The colloquy between Drona and Ashvathama,

संजय उवाच अथ वीरो महेष्वासो मत्तवारणविक्रमः। समादाय महच्चापं मत्तवारणवारणम्॥ विन्धुन्वानो नरश्रेष्ठो द्रावयाणो वरूथिनीम्। पृतनां पाण्डवेयानां गाहमानो महाबलः॥
Sanjaya said Then that foremost of men, the valiant Drona, that fierce bow-man possessed of the prowess of an infuriate elephants and of great energy taking up and shaking his bow capable of checking even an infuriate elephant, began to crush the arrayed lines of the Pandavas, having penetrated into their very midst.

निमित्तानि निमित्तज्ञः सर्वतो वीक्ष्य वीर्यवान्। प्रतपन्तमनीकानि द्रोणः पुत्रमभाषत॥
That highly powerful one conversant with the nature of all omens beholding various omens on all sides, thus addressed his son who had also been consuming the ranks of the enemy.

अयं हि दिवसस्तात यत्र पार्थो महाबलः। जिघांसुः समरे भीष्मं परं यत्नं करिष्यति॥
"This indeed is the day, O son, on which the highly powerful son of Pritha desirous of slaying Bhishma in battle, will exert his utmost.

उत्पतन्ति हि मे बाणा धनुः प्रस्फुरतीव च। योगमस्त्राणि गच्छन्ति क्रूर मे वर्तते मतिः॥
My arrows are coming out of their own accord, and my bow seems to gape. My weapons are falling off when I am trying to fix them on the bow-string, and my mind is losing and warmth.

दिश्वशान्तानि घोराणि व्याहरन्ति मृगद्विजाः। नीचैर्गध्रा निलीयन्ते भारतानां चमूं प्रति॥
Animals and birds are emitting fearful and inauspicious cries on all sides. The vultures are swooping down upon the mighty host of the Bharatas.

नष्टप्रभ इवादित्यः सर्वतो लोहिता दिशः। रसते व्यथते भूमिः कम्पतीव च सर्वशः॥
The sun seems to be waned in its effulgence; all the points of the compass have assumed a crimson hue. The earth seems to be pained and to utter cries and to tremble on all sides.

कङ्का गृध्रा बलाकश्च व्याहरन्ति मुहुर्मुहुः। शिवाश्चैवाशिवा घोरा वेदयन्त्यो महद् भयम्॥
The Kanka birds, the vultures and the cranes are incessantly uttering cries. The jackals are uttering inauspicious and dreadful yells foreboding a terrible calamity.

पपात महती चोल्का मध्येनादित्यमण्डलात्। सकबन्धश्च परिघो भानुमावृत्य तिष्ठति॥
Mighty meteors seem to shot out for the centre of the solar disc. The constellation Parigha with irunkless form seems to over-rode the sun.

परिवेषस्तथा घोरश्चन्द्रभास्करयोरभूत्। वेदयानो भयं घोरं राज्ञां देहावकर्तनम्॥
The and the lunar discs have assumed dreadful aspects, foreboding terrible calamity to the kings, in the shape of the mangling of। their bodies.

देवतायतनस्थाश्च कौरवेन्द्रस्य देवताः। कम्पन्ते च हसन्ते च नृत्यन्ति च रुदन्ति च॥
The images of gods consecrating the temples of the Kuru king are laughing trembling and dancing, and lamenting.

अपसव्यं ग्रहाश्चक्रुरलक्ष्माणं दिवाकरम्। अवाक्शिराश्च भगवानुपातिष्ठत चन्द्रमाः॥
The planets are revolving, keeping the inauspicious sun to their left; and the charming deity of the moon is risen with his horns downwards.

वपूंषि च नरेन्द्राणां विगताभानि लक्षये। धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सैन्येषु न च भ्राजन्ति दंशिताः॥
The persons of kings belonging to the host Dhritarashtra's son appear to have lost all splendor, and though clad in armour, they do not seem to be shining,

सेनयोरुभयोश्चापि समन्ताच्छूयते महान्। पाञ्चजन्यस्य निर्घोषो गाण्डीवस्य च निःस्वनः॥
A loud uproar set up by the two armies is heard, as also the blare of the conch Panchajanya, and the twang of bow Gandiva.

