Prowess of Drona

संजय उवाच आत्मदोषात् राजन् प्राप्तं व्यसनमीदृशम्। न हि दुर्योधनस्तानि पश्यते भरतर्षभ।॥ यानि त्वं दृष्टवान् राजन् धर्मसंकरकारिते। तव दोषात् पुरा वृत्तं द्यूतमेव विशाम्पते॥
Sanjaya said Through your won wickedness, O monarch, have you been overwhelmed with this calamity. Those faults, O foremost of the Bharatas, in that sinful conduct towards the Pandavas of which you were cognizant, O king, were not descried by Duryodhana. It was through your fault, O ruler of men, that the game at dice was played in days past.

तव दोषेण युद्धं च प्रवृत्तं सह पाण्डवैः। त्वमेवाद्य फलं भुक्षे कृत्वा किल्बिषमात्मना॥
And it is through your fault also that this battle with the Pandavas has been brought about. Do you now reap the fruit of that sin which you have already committed.

आत्मनैव कृतं कर्म आत्मनैवोपभुज्यते। इह च प्रेत्य वा राजंस्त्वया प्राप्तं यथातथम्॥
One reaps the fruits of actions done by himself; so, O monarch, do you reap here and hereinafter the fruits of your won actions.

तस्माद् राजन् स्थिरो भूत्वा प्राप्येदं व्यसनं महत्। शृणु युद्धं यथावृत्तं शंसती मे नराधिप।॥
O monarch, through overwhelmed with this calamity, be still patient, and listen to the account of the battle as it happened, as I, O sire, go on recounting it.

भीमसेनः सुनिशितैर्वाणैर्भित्त्वा महाचमूम्। आससाद ततो वीरः सर्वान् दुर्योधनानुजान्॥ दुःशासनं दुर्विषहं दुःसहं दुर्मदं जयम्। जयत्सेनं विकर्णं च चित्रसेनं सुदर्शनम्॥ चारुचित्रं सुवर्माणं दुष्कर्णं कर्णमेव च। एतांश्चान्यांश्च सुबहून् समीपस्थान् महारथान्॥ धार्तराष्ट्रान् सुसंक्रुद्धान् दृष्ट्वा भीमो महारथः। भीष्मेण समरे गुप्तां प्रविवेश महाचमूम्॥
Having shattered the ranks of your mighty army with his well well sharpened sharpened shafts Bhimasena, endued with heroism, encountered all the younger brothers of Duryodhana. Duryodhana, Durvishaha, Dusaha, Durmada, Jaya, Jayatsena, Vikarna, Chitrasena, Sudarshana, Charuchitra, Suvarma, Dushkarna, and Karna beholding these and many other mighty car-warriors of the Dhritarashtra near enough to himself, all excited with wrath, Bhimasena, endued with great strength, in that battle penetrated into the ranks of your mighty army protected by Bhishma himself.

अथालोक्य प्रविष्टं तमूचुस्ते सर्व एव तु। जीवग्राहं निगृह्णीमो वयमेनं नराधिपाः॥
Then seeing him standing amongst them all those kings said; Let us torture this one till he is deprived of his life.

स तैः परिवृतः पार्थो भ्रातृभिः कृतनिश्चयैः। प्रजासंहरणे सूर्यः क्रूरैरिव महाग्रहैः॥
Then that of Pritha (Bhima) encompassed by those brothers of his, all resolved (to slay him) appeared like the sun surrounded by the unpropitious planets and the time of the world's annihilation.

सम्प्राप्यमध्यं सैन्यस्य न भीः पाण्डवमाविशत्। यथा देवासुरे युद्धे महेन्द्रं प्राप्य दानवान्॥
Though then the son of Pandu (Bhima) was in the very heart of the Kaurava array fear did son not overwhelm him as it did not overwhelm Indra in the midst of the Danava host during the fight, in days of old, between the Asuras and the celestial.

ततः शतसहस्राणि रथिनां सर्वशः प्रभो। उद्यतानि शरैस्तीद्वैस्तमेकं परिवविरे॥
Then hundreds and thousands of carwarrior furnished with all kinds of weapons, all ready for the battle, assailed his single self with dreadful arrows.

