The prowess of Bhimasena

संजय उवाच भगदत्तः कृपः शल्यः कृतवर्मा तथैव च। विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ सैन्धवश्च जयद्रथः॥ चित्रसेनो विकर्णश्च तथा दुर्मर्षणादयः।
Sanjaya said Having heard those words of the highsouled Drona, Bhagadatta, Kripa, Shalya, Kritvarma, the princes Vinda and Anuvinda from Avanti, Jayadratha the ruler of the Sindhus, Chitrasena, Vikarna and Durmarshana and others,

दशैते तावका योधा भीमसेनमयोधयन्॥ महत्या सेनया युक्ता नानादेशसमुत्थया।
These ten warriors of your army engaged with Bhimasena in battle, supported by a large division consisting of troops recruited from various countries,

भीष्मस्य समरे राजन् प्रार्थयाना महद् यशः॥ शल्यस्तु नवभिर्बाणैर्भीमसेनमताडयत्।
And desirous, o king, of winning great fame in that battle for Bhishma's sake. Then Shalya pierced Bhimasena with nine arrows;

कृतवर्मा त्रिभिर्बाणैः कृपश्च नवभिः शरैः॥ चित्रसेनो विकर्णश्च भगदत्तश्च मारिष।
Kritavarma pierced him with there shafts, Kripa with nine, and O sire, Chitrasena, Vikarna and Bhagadatta.

दशभिर्दशभिर्बाणैर्भीमसेनमताडयन्॥ सैन्धवश्च त्रिभिर्वाणैर्भीमसेनमताडयत्।
Each pierced Bhimasena with ten arrows separately. The ruler of the Sindhus pierced Bhimasena with three arrows.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिः शरैः॥ दुर्मर्षणस्तु विंशत्या पाण्डवं निशितैः शरैः।
Vinda and Anuvindu pierced the son of Pandu, with five shafts each; and Durmarshana pierced him with twenty shafts of exceeding sharpness.

सतान् सर्वान् महाराज राजमानान् पृथक् पृथक्॥ प्रवीरान् सर्वलोकस्य धार्तराष्ट्रान् महारथान्। जघान समरे वीरः पाण्डवः परवीरहा॥ सप्तभिः शल्यमाविध्यत् कृतवर्माणमष्टभिः।
Then, O mighty monarch, that slayer of hostile heroes, viz., the heroic son those mighty car-warriors of the Dhritarashtra host, of world-wide fame. He pierced Shalya with seven arrows, Kritavarma with eight;

कृपस्य सशरं चापं मध्ये चिच्छेद भारत॥ अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं पुनर्विव्याध सप्तभिः।
And, O Bharata, he cut in the middle Kripa's bow with arrows fixed on the string in that battle. Then again he pierced the latter whose bow had been cut in twain with seven shafts.

विन्दानुविन्दौ च तथा त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरताडयत्॥ दुर्मर्षणं च विंशत्या चित्रसेनं च पञ्चभिः।
He also wounded Vinda and Anuvinda with three shafts each, and Durmarshana with twenty and Chitrasena with five.

विकर्ण दशभिर्बाणैः पञ्चभिश्च जयद्रथम्॥ विद्ध्वा भीमोऽनदद्धृष्टः सैन्धवं च पुनस्त्रिभिः।
Then Bhima having pierced Vikarna with ten arrows and the ruler of the Sindhus with five, roared out in delight; and then again he pierced Jayadratha with three arrows.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय गौतमो रथिनां वरः॥ भीमं विव्याध संरब्धो दशभिर्निशितैः शरैः।
Therefore that Dhananjaya of car-warriors, that son of Gautami, taking up another bow and waxing worth, pierced Bhima with ten shafts of great sharpness.

