The single combats

संजय उवाच पूर्वाह्ने तस्य रौद्रस्य युद्धमह्नो विशाम्पते। प्रावर्तत महाघोरं राज्ञां देहावकर्तनम्॥
Sanjaya said O king, in the morning of that awful day commenced the fearful battle that mangled the bodies of so many kings.

कुरूणां सृञ्जयानां च जिगीषूणां परस्परम्। सिंहानामिव संह्रादो दिवमुर्वी च नादयन्॥
Desiring victory in battle, the loud shouts that the Kurus and the Srinjayas made, resembling those of so many lions, caused the earth and the sky to be resounded.

आसीत् किलकिलाशब्दस्तलशङ्खरवैः सह। जज्ञिरे सिंहनादाश्च शूराणां प्रतिगर्जताम्॥
A tremendous uproar was heard mingled with the flapping of the leather and the blare of conchs. Lion-like roars rose from men shouting at one another.

तलवाभिहताश्चैव ज्याशब्दा भरतर्षभ। पत्तीनां पादशब्दश्च वाजिनां च महास्वनः॥
O best of the Bharata race, the twang of the bow-strings, the heavy feared of infantry, the furious neighing of horses.

तोत्राङ्कुशनिपातश्च आयुधानां च नि:स्वनः। घण्टाशब्दश्च नागानामन्योन्यमभिधावताम्॥
The falling of sticks and iron hooks the clash of weapons, the jingle of bells round the necks of elephants rushing upon one another.

तस्मिन् समुदिते शब्दे तुमुले लोमहर्षणे। बभूव रथनिर्घोषः पर्जन्यनिनदोपमः॥
The clatter of the wheels of cars that resembled the roars of clouds, all these mingled together, produced a hair-stirring uproar.

ते मनः क्रूरमाधाय समभित्यक्तजीविताः। पाण्डवानभ्यवर्तन्त सर्व एवोच्छ्रितध्वजाः॥
All the Kuru warriors, reckless of their lives, with cruel intentions, rushed upon the Pandavas with their standards upraised.

अथ शान्तनवो राजन्नभ्यधावद् धनंजयम्। प्रगृह्य कार्मुकं घोरं कालदण्डोपमं रणे॥
O king, taking up a fearful bow that resembled the rod of death himself, the son of Shantanu, Bhishma, rushed upon Dhananjaya (Arjuna) on the field of battle.

अर्जुनोऽपि धनुर्गृह्य गाण्डीवं लोकविश्रुतम्। अभ्यधावत तेजस्वी गाङ्गेयं रणमूर्धनि॥
The greatly powerful Arjuna also a king up the bow Gandiva which is celebrated all over the world, rushed upon the son of Ganga (Bhishma) on the field of battle.

तावुभौ कुरुशार्दूलौ परस्परवधैषिणौ। गाङ्गेयस्तु रणे पार्थं विद्ध्वा नाकम्पयत् बली।।१०
Both those two foremost heroes of the Kuru race desired to kill each other. Though the mighty son of Ganga pierced Partha with his arrows, yet he could not make him waver.

तथैव पाण्डवो राजन् भीष्मं नाकम्पयद् युधि। सात्यकिस्तु महेष्वासः कृतवर्माणमभ्ययात्॥
O king, that son of Pandu (Arjuna) also could not make Bhishma waver in battle. The great bowman Satyaki rushed against Kritavarma.

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। सात्यकिः कृतवर्माणं कृतवर्मा च सात्यकिम्॥ आनछुतुः शरैरैस्तक्षमाणौ परस्परम्। तौ शराचितसर्वाङ्गौ शुशुभाते महाबलौ॥ वसन्ते पुष्पशबलौ पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ। अभिमन्युर्महेष्वासं बृहद्बलमयोधयत्॥
The fight between these two(heroes) was extremely fearful and hair-string. Satyaki wounded Kritavarma and Kritavarma wounded Satyaki with loud shouts and thus they weakened each other. Pierced all over the body with arrows, those two great warriors shone like two blossoming Kinshukas, when they are adorned with flowers in spring. The great bowman Abhimanyu fought with Brihadbala.

