End of the fifth day's fight

संजय उवाच अथ राजन् महाबाहुः सात्यकिर्युद्धदुर्मदः। विकृष्य चापं समरे भारसाहमनुत्तमम्॥ प्रामुञ्चत् पुखसंयुक्ताशरानाशीविषोपमान्। प्रगाढं लघु चित्रं च दर्शयन् हस्तलाघवम्॥
Sanjaya said Then O king, the mighty-armed Satyaki, invincible in battle, drawing in that battle, an excellent bow capable of bearing a great strain, Discharged numerous arrows furnished with wings and resembling snakes of virulent venom, displaying at the same time his great and wonderful lightness of hands.

तस्य विक्षिपतचापं शरानन्यांश्च मुञ्चतः। आददानस्य भूयश्च संदधानस्य चापरान्॥ क्षिपतश्च परांस्तस्य रणे शत्रून् विनिघ्नतः। ददृशे रूपमत्यर्थं मेघस्येव प्रवर्षतः॥
While slaying the enemy in that battle so swiftly did he draw his bow take out his arrows (from his quiver), place them on his bowstring, discharge them at the foe, and again take out other arrows and let them off, that he appeared to be highly beautiful like a mass of clouds pouring showers of rain.

तमुदीर्यन्तमालोक्य राजा दुर्योधनस्ततः। स्थानामयुतं तस्य प्रेषयामास भारत।।५।
The king Duryodhana beholding him swell like a raging fire, O Bharata dispatched against him a division consisting of ten thousand cars.

तांस्तु सर्वान् महेष्वासान् सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। जघान परमेष्वासो दिव्येनास्त्रेण वीर्यवान्।॥
Then Satyaki of infallible prowess endued with great strength that mighty bow man slew all those excellent bowmen with weapons of celestial make.

स कृत्वा दारुणं कर्म प्रगृहीतशरासनः। आससाद ततो वीरो भूरिश्रवसमाहवे॥
Having accomplished that fierce feat and grasping his bow, that hero encountered Bhurishravas as in that battle.

स हि संदृश्य सेनां ते युयुधानेन पातिताम्। अभ्यधावत संक्रुद्धः कुरूणां कीर्तिवर्धनः॥
Bhurishravas that enhancer of the glory of the Kurus, seeing that division of his troops felled by Yuyudhana (Satyaki) waiting wroth rushed against Satyaki.

इन्द्रायुधसवर्णं तु विस्फार्य सुमहद् धनुः। सृष्टवान् वज्रसंकाशाशरानाशीविषोपमान्॥ सहस्रशो महाराज दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। शरांस्तान् मृत्युसंस्पर्शान् सात्यकेश्च पदानुगाः॥ न विषेहुस्तदा राजन् दुद्रुवुस्ते समन्ततः। विहाय सात्यकि राजन् समरे युद्धदुर्मदम्॥
Stretching his mighty bow that resembled that of Indra himself (rain-bow) in hue, he, O monarch, discharged thousands of arrows that looked like snakes of virulent poison, that were endued with the energy of the thunderbolt itself displaying in the act his wonderful lightness of hands. Thereupon the followers of Satyaki unable to bear those shafts of fatal touch, O monarch, fled in all directions, abandoning, O king, in battle Satyaki ever invincible in fight.

तं दृष्ट्वा युयुधानस्य सुता दश महाबलाः। महारथाः सभाख्याताश्चित्रवर्मायुधध्वजाः॥
Seeing this, the ten highly powerful sons of Yudhishthira, all mighty car-warriors of great fame, clad in armours of best make possessing various weapons and diverse standards.

समासाद्य महेष्वासं भूरिश्रवसमाहवे। ऊचुः सर्वे सुसंरब्धा यूपकेतुं महारणे॥
Approaching in that fierce conflict that mighty bowmen named Bhurishravas, who bore the device of a sacrificial stake on his standard, thus addressed the latter in wrath in that dreadful fight.

भो भोः कौरवदायाद सहास्माभिर्महाबल। एहि युध्यस्व संग्रामे समस्तैः पृथगेव वा॥
"O kinsman of the Kauravas, O mighty one, come give us battle; fight with us either jointly or separately.

अस्मान् वा त्वं पराजित्य यशः प्राप्नुहि संयुगे। वयं वा त्वां पराजित्य प्रीतिं धास्यामहे पितुः॥
Vanquishing ourselves in battle you may earn great glory, or crushing you in combat we shall attain to great gratification”.

एवमुक्तस्तदा शूरैस्तानुवाच महाबलः। वीर्यश्लाघी नरश्रेष्ठस्तान् दृष्ट्वा समवस्थितान्॥
Thus spoken to, that foremost of men possessed of great strength and heroism and proud of his prowess, seeing them ready for the fight, thus replied to them.

साध्विदं कथ्यते वीरा यद्येवं पतिरद्य वः। युध्यध्वं सहिता यत्ता निहनिष्यामि वो रणे॥
You have spoken well o heroes; if indeed this be your desire, fight with me in a body putting forth all your endeavors. I will slay all of you in battle.

एवमुक्ता महेष्वासास्ते वीराः क्षिप्रकारिणः। महता शरवर्षेण अभ्यधावन्नरिंदमम्॥
Thus spoken to those heroes all mighty bowmen and endued with great lightness of hand, poured a thick shower of arrows on that subduer of his enemies.

सोऽपराह्ने महाराज संग्रामस्तुमुलोऽभवत्। एकस्य च बहूनां च समेतानां रणाजिरे॥
That afternoon, mighty sovereign a dreadful battle was fought on the field between Bhurishravas alone on side and many united together on the other.