स विद्धो दशभिर्बाणैस्तोत्रैरिव महाद्विपः॥ ततः क्रुद्धो महाराज भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्।
Then like a huge elephant pierced with the hook, the mighty Bhimasena, pierced with those ten arrows, was worked up with rage, O monarch,

गौतमं ताडयामास शरैर्बहुभिराहवे॥ सैन्धवस्य तथाश्वांश्च सारथिं च त्रिभिः शरैः। प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय कालान्तकसमद्युतिः॥ हताश्वात् तु रथात् तूर्णमवप्लुत्य महारथः। शरांश्चिक्षेप निशितान् भीमसेनस्य संयुगे॥
And he pierced the son of Gautami with numerous arrows in battle. Then with three arrows, that one of effulgence like that of the Destroyer himself dispatched to the regions of Death, the steeds and driver of the ruler of the Sindhus. Then that mighty car-warrior quickly jumping down from the car, the steed of which were slain,

तस्य भीमो धनुर्मध्ये द्वाभ्यां चिच्छेद मारिष। भल्लाभ्यां भरतश्रेष्ठ सैन्धवस्य महात्मनः॥ स छिन्नधन्वा विस्थो हताश्वो हतसारथिः।
Discharged sharp arrow towards Bhimasena in that battle. Then, O sire, with a couple of broad-headed arrows Bhima cut in twain the bow, O foremost of the Bharatas, of the illustrious ruler of the Sindhus. Then the latter, O king, with his bow burst, his horses and charioteer slain, and deprived of his car,

चित्रसेनरथं राजन्नारुरोह त्वरान्वितः॥ अत्यद्भुतं रणे कर्म कृतवांस्तत्र पाण्डवः।
Speedily ascended, o king, the chariot of Chitrasena. Then that son of Pandu achieved marvelous feats in that battle,

महारथाशरैर्विद्ध्वा वारयित्वा च मारिष।॥ विरथं सैन्धवं चक्रे सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः।
In as much as piercing all those mighty carwarriors with arrows and resisting them, he deprived, O sire, the ruler of the Sindhus, of his car, before the eyes of all on-lookers.

तदा न ममृषे शल्यो भीमसेनस्य विक्रमम्॥ स संधाय शरांस्तीक्ष्णान् कर्मारपरिमार्जितान्।
Then Shalya did not tolerate the prowess of Bhimasena; and fixing sharp arrows burnished of the forgers,

भीमं विव्याध समरे तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥ कृपश्च कृतवर्मा च भगदत्तश्च वीर्यवान्।
He pierced Bhima in battle, exclaiming 'Stay, Stay.' Then Kripa and Kritavarma, and the highly powerful Bhagadatta,

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ चित्रसेनश्च संयुगे।॥ दुर्मर्षणो विकर्णश्च सिन्धुराजश्च वीर्यवान्।
And Vinda and Anuvinda from Avanti, and Chitrasena, and Durmarshana Vikarna, the valiant ruler of the Sindhus,

भीमं ते विव्यधुस्तूर्णं शल्यहेतोररिंदमाः॥ स च तान् प्रतिविव्याध पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिः शरैः।
All these subduers of foes, then quickly pierced Bhima (with arrows), for rescuing Shalya. He (Bhima) also pierced them in return, each with five shafts,

शल्यं विव्याध सप्तत्या पुनश्च दशभिः शरैः॥ तं शल्यो नवभिर्भित्त्वा पुनर्विव्याध पञ्चभिः।
He pierced Shalya also first piercing him with seventy shafts and again with ten shafts. Shalya also first piercing him with nine arrows next wounded him with five.

