The fierce fight

संजय उवाच अन्वीय च पुनः सर्वांस्तव पुत्रानपीडयत्॥ अथाभिमन्यु समरे भीमसेनेन संगतम्। पार्षतेन च सम्प्रेक्ष्य तव सैन्ये महारथाः॥ दुर्योधनप्रभृतयः प्रगृहीतशरासनाः। भृशमश्चैः प्रजवितैः प्रययुर्यत्र ते रथाः॥ अपराह्ने महाराज प्रावर्तत महारण:। तावकानां च बलिनां परेषां चैव भारत॥ अभिमन्युविकर्णस्य हयान् हत्वा महाहवे।
Sanjaya said Then Abhimanyu accomplished by Bhimasena, once more running after them afflicted your sons in battle. Thereupon the mighty car-warriors of your army including Duryodhana and others seeing Abhimanyu and Bhimasena joined with the son of Prishata in the midst of their own troops grasped their bows and carried along by fleet steeds rushed to the place where those heroes were stationed. Then, in that afternoon O monarch, there ensued a terrible fight between the mighty warriors of your army and those of the enemy, O Bharata. Then Abhimanyu, slaying the steeds of Vikarna in that terrible conflict,

अथैनं पञ्चविंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां समार्पयत्॥ हताश्वं रथमुत्सृज्य विकर्णस्तु महारथः।
Pierced the latter with twenty five short shafts then that mighty car-warrior Vikarna, leaving his chariot of which the steeds were slain,

आरुरोह रथं राजंश्चित्रसेनस्य भारत॥ स्थितावेकरथे तौ तु भ्रातरौ कुलवर्धनौ।
Ascended, O king, the resplendent car of Chitrasena; them thus seated on the same chariot, namely those two brothers the perpetuator of Kuru's race.

आर्जुनिः शरजालेन च्छादयामास भारत॥ चित्रसेनो विकर्णश्च कार्ष्णि पञ्चभिरायसैः। विव्याध तेन चाकम्पत् कार्णिमरुरिव स्थितः॥ दुःशासनस्तु समरे केकयान् पञ्च मारिष। योधयामास राजेन्द्र तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥ द्रौपदेया रणे क्रुद्धा दुर्योधनमवारयन्।
The son of Arjuna, O Bharata covered with a shower of arrows. Then Durjaya and Vikarna pierced the nephew of Krishna with five shafts made entirely of iron. But the nephew of Krishna moved not in the least and remained firm like the immovable Meru. In that conflict, O sire Dushasana fought with the five Kaikeya brothers; O mighty monarch, the battle that raged between them was indeed very wonderful. The sons of Draupadi excited with rage, in that battle, checked Duryodhana.

शरैराशीविषाकारैः पुत्रं तव विशाम्पते॥ पुत्रोऽपि तव दुर्धर्षो द्रौपद्यास्तनयान रणे। सायकैर्निशितै राजन्नाजघान पृथक् पृथक्॥ तैश्चापि विद्धः शुशुभे रुधिरेण समुक्षितः।
Your son; and O monarch, every one them pierced him with three shafts each. Your invincible son, O monarch, in that conflict, pierced the sons of Draupadi separately with arrows of exceeding sharpness. Pierced with their arrows in return and bespattered with blood, he (Duryodhana) appeared highly beautiful.

गिरिः प्रस्रवणैर्यद्वद् गैरिकादिविमिश्रितैः॥ भीष्मोऽपि समरे राजन् पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्। कालयामास बलवान् पालः पशुगणानिव॥ ततो गाण्डीवनिर्घोषः प्रादुरासीद् विशाम्पते। दक्षिणेन वरूथिन्याः पार्थस्यारीन् विनिघ्नतः॥ उत्तस्थुः समरे तत्र कबन्धानि समन्ततः।
Like a mountain washed with spring water mixed with red chalk. The highly powerful Bhishma also, O king, in that battle began to afflict the Pandava host like a herdsman belaboring his herd (with his cudgel). Thereupon, O ruler of men, the twang of Partha's Gandiva was heard, when he was engaged in slaughtering the right wing of your arıny. In that battle, headless trunks stood up in all directions.

कुरूणां चैव सैन्येषु पाण्डवानां च भारत॥ शोणितोदं शरावर्तं गजद्वीपं हयोर्मिणम्। रथनौभिर्नरव्याघ्राः प्रतेरुः सैन्यसागरम्॥ छिन्नहस्ता विकवचा विदेहाश्च नरोत्तमाः। दृश्यन्ते पतितास्तत्र शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ निहतैर्मत्तमातङ्गैः शोणितौघपरिप्लुतैः। भूर्भाति भरतश्रेष्ठ पर्वतैराचिता यथा।॥ तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम तव तेषां च भारत।
In the host of the Kurus as well as in that of the Pandava. O Bharata that ocean of troops of which blood formed the waters, the arrows the eddies, the elephants the islands, and the steeds the fishes, that ocean was crossed by those foremost of men on their chariots that served the purpose of boats. Many foremost warriors, with arms serve, armours shattered, and bodies mangled were seen lying prostrate there, by hundreds and by thousands. With the car-cases of infuriate elephants slain and bespattered with blood, the filed of battle, O foremost of the Bharatas, appeared beautiful as if strewn with hillocks. The wonderful sight that we beheld, O Bharata, was that among your as well as their army.

न तत्रासीत् पुमान् कश्चिद् यो युद्धं नाभिकाङ्क्षति।।१९। एवं युयुधिरे वीराः प्रार्थयाना महद् यशः। तावकाः पाण्डवैः सार्धमाकाङ्क्षन्तो जयं युधि॥
There was no man who was not in flamed with a desire for battle. Thus did those heroic warriors of your army fight on with those of the Pandava, desiring great renown and ardently longing for securing victory in battle.