Second day of the battle

संजय उवाच गतपूर्वाह्नभूयिष्ठे तस्मिन्नहनि भारत। रथनागाश्वपत्तीनां सादिनां च महाक्षये॥
Sanjaya said O descendant of Bharata when that day passed away, when the destruction of car, elephants, horses, foot-soldiers and horsemen went apace.

द्रोणपुत्रेण शल्येन कृपेण च महात्मना। समसज्जत पाञ्चाल्यस्तरिभिरेतैर्महारथैः॥
The Panchala prince fought with Drona's son (Ashvathama), Shalya, and the illustrious Kripa.

स लोकविदितानश्वान् निजघान महाबलः। द्रौणे: पाञ्चालदायादः शितैर्दशभिराशुगैः॥
The mighty heir-apparent of the king of Panchala with many sharp arrows killed the horses of Drona's who is celebrated all over the world.

ततः शल्यरथं तूर्णमास्थाय हतवाहनः। द्रौणिः पाञ्चालदायादमभ्यवर्षदथेषुभिः॥
Deprived of his horses, Drona's son soon got upon the car of Shalya and showered his arrows on the Panchala prince.

धृष्टद्युम्नं तु संयुक्तं द्रौणिना वीक्ष्य भारत। सौभद्रोऽभ्यपतत् तूर्णं विकिरन् निशिताशरान्॥
O descendant of Bharata, seeing Dhrishtadyumna fighting with Drona's son, the son of Subhadra (Abhimanyu) ran up showering his fearful arrows.

स शल्यं पञ्चविंशत्या कृपं च नवभिः शरैः। अश्वत्थामानमष्टाभिर्विव्याध पुरुषर्षभः॥
O best of the Bharata race, he wounded Shalya with twenty-five arrows and Kripa with nine arrows and Ashvathama with eight.

आर्जुनि तु ततस्तूर्णं द्रौणिविव्याध पत्रिणा। शल्योऽथ दशभिश्चैव कृपश्च निशितैस्त्रिभिः॥
Drona's son also soon wounded Arjuna's son with many winged arrows; Shalya also pierced him with twelve arrows, Kripa shot at him three sharp arrows.

लक्ष्मणस्तव पौत्रस्तु सौभद्रं समवस्थितम्। अभ्यवर्तत संहृष्टस्ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥
Your grandson Lakshmana then rushed at Subhadra's son in anger, and a fearful battle began between the two.

दौर्योधनिः सुसंक्रुद्धः सौभद्रं परवीरहा। विव्याध समरे राजस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
In that fight Duryodhana's son in anger wounded Subhadra's son with many sharp arrows. O king, it was a wonderful feat.

अभिमन्युः सुसंक्रुद्धो भ्रातरं भरतर्षभ। शरैः पञ्चाशतै राजन् क्षिप्रहस्तोऽभ्यविध्यत॥
O best of the Bharata race, the light-handed Abhimanyu, also being very much enraged, soon wounded his cousin with five hundred arrows.

लक्ष्मणोऽपि पुनस्तस्य धनुश्चिच्छेद पत्रिणा। मुष्टिदेशे महाराज ततस्ते चुक्रुशुर्जनाः॥
O king, Lakshmana also with his arrows cut down (his adversary's) bow staff, on seeing which all the troops sent up a loud shout.

तद् विहाय धनुश्छिन्नं सौभद्रः परवीरहा। अन्यदादत्तवांश्चित्रं कार्मुकं वेगवत्तरम्॥
Then that slayer of hostile heroes, Subhadara's son, throwing aside the broken bow, took up another beautiful and tough bow.

तौ तत्र समरे युक्तौ कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ। अन्योन्यं विशिखैस्तीक्ष्णैर्जघ्नतुः पुरुषर्षभौ॥
Thereupon those two foremost of men, thus fighting together with the desire of counteracting each other's feat, wounded each other with innumerable sharp arrows.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा दृष्ट्वा पुत्रं महारथम्। पीडितं तव पौत्रेण प्रायात् तत्र प्रजेश्वरः॥
O king, Duryodhana on seeing his mighty son thus hard pressed by your grand son ran towards the spot.