स तेषां प्रवरान् योधान् हस्त्यश्वरथसादिनः। जघान समरे शूरो धार्तराष्ट्रानचिन्तयन्।॥
Thereat the heroic Bhima unmindful of the sons of Dhritarashtra, slow in that battle many foremost (hostile) warriors, including elephantriders, cavalry-soldiers, car-warrior and others.

तेषां व्यवसितं ज्ञात्वा भीमसेनो जिघृक्षताम्। समस्तानां वधे राजन् मतिं चक्रे महामनाः॥
And knowing the intention of those cousins of his who were all resolved to slay him, Bhimasena, possessed of great strength determined. O king, to slay them all.

ततो रथं समुत्सृज्य गदामादायें पाण्डवः। जघान धार्तराष्ट्राणां तं बलौघं महार्णवम्॥
Thereafter, leaving aside his car and grasping his mace, that son of Pandu (Bhima) began to smite down that ocean like host belonging to the sons of Dhritarashtra.

भीमसेने प्रविष्टे तु धृष्टद्युम्नोऽपि पार्षतः। द्रोणमुत्सृज्य तरसा प्रययौ यत्र सौबलः॥
When Bhimasena had thus broken the Kaurava host, Dhrishtadyumna the son of Prishata, abandoning Drona hide there where Subala's son was.

निवार्य महतीं सेनां तावकानां नरर्षभः। आससाद रथं शून्यं भीमसेनस्य संयुगे॥
That foremost of men, checking the mighty army of your sons, approached, in that battle, the car of Bhima left empty by himself.

दृष्ट्वा विशोकं समरे भीमसेनस्य सारथिम्। धृष्टद्युम्नो महाराज दुर्मना गतचेतनः॥
Seeing, in that conflict, Vishoka the charioteer of Bhimasena, Dhrishtadyumna, O mighty monarch, became depressed in mind and was deprived of his senses.

अपृच्छद् वाष्पसंरुद्धो निःश्वसन वाचमीरयन्। मम प्राणैः प्रियतमः क्व भीम इति दुःखितः॥
Overwhelmed with grief, his voice choked up with tears and breathing heavily he questioned Vishoka saying: “Where is Bhimasena, dearer to me than my own life?"

विशोकस्तमुवाचेदं धृष्टद्युम्नं कृताञ्जलिः। संस्थाप्य मामिह बली पाण्डवेयः पराक्रमी॥
Thereupon, folding his palm, Vishoka thus replied to Dhrishtadyumna saving: Leaving me here, the mighty son of Pandu (Bhima), possessed of great strength.

प्रविष्टो धार्तराष्ट्राणामेतद् बलमहार्णवम्। मामुक्त्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रः प्रीतियुक्तमिदं वचः॥
Has, alone and unsupported entered into the ocean like host of the sons of Dhritarashtra. He said to me, O foremost of men, these cheerful words.

प्रतिपालय मां सूत नियम्याश्वान् मुहूर्तकम्। यावदेतान् निहन्म्यद्य य इमे मद्वधोद्यताः॥
Wait for me, O charioteer, restraining the steeds for a moment only, until I slay these that are resolved to destroy me.

ततो दृष्ट्वा प्रधावन्तं गदाहस्तं महाबलम्। सर्वेषामेव सैन्यानां संहर्षः समजायत।॥
Beholding then the highly powerful Bhima running mace in hand, all the car-warriors were transported with joy.

तस्मिन् सुतुमुले युद्धे वर्तमाने भयानके। भित्त्वा राजन् महाव्यूहं प्रविवेश वृकोदरः॥
And when when that awful and general engagement raged, O monarch, you friend, breaking through the hostile ranks penetrated into it.

विशोकस्य वचः श्रुत्वा धृष्टद्युम्नोऽथ पार्षतः। प्रत्युवाच ततः सूतं रणमध्ये महाबलः॥ न हि मे जीवितेनापि विद्यतेऽद्य प्रयोजनम्। भीमसेनं रणे हित्वा स्नेहमुत्सृज्य पाण्डवैः॥
Listening to these words of Vishoka Dhrishtadyumna the son of Prishata, possess of great strength, replied to the charioteer on the filed of battle saying: If today, discarding my affection for the Pandavas, I am to abandon Bhimasena in the fight, what needs have I then of my very life?