ध्रुवमास्थाय बीभूत्सुरुत्तमास्त्राणि संयुगे। अपास्यान्यान् रणे योधानभ्येष्यति पितामहम्॥
Surely Vibhatsu will, with the help of his excellent weapons, leaving, other warriors in battle, confront the grandsire.

हृष्यन्ति रोमकूपाणि सीदतीव च मे मनः। चिन्तयित्वा महाबाहो भीष्मार्जुनसमागमम्॥
The pores, of the hair of my body are being contracted, and my mind mis-gives, thinking, o hero of long arms, of the battle that will ensue between Bhishma and Arjuna.

तं चेह निकृतिप्रज्ञं पाञ्चाल्यं पापचेतसम्। पुरस्कृत्य रणे पार्थो भीष्मस्यायोधनं गतः॥
Placing before him that prince of the Panchalas, who is of sinful and who is ever inclined to deceitful behaviour, Partha is proceeding for battle towards Bhishma.

अब्रवीच्च पुरा भीष्मो नाहं हन्यां शिखण्डिनम्। स्त्री ह्येषा विहिता धात्रा दैवाच्च स पुनः पुमान्॥
Bhishma had said before, I will never slay Shikhandin. He was created a female by the Creator, but has became a man out of chance only.

अमङ्गल्यध्वजश्चैव याज्ञसेनिर्महाबलः। न ग्रामङ्गलिके तस्मिन् प्रहरेदापगासुतः॥
This mighty son of Yajnasena is thus reckoned as an inauspicious sign. The son of the ocean-going Ganga will not therefore strike that inauspicious person.

एतद् विचिन्तयानस्य प्रज्ञा सीदति मे भृशम्। अभ्युद्यतो रणे पार्थः कुरुवृद्धमुपाद्रवत्॥
Thus as I reflect, my mind mis-gives, knowing that Arjuna is rushing against the old grandsire of the Kurus, highly wrought up with rage.

युधिष्ठिरस्य च क्रोधो भीष्मश्चार्जुनसङ्गत्तः। मम चास्त्रसमारम्भः प्रजानामशिवं ध्रुवम्॥
These three namely, the wrath of Yudhishthira, the encounter between Bhishma and Arjuna and my exceptions in this battle are surely very harmful to the creatures.

मनस्वी बलवाञ्छूरः कृतास्त्रो लघुविक्रमः। दूरपाती दृढेषुश्च निमित्तज्ञश्च पाण्डवः॥
The son of Pandu is highly intelligent, endued with strength, heroic, accomplished in the use of weapons, possessed of great agility and lightness; he is capable of shooting his arrows to a great distance, and is firm in shooting them and is conversant with the nature of omens.

अजेयः समरे चापि देवैरपि सवासवैः। बलवान् बुद्धिमांश्चैव जितक्लेशो युधां वरः॥
He is invincible in battle cven by the celestial headed by Vasava himself. He is mighty, quick-witted, indefeasible and the foremost of ali warriors;

विजयी च रणे नित्यं भैरवास्त्रश्च पाण्डवः। तस्य मार्ग परिहरन् दुतं गच्छ यतव्रत॥
He is ever victorious in battle and possessed of dreadful weapons. Avoiding his path do you repair to Bhishma of regulated vows.

पश्यायैतन्महाघोरे संयुगे वैशसं महत्। हेमचित्राणि शूराणां महान्ति च शुभानि च।॥ कवचान्यवदीर्यन्ते शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। छिद्यन्ते च ध्वजाग्राणि तोमराश्च धनूंषि च॥ प्रासाश्च विमलास्तीक्ष्णाः शक्त्यश्च कनकोज्ज्वला:। वैजयन्त्यश्च नागानां संक्रुद्धेन किरीटिना।॥
This day you will behold in battle a terrible massacre. Auspicious, mighty and gold-decked armors of heroes will be splintered into pieces with arrows of close knots; the tops of standards, the tomaras and bows, and resplendent and sharp lances, and dares of the effulgence of gold and the caparisons of elephants shall this day be torn and broken by the enraged diadem decked Arjuna.