ततः कोसलराजाऽसावभिमन्योर्विशाम्पते। ध्वजं चिच्छेद समरे सारथिं च न्यपातयत्॥
O king, the ruler of Kosala, soon in that battle, cut off the standard and overthrew the charioteer of the son of Subhadra, (Abhimanyu).

सौभद्रस्तु ततः क्रुद्धः पातिते रथसारथौ। बृहद्वलं महाराज विव्याध नवभिः शरैः॥
When his charioteer was overthrown, Subhadra's son was filled with wrath. O king, be pierced Brihadbala with nine arrows.

अथापराव्यां भल्लाभ्यां शिताभ्यामरिमर्दनः। ध्वजमेकेन चिच्छेद पार्णिमेकेन सारथिम्॥
That chastiser of foes, (Abhimanyu) with a couple of sharp arrows cut off his standard, with one (arrow) he cut down one of the protectors of his car-wheels and with another his charioteer.

अन्योन्यं च शरैः क्रुद्धौ ततक्षाते परस्परम्। मानिनं समरे दृप्तं कृतवैरं महारथम्॥ भीमसेनस्तव सुतं दुर्योधनमयोधयत्। तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ कुरुमुख्यौ महाबलौ॥
Those (two) chastisers of foes fought on and weakened each other with sharp arrows. Bhimasena fought with your son Duryodhana, that great car-warrior who had injured (the Pandavas) in pride. Both of those Kuru chiefs are foremost of men and both of them are great car-warriors.

अन्योन्यं शरवर्षाभ्यां ववृषाते रणाजिरे। तौ वीक्ष्य तु महात्मानौ कृतिनौ चित्रयोधिनौ॥ विस्मयः सर्वभूतानां समपद्यत भारत। दुःशासनस्तु नकुलं प्रत्युद्याय महाबलम्॥ अविध्यन्निशितैर्बाणैहुभिर्मर्मदिभिः। तस्य माद्रीसुतः केतुं सशरं च शरासनम्॥ चिच्छेद निशितैर्बाणैः प्रहसन्निव भारत। अथैनं पञ्चविंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां समार्पयत्॥
They covered each other, on the field of battle, with showers of arrows. O descendant of Bharata, seeing the fight between these two illustrious and accomplished warrior learned in all the modes of warfare all creatures were filled with amazement. Dushasana rushed against the great car warrior Nakula and pierced him with many sharp arrows. The son of Madri laughingly cut off with his sharp arrows the standard and the bow of his adversary. He then wounded him with twenty five small headed arrows.

पुत्रस्तु तव दुर्धर्षो नकुलस्य महाहवे। तुरङ्गांश्चिच्छिदे बाणैर्ध्वजं चैवाभ्यपातयत्॥
Your son who is ever difficult to be vanquished then killed in that fearful battle Nakula's horses and then cut down his standard.

दुर्मुखः सहदेवं च प्रत्युद्याय महाबलम्। विव्याध शरवर्षेण यतमानं महाहवे॥
Durmukha rushed upon the mighty Sahadeva. He fought with him in that terrible battle and pierced him with a shower of arrows.

सहदेवस्ततो वीरो दुर्मुखस्य महारणे। शरेण भृशतीक्ष्णेन पातयामास सारथिम्॥
The heroic Sahadeva soon overthrew in that fearful battle Durmukha's charioteer with a sharp arrow.

तावन्योन्यं समासाद्य समरे युद्धदुर्मदौ। त्रासयेतां शरैोरैः कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ।॥
Both of them were irresistible in fight. Each attacking the other, and being desirous of warding of each other's attack struck terror into each other with fearful arrows.

युधिष्ठिरः स्वयं राजा मद्रराजानमभ्ययात्। तस्य मद्राधिपश्चापं द्विधा चिच्छेद मारिष॥
The king Yudhishthira himself fought with the ruler of the Madra. The Madra king cut off the bow of Yudhishthira.

