The death of Shveta,

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच एवं श्वेते महेष्वासे प्राप्ते शल्यरथं प्रति। कुरवः पाण्डवेयाश्च किमकुर्वत संजय॥ भीष्मः शान्तनवः किं वा तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः।
Dhritarashtra said O Sanjaya when that great bow man Shveta went towards Shalya's chariot, what did the Kurus and the Pandavas do? What did Bhishma the son of Shantanu do? Tell me all this, I ask you

संजय उवाच राजशतसहस्राणि ततः क्षत्रियपुङ्गवाः॥ श्वेतं सेनापतिं शूरं पुरस्कृत्य महारथाः।
Sanjaya said O king, hundreds and thousands of the foremost of Kshatriyas, all brave great carwarriors placed their general Shveta in their front.

राज्ञो बलं दर्शयन्तस्तव पुत्रस्य भारत॥ शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य त्रातुमैच्छन्महारथाः।
And displaying their prowess to your royal son, O descendant of Bharata, desired to rescue Shveta, with Shikhandin at their head.

अभ्यवर्तन्त भीष्मस्य रथं हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥ जिघांसन्तं युधां श्रेष्ठं तदाऽऽसीत् तुमुलं महत्।
Those great car-warriors rushed towards Bhishma's car decked with gold, with the intention of killing that foremost of warriors. The battle that was then fought was fearful.

तत् तेऽहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि महावैशसमच्युत॥ तावकानां परेषा च यथा युद्धमवर्तत।
I shall describe to you that wonderful and fearful battle that was fought between your warriors and those of the enemy.

तत्राकरोद् रथोपस्थाशून्याशान्तनवोबहून्॥ तत्राद्भुतं महच्चक्रे शरैराछंद् रथोत्तमान्।
The son of Shantanu made many cars empty, for that foremost of all car-warriors cut off many heads by showering his arrows.

समावृणोच्छरैरर्कमर्कतुल्यप्रतापवान्॥ नुदन् समन्तात् समरे रविरुद्यन् यथा तमः।
Possessing the prowess of the sun, he covered the very sun with his arrows. As the rising sun dispels the darkness from around him, so did he remove the foe from around him in that great battle.

तेनाजो प्रेषिता राजन् शराः शतसहस्रशः॥ क्षत्रियान्तकराः संख्ये महावेगा महाबलाः।
O king, in that great battle, hundreds and thousands of arrows were shot by him. They were very powerful and they possessed great impetuosity. They killed countless Kshatriya in that battle.

शिरांसि पातयामासुर्वीराणां शतशो रणे॥ गजान् कण्टकसन्नाहान् वज्रेणेव शिलोच्चयान्।
O king, in that great battle, he cut off the heads of hundreds of heroic warriors and elephants clad in thorny mail as summits of mountains are felled by thunderbolt.

रथा रथेषु संसक्ता व्यदृश्यन्त विशाम्पते॥ एके रथं पर्यवहंस्तुरगाः सुतरङ्गमम्।
O king, cars were seen to mingle with cars. One car was seen upon another car and a horse upon another horse.

युवानं निहतं वीरं लम्बमानं सकार्मुकम्॥ उदीर्णाश्च हया राजन् वहन्तस्तत्र तत्र ह।
O king, impetuous horses carried here and there the youthful riders killed and hung from their saddle with their bows till in their hands.

बद्धशङ्गनिषङ्गाश्च विध्वस्तशिरसो हताः॥ शतशः पतिता भूमौ वीरशय्यासु शेरते।
With swords and quivers, attached to their person and their armours loosened, hundreds of dead warriors lay on the ground sleeping on beds worthy of heroes.

परस्परेण धावन्तः पतिताः पुनरुत्थिताः॥ उत्थाय च प्रधावन्तो द्वन्द्वयुद्धमवाप्नुवन्।
Rushing upon one another, falling down and rising up again, and rushing again having risen up the combatants fought hand to hand.

पीडिताः पुनरन्योन्यं लुठन्तो रणमूर्धनि॥ सचापाः सनिषङ्गाश्च जातरूपपरिष्कृताः। विस्रब्धहतवीराश्च शतश: परिपीडिताः॥ तेन तेनाभ्यधावन्त विसृजन्तश्च भारत! मत्तो गजः पर्यवर्तद्धयांश्च हतसादिनः॥
Struck by one another, many rolled on the field of battle, O Bharata! several hundred warriors with bow and arrow-stand and gold ornaments on body were destroying the warriors of rival army with all reliance in their might and enduring the blows made by the enemies. They were rushing to and fro through the several routes the found and blowing continuously the arms and weapons on them.

