाशक्तिं गिरीणामपि दारिणीम्॥
That cannibal formed a fixed resolution for destroying the king. Thereafter the Rakshasa grasped a mighty lance, capable of penetrating even through rocks,

सम्प्रदीप्तां महोल्काभामशनि ज्वलितामिव। समुद्यच्छन् महावाहुर्जिधांसुस्तनयं तव॥
Blazing with effulgence, burning like a fierce meteor and resembling the flashes of lightning in radiance. That mighty-armed hero then desirous of slaying your son, raised that lance.

तामुद्यतामभिप्रेक्ष्य वङ्गानामधिपस्त्वरन्। कुञ्जरं गिरिसंकाशं राक्षसं प्रत्यचोदयत्॥
Beholding that lance raised, the ruler of the Bangas, speedily urged his elephant of proportions huge like a hill, against the Rakshasa.

स नागप्रवरेणाजौ बलिना शीघ्रगामिना। यतो दुर्योधनरथस्तं मार्ग प्रत्यवर्तत॥
This king, in that battle, riding on his excellent elephant ofs, great strength and fleetness, reached the spot where Duryodhana's car was stationed;

रथं च वारयामास कुञ्जरेण सुतस्य मार्गमावारितं दृष्ट्वा राज्ञा वङ्गेन धीमता॥
And he covered the car of your son Duryodhana with the body of his elephant. Seeing the way (to Duryodhana's car thus covered by the highly intelligence ruler of the Bangas.

घटोत्कचो महाराज क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः। उद्यतां तां महाशक्तिं तस्मिश्चिक्षेप वारणे॥
Ghatotkacha, O mighty monarch, with eyes coppery in anger, sped that raised dare of great fierceness at the elephant.

स तयाऽभिहतो राजंस्तेन बाहुप्रमुक्तया। संजातरुधिरोत्पीडः पपात च ममार च॥
Struck with that dare, O king, hurled by the hand of Ghatotkacha, the elephant bleeding profusely, fell down dead.

पतत्यथ गजे चापि वङ्गानामीश्वरो बली। जवेन समभिदुत्य जगाम धरणीतलम्॥
The mighty ruler of the Bangas quickly leaping up from his elephant, jumped down on the surface of the earth.

दुर्योधनोऽपि सम्प्रेक्ष्य पतितं वरवारणम्। प्रभग्नं च बलं दृष्ट्वा जगाम परमां व्यथाम्॥
King Duryodhana seeing that excellent elephant felled and his army shattered, was overwhelmed with grief.

क्षत्रधर्मं पुरस्कृत्य आत्मनश्चाभिमानिताम्। प्राप्तेऽपक्रमणे राजा तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः॥
Holding before his mind's eye the paramount duty of a Kshatriya, and also from his own pride, king Duryodhana, through worsted, stood immovable like the everlasting hills.

संधाय च शितं बाणं कालाग्निसमतेजसम्। मुमोज परमक्रुद्धस्तस्मिन् घोरे निशाचरे॥
Then placing on his bow string whetted shafts blazing like the Fire of dissolution, and highly excited with rage, he discharged them at that dreadful ranger of the night.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य बाणमिन्द्राशनिप्रभम्। लाघवान्मोचयामास महात्मा वै घटोत्कचः॥
Seeing those arrows falling like the thunderbolt of Indra, the high-souled Ghatotkacha foiled their aim by the alacrity of his movements.

भूयश्च विननादोग्रं क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः। त्रासयामास सैन्यानि युगान्ते जलदो यथा॥
Like clouds at the end of a Yuga, once more did he fierce roar out, with eyes coppery in rage, striking terror into the hearts of all soldier.

तं श्रुत्वा निनदं घोरं भीमस्य रक्षसः। आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य भीष्मः शान्तनवोऽब्रवीत्॥
Hearing that deafening roar uttered by the fearful Rakshasa, Bhishma the son of Shantanu, coming to the preceptor Drona addressed him saying.

यथैष निनदो घोरः श्रूयते राक्षसेरितः। हैडिम्बो युध्यते नूनं राज्ञा दुर्योधनेन ह॥
As I hear these dreadful roars uttered by the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, I think it sure that the son of Hidimba is engaged with king Duryodhana himself.

नैष शक्यो हि संग्रामे जेतुं भूतेन केनचित्। तत्र गच्छत भद्रं वो राजानं परिरक्षत॥
In battle, this Rakshasa could not be conquered by any creature. So hide yourself to king and rescue him. May good betide you.

अभिद्रुतो महाभागो राक्षसेन महात्मना। एतद्धि वः परं कृत्यं सर्वेषां नः परंतपाः॥
That hero of eminent parts viz., Duryodhana has been assaulted by the highsouled Rakshasa. Now, O afflicter of foes, even this (to protect the king) is our incumbent duty.

पितामहवचः श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणा महारथाः। उत्तमं जवमास्थाय प्रययुर्यत्र कौरवः॥
Having heard the words of the grandsire, the mighty car-warriors, without delaying and at the top of their speed, rushed where the ruler of the Kurus was.

द्रोणश्च सोमदत्तश्च बाह्रीकोऽथ जयद्रथः। कृपो भूरिश्रवाः शल्य आवन्त्यः सबृहद्बलः॥
Drona and Somadatta, and Balhika and Jayadratha and Kripa and Bhurishravas, Shalya and the two princes of Avanti and also Brihadbala,

अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च चित्रसेनो विविंशतिः। रथाश्चानेकसाहस्रा ये तेषामनुयायिनः॥
And Ashvathama, and and Vikarna, and Chitrasena and Vivinshati, these and thousands of other car-warriors, along with those that followed them.