तदपास्य धनुश्च्छिन्नं कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। अन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय वेगवद् बलवत्तरम्॥
Thereupon, the son of Kunti, took up another bow which was stronger and capable of imparting greater velocity.

ततो मद्रेश्वरं राजा शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। छादयामास संक्रुद्धस्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
The king, then saying in great wrath “Wait" covered the king of Madra with straight arrows.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्ततो द्रोणमभ्यद्रवत भारत। तस्य द्रोणः सुसंक्रुद्धः परासुकरणं दृढम्॥ त्रिधा चिच्छेद समरे पाञ्चाल्यस्य तु कार्मुकम्। शरं चैव महाघोरं कालदण्डमिवापरम्॥ प्रेषयामास समरे सोऽस्य काये न्यमज्जत। अथान्यद् धनुरादाय सायकांश्च चतुर्दश॥ द्रोण द्रुपदपुत्रस्तु प्रतिविव्याध संयुगे। तावन्योन्यं सुसंक्रुद्धौ चक्रतुः सुभृशं रणम्॥
O descendant of Bharata, Dhrishtadyumna rushed against Drona. In great anger Drona cut off in that battle the hard bow of the illustrious Panchala prince, the bow which was ever capable of taking the lives of the foes. He shot in that battle a fearful arrow which was like the second rod of Yama. The arrow thus shot son penetrated into the body of the prince. Taking up another bow and fourteen arrows, the son of Drupada pierced Drona with his arrows. Enraged with each other they fought on.

सौमदत्तिं रणे शङ्खो रभसं रभसो युधि। प्रत्युद्ययौ महाराज तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
O king, the impetuous Shankha met Somadatta son who was equally impetuous in battle and he shouted out to him "Wait" “Wait".

तस्य वै दक्षिणं वीरो निर्बिभेद रणे भुजम्। सौमदत्तिस्तथा शङ्ख जत्रुदेशे समाहनत्॥
That hero then pierced his right arm in that fight. Thereupon the of Somadatta wounded Shankha on the shoulders.

तयोस्तदभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं विशाम्पते। दृप्तयोः समरे पूर्वं वृत्रवासवयोरिव।॥
O king, the battle that was fought between these two proud heroes soon became as fearful as the battle between the celestial and the Asuras.

बाह्रीकं तु रणे क्रुद्धं क्रुद्धरूपो विशाम्पते। अभ्यद्रवदमेयात्मा धृष्टकेतुर्महारथः॥
O king, that high-souled great car-warrior Dhrishtaketu angrily rushed upon Balhika who was the very embodiment of anger.

बाह्रीकस्तु रणे राजन् धृष्टकेतुममर्षणः। शरैर्बहुभिरानछेत् सिहनादमथानदत्॥
O king, great Balhika, sending up a lionlike roar, weakened the wrathful Dhrishtaketu with countless arrows.

चेदिराजस्तु संक्रुद्धो बाह्रीकं नवभिः शरैः। विव्याध समरे तूर्णं मत्तो मत्तमिव द्विपम्॥ तौ तत्र समरे क्रुद्धौ नर्दन्तौ च पुनः पुनः। समीयतुः सुसंक्रुद्धावङ्गारकबुधाविव॥ राक्षसं रौद्रकर्माणं क्रूरकर्मा घटोत्कचः। अलम्बुषं प्रत्युदियाद् बलं शक्र इवाहवे॥
The king of the Chedis, then becoming exceedingly, angry, quickly pierced Balhika with nine arrows in that battle. Like an infuriated elephants, attacking another infuriated elephants, they roared against each other in great anger. They fought in great wrath and they looked like the planets Angaraka and Budha. Ghatotkacha the barbarous monster attacked on the monster known as Alambusha, the evildoer. This attack was made same way as Indra invaded on Bala, a dangerous demon.

घटोत्कचस्ततः क्रुद्धो राक्षसं तं महाबलम्। नवत्या सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्दारयामास भारत॥
The doer of cruel deeds, Ghototkacha, O descendant of Bharata, wounded that mighty and angry Rakshasa (Alambusha with ninety sharp arrows.