यदि यामि विना भीमं किं मां क्षत्रं वदिष्यति। एकायनगते भीमे मयि चावस्थिते युधि॥
What will the Kshatriya say of me if I return without Bhima (from the filed of battle)? What will they say of me when they will hear that Bhima alone entered into the hostile ranks though I was there to help him in the conflict?

अस्वस्ति तस्य कुर्वन्ति देवाः शक्रपुरोगमाः। यः सहायान् परित्यज्य स्वस्तिमानाव्रजेद् गृहम्॥
The gods headed by Shakra himself visit him with evil who abandoning his supporters in battle, returns home unscathed.

मम भीमः सखा चैव सम्बन्धी च महाबलः। भक्तोऽस्मान् भक्तिमांश्चाहं तमप्यरिनिषूदनम्॥
Moreover that highly powerful Bhima is my friend and relative. He is devoted to me, and I cherish a great devotion for that slayer of foes.

सोऽहं तत्र गमिष्यामि यत्र यातो वृकोदरः। निघ्नन्तं मां रिपून् पश्य दानवानिव वासवम्॥
I shall therefore penetrate there where Vrikodara has already gone. see me slay the foes like Vasava slaying the Danavas”.

एवमुक्त्वा ततो वीरो ययौ मध्येन भारत। भीमसेनस्य मार्गेषु गदाप्रमथितैर्गजैः॥ स ददर्श तदा भीमं दहन्तं रिपुवाहिनीम्। वातो वृक्षानिव बलात् प्रभञ्जन्तं रणे रिपून्॥
Having thus spoken that hero 0 Bharata, advanced through the centre of the hostile ranks following the track (opened and ) marked by Bhima with the elephants crushed by his mace. Then he (Dhrishtadyumna) beheld Bhima consuming the troops of the enemy and crushing in the conflict, many kings, like so many trees.

ते वध्यमानाः समरे रथिनः सादिनस्तथा। पादाता दन्तिनश्चैव चक्रुरार्तस्वरं महत्॥
The car-warrior the cavalry-soldiers the foot-soldiers and the tuskers, being thus slaughtered in the fight, began to utter loud distressful cries.

हाहाकारश्च संजयज्ञे तव सैन्यस्य मारिष। वध्यतो भीमसेनेन कृतिना चित्रयोधिना॥
Cries of 'Oh and 'Alas'. O sire, arose from the ranks of your soldiers, as they were slaughtered by the accomplished Bhima versed in diverse modes of warfare.

ततः कृतास्त्रास्ते सर्वे परिवार्य वृकोदरम्। अभीताः समवर्तन्त शस्त्रवृष्ट्या परंतप॥
Thereafter they (the Kaurava combatants) exercised in all sorts of weapons surrounding, Vrikodara, began fearlessly to pour a shower of weapons on him from all sides.

अभिद्रुतं शस्त्रभृतां वरिष्ठं समन्ततः पाण्डवं लोकवीरः। सैन्येन घोरेण सुसंहितेन दृष्ट्वा बली पार्षतो भीमसेनम्॥
Then that highly powerful son of Prishata, beheld that foremost of all wielders of weapons that hero of world-wide fame, that son of Pandu, viz., Bhimasena, charged on all sides by the serried and mighty ranks of the enemy:

अथोपगच्छच्छरविक्षताङ्गं पदातिनं क्रोधविषं वमन्तम्। आश्वासयन् पार्षतो भीमसेनं गदाहस्तं कालमिवान्तकाले॥
And approaching Bhimasena, the son of Prishata comforted him whose body was mangled with shaft-cuts, who was treading on foot sand vomiting the poison of his anger and who was wielding his mace like the Destroyer himself as the time of the universal annihilation.

मारोपयच्चात्मरथे महात्मा। माश्वासयामास च शत्रुमध्ये॥
That high-souled hero (Dhrishtadyumna) quickly plucked off the arrows from Bhima's body and took him up on his car, and embracing the latter warmly, the former comforted him even in the very midst of the enemy.