संनिवृत्ते तव सुते सर्व एव जनाधिपाः। आणुनि रथवंशेन समन्तात् पर्यवारयन्॥
When your son went to the spot, all the kings surrounded Arjuna's son with many thousands of cars.

स तैः परिवृतः शूरैः शूरो युधि सुदुर्जयैः। न स्म प्रव्यथते राजन् कृष्णतुल्यपराक्रमः॥
O king, being as invincible and powerful as Krishna himself, that hero, being thus surrounded by those heroes, was not the least agitated.

सौभद्रमथ संसक्तं दृष्ट्वा तत्र धनंजयः। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन त्रातुकामः स्वमात्मजम्॥
Seeing Subhadra's fighting, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) hastened to the spot in great anger, with the intention of rescuing his son son.

ततः सरथनागाश्वा भीष्मद्रोणपुरोगमाः। अभ्यवर्तन्त राजानः सहिताः सव्यसाचिनम्॥
Thereupon the kings headed by Bhishma and Drona and accompanied by many elephants, horses and cars rushed with great force on Savyasachin (Arjuna).

उद्भूतं सहसा भौमं नागाश्वरथपत्तिभिः। दिवाकररथं प्राप्य रजस्तीव्रमदृश्यत॥
Then a thick shower of dust, being raised by foot-soldiers, horses and cars and cavalrymen, covered the sky.

तानि नागसहस्राणि भूमिपालशतानि च। तस्य बाणपथं प्राप्य नाभ्यवर्तन्त सर्वशः॥
When those thousands of elephants and hundreds of kings came within the reach of scen Arjuna's arrows, they could not make any further advance.

प्रणेदुः सर्वभूतानि बभूवुस्तिमिरा दिशः। कुरूणां चानयस्तीव्रः समदृश्यत दारुणः॥
All the troops sent up loud shouts, and all directions became dark. Then the army of the Kurus assumed a fearful and dreadful aspect.

नाप्यन्तरिक्षं न दिशो न भूमिर्न च भास्करः। प्रजज्ञे भरतश्रेष्ठं शस्त्रसङ्घः किरीटिनः॥
Neither the sky, nor the sun, nor the cardinal points, nor the earth, O best of men, could be distinguished, in consequence of the continuous showers of arrows shot by Kiritin (Arjuna).

सादिता रथनागाश्च हताश्वा रथिनो रणे। विप्रदुतरथाः केचिद् दृश्यन्ते रथयूथपाः॥
Many clephants were deprived of their standards, and many car-warriors were also deprived of their horses. Having abandoned their cars, many car-warriors were wandering (over the field).

विस्था रथिनश्चान्ये धावमानाः समन्ततः। तत्र तत्रैव दृश्यन्ते सायुधाः साङ्गदैर्भुजैः॥
Many other car-warriors, deprived of their cars, were seen to rove about with their weapons in their hands and other arm adorned with Angadas.

हयारोहा हयांस्त्यक्त्वा गजारोहाश्च दन्तिनः। अर्जुनस्य भयाद् राजन् समन्ताद् विप्रदुद्रुवुः॥
O king, horsemen, urging their horses and elephant-men urging their elephants fled away in all directions from the fear of Arjuna.

रथे यश्च गजेभ्यश्च हयेभ्यश्च नराधिपाः। पतिताः पात्यमानाश्च दृश्यन्तेऽर्जुनसायकैः॥
Kings were seen falling from their cars; elephants and horses were also seen to fall cut down by Arjuna's arrows.

सगदानुद्यतान् बाहून् सखगांश्च विशाम्पते। सप्रासांश्च सतूणीरान् सशरान् शसरासनान्॥ साङ्कुशान् सपताकांश्च तत्र तत्रार्जुनो नृणाम्। निचकर्त शरैरुचै रौद्रं वपुरधारयत्॥
Assuming a fierce countenance, Arjuna cut down with fearful arrows the upraised arms of warriors with maces in their hands, also with swords, darts, quivers arrows, bows, hooks and standards.