सरथा रथिनश्चापि विमृद्वन्तः समन्ततः। स्यन्दनादपतत् कश्चिन्निहतोऽन्येन सायकैः॥
Car-warriors, with their cars, were crushed (by the elephants). Some warrior fell on their cars killed by other warriors with their arrows.

हतसारथिरप्युच्चैः पपात काष्ठवद् रथः। युध्यमानस्य संग्रामे व्यूढे रजसि चोत्थिते॥ धनुः कूजितविज्ञानं तत्रासीत् प्रतियुद्ध्यतः। गात्रस्पर्शेन योधानां व्यज्ञास्त परिपन्थिनम्॥
Many great car-warriors were seen to fall down from high, their charioteers being killed. A thick dust covered all sides. Then the warriors knew their adversaries by the twang of the bow. From the pressure also on their bodies the combatants guessed their enemies.

युद्ध्यमानं शरै राजन् सिञ्जिनीध्वजिनीरवात्। अन्योन्यं वीरसंशब्दो नाश्रूयत भटैः कृतः॥
O king, the warriors fought on with arrows guided by the twang of the bow strings. Even the very his sing sound of the arrows shot by the combatants at one another could not be heard.

शब्दायमाने संग्रामे पटहे कर्णदारिणि। युद्ध्यमानस्य संग्रामे कुर्वतः पौरुषं स्वकम्॥ नाश्रौषं नामगोत्राणि कीर्तनं च परस्परम्।
So loud was the sound of drums that it seemed to pierce the cars. In that tumultuous and hair-string uproar even the names of the combatants could not be heard.

भीष्मचापच्युतैर्बाणैरार्तानां युध्यतां मृधे॥ परस्परेषां वीराणां मनांसि समकम्पयन्। तस्मिन्नत्याकुले युद्धे दारुणे लोमहर्षणे॥ पिता पुत्रं च समरे नाभिजानाति कश्चन।
All warriors were bearing the pains sprcaded by the arrows released from Bhishma's bow in battle-field. Those arrows had created fear of death in the mind of all those warriors. That battle was most fierce, thrilling and arousing anxiety in the hearts of all. Any father in that battle was so lost of recognition as his own son was beyond the same.

चक्रे भग्ने युगे छिन्ने एकधुर्ये हये हतः॥ आक्षिप्तः स्यन्दनाद् वीरः ससारथिरजिह्मगैः।
One of the wheels being broken, the yoke being torn off, onc of the steeds being killed, the brave car-warrior was overthrown from the car along with his charioteer.

एवं च समरे सर्वे वीराश्च विरथीकृताः॥ तेन तेन स्म दृश्यन्ते धावमानाः समन्ततः।
Thus many brave warriors, deprived of their cars, were seen to run (in all directions).

गजो हतः शिरश्छिन्नं मर्म भिन्नं हयो हतः॥ अहतः कोऽपि नैवासीद् भीष्मे निघ्नति शात्रवान्।
He, who was killed, had his head cut off, he, who was not killed, was mortally wounded. When Bhishma attacked, there was none who was not wounded.

श्वेतः कुरूणामकरोत् क्षयं तस्मिन् महाहवे॥ राजपुत्रान् रथोदारानधीच्छतसंघशः।
In that fearful battle Shveta killed innumerable Kurus. He killed hundreds of noble princes.

चिच्छेद रथिनां बाणैः शिरांसि भरतर्षभ॥ साङ्गदा बाहवश्चैव धनूंषि च समन्ततः।
He cut off with his arrows the heads of hundreds of car-warriors and also their arms decked with Angadas, and also their bows.

रथेषां रथचक्राणि तूणीराणि युगानि च॥ छत्राणि च महार्हाणि पताकाश्च विशाम्पते। हयौघाश्च रथौघाश्च नरौघाश्चैव भारत॥ वारणाः शतशश्चैव हताः श्वेतेन भारत।
O king, O best of the Bharata race, carwarriors and car-wheels, the cars-themselves, both small and costly standards, many horses and innumerable inen and hundreds of elephants were destroyed by Shveta.