स्तस्मिन् विमर्दे महति प्रवृत्ते। अयं दुरात्मा दुपदस्य पुत्रः समागतो भीमसेनेन सार्धम्॥
Thereat, in that conflict, your son, approaching his brothers, quickly said to them. "This wicked-souled son of Drupada has now joined Bhimasena.

तं याम सर्वे महता बलेन मा वो रिपुः प्रार्थयतामनीकम्। श्रुत्वा तु वाक्यं तममृष्यमाणा ज्येष्ठाज्ञया नोदिता धार्तराष्ट्राः॥
We shall proceed against him in close array in order to slay him, even before he, our enemy, challenges us to fight.” Hearing these words, the sons of Dhritarashtra, urged on by the command of their elder brother and unable to put up with the foe,

वधाय निष्पेतुरुदायुधास्ते युगक्षये केतवो यद्वदुग्राः। प्रगृह्य चास्त्राणि धनूंषि वीरा ज्यां नेमिघोषैः प्रविकम्पयन्तः॥
With uplifted weapons fell to slaughter him (Dhrishtadyumna), like so many dreadful comets falling down at the hour of destruction at the end of a Yuga. Grasping beautiful bows and shaking the earth with the twang of their bows and the rattle of their car-wheels, those heroes,

शरैरवर्षन् द्रुपदस्य पुत्रं यथाम्बुदा भूधरं वारिजालैः। न विव्यथे समरे चित्रयोधी॥
Showered arrows on the son of Drupada, like the clouds showering rain on mountain breasts. But the latter, accomplished in various modes of warfare, though thus wounded with keen-pointed shafts did not flinch.

समभ्युदीर्णाश्च तवात्मजांस्तथा निशम्य वीरानभितः स्थितान् रणे। जिघांसुरुचं दुपदात्मजो युवा प्रमोहनास्त्रं युयुजे महारथः॥ क्रुद्धो भृशं तव पुत्रेषु राजन् दैत्येषु यद्वत् समरे महेन्द्रः। ततो व्यमुह्यन्त रणे नृवीराः प्रमोहनास्त्राहतबुद्धिसत्त्वाः॥
On the other hand, O king, highly inflamed with rage against your sons, like Indra against he Asuras, that mighty car-warrior, the youthful son of Drupada, beholding your heroic sons stay before him in battle and exert their best for slaying him, placed on his bowstring the fierce dart called Pramohana, with a view to slay them all. Then those heroic warriors, having their senses and mind confounded by being struck with the Paramohana weapon lost all consciousness.

प्रदुद्रुवुः कुरवश्चैव सर्वे सवाजिनागाः सरथाः समन्तात्। परीतकालानिव नष्टसंज्ञान् मोहोपेतांस्तव पुत्रान् निशम्य॥
Seeing those sons of yours overwhelmed with a swoon and deprived of their senses, like those whose hours has come, thu Kaurava troops fled in all directions, with their steeds, elephants and chariots.

एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु द्रोणः शस्त्रभृतां वरः। दुपदं त्रिभिरासाद्य शरैर्विव्याध दारुणैः॥
Meanwhile, Drona that foremost of all wielders of weapons, encountering Drupada, pierced him with there fierce arrows.

सोऽतिविद्धस्ततो राजन् रणे द्रोणेन पार्थिवः। अपायाद् दुपदो राजन् पूर्ववैरमनुस्मरन्।॥
Thus, O king, wounded sore by Drona, that ruler of men, Drupada, fled from the field of battle, remembering his former enmity (with Bharadvaja's son).

जित्वा तु दुपदं द्रोण: शङ्ख दध्मौ प्रतापवान्। तस्य शङ्खस्वनं श्रुत्वा वित्रेसुः सर्वसोमकाः॥
Thereupon the highly powerful Drona, having vanquished Drupada, sounded his conch. Hearing the blare of his conch, all the Somakas were struck with terror.

अथ शुश्राव तेजस्वी द्रोणः शस्त्रभृतां वरः। प्रमोहनास्त्रेण रणे मोहितानात्मजांस्तव।॥
Then Drona, endued with great energy, that foremost of wielders of weapons heard that your sons had been deprived of their senses in battle through the influence of the Pramohana weapon.