अलम्बुषस्तु समरे भैमसेनि महाबलम्। बहुधा दारयामास शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
Alambusha, in that great battle, wounded the mighty son of Bhimasena (Ghototkacha) in many places with straight arrows.

व्यभ्राजेतां ततस्तौ तु संयुगे शरविक्षतौ। यथा देवासुरे युद्धे बलशक्रौ महाबलौ॥
Wounded with arrows they appeared in the battle like the mighty Indra and the powerful Bala in the battle between the celestial and the Danavas.

शिखण्डी समरे राजन् द्रौणिमभ्युद्ययौ बली। अश्वत्थामा ततः क्रुद्धः शिखण्डिनमुपस्थितम्॥
O king, the mighty Shikhandin attacked Drona's son. But Ashvatthama severely wounded Shikhandin with a sharp arrows and thus made him tremble.

नाराचेन सुतीक्ष्णेन भृशं विद्ध्वा ह्यकम्पयत्। शिखण्ड्यपि ततो राजन् द्रोणपुत्रमताडयत्॥
O king, Shikhandin also wounded the son of Drona (Ashvatthama) with a sharp and excellent weapon.

सायकेन सुपीतेन तीक्ष्णेन निशितेन च। तौ जनतुस्तदाऽन्योन्यं शरैर्बहुविधैर्मधे॥४८॥ भगदत्तं रणे शूरं विराटो वाहिनीपतिः। अभ्ययात् त्वरितो राजंस्ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥ विराटो भगदत्तं तु शरवर्षेण भारत। अभ्यवर्षत् सुसंक्रुद्धो मेघो वृष्ट्या इवाचलम्॥ भगदत्तस्ततस्तूर्णं विराटं पृथिवीपतिम्। छादयामास समरे मेघः सूर्यमिवोदितम्॥
They brought on striking cach other with various kinds of arrows. O king, Virata, that commander of an army, against the heroic Bhagadatta in battle. Becoming exceedingly angry, Virata shot at Bhagadatta a shower of arrows, as the clouds shower of arrows, as the clouds shower rain on a mountain. But that ruler of earth, Bhagadatta, soon covered Virata with arrows as clouds cover the sun.

बृहत्क्षत्रं तु कैकेयं कृपः शारद्वतो ययौ। तं कृपः शरवर्षेण च्छादयामास भारत॥
The son of Sharadvata, Kripa, attacked the ruler of the Kaikeyas named Brihatkshatra. O descendant of Bharata, Kripa covered him with a shower of arrows.

गौतमं कैकयः क्रुद्धः शरवृष्ययाऽभ्यपूरयत्। तावन्योन्यं हयान् हत्वा धनुश्छित्त्वा च भारत॥ विरथावसियुद्धाय समीयतुरमर्षणौ।
Brihatkshatra also cover the angry son of Gautama with a shower of arrows. Having killed each other's steeds and cut off each other's bows, those (two) warriors were both deprived of their cars. Becoming exceedingly angry, they attacked each other with swords.

तयोस्तदभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं सुदारुणम्॥ द्रुपदस्तु अभ्युद्ययौ हृष्टरूपो हृष्टरूपं परंतपः॥ ततः सैन्धवको राजा दुपदं विशिखैस्त्रिभिः। ताडयामास समरे स च तं प्रत्यविध्यत॥
The battle they then fought was fearful and unparalleled. That chastiser of foes, king Drupada, angrily rushed on the ruler of Sindhu, Jayadratha. The Sindhu king wounded Drupada in that battle with three arrows, and Drupada too wounded him in return.

तयोस्तदभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं सुदारुणम्। ईक्षणप्रीतिजननं शुक्राङ्गारकयोरिव॥ विकर्णस्तु सुतस्तुभ्यं सुतसोमं महाबलम्। अभ्ययाज्जवनैरश्वैस्ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥ ततो राजन् राजन् सैन्धवं वै सैन्धवं वै जयद्रथम्। विकर्णः सुतसोमं तु विद्ध्वा नाकम्पयच्छरैः।
The battle they fought was fearful and terrible. It gave satisfaction to the hearts of all spectators it was like the conflict between the planets Shukra and Angaraka your son Vikarna with fleet steeds attacked the greatly powerful Sutasoma and they began to fight. Though Vikarna wounded Sutasoma with many arrows, yet he failed to make him waver.