वयं श्वेतभयाद् भीता विहाय रथसत्तमम्॥ अपयातास्तथा पश्चाद् विभुं पश्याम धृष्णवः।
From fear of Shveta, we abandoned Bhishma that foremost of warriors; we left the battle and retreated to the rear and therefore, we now see your cxalted self.

शरपातमतिक्रम्य कुरवः कुरुनन्दन॥ भीष्मं शान्तनवं युद्धे स्थिताः पश्याम सर्वशः।
O descendant of Kuru, retreating beyond the range of arrows and abandoning the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, in that battle, all the Kurus stood (as spectators), though armed for the battle.

अदीनो दीनसमये भीष्मोऽस्माकं महाहवे॥ एकस्तस्थौ नरव्याघ्रो गिरिर्मेसरिवाचलः।
Ever cheerful even in the hour of cheerlessness, that foremost of man, Bhishma, alone, of our army, stood in that fearful battle as immovable as the mountain Meru.

आददान इव प्राणान् सविता शिशिरात्यये॥ गभस्तिभिरिवादित्यस्तस्थौ शरमरीचिमान्।
Killing the foes like the sun at the end of the winter, he stood effulgent with the golden rays of his car, as the sun shines with his rays.

स मुमोच महेष्वासः शरसंघाननेकशः॥ निजन्नमित्रान् समरे वज्रपाणिरिवासुरान्।
That great bow man shot showers in arrows and struck down his enemies in that battle as Vishnu, arıncd with the discus struck down the Asuras.

ते वध्यमाना भीष्मेण प्रजहुस्तं महाबलम्॥ स्वयूथादिव ते यूथान्मुक्तं भूमिषु दारुणम्।
The mighty Bhishma was separated from your army and became ferocious in that battlefield as an elephant becomes dangerous when its caravan missed and he is left alone. (All warriors from rival party, ran away leaving him alone because they could not bear more blows given by Bhishma.)

तमेवमुपलक्ष्यैको हृष्टः पुष्टः परंतप॥ दुर्योधनप्रिये युक्तः पाण्डवान् परिशोचयन्।
While fighting with the great warriors (Shveta), that chastiser of foes, Bhishma was the only one who was cheerful. Ever devoted to the welfare of Duryodhana, he began to consume the warriors (Shveta).

जीवितं दुस्त्यजं त्यक्त्वा भयं च सुमहाहवे॥ पातयामास सैन्यानि पाण्डवानां विशाम्पते।
O kind, reckless of his own life, abandoning all fear, he slaughtered the Pandava troops in that great battle.

प्रहरन्तमनीकानि पिता देवव्रतस्तव॥ दृष्ट्वा सेनापति भीष्मस्त्वरितः श्वेतमभ्ययात्।
Seeing that (Pandava) general striking Duryodhana's troops,, your father Bhishma, also called Devavrata, rushed upon him.

स भीष्मं शरजालेन महता समवाकिरत्॥ श्वेतं चापि तथा भीष्मः शरौघैः समवाकिरत्।
Thereupon Shveta covered Bhishma with a great net of arrows, Bhishma also covered Shveta with a shower of arrows.

तौ वृषाविव नर्दन्तौ मत्ताविव महाद्विपौ॥ व्याघ्राविव सुसंरब्धावन्योन्यमभिजघ्नतुः।
Roaring like two bulls, they rushed against each other like two gigantic mad elephants or like two angry tigers.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य ततस्तौ पुरुषर्षभौ॥ भीष्मः श्वेतश्च युयुधे परस्परवधैषिणौ।
Baffling each other's weapons by means of their weapons those (two) foremost of men, Bhishma and Shveta fought with each other with the desire of taking each other's life.

एकाछा निर्दहेद् भीष्मः पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्॥ शरैः परमसंक्रुद्धो यदि श्वेतो न पालयेत्।
If Shveta did not protect it, in one single day Bhishma could have in anger consumed the Pandava army with his arrows.

पितामहं ततो दृष्ट्वा श्वेतेन विमुखीकृतम्॥ प्रहर्ष पाण्डवा जग्मुः पुत्रस्ते विमनाऽभवत्।
Seeing the grandfather made to retreat by Shveta, the Pandavas grew exceedingly delighted, but your son became very much cheerless.