ततो द्रोणो महाराज त्वरितोऽभ्याययौ रणात्। तत्रापश्यन्महेष्वासो भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्॥
Thereupon, desirous of rescuing the princes, Drona hastily left that pare of the filed where he was (and went where your sons were); there, that mighty bowman possessed of great prowess namely the son of Bharadvaja beheld.

धृष्टद्युम्नं च भीमं च विचरन्तौ महारणे। मोहाविष्टांश्च ते पुत्रानपश्यत् स महारथः॥ ततः प्रज्ञास्त्रामादाय मोहनास्त्रं व्यनाशयत्। अथ प्रत्यागतप्राणास्तव पुत्रा महारथाः॥
Dhrishtadyumna and Bhima career through that dreadful field; and that mighty car-warrior likewise beheld your sons over-whelmed with a swoon. Thereupon, he fixed on his bowstring the weapon known as Pranjana (capable of impairing consciousness) and therewith cut off the Pramohana weapon. Then your sons, those mighty car-warrior, regained their senses.

पुनयुद्धाय समरे प्रययुर्भीमपार्षतौ। ततो युधिष्ठिरः प्राह समाहूय स्वसैनिकान्॥
Thereupon, desirous of battle, they again encountered Bhima and the son of Prishata in battle. Then king Yudhishthira summoning his troops addressed them saying:

गच्छन्तु पदवीं शक्त्या भीमपार्षतयोर्युधि। सौभद्रप्रमुखा वीरा रथा द्वादश दंशिताः॥
"Let twelve heroic car-warriors headed by Subhadra's son, protected with coats of mail, proceed following, to the best of their abilities, the track of Bhima and the son of Prishata.

प्रवृत्तिमधिगच्छन्तु न हि शुद्ध्यति मे मनः। त एवं समनुज्ञाताः शूरा विक्रान्तयोधिनः॥ बाढमित्येवमुक्त्वा तु सर्वं पुरुषमानिनः। मध्यन्दिनगते सूर्ये प्रययुः सर्व एव हि॥ केकया द्रौपदेयाश्च धृष्टकेतुश्च वीर्यवान्। अभिमन्युं पुरस्कृत्य महत्या सेनया वृताः॥
Let intelligence be brought (of those two heroes). My mind is not unmisgiving". Thus commanded, the five Kaikeya princes, the sons of Draupadi, and the highly powerful Dhrishtaketu all powerful warriors, endued with heroism and proud of their manliness, saying 'yea' (to the words of Yudhishthira) marched forward when the sun had reached the meridian, placing Abhimanyu at their head and being supported by a mighty division of troops.

ते कृत्वा समरव्यूहं सूचीमुखमरिंदमाः। बिभिदुर्धार्तराष्ट्राणां तद् स्थानीकमाहवे॥
Those grinders of foes forming their troops in the array known as Suchimukha, penetrated, in that battle, into that car-division of the sons of Dhritarashtra.

तान् प्रयातान् महेष्वासानभिमन्युपुरोगमान्। भीमसेनभयाविष्टा धृष्टद्युम्नविमोहिता॥ न संवारयितुं शक्ता तव सेना जनाधिप। मदमूर्छान्वितात्मा वै प्रमदेवाध्वनि स्थिता॥
Your troops, O ruler of men struck with the fear of Bhimasena and deprived of their senses by Dhrishtadyumna were not able to bear the charge of those fierce bowmen headed by Abhimanyu as the rushed, like a lady in the streets deprived of her consciousness by a Swoon.

तेऽभिजाता महेष्वासाः सुवर्णविकृतध्वजाः। परीष्सन्तोऽभ्यधावन्त धृष्टद्युम्नवृकोदरौ॥ तौ च दृष्ट्वा महेष्वासावभिमन्युपुरोगमान्। बभूवतुर्मुदा युक्तौ निघ्नन्तौ तव वाहिनीम्॥
Desirous of rescuing Dhrishtadyumna and Vrikodara, those fierce bowmen owning and standards decked with gold, approached the former breaking through the hostile ranks. Those two heroes viz., Vrikodara and Dhrishtadyumna himself, became filled with delight, and fell (with increase ardour) to slaughter your troops.