अभिदुतं परीप्सन्तः पुत्रं दुर्योधनं तव। तदनीकमनाधृष्यं पालितं तु महारथैः॥ आततायिनमायान्तं प्रेक्ष्य राक्षससत्तमः। नाकम्पत महाबाहुर्मैनाक इव पर्वतः॥
Proceeded, desirous of rescuing your son Duryodhana who had been hotly pressed. Beholding that invincible division protected by many mighty car-warriors make towards himself with hostile intentions, that foremost of Rakshasas possessed of mighty arms, remained immovable like the Mountain Mainaka,

प्रगृह्य विपुलं चापं ज्ञातिभिः परिवारितः। शूलमुद्गरहस्तैश्च नानाप्रहरणैरपि॥
Holding a massive bow and surrounded by his relations armed with bludgeons and mallets, and diverse other kinds of weapons.

ततः समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। राक्षसानां च मुख्यस्य दुर्योधनबलस्य च॥
Then commenced a fierce engagement capable of making the hair stand erect, between those foremost among Duryodhana's host and those among the Rakshasa's kinsmen.

धनुषां कूजतां शब्दः सर्वतस्तुमुलो रणे। अश्रूयत महाराज वंशानां दह्यतामिव॥
On all sides of the field of battle, the twanging of bows was heard, O mighty monarch, like the crackling of burning bamboo's.

अस्त्राणां पात्यमानानां कवचेषु शरीरिणाम्। शब्दः समभवद् राजन् गिरीणामिव भिद्यताम्॥
The din produced by the stroke of weapons against the armours of the combatants, resembled, O king, the sound produced by the rending of mountains.

वीरबाहुविसृष्टानां तोमराणां विशाम्पते। रूपमासीद् वियत्स्थानां सर्पाणामिव सर्पताम्॥
The appearance of lances hurled by the arms of heroes was, O ruler of men, like that of serpents coursing swiftly through the welkin.

ततः परमसंक्रुद्धो विस्फार्य सुमहद् धनुः। राक्षसेन्द्रो महाबाहुविनदन् भैरवं रवम्॥
Thereafter excited to the highest pitch of fury, that foremost of Rakshasas possessed of mighty arms stretching his mighty bow, uttered a terrible yell.

आचार्यस्यार्धचन्द्रेण क्रुद्धश्चिच्छेद कार्मुकम्। सोमदत्तस्य भल्लेन ध्वजं चोन्मथ्य चानदत्॥
He then burst asunder the bow of the preceptor Drona with a crescent shaped arrow. Then with a broad headed arrow, having caused the standard of Somadatta, he broke out into another yell.

बाह्रीकं च त्रिभिर्बाणैः प्रत्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे। कृपमेकेन विव्याध चित्रसेनं त्रिभिः शरैः॥
He pierced Balhika with three shafts, betwecn his breasts; then he pierced Kripa with one shaft and Mitrasena with three.

पूर्णायतविसृष्टेन सम्यक् प्रणिहितेन च। जत्रुदेशे समासाद्य विकर्णं समताडयत्॥
With another well-directed and well-aimed shaft shot by his bow drawn to its fullest stretch, he struck Vikarna on the soldier-joint as the latter neared him;

न्यषीदत् स्वरथोपस्थे शोणितेन परिप्लुतः। ततः पुनरमेयात्मा नाराचान् दश पञ्च च॥ भूरिश्रवसि संक्रुद्धः प्राहिणोद् भरतर्षभ। ते वर्म भित्त्वा तस्याशु विविशुर्धरणीतलम्॥
Then Vikarna, bathed in blood, squatted down on the terrace of his car. Thereafter that Rakshasa of infinite soul, excited with wrath, speed, O foremost of the Bharatas, five and ten dares at Bhurishravas; and these dares penetrating through the latter's Armour struck on the surface of the earth.

विविंशतेश्च द्रौणेश्च यन्तारौ समताडयत्। तौ पेततू रथोपस्थे रश्मीनुत्सृज्य वाजिनाम्॥
He also wounded the drivers of Vivingshati and the son of Drona; both of them fell down on their seats in the car loosening their grasp of the reins of steeds,

सिंधुराज्ञोऽर्धचन्द्रेण वाराहं स्वर्णभूषितम्। उन्ममाथ महाराज द्वितीयेनाच्छिनद् धनुः॥
He cut down, O monarch, the standard of the king of the Sindhus bearing the device of the boar and decked with gold, with a crescentshaped shaft; and with another, he burst the latter's bow asunder.

चतुर्भिरथ नाराचैरावन्त्यस्य महात्मनः। जघान चतुरो वाहान् क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः॥
Then again with eyes red in rage, the Rakshasa slew with four lances the four steeds of the high-souled princes of Avanti.

पूर्णायतविसृष्टेन पीतेन निशितेन च। निर्बिभेद महाराज राजपुत्रं बृहद्बलम्॥
Then, O mighty monarch, he pierced prince Brihadbala with another sharp and welltempered arrow, shot from his bow drawn to its fullest stretch.

स गाढविद्धो व्यथितो रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्। भृशं क्रोधेन चाविष्टो रथस्थो राक्षसाधिपः॥
That one (Brihadbala) thus deeply pierced and smarting with pain, sat down on the terrace of his chariot. Then that lord of the Rakshasas possessed with furious wrath, and stationed on his car,

चिक्षेप निशितांस्तीक्ष्णाञ्छरानाशीविषोपमान्। बिभिदुस्ते महाराज शल्यं युद्धविशारदम्॥
Shot many keep-pointed shafts of great sharpness that resembled snakes of virulent poison; these shafts, O mighty monarch, penetrated through Shalya accomplished in battle.