ततो दुर्योधन: क्रुद्धः पार्थिवैः परिवारितः॥ ससैन्यः पाण्डवानीकमभ्यद्रवत संयुगे।
Thereupon Duryodhana surrounded by many kings, rushed in anger against the Pandava troops in that great battle.

दुर्मुखः कृतवर्मा च कृपः शल्यो विशाम्पतिः॥ भीष्मं जुगुपुरासाद्य तव पुत्रेण नोदिताः।
Durmukha, Kritavarman, Kripa and Shalya, the lord of men also protected Bhishma inspired by your son.

दृष्ट्वा तु पार्थिवैः सर्वैर्दुर्योधनपुरोगमैः॥ पाण्डवानामनीकानि वध्यमानानि संयुगे। श्वेतो गाङ्गेयमुत्सृज्य तव पुत्रस्य वाहिनीम्॥ नाशयामास वेगेन वायुर्वृक्षानिवौजसा।
Seeing the army of Pandavas is being slain in battle by Duryodhana and all other kings, Shveta abandoned the son of Ganga, Bhishma and began to slaughter your son's troops with great iinpetuosity as the wind up-roots trees with great violence.

द्रावयित्वा चमू राजन् वैराटिः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः॥ आपतत् सहसा भूयो यत्र भीष्मो व्यवस्थितः।
O king, having routed your army, Virata's son (Shveta) senseless in anger again rushed towards the place where Bhishma stood.

तौ तत्रोपगतौ राजन् शरदीप्तौ महाबलौ।॥ अयुध्येतां महात्मानौ यथोभौ वृत्रवासवौ। अन्योन्यं तु महाराज परस्परवधैषिणौ॥ निगृह्य कार्मुकं श्वेतो भीष्मं विव्याध सप्तभिः।
O king! those two mighty and great warriors, both blazing with their arrows, fought with each other like Vritra and Vasava in the days of yore, both eager to kill each other. Having drawn his bow to the fullest stretch, Shveta wounded Bhishma with seven arrows.

पराक्रमं ततस्तस्य पराक्रम्य पराक्रमी॥ तरसा वारयामास मत्तो मत्तमिव द्विपम्।
The brave one (Bhishma) then put forth his prowess; he quickly checked his adversary's valour as a mad elephants checks another inad elephant.

श्वेतः शान्तनवं भूयः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ विव्याध पञ्चविंशत्या दद्भुतमिवाभवत्।
Shveta again shot twenty five arrows having bent knot cach and penetrated the budy of Bhishma, the son of Shantanu. It was happened as an unprecedented event.

तं प्रत्यविध्यद् दशभिर्भीष्मः शान्तनवस्तदा॥ आजघान ततो भीष्मं श्वेतः क्षत्रियनन्दनः।
That delighter of the Kshatriyas, Shveta, then struck Bhishma; and the son of Shantanu pierced him in return with ten arrows.

सम्प्रहस्य ततः श्वेतः सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन्॥ स विद्धस्तेन बलवान् नाकम्पत यथाऽचलः। वैराटिः समरे क्रुद्धो भृशमायम्य कार्मुकम्॥ धनुश्चिच्छेद भीष्मस्य नवभिर्दशधा शरैः। संधाय विशिखं चैव शरं लोमप्रवाहिनम्॥ उन्ममाथ ततस्तालं ध्वजशीर्षं महात्मनः। केतुं निपतितं दृष्ट्वा भीष्मस्य तनयास्तव॥ हतं भीष्ममन्यन्त श्वेतस्य वशमागतम्। पाण्डवाश्चापि संहृष्टादध्मुः शङ्खान् मुदायुताः॥
They smiling and licking with his tongue the corners of the mouth, Shveta cut down Bhishma's bow into ten parts with nine arrows. Then taking up a winged arrow made of iron, he crushed the palmyra on the top of the standard of that exalted one (Bhishma). Seeing the standard of Bhishma cut down, your sons thought that Bhishma was killed. The Pandavas in great delight blew their conchs.

भीष्मस्य पतितं केतुं दृष्ट्वा तालं महात्मनः। ततो दुर्योधनः क्रोधात् स्वमनीकमनोदयत्।।६
Seeing the palmyra-standard of the illustrious Bhishma cut down, Duryodhana, in great anger, urged his army to the battle.

