The defeat of Indra

युधिष्ठिर उवाच कथमिन्द्रेण राजेन्द्र सभार्येण महात्मना। दुःखं प्राप्तं परं घोरमेतदिच्छामि वेदितुम्।।।।
Yudhishthira said I want to hear how is was, O chief among, kings, that the large minded Indra, with his queen met with grave difficulties.

शल्य उवाच शृणु राजन् पुरावृत्तमितिहासं पुरातनम्। सभार्येण यथा प्राप्तं दुःखमिन्द्रेण भारत॥
Shalya said O king, listen to this old story as related in ancient history, of how Indra with his queen met with difficulties, O son of Bharata.

त्वष्टा प्रजापति सीद् देवश्रेष्ठो महातपाः। स पुत्रं वै त्रिशिरसमिन्द्रद्रोहात् किलासृजत्॥
There was a great devotee named Tvashtri who was the lord of all beings and the chief among gods. Out of pure wrath towards Indra, he created a son with three heads.

ऐन्द्रं स प्रार्थयत् स्थान् विश्वरूपो महाद्युतिः। तैस्त्रिभिर्वदनै।रैः सूर्येन्दुज्वलनोपमैः॥
The place, occupied by Indra, was desired by this mysterious personage, who was as it were the image of the universe and had three awful faces comparable to the sun, the moon and fire.

वेदानेकेन सोऽधीते सुरामेकेन चापिबत्। एकेन च दिशः सर्वाः पिबन्निव निरीक्षते॥
With one mouth be read the Veda, with the second he drank wine and with the other he looked as if he would absorb the cardinal points.

स तपस्वी मृदुर्दान्तो धर्मं तपसि चोद्यतः। तपस्तस्य महत् तीव्र सुदुश्चरमरिन्दम॥
He was a devotee, mild, having powers of self-control and engaged in religious worship and devotion. And O subduer of foes, the austerities practised by him could not be practised by others, for they were very hard and very difficult to be practised.

तस्य दृष्ट्वा तपोवीर्यं सत्यं चामिततेजसः। विषादमगमच्छक इन्द्रोऽयं मा भवेदिति॥
Shakra was depressed in spirits, at seeing the strength in devotion and truthfulness of the one with unrivaled power, for fear lest he be the chief among gods.

कथं सज्जेच्च भोगेषु न च तप्येन्महत् तपः। विवर्धमानस्त्रिशिराः सर्वं हि भुवनं ग्रसेत्॥ इति संचिन्त्य बहुधा बुद्धिमान् भरतर्षभ। आज्ञापयत् सोऽप्सरसस्त्वट्टपुत्रप्रलोभने।॥
O best among the race of Bharata, the skillful Indra through of many ways by which the one with three heads, whose strength was ever increasing and who threatened to absorb the entire universe, could be made to engage himself in the enjoyment of sensual pleasures and not in that hard devotion.

यथा स सज्जेत् त्रिशिराः कामभोगेषु वै भृशम्। क्षिप्रं कुरुत गच्छध्वं प्रलोभयत् मा चिरम्॥
He ordered fairies (to engage themselves) in decoying the son of Tvashtri, so that the three-headed one might, for certain, engage himself in the enjoyment of sensual pleasure saying them

शृङ्गारवेषाः सुश्रोण्यो हारैर्युक्ता मनोहरैः। हावभावसमायुक्ताः सर्वाः सौन्दर्यशोभिताः॥ प्रलोभयत् भद्रं वः शमयध्वं भयं मम। अस्वस्थं ह्यात्मनाऽऽत्मानं लक्ष्यामि वराङ्गनाः। भयं तन्मे महाघोरं क्षिप्रं नाशयताबलाः॥
Be quick, go and delay not in decoying him, (yourself) having beautiful hips, deck yourself in necklaces and beautiful pearls in such a way that his desires may be excited. I wish you well, decoy him with all the gestures of lust marked with every sort of fascination and thus allay my fear. O beautiful damsels, I feel restless in my heart. O ladies, destroy quickly this great fear of mine.