नायं संरक्षितुं काल: प्राणान् पुत्रोपजीविभिः। याहि स्वर्ग पुरस्कृत्य यशसे विजयाय च॥
This is not the time, O son for dependents to take care of their own lives. So, keeping paradise in view, do you rush to battle for winning victory and fame.

रथनागहयावर्ती महाघोरां सुदुर्गमाम्। रथेन संग्रामनदी तरत्येष कपिध्वजः॥
Yonder is Arjuna, with his banner bearing the emblem of an ape, crossing on his car the dreadful current of battle, having cars, elephants and chargers for its eddies and which is incapable of being crossed over.

ब्रह्मण्यता दमो दानं तपश्च चरितं महत्। इहैव दृश्यते पार्थे भ्राता यस्य धनंजयः॥
Devotion to the Brahmanas, self control, benevolence, asceticism, and laudable good conduct-these are to be found in that king only who owns for his brothers Dhananjaya.

भीमसेनश्च बलवान् माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ। वासुदेवश्च वार्ष्णेयो यस्य नाथो व्यवस्थितः॥
The mighty Bhimasena and the two sons of Pandu begotten upon Madri, and who have the son of Vasudeva of the Vrishni race for his Saviour.

तस्यैष मन्युप्रभवो धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्मतेः। तपोदग्धशरीरस्य कोपो दहति भारतीम्॥
It is the wrath, engendered by grief, of that Yudhishthira whose person have been consumed by the austerities of asceticism, that is consuming the host of the wicked-souled son off Dhritarashtra.

एष संदृश्यते पार्थो वासुदेवव्यपाश्रयः। दारयन् सर्वसैन्यानि धार्तराष्ट्राणि सर्वशः॥
Yonder is seen the son of Pritha having Vasudeva for his protector, and checking all the troops of Dhritarashtra's host.

एतदालोक्यते सैन्यं क्षोभ्यमाणं किरीटिना। महोर्मिनद्धं सुमहत् तिमिनेव महाजलम्॥
You is seen the army agitated by the diadem decked Arjuna, like the waters of the ocean agitated by a mighty whale.

हाहाकिलकिलाशब्दाः श्रुयन्ते च चमूमुखे। याहि पाञ्चालदायादमहं यास्ये युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Listen to the cries of 'Alas and Oh' and to the shrinks of agony and distress! Go, comfort the son of the Panchala king. I will confront Yudhishthira.

दुर्गमं ह्यन्तरं राज्ञो व्यूहस्यामिततेजसः। समुद्रकुक्षिप्रतिमं सर्वतोऽतिरथैः स्थितैः॥
Protected as it is on all sides with Atirathas, the centre of the very strong array of the mighty king's troops is difficult of being penetrated into, like the bowels of sea being difficult of access.

सात्यकिश्चाभिमन्युश्च धृष्टद्युम्नवृकोदरौ। पर्यरक्षन्त राजानं यमौ च मनुजेश्वरम्॥
Satyaki, Abhimanyu, Dhrishtadyumna and Vrikodara, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva are all engaged in protecting that foremost of men viz., king Yudhishthira.

उपेन्द्रसदृशः श्यामो महाशाल इवोद्गतः। एष गच्छत्यनीकाग्रे द्वितीय इव फाल्गुनः॥
Blue-complexioned like the younger brother of Indra, and tell like a mighty Sala tree, yonder is Abhimanyu rushing to fight at the head of his division, like a second Phalguna.

उत्तमास्त्राणि चाधत्स्व गृहीत्वा च महद् धनुः। पार्षतं याहि राजानं युध्यस्व च वृकोदरम्॥
Make your excellent weapons ready, grasp your mighty bow, and then rush against the royal son of Prishata and fight also with Vrikodara.

को हि नेच्छेत् प्रियं पुत्रं जीवन्तं शाश्वतीः समाः। क्षत्रधर्मं तु सम्प्रेक्ष्य ततस्त्वां नियुनज्म्यहम्॥
What person wishes not his dear loved son to live for eternal years? But in view of the duties of Kshatriyas, I do command you to fight.

एष चातिरणे भीष्मो दहते वै महाचमूम्। युद्धेषु सदृशस्तात यमस्य वरुणस्य च॥
Yonder is Bhishma, equal in battle to Death himself or Varuna, O son, consuming the hostile host.