यत्ता भीष्मं परीप्सध्वं रक्षमाणाः समन्ततः। मा नः प्रपश्यमानानां श्वेतान्मृत्युमवाप्स्यति॥ भीष्मः शान्तनवः शूरस्तथा सत्यं ब्रवीमि वः। राज्ञस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणा महारथाः॥ बलेन चतुरङ्गेण गाङ्गेयमन्वपालयन्। बाह्रीकः कृतवर्मा च शलः शल्यश्च भारत॥ जलसंधो विकर्णश्च चित्रसेनो विविंशतिः। त्वरमाणास्त्वराकाले परिवार्य समन्ततः॥ अवारयदमेयात्मा दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। स निवार्य तान् सर्वान् केसरी कुञ्जरानिव॥ महता शरवर्षेण भीष्मस्य धनुराच्छिनत्।
They all carefully protected Bhishma who was then in great distress. To them that stood there as spectators, the king (Duryodhana) thus exclaimed. “Either Shveta or Bhishma will die (to day)". Having heard the words of the king, the great car-warriors soon with four kinds of troops advanced to protect the son of Ganga. O descendant of Bharata, Balhika, Kritavarina, Kripa, Shalya, the son of Jarasandha, Vikarna, Chitrasena and Vivingshati, all with great speed, surrounded him on all sides and poured a continuous shower of arrows. That highsouled and mighty warrior then soon checked those wrathful warriors with sharp arrows by displaying his own lightness of hands. Checking them all as a lion checks a herd of elephants, Shveta cut off Bhishma's bow with a thick shower of arrows.

ततोऽन्यद् धनुरादाय भीष्मः शान्तनवो युधि॥ श्वेतं विव्याध राजेन्द्र कङ्कपत्रैः शितैः शरैः। ततः सेनापतिः क्रुद्धो भीष्मं बहुभिरायसैः॥ विव्याध समरे राजन् सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः। ततः प्रव्यथितो राजा भीष्मं दृष्ट्वा निवारितम्॥ । प्रवीरं सर्वलोकस्य श्वेतेन युधि वै तदा। निष्ठानकश्च सुमहांस्तव सैन्यस्य चाभवत्॥ तं वीरं वारितं दृष्ट्वा श्वेतेन शरविक्षतम्। हतं श्वेतेन मन्यन्ते श्वेतस्य वशमागतम्॥
Then the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, took up another bow in that battle and wounded Shveta with arrows, furnished with the feather of Kanka birds. Then that commander (Shveta) in great anger wounded Bhishma in that battle with innumerable arrows in the very sight of all. Seeing Bhishma, that foremost of all the warriors, checked in the battle by Shveta the king (Duryodhana) became exceedingly cheerless, and your whole army felt themselves in great distress. Seeing the heroic Bhislima checked and wounded by Shveta with his arrows, a!' thought that Bhishma had been killed.

ततः क्रोधवशं प्राप्तः पिता देवव्रतस्तव। ध्वजमुन्मथितं दृष्ट्वा तां च सेनां निवारिताम्॥ श्वेतं प्रति महाराज व्यसृजत् सायकान् बहून्। तानावार्य रणे श्वेतो भीष्पस्य रथिनां वरः॥ धनुश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन पुनरेव पितुस्तव। उत्सृज्य कार्मुकं राजन् गाङ्गेयः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः॥ अन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय विपुलं बलवत्तरम्। तत्र संधाय विपुलान् भल्लान् सप्त शिलाशितान्॥ चतुर्भिश्च जघानाश्वाच्छ्वेतस्य पृतनापतेः। ध्वजं द्वाभ्यां तु चिच्छेद सप्तमेन च सारथेः॥ शिरश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन संक्रुद्धो लघुविक्रमः।
Thereupon your father Devavrata, seeing his standard cut down and the army checked, grew greatly enraged and shot at Shveta innumerable arrows. O king, that foremost of heroes Shveta however baffled all those arrows of Bhishma and he once more cut off with a broad-headed arrow the bow of your father. O king, throwing aside that bow, the son of Ganga took up in great anger another strong and large bow, and aiming seven large broadheaded arrows, killed the four horses of the general Shveta, then he cut down his standard and then, the head of his charioteer.