सुतसोमो विकर्णं च तदद्भुतविवाभवत्॥ सुशर्माणं नरव्याघ्रश्चेकितानो महारथः। अभ्यद्रवत् सुसंक्रुद्धः पाण्डवार्थे पराक्रमीः॥ सुशर्मा तु महाराज चेकितानं महारथम्। महता शरवर्षेण वारयामास संयुगे॥ चेकितानोऽपि संरब्धः सुशर्माणं महाहवे। प्राच्छादयत् तमिषुभिर्महामेघ इवाचलम्॥
Sutasoma also could not make Vikarna waver. It was a wonderful sight. That great carwarrior, that foremost of men, that greatly powerful Chekitan rushed upon Susharma for the sake of the Pandavas. O king of kings, Susharma however cheated the advance of that great car-warrior Chekitana with heavy shower of Chekitana also becoming exceedingly angry showered on Susharma a shower of arrows as a mass of clouds shower rain on a mountain.

शकुनिः प्रतिविन्ध्यं तु पराक्रान्तं पराक्रमी। अभ्यद्रवत राजेन्द्र मत्तः सिंह इव द्विपम्॥
0 king the greatly powerful Shakuni attacked 'the might Prativindhya as a lion attacks an infuriated elephant.

यौधिष्ठिरस्तु संक्रुद्धः सौबलं निशितैः शरैः। व्यदारयत संसंग्रामे मघवानिव दानवम्॥
The son of Yudhishthira in great anger wounded Subala's son with many sharp arrows as Maghavat (Indra) mangles a Danava.

शकुनिः प्रतिविन्ध्यं तु प्रतिविध्यन्तमाहवे। व्यदारयन्महाप्राज्ञः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
In that terrible, battle, Shakuni also wounded Prativindhya and mangled the body arrows. of that greatly intelligent warrior with sharp arrows.

सुदक्षिणं तु राजेन्द्र काम्बोजानां महारथम्। श्रुतकर्मा पराक्रान्तमभ्यद्रवत संयुगे॥
O great king, Shrutakarma attacked in that battle the great car warrior, the mighty Sudakshina, the king of the Kambojas.

सुदक्षिणस्तु समरे साहदेविं महारथम्। विद्ध्वा नाकम्पयत वै मैनाकमिव पर्वतम्॥
O king of kings, Sudakshina wounded that great car-warrior the son of Sahadeva, but he could not make him waver; he stood as the Mainaka mountain.

श्रुतकर्मा ततः क्रुद्धः काम्बोजानां महारथम्। शरैर्बहुभिरानछेद् दारयन्निव सर्वशः॥
Thereupon Shrutakarma in great anger weakened that great car warrior of the Kambojas with countless arrows and mangled him in many parts of his body.

इरावानथ संक्रुद्धः श्रुतायुषमरिंदमम्। प्रत्युद्ययौ रणे यत्तो यत्तरूपं परंतपः॥
That chastiser of foes, Iravan rushed in great anger on the wrathful Shrutayush in that great battle.

आर्जुनिस्तस्य समरे हयान् हत्वा महारथः। ननाद बलवन्नादं तत् सैन्यं प्रत्यपूरयत्॥
The mighty son of Arjuna that great carwarrior, then killing the horses of his adversary, sent up a loud roar. O king, all the kings praised him (by his this great fear).

श्रुतायुस्तु ततः क्रुद्धः फाल्गुनेः समरे हयान्। निजघान गदाग्रेण ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥
Shruthayusha, in the battle the horses of the son of Arjuna with a great mace and then they fought on.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ कुन्तिभोजं महारथम्। ससेनं ससुतं वीरं संससज्जतुराहवे॥
The two princes of Avanti, Vinda and Anuvinda attacked in that battle the great carwarrior the brave Kuntibhoja who was with his son at the head of his troops.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम तयो?रं पराक्रमम्। अयुध्येतां स्थिरौ भूत्वा महत्या सेनया सह॥
We saw wonderful prowess in those two princes for they fought with great coolness, though they had to fight with a very large number of troops.