परिघाणां प्रदीप्तानां मुद्गराणां च मारिष। प्रासानां भिन्दिपालानां निस्त्रिंशानां च संयुगे॥ परश्वधानां तीक्ष्णानां तोमराणां च भारत। वर्मणां चापविद्धानां काञ्चनानां च भूमिप॥ ध्वजानां चर्मणां चैव व्यजनानां च सर्वशः। छत्राणां हेमदण्डानां तोमराणां च भारत॥ प्रतोदानां च योक्त्राणां कशानां चैव मारिष। राशय: स्मात्र दृश्यन्ते विनिकीर्णा रणक्षितौ॥
O sire, O descendant of Bharata, spiked mace broken in fragment, mallets, bearded darts, short arrows, swords, sharp edged battle axes, lances, broken shields, armours, standards, every sort of weapons, umbrellas with golden staves, iron-hooks, goads, whips, and traces were all seen strewn over the field of battle in heaps.

नासीत् तत्र पुमान् कश्चित् तव सैन्यस्य भारत। योऽर्जुनं समरे शूरं प्रत्युद्यायात् कथंचन॥
O sire, there was none in your army who could advance against Arjuna in battle.

यो यो हि समरे पार्थं प्रत्युद्याति विशाम्पते। स संख्ये विशिखैस्तीक्ष्णैः परलोकाय नीयते॥
O king, whoever advanced against the son of Pritha, was immediately shot down and sent to the abode of Yama.

तेषु विद्रवमाणेषु तव योधेषु सर्वशः। अर्जुनो वासुदेवश्च दध्मतुर्वारिजोत्तमौ॥
When all your troops broke down and fled away, Arjuna and Vasudeva blew their excellent conchs.

तत् प्रभग्नं बलं दृष्ट्वा पिता देवव्रतस्तव। अब्रवीत् समरे शूरं भारद्वाजं स्मयन्निव॥
Your sire Devavrata then, on seeing the Kuru army routed, smilingly thus spoke to the heroic son of Bharadvaja (Drona) on that field of battle.

एष पाण्डुसुतो वीरः कृष्णेन सहितो बली। तथा करोति सैन्यानि यथा कुर्याद् धनंजयः॥
“This mighty and heroic son of Pandu Dhananjaya, accompanied as he is by Krishna, is treating our troops as he alone is able to deal with them.

न ह्येष समरे शक्यो विजेतुं हि कथंचन। यथास्य दृश्यते रूपं कालान्तकयमोपमम्॥
Seeing him resemble today the destroyer himself as the universal dissolution, we find that he is invincible today.

न निवर्तयितुं चापि शक्येयं महती चमूः। अन्योन्यप्रेक्षया पश्य द्रवतीयं वरूथिनी॥
This our vast army is now impossible to be rallied. Behold, loO king at me, they are running away.

एष चास्तं गिरिश्रेष्ठं भानुमान् प्रतिपद्यते। चढूंषि सर्वलोकस्य संहरन्निव सर्वथा॥
Sun god here has reached now at the best mountain Astacala as if contracting completely the eye-sight of the entire world,

तत्रावहारं सम्प्राप्तं मन्येऽहं पुरुषर्षभ। श्रान्ता भीताश्च नो योधा न योत्स्यन्ति कंथचन॥
O foremost of men, I think, the time has come now to withdraw our army. The troops will never fight, they are tired and struck with panic".

एवमुक्त्वा ततो भीष्मो द्रोणमाचार्यसत्तमम्। अवहारमथो चक्रे तावकानां महारथः॥ ततोऽवहारः सैन्यानां तव तेषां च भारत। अस्तं गच्छति सूर्येऽभूत् संध्याकाले च वर्तति॥
Having said this to Drona that foremost of all preceptors, that great car-warriors Bhishma withdrew his army. Then when the sun went down, O sire, both the armies were withdrawn and twilight came in.