हताश्वसूतात् स रथादवप्लुत्य महाबलः॥ अमर्षवशमापन्नो व्याकुलः समपद्यत। विरथं रथिनां श्रेष्ठं श्वेतं दृष्ट्वा पितामहः॥ ताडयामास निशितैः शरसंधैः समन्ततः। स ताड्यमानः समरे भीष्मचापच्युतैः शरैः॥ स्वरथे धनुरुत्सृज्य शक्तिं जग्राह काञ्चनीम्। ततः शक्तिं रणे श्वेतो जग्राहोचां महाभयाम्॥ कालदण्डोपमां घोरां मृत्योर्जिह्वामिव श्वसन्। अब्रवीच्च तदा श्वेतो भीष्मं शान्तनवं रणे॥ तिष्ठेदानीं सुसंरब्धः पश्य मां पुरुषो भव। एवमुक्त्वा महेष्वासो भीष्मं युधि पराक्रमी॥ ततः शक्तिममेयात्मा चिक्षेप भुजगोपमाम्। पाण्डवार्थ पराक्रान्तस्तवानर्थं चिकीर्षुकः॥
Thereupon that great car-warrior jumped down from his car the horses and the charioteer of which had been killed. Seeing Shveta, that foremost of car-warriors, deprived of his car, the grandsire began to strike him on all sides with showers of arrows. Wounded in this great battle with arrows shot from Bhishma's bow, leaving his bow on his car, he took up a dart decked with gold, and taking up that terrible and fearful dart which resembled the fatal rod of Death and which was capable of killing even Death himself, Shveta thus spoke in anger to the son of Shantanu, Bhishma. "O foremost of men, wait a little and see my prowess". Having said this to Bhishma that greatly powerful and high-souled bow-man hurled that dart resembling a snake.

हाहाकारो महानासीत् पुत्राणां ते विशाम्पते। दृष्ट्वा शक्तिं महाघोरां मृत्योर्दण्डसमप्रभाम्॥
O king, then loud cries of “Oh” and “Alas" rose among your sons when they saw that fearful dart which was as effulgent as the rod of death.

श्वेतस्य करनिर्मुक्तां निर्मुक्तोरगसंनिभाम्। अपतत् सहसा राजन् महोल्केव नभस्तलात्॥ ज्वलन्तीमन्तरिक्षे तां ज्वालाभिरिव संवृताम्।
Having been furled from Shveta's handthat dart which resembled a snake that had just cast off its slough, fell with great force like a meteor from the sky.

असम्भ्रान्तस्तदा राजन् पिता देवव्रतस्तव।॥ अष्टभिर्नवभिर्भीष्मः शक्तिं चिच्छेद पत्रिभिः। उत्कृष्टहेमविकृतां निकृतां निशितैः शरैः॥
Your father Devavrata, then, without the slightest fcar, with eight sharp and winged arrows, cut down into nine parts that fearful dart which was decked with pure gold and which appeared to be covered with flames of fire.

उच्चुक्रुशुस्ततः सर्वे तावका भरतर्षभ। शक्तिं विनिहतां दृष्ट्वा वैराटिः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः।।८ 1८८॥
All your troops, O best of the Bharata race, then sent up a loud shout of joy. Virata's son, however, having seen his dart cut down into fragments, lost all sense in anger.

कालोपहतचेतास्तु कर्तव्यं नाभ्यजानत। क्रोधसम्मूर्च्छितो राजन् वैराटिः प्रहसन्निव॥
Like one whose heart was over come by the approaching death, he could not settle what to do. O king, deprived of his senses by anger, Virata's son, with smiles.

गदा जग्राह संहृष्टो भीष्मस्य निधनं प्रति। क्रोधेन रक्तनयनो दण्डपाणिरिवान्तकः॥
Took up in great cheerfulness a fearful mace for Bhishma's destruction. With eyes red in anger, and loO king like a second Yama armed with the rod.

भीष्मं समभिदुद्राव जलौघ इव पर्वतम्। तस्य वेगमसंवार्यं मत्वा भीष्मः प्रतापवान्॥
He rushed upon Bhishma as a swollen river rushes upon a rock. Considering his great impetuosity as incapable of being checked, the greatly fearful Bhishma.

प्रहारविप्रमोक्षार्थं सहसा धरणीं गतः। श्रेतः क्रोधसमाविष्टो भ्रामयित्वा तु तां गदाम्॥
Who is ever skillful in knowing the prowess of other, suddenly jumped down on the ground to avoid that blow. O king, Shveta, however, whirling that heavy mace in anger.