अप्सरस ऊचुः तथा यत्नं करिष्यामः शक्र तस्य प्रलोभने। यथा नावाप्स्यसि भयं तस्माद् बलनिषूदन॥
The Nymphs said O Shakra, we shall try to decoy him so that, O you slayer of Bala, you may not experience any dread from him

निर्दहन्निव चक्षुर्त्यां योऽसावास्ते तपोनिधिः। तं प्रलोभयितुं देव गच्छामः सहिता वयम्॥ यतिष्यामो वशे कर्तुं व्यपनेतुं च ते भयम्।
The great devotee who now sits, as if scorching with his eyes, O lord and whom we are going together to decoy. We shall try to get him under our control and thus destroy your fears.

शल्य उवाच इन्द्रेण तास्त्वनुज्ञाता जग्मुस्त्रिशिरसोऽन्तिकम्। तत्र ता विविधैर्भावैलॊभयन्त्यो वराङ्गनाः॥
Shalya said Being commanded by Indra they went to the three-headed one and the lovely damsels tempted him there with various gestures of lust.

नित्यं संदर्शयामासुस्तथैवाङ्गेषु सौष्ठवम्। नाभ्यगच्छत् प्रहर्षं ताः स पश्यन् सुमहातपाः॥
They displayed too the beauties of their person but the great devotee, though looking at them, did not at all enjoy the satisfaction (of looking at them).

इन्द्रियाणि वशे कृत्वा पूर्वसागरसंनिभः। तास्तु यत्नं परं कृत्वा पुनः शक्रमुपस्थिताः॥
Having brought his senses under his control, he was in point of gravity as the full ocean. The damsels too, having tried their best, came back of Shakra.

कृताञ्जलिपुटाः सर्वा देवराजमथाब्रुवन्। न स शक्यः सुदुर्धर्षो धैर्याच्चालयितुं प्रभो॥
Then, with the palms their hands elapsed they all said to the chief among the gods. O Lord, he, whom it is very difficult to subdue, cannot be influenced away from his purpose.

यत् ते कार्यं महाभाग क्रियतां तदनन्तरम्। सम्पूज्याप्सरसः शक्रो विसृज्य च महामतिः॥
O you with great parts, do what you should after this. The great-minded Shakra, having greeted the nymphs with due honours, sent them away

चिन्तयामास तस्यैव वधोपायं युधिष्ठिर। स तूष्र्णी चिन्तयन् वीरो देवराजः प्रतापवान्।॥ विनिश्चितमतिर्धीमान् वधे त्रिशिरसोऽभवत्।
O Yudhishthira, he thought of some means to slay him. And the chief among the gods who was valiant, famous as a gifted being of unfailing judgment and intelligent, fixed on a plan for slaying the three-headed one.

वज्रमस्य क्षिपाम्यद्य स क्षिप्रं न भविष्यति॥ शत्रुः प्रवृद्धो नोपेक्ष्यो दुर्बलोऽपि बलीयसा।
(Thought he) I shall this soon cease to exist. A foe who has already grown up must not be made light of by even the powerful, a weak foe though he might be.

शास्त्रबुद्धया विनिश्चित्य कृत्वा बुद्धिं वधे दृढाम्॥ अथ वैश्वानरनिभं घोररूपं भयावहम्। मुमोच वज्रं संक्रुद्धः शक्रस्त्रिशिरसं प्रति॥ स पपात हतस्तेन वज्रेण दृढमाहतः। पर्वतस्येव शिखरं प्रणुन्नं मेदिनीतले॥
Deciding on this course of action laid down in the books, he firmly resolved on slaying him. Shakra, wrathful, flung his fearful and dress-inspiring thunderbolt, which could be compared to the fire, on the head of the three-headed one. Being severely struck by the thunderbolt he fell down to the earth, like the loosened summit of a mountain.

तं तु वज्रहतं दृष्ट्वा शयानमचलोपमम्। न शर्म लेभे देवेन्द्रो दीपितस्तस्य तेजसा॥
Seeing him struck by the thunderbolt and lying like a mountain, the chief among the gods got no peace of mind, owing to his luster which still retained its effulgence.

हतोऽपि दीप्ततेजाः स जीवन्निव हि दृश्यते। घातितस्य शिरांस्याजौ जीवन्तीवाद्धतानि वै॥
Though killed, his luster was effulgent and he seemed as if he were alive. It was strange that the heads of the slain one looked as if alive.