तमेकं रथिनां श्रेष्ठं शरैस्ते समवाकिरन्। प्रावृषीव यथा मेरुं सिषिचुर्जलदा नृप॥
O monarch, they then covered that single handed foremost of car-warriors with an arrow downpour, like rain clouds drenching a mighty cliff in the rainy season.

तैस्तु मुक्ताशरान् घोरान् यमदण्डाशनिप्रभान्। असम्प्राप्तानसम्भ्रान्तश्चिच्छेदाशु महारथः॥
But they mighty car-warrior cut down those numerous shafts discharged by them, shafts, which resembled the mace of Death or the thunder-bolt itself in their noise, even before they could reach him.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम सौमदत्तेः पराक्रमम्। यदेको बहुभिर्युद्धे समसज्जदभीतवत्॥
There we saw wonderful prowess of Bhurishrava, the son of Somadatti, who was fighting alone with many without fear.

विसृज्य शरवृष्टिं तां दश राजन् महारथाः। परिवार्य महाबाहुं निहन्तुमुपचक्रमुः॥ सौमदत्तिस्ततः क्रुद्धस्तेषां चापानि भारत। चिच्छेद समरे राजन् युध्यमानो महारथैः॥ अथैषां छिन्नधनुषां शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। चिच्छेद समरे राजशिरांसि भरतर्षभ।॥ ते हता न्यपतन् राजन् वज्रभग्ना इव दुमाः।
Those ten warriors then completely surrounding that mighty-armed hero, strove to slay him. But, О Bharata, Somdatta's son, inflamed with wrath, cutting off their bows, served their heads in that conflict with arrows of diverse descriptions. Thus slain, they fell down on the ground like trees crushed by the thunderbolt.

तान् दृष्ट्वा निहतान् वीरो रणे पुत्रान् महाबलान्।॥ वार्ष्णेयो विनदन् राजन् भूरिश्रवसमभ्ययात्।
Beholding those mighty sons of his slain in battle, that hero of the Vrishni race namely Satyaki rushed against Bhurishravas, O king, thundering out of his war cry.

रथं रथेन समरे पीडयित्वा महाबलौ॥ तावन्योन्यं हि समरे निहत्य रथवाजिनः।
Those two heroes both endued with great prowess, then made their cars collide against one another; and in that conflict slaying the steeds of one another's chariot.

विरथावभिवल्गन्तौ समेयातां महारथौ॥ प्रगृहीतमहाखड्गौ तौ चर्मवरधारिणौ।
And thus deprived of the use of their respective chariots those two mighty powerful heroes jumping down on the grounds, rushed against one another, whirling mighty swords and bucklers.

शुशुभाते नरव्याघ्रौ युद्धाय समवस्थितौ॥ ततः सात्यकिमभ्येत्य निस्त्रिंशवरधारिणम्।
Then those two foremost of men thus standing prepared for the encounter, appeared exceedingly beautiful. Thereafter approaching Satyaki who was armed with a sword of best make,

भीमसेनस्त्वरन् राजन् रथमारोपयत् तदा॥ तवापि तनयो राजन् भूरिश्रवसमाहवे। आरोपयद् रथं तूर्णं पश्यतां सर्वधन्विनाम्॥ तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने रणे भीष्मं महारथम्। अयोधयन्त संरब्धाः पाण्डवा भरतर्षभ॥ लोहितायति चादित्ये त्वरमाणो धनंजयः।
Bhimasena, O monarch, hastily took him up on his chariot. Your son also, O king, in that conflict, speedily took up Bhurishravas on his car before the very eyes of all the assembled bowmen. When thus the battle raged, the son of Pandu (Arjuna), inflamed with wrath began to fight with that mighty car-warrior viz., Bhishma, O foremost of the Bharatas. When then the orb of the day assumed a crimson hue, Dhananjaya displaying great activity,

पञ्चविंशतिसाहस्रान् निजघान महारथान्॥ ते हि दुर्योधनादिष्टास्तदा पार्थनिबर्हणे।
Slew twenty five thousand mighty carwarrior of the hostile host. These warriors, being commanded by Duryodhana to slay the son of Pritha,

सम्प्राप्यैव गता नाशं शलभा इव पारकम्॥ ततो मत्स्याः केकयाश्च धनुर्वेदविशारदाः।
Approaching him met with their destruction, like insects burning on fire. Thereupon the Matsyas and the Kaikeyas all accomplished in the science of bowmanship,

परिवत्रुस्तदा पार्थं सहपुत्रं महारथम्॥ एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु सूर्येऽस्तमुपगच्छति।
Surrounded the mighty car-warrior Arjuna along with his son. At that moment the sun having gone down below the horizon.

सर्वेषां चैव सैन्यानां प्रमोहः समजायत॥ अवहारं ततश्चकेनं पिता देवव्रतस्तव। संध्याकाले महाराज सैन्यानां श्रान्तवाहनः॥ पाण्डवानां कुरूणां च परस्परसमागमे।
All the warriors were over whelmed with confusion. Then your Sire Devavrata whose steeds were completely exhausted, O mighty sovereign, caused the withdrawal of the force, After that (fierce) encounter between the Kurus and the Pandavas.

ते सेने भृशसंविग्ने ययतुः स्वं निवेशनम्॥ ततः स्वशिबिरं गत्वा न्यविशंस्तत्र भारत। पाण्डवाः संजयैः सार्धं कुरवश्च यथाविधि॥
The troops, overwhelmed as they were with great apprehension, retired to their respective encampments. There after repairing to their respective camps. O Bharata, the Pandava along with the Srinjayas, as also the Kurus, duly rested (for the night).