रथे भीष्मस्य चिक्षेप यथा देवो धनेश्वरः। तया भीष्मनिपातिन्या स रथो भस्मसात्कृतः॥ सध्वजः सह सूतेन साश्वः सयुगबन्धुरः। विरथं रथिनां श्रेष्ठं भीष्मं दृष्ट्वा रथोत्तमाः॥ वै॥
Hurled it on Bhishma's car like the dcity Maheshvara (Shiva). By the fall of that mace intended for Bhishma's destruction, that car. with its standard, charioteer and horses, was reduced to ashes. Seeing Bhishrma, that foremost of car-warriors fighting on foot.

अभ्यधावन्त सहिताः शल्यप्रभृतयो रथाः। ततोऽन्यं रथमास्थाय धनुर्विस्फार्य दुर्मनाः॥ शनकैरभ्ययाच्छ्वेतं गाङ्गेयः प्रहसन्निव। एतस्मिन्नन्तरे भीष्मः शुश्राव विपुलां गिरम्॥ आकाशादीरितां दिव्यामात्मनो हितसम्भवाम्। भीष्म भीष्म महाबाहो शीघ्रं यत्नं कुरुश्व
Many car-warriors, Shalya and others soon came to his help. Getting up on another car and stretching his bow. Bhishma slowly advanced towards Shveta. In the meantime he heard a voice in the sky. It was celestial and fraught with his own good. It said, “O Bhishma, O Bhishma, O mighty armed hero, fight without losing a moment.

एष ह्यस्य जये कालो निर्दिष्टो विश्वयोनिना। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं देवदूतेन भाषितम्॥
This is the moment fixed by the creator for getting success over this one.” Having heard these words uttered by the celestial messenger.

सम्प्रहृष्टमना भूत्वा वधे तस्य मनो दधे। विरथं रथिनां श्रेष्ठं श्वेतं दृष्ट्वा पदातिनम्॥ सहितास्त्वभ्यवर्तन्त परीप्सन्तो महारथाः। सात्यकिर्भीमसेनश्च धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः॥
Bhishma carefully determined to kill Shveta. Seeing that foremost of car-warriors fighting on foot, many great car-warriors rushed untidily to his rescue. They were Satyaki, Bhimasena, and that descendant of Prishata, Dhrishtadyumna.

कैकेयो धृष्टकेतुश्च अभिमन्युश्च वीर्यवान्। एतानापततः सर्वान् द्रोणशल्यकृपैः सह॥
The Kaikeya brothers, Dhrishtaketu and the greatly powerful Abhimanyu. Seeing them coming to his rescue, with Drona, Shalya, and Kripa.

अवारयदमेयात्मा वारिवेगानिवाचलः। स निरुद्धेषु सर्वेषु पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु॥
That high-souled hero (Bhishma) stopped them all as a mountain resists the wind. When the illustrious warriors of the Pandava army were thus checked.

श्वेतः खङ्गमथाकृष्य भीष्मस्य धनुराच्छिनत्। तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं त्वरमाणः पितामहः॥ देवदूतवचः श्रुत्वा वधे तस्य मनो दधे। ततः प्रचरमाणस्तु पिता देवव्रतस्तव॥
Shveta took up a sword and cut off Bhishma's bow. Throwing off that bow the (Kuru) grandfather having heard the words of the celestial messenger set his heart to destroy Shveta as soon as possible. Though baffled, your father Devavrata.

अन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय त्वरमाणो महारथः। क्षणेन सज्यमकरोच्छक्रचापसमप्रभम्॥
That great car-warrior, soon took up another bow as effulgent as the bow of Indra. He stringed it in a moment.

पिता ते भरतश्रेष्ठ श्वेतं दृष्ट्वा महारथैः। वृतं तं मनुजव्यार्भीमसेनपुरोगमैः॥
O best of the Bharata race, then your father. seeing that great car-warrior Shveta, though he was then surrounded by those foremost of men (the Pandava warriors) with Bhimasena at their head.