सारथिं चास्य भल्लेन गाढं विव्याध मर्मणि॥ विशोकं प्रेक्ष्य निर्भिन्नं भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्।
Then he pierced Bhima's charioteer deeply into the vitals with a broad-headed shaft. Then the mighty Bhimasena, beholding his charioteer Vishoka thus mangled,

मद्रराजं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्।॥ तथेतरान् महेष्वासांस्त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरजिह्मगैः ताडयामास समरे सिंहवद् विननाद च॥ ते हि यत्ता महेष्वासाः पाण्डवं युद्धकोविदम्। त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरकुण्ठाय॒ शं मर्मस्वताडयन्॥ सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासो भीमसेनो न विव्यथे।
Wounded the king of the Madras in the breast and arms with three arrows. He then also pierced other bowmen in that battle, each with three shafts, and then roared aloud like a lion. Then all those bowmen, fighting with care, pierced Pandu's son, versed in all modes of warfare, in his vitals, each with three shafts of keen points. Through thus deeply pierced that fierce bowman Bhimasena was not pained in the least,

पर्वतो वारिधाराभिवर्षमाणैरिवाम्बुदैः॥ स तु क्रोधसमाविष्टः पाण्डवानां महारथः।
Like a mountain washed with thick shower of rain poured down by the clouds. Then possessed with anger that mighty car-warrior of the Pandavas,

भद्रेश्वरं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्भृशं विद्ध्वा महायशाः॥ कृपं च नवभिर्बाणैर्भृशं विद्ध्वा समन्ततः। प्राग्ज्योतिषं शतैराजौ राजन् विव्याध सायकैः॥
Of illustrious fame, having pierced the king of the Madras with three shafts, and having pierced Kripa with nine arrows by all sides and too wounded the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, O king, with hundred shafts in battle.

ततस्तु सशरं चापं सात्वतस्य महात्मनः। क्षुरप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन चिच्छेद कृतहस्तवत्॥
Then that high-famed warrior having pierced Kripa with many arrows, cut off the bow and the arrows of the illustrious descendant of the Satvata race,

तथान्यद् धनुरादाय कृतवर्मा वृकोदरम्। आजघान भ्रुवोर्मध्ये नाराचेन परंतपः॥ भीमस्तु समरे विद्ध्वा शल्यं नवभिरायसैः। भगदत्तं त्रिभिश्चैव कृतवर्माणष्टभिः॥ द्वाभ्यां द्वाभ्यां तु विव्याध गौतमप्रभृतीन् स्थान्।
With horse-shoe headed arrow of great lightness, displaying the while great lightness of hands. Then that afflicter of foes Kritavarma taking up another bow, struck Vrikodara between his two brows with a long and sharp shaft. Bhima then wounding Shalya in battle with nine shafts wholly made of iron, pierced, Bhagadatta with three and Kritavarma with eight arrows, and each of the other warriors including the son of Gautami &c, with two shafts.

तेऽपि तं समरे राजन् विव्यधुनिशितैः शरैः॥ स तथा पीड्यमानोऽपि सर्वशस्त्रैर्महारथैः।
Those heroes also, O king, pierced him with exceedingly sharp arrows. Through thus pierced by all those mighty car-warriors with all kinds of weapons.

मत्वा तृणेन तांस्तुल्यान् विचचार गतव्यथः॥ ते चापि रथिनां श्रेष्ठा भीमाय निशिताञ्छरान्। प्रेषयामासुरव्यग्राः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ तस्य शक्तिं महावेगां भगदत्तो महारथः। चिक्षेप समरे वीरः स्वर्णदण्डां महामते॥ तोमरं सैन्धवो राजा पट्टिशं च महाभुजः।
Yet regarding them as mere straws, he careered through the field without the least pain. Those foremost of car-warriors also patiently sped at Bhima sharp arrows by hundreds and thousands. Then the highly powerful heroic Bhagadatta let go his lance of great velocity and of a golden staff at that illustrious warrior Bhima. The mighty-armed king of the Sindhus hurled at the latter a lance and a battle-axe.

शतघ्नीं च कृपो राजञ्छरं शल्यश्च संयुगे॥ अथेतरे महेष्वासाः पञ्च शिलीमुखान्। भीमसेनं समुद्दिश्य प्रेषयामासुरोजसा॥ तोमरं च द्विधा चक्रे क्षुरप्रेणानिलात्मजः।
Kripa hurled at Bhima a Shataghni, and O king, Shalya a fierce dare; of the other warriors cach, aiming at Bhima, forcibly let go five shafts whetted on stone. Then the son of the wind-god (Bhima), with a horse-shoe-headed arrow, cut that lance in twain.