दृष्ट्वा तु सहसाऽऽयान्तं पाञ्चाल्यो गुरुमात्मनः। नाशंसत वधं वीरः पुत्राणां तव भारत॥
Then the prince of the Panchalas, the heroic of son of Prishata, beholding his own preceptor suddenly make towards himself, desisted from compassing the death of your sons.

ततो रथं समारोप्य कैकेयस्य वृकोदरम्। अभ्यधावत् सुसंक्रुद्धौ द्रोणमिष्वस्त्रपारगम्॥
Then placing Vrikodara on the car of the Kaikeya king he, inflamed with rage, rushed against Drona who was accomplished in the use of arrows and all other kinds of weapons.

तस्याभिपतस्तूर्णं भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्। क्रुद्धश्चिच्छेद बाणेन धनुः शत्रुनिबर्हणः॥
Then the highly-powerful of Bharadvaja, that grinder of foes, excited with wrath severed, with a broad-head shaft, the bow of Dhrishtadyumna as the latter rushed against him with impetuosity.

अन्यांश्च शतशो बाणान् प्रेषयामास पार्षते। दुर्योधनहितार्थाय भर्तृपिण्डमनुस्मरम्॥
Bearing in mind the broad he had eaten of his master king Duryodhana and desirous of encompassing his good, he (Drona) directed hundreds of other various shafts towards the son of Prishata.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय पार्षतः परवीरहा। द्रोणं विव्याध विंशत्या रुक्मपुजैः शिलाशितैः॥
Thereafter, grasping another bow that slayer of hostile heroes, namely the son of Prishata, son pierced Drona with seventy shafts all furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone.

तस्य द्रोणः पुनश्चापं चिच्छेदामित्रकर्शनः। हयांश्चचतुरस्तूर्णं चतुर्भिः सायकोत्तमैः॥ वैवस्वतक्षयं घोरं प्रेषयामास भारत। सारथिं चास्य भल्लेन प्रेषयामास मृत्यवे॥
Then again Drona, that grinder of foes, cut down Dhrishtadyumna's bow; and his four steeds he dispatched to the dreadful abode of Death with four excellent arrows; and. O Bharata, Drona also dispatched to Death Dhrishtadyumna's charioteer with a broadheaded shaft.

हताश्वात् स रथात् तूर्णमवप्लुत्य महारथः। आरुरोह महाबाहुरभिमन्योर्महारथम्॥
Thereupon that mighty car-warrior, Dhrishtadyumna, possessed of long arms, speedily jumping down from his chariot of which the steeds were slain, mounted on the excellent car of Abhimanyu.

ततः सरथनागाश्वा समकम्पत वाहिनी। पश्यतो भीमसेनस्य पार्षतस्य च पश्यतः॥
Then the Pandava host, consisting of chariots, elephants and steeds, begin to quake with the fear (of Drona) even before the very eyes of Bhimasena and the intelligent son of Prishata.

तत्प्रभग्नं बलं दृष्ट्वा द्रोणेनामिततेजसा। नाशक्नुवन् वारयितुं समस्तास्ते महारथाः॥
Beholding their array thus shattered by Drona of immeasurable prowess, all those mighty car-warrior were not able to check the former.

वध्यमानं तु ततं सैन्यं द्रोणेन निशितैः शरैः। व्यभ्रमतं तत्र तत्रैव क्षोभ्यमाण इवार्णवः॥
That army, then thus slaughter by Drona with his keen pointed arrows begin to whirl about,, like the agitated sea, on the filed of battle.

तथा दृष्ट्वा च तत्सैन्यं जहषे तावकं बलम्। दृष्ट्वाऽऽचार्यं सुसंक्रुद्धं पतन्तं रिपुवाहिनीम्। चुक्रुशुः सर्वतो योधाः साधु साध्विति भारत॥
Beholding the hostile troops in that plight, your warriors were filled with delight and also beholding the aged preceptor consume the hostile array on all sides, O Bharata, the warriors sent up loud exclamations of “welldone" "well-done".