अनुविन्दस्तु गदया कुन्तिभोजमताडयत्। कुन्तिभोजश्च तं तूर्णं शरवातैरवाकिरत्॥
Anuvinda hurled a mace of Kuntibhoja but he (Kuntibhoja) soon covered him with a shower of arrows.

कुन्तिभोजसुतश्चापि विन्दं विव्याध सायकैः। स च तं प्रतिविव्याध तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
The son of Kuntibhoja wounded Vinda with many arrows but he too wounded him in return. The battle they fought was wonderful.

केकया भ्रातरः पञ्च गान्धारान् पञ्च मारिष। ससैन्यास्ते ससैन्यांश्च योधयामासुराहवे॥
O respected one, the Kaikeya brothers at the head of their troops attacked in that battle the five Gandharva princes with their troops.

वीरबाहुश्च ते पुत्रो वैराटि रथसत्तमम्। उत्तरं योधयामास विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
Your son Virabahu fought with that foremost of car-warriors, Uttara, the son of Virata and wounded him with nine arrows.

उत्तस्थापि तं वीरं विव्याध निशितैः शरैः। चेदिराट् समरे राजन्नुलूकं समभिद्रवत्॥
Uttara also wounded him with many sharp arrows; O king, the ruler of Chedi attacked in that battle Uluka.

तथैव शरवर्षेण उलूकं समविद्ध्यता उलूकश्चापि तं बाणैर्निशितैर्लोमवाहिभिः॥
He wounded Uluka with a shower of arrows and Uluka too wounded him with sharp arrows with excellent wings.

तयोर्युद्धं समभवद् घोररूपं विशाम्पते। दारयेतां सुसंक्रुद्धावन्योन्यमपराजितौ॥
O king, the battle they fought was fearful in the extreme, for, being unable to defeat each other, they fearfully mangled each other body.

एवं द्वन्द्वसहस्राणि रथवारणवाजिनाम्। पदातीनं च समरे तव तेषां च संकुले॥
Thus in that great battle thousands of single combats were fought between car-warriors, elephants men, horse-men sand foot-soldiers of both the sides.

मुहूर्तमिव तद् युद्धमासीन्मधुरदर्शनम्। तत उन्मत्तवद् राजन् न प्राज्ञायत किंचन॥
For a short time the battle looked beautiful, but O king, it soon grew furious and nothing could be seen.

गजो गजेन समरे रथिनं च रथी ययौ। अश्वोऽश्वं समभिप्रायात् पदातिश्च पदातिनम्॥
In that battle elephants rushed against elephants, car-warriors against car-warriors, horseman against horseman and foot-soldiers against foot-soldiers.

ततो युद्धं सुदुर्धर्षं व्याकुलं समपद्यत। शूराणां समरे तत्र समासाद्येतरेतरम्॥
Thus battle then became confused and fearful in the extreme. The heroes rushed against one another in a great number.

तत्र देवर्षयः सिद्धाश्चारणाश्च समागताः। प्रेक्षन्त तद् रणं घोरं देवासुरसमं भुवि॥
The celestial Rishis, the Siddhas and Charanas who were present, saw that battle as if it were the battle between the gods and the demons.

ततो दन्तिसहस्राणि रथानां चापि मारिष। अश्वौघाः पुरुषौघाश्च विपरीतं समाययु॥
Thousands of elephants and cars, countless horsemen and foot-soldiers, appeared to have altered their character.

तत्र तत्र प्रदृश्यन्ते रथवारणपत्तयः। सादिनश्च नरव्याघ्र युध्यमाना मुहुर्मुहुः॥
O foremost of men, it was seen that carwarriors, elephants, horsemen and foot. soldiers, all fought with one another, again and again , on the same place.