पट्टिशं च त्रिभिर्बाणैचिच्छेद तिलकाण्डवत्॥ स बिभेद शतघ्नीं च नवभिः कङ्कपत्रिभिः। मद्रराजप्रयुक्तं च शरं छित्त्वा महारथः॥
He also served that battle-axe as if it were sesame stalk with three arrows; he broke into pieces the Shataghni with nine shafts furnished with wings of the feathers of Kanka birds.

शक्तिं चिच्छेद सहसा भगदत्तेरितां रणे। तथेतराञ्छरान् घोरान् शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ भीमसेनो रणश्लाघी त्रिधैकैकं समाच्छिनत्। तांश्च सर्वान् महेष्वासांस्त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरताडयत्॥
Bhimasena, expert in archery cut down Shakti weapon of Bhagadatta quickly and had splitted the volley of fierce arrows shot by another warriors each in three pieces by shooting a number of arrows having bent knot. Effacing thus, the power of weapons and arms practised by enemies, Bhimasena injured those great archers hitting each by three arrows.

ततो धनंजयस्तत्र वर्तमाने महारणे। आजगाम रथेनाजो भीमं दृष्ट्वा महारथम्॥
Then whom the combat was thus raging fiercely, Dhananjaya came there on his car, and beheld Bhima that mighty car-warrior.

निघ्नन्तं समरे शत्रून् योधयानं च सायकैः। तौ तु तत्र महात्मानौ समेतौ वीक्ष्य पाण्डवौ॥
Slay in battle his opponents and fight with them with his arrows. Then beholding those two illustrious sons of Pandu together,

न शशंसुजयं तत्र तावकाः पुरुषर्षभाः। अथार्जुनो रणे भीमं योधयन्तं महारथान्॥ भीष्मस्य निधनाकाक्षी पुरस्कृत्य शिखण्डिनम्। आससाद रणे वीरांस्तावकान् दश भारत।॥
Your warriors, all foremost of men, did not cherish any hope of victory then. Then Arjuna, who was proceeding desirous of slaying Bhishma, with Shikhandin before him, seeing Bhima fight with the ten mighty car-warriors of your army, confronted them in battle.

ये स्म भीमं रणे राजन् योधयन्तो व्यवस्थिताः। बीभत्सुस्तानथाविध्यद भीमस्य प्रियकाम्यया॥
Then, O monarch, out of a desire for doing an act pleasurable of Bhima, Vibhatsu pierced those heroes who had been so coolly fighting with Bhima in battle.

ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सुशर्माणमचोदयत्। अर्जुनस्य वधार्थाय भीमसेनस्य चोभयोः॥
Thereupon king Duryodhana urged king Susharma for bringing about the slaughter of Arjuna as also of Bhima.

सुशर्मन् गच्छ शीघ्रं त्वं बलौघैः परिवारितः। जहि पाण्डुसुतावेतौ धनंजयवृकोदरौ॥
Go you, O Susharma, speedily surrounded by a large host of your troops. Slay me these two sons of Pandu, viz., Dhananjaya and Vrikodara.

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य त्रैगर्तः प्रस्थलाधिपः। अभिद्रुत्य रणे भीममर्जुनं चैव धन्विनौ॥
Hearing these words of the king, the chief of the Trigarta's, the ruler of Prasthala, assaulting the two bowmen Bhima and Arjuna,

रथैरनेकसाहस्रैः समन्तात् पर्यवारयत्। ततः प्रववृते युद्धमर्जुनस्य परैः सह॥
Surrounded them on all sides with many thousand chariots. Then ensured a fierce battle between Arjuna and his opponents.