अभ्यवर्तत गाङ्गेयः श्वेतं सेनापतिं द्रुतम्। आपतन्तं ततो भीष्मो भीमसेनं प्रतापवान्॥ आजघ्ने विशिखैः षष्ट्या सेनान्यं स महारथः। अभिमन्युं च समरे पिता देवव्रतस्तव॥ आजम्ने भरतश्रेष्ठस्त्रिभिः संनतपर्वभिः।
The son of Ganga (Bhishma), rushed forward to attack Shveta alone. Seeing Bhishma coming, the greatly powerful Bhimasena wounded him with sixty arrows. But that great car-warrior, your father Devavrata, checked Bhimasena, Abhimanyu and other carwarriors with some fearful arrows. He then struck him (Shveta) with three straight arrows.

सात्यकिं च शतेनाजौ भरतानां पितामहः॥ धुष्टद्युम्नं च विंशत्या कैकेयं चापि पञ्चभिः।
The (Kuru) grandfather, struck Satyaki in that great battle with one hundred arrows, Dhrishtadyumna with twenty and the Kaikeya brothers with five.

तांश्च सर्वान् महेष्वासान् पिता देवव्रतस्तव॥ वारयित्वा शरैोरैः श्वेतमेवाभिदुद्रुवे।
Having thus checked all those great bowmen with fearful arrows, your father Devavrata rushed towards Shveta alone.

ततः शरं मृत्युसमं भारसाधनमुत्तमम्॥ विकृष्य बलवान् भीष्मः समाधत्त दुरासदम्।
Then taking up an arrow which resembled Death himself which was capable of being a great strain and which was incapable of being resisted, the mighty Bhishma placed it on his bow-string.

ब्रह्मस्त्रेण सुसंयुक्तं त शरं लोमवाहिनम्॥ ददृशुर्देवगन्धर्वाः पिशाचोरगराक्षसाः।
That winged arrow, endued with the force of the Brahma weapon, was seen by the celestial, the Gandharvas, the Pishachas, the Uragas and the Rakshasas.

स तस्य कवचं भित्त्वा हृदयं चामितौजसः॥ जगाम धरणी बाणो महाशनिरिव ज्वलन्।
That arrow, as effulgent as the fire went through his armour and struck into the earth with a flash like that of the thunder-bolt.

अस्तं गच्छन् यथाऽऽदित्यः प्रभामादाय सत्वरः॥ एवं जीवितमादाय श्वेतदेहाज्जगाम ह।
As the sun hurriedly retires to his western chamber taking with him the rays of light, so did it pass away out of Shveta's body taking with it his life.

तं भीष्मेण नरव्याघ्र तथा विनिहतं युधि॥ प्रपतन्तमपश्याम गिरेः शृङ्गमिव च्युतम्।
When he was thus killed by Bhishma in that battle, we saw him fall down like a loosened peak of a mountain.

अशोचन् पाण्डवास्तत्र क्षत्रियाश्च महारथाः॥ प्रहृष्टाश्च सुतास्तुभ्यं कुरवश्चापि सर्वशः।
All the great Kshatriya car warriors, on the Pandava side lamented (for his death). But your son and all the Kurus were filled with great delight.

ततो दुःशासनो राजश्वेतं दृष्ट्वा निपातितम्॥ वादित्रनिनदैोरैर्नृत्यति स्म समन्ततः।
o king, seeing Shveta killed, Dushasana danced in joy over the field of battle in accompaniment of the loud music of conchs and druins.

तस्मिन् हते महेष्वासे भीष्मेणाहवशोभिना॥ प्रावेपन्त महेष्वासाः शिखण्डिप्रमुखा रथाः।
When that great bowman, was killed by that ornament of battle, Bhishma, the great bowmen of the Pandava side, with Shikhandin at their head, trembled in fear.

ततो धनंजयो राजन् वार्ष्णेयश्चापि सर्वशः॥ अवहारं शनैश्चक्रुनिहते वाहिनीपतौ।
O king, when the general (Shveta) was killed, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) and the Vrishni chief (Krishna) slowly withdrew their troops.

ततोऽवहारः सैन्यानां तव तेषां च भारत॥ तावकानां परेषां च नर्दतां च मुहुर्मुहुः।
O descendant of Bharata, both your troops and theirs withdrew and both your troops and theirs frequently sent up loud shouts.

पार्था विमनसो भूत्वा न्यवर्तन्त महारथाः। चिन्तयन्तो वधं घोरं द्वैरथेन परंतपाः॥
O chastiser of foes the great (Pandava) car warriors entered their camp in great cheerlessness, thinking of the great slaughter made by their general (Shveta) in that great single combat.