ततोऽतिभीतगात्रस्तु शक्र आस्ते विचारयन्। अथाजगाम परशुं स्कन्धेनादाय वर्धकिः॥
For that reason fearful to behold. Shakra remained kept in thought. Then there came a wood cutter with an axe on his shoulder to that forest.

तदरण्यं महाराज यत्रास्तेऽसौ निपातितः। स भीतस्तत्र तक्षाणं घटमानं शचीपतिः॥ अपश्यदब्रवीच्चैनं सत्वरं पाकशासनः। क्षिप्रं छिन्धि शिरांस्यस्य कुरुष्व वचनं मम॥
O great king, where he was lying felled down. The Lord of Sachi, who still had fears, saw that wood cutter coming there by chance and the subduer of Paka soon said to him "quickly cut down the heads of this being; do what I tell you."

तक्षोवाच महास्कन्धो भृशं ह्येष परशुर्न भविष्यति। कर्तुं चाहं न शक्ष्यामि कर्म सद्भिर्विगर्हितम्॥
The wood cutter said This man has large shoulders; the axe cannot cut down the heads) nor shall I be able to do the deed which is regarded to be wrong by honest people.

इन्द्र उवाच मा भेस्त्वं शीघ्रमेतद् वै कुरुष्व वचनं मम। मत्प्रसादाद्धि ते शस्त्रं वज्रकल्पं भविष्यति॥
Shakra said You need not have any fears, do quickly what I tell you; through my favour shall your weapon be equal to the thunderbolt.

तक्षोवाच कं भवन्तमहं विद्यां घोरकर्माणमद्य वै। एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं तत्त्वेन कथयस्व मे॥
The wood cutter said I must know who you are and I want to hear why you have done this cruel deed today. Tell me the truth.

इन्द्र उवाच अहमिन्द्रो देवराजस्तक्षन् विदितमस्तु ते। कुरुष्वैतदद् यथोक्तं मे तक्षन् माऽत्र विचारय॥
Indra said I am Indra, the chief among the gods, let it be known to you O wood cutter. Do as I have told you. O wood cutter, do not ponder.

तक्षोवाच क्रूरेण नापत्रपसे कथं शक्रेह कर्मणा। ऋषिपुत्रमिमं हत्वा ब्रह्महत्याभयं न ते॥
The wood cutter said O Shakra, how is it that you are not ashamed at this cruel deed? Having killed this son of a Rishi, have you no fear of the sin of killing a Brahmana?

शक्र उवाच पश्चाद् धर्मं चरिष्यामि पावनार्थं सुदुश्चरम्। शत्रुरेष महावीर्यो वज्रेण निहतो मया।॥
Shakra said For the purification of my soul I shall thereafter precise some severe penance. He was my enemy, possessed of great strength and has been killed by my thunderbolt.

अद्यापि चाहमुद्विग्नस्तक्षन्नस्माद् बिभेमि वै। क्षिप्रं छिन्धि शिरांसि त्वं करिष्येऽनुग्रहं तव॥
To this day, O wood cutter, am I anxious and dread this. Quickly cut off his heads. I shall bestow a favour on you.

शिरः पशोस्ते दास्यस्ति भागं यज्ञेषु मानवाः। एष तेऽनुग्रहस्तक्षन् क्षिप्रं कुरु मम प्रियम्॥
In sacrificial rites, men will give the heads of the beasts. This is the favour I great you. Quickly do what I desire.

शल्य उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु तक्षा स महेन्द्रवचनात् तदा। शिरांस्यथ त्रिशिरसः कुठारेणाच्छिनत् तदा॥
Shalya said Having heard this, the wood cutter, after the speech of Indra, cut down the heads of the three-headed one with his axe.

निकृत्तेषु ततस्तेषु निष्क्रामन्नण्डजास्त्वथा कपिञ्जलास्तित्तिराश्च कलविङ्काश्च सर्वशः।॥
The heads, being cut off, came out from them a good many birds of the Kapinjala, (doves) Titara (sparrows) and Kalavinka (parrots) species.

येन वेदानधीते स्म पिबते सोममेव च। तस्माद् वक्त्राद् विनिश्चेरुः क्षिप्रं तस्य कपिञ्जलाः॥४०
From the mouth by which he used to read the Veda and drink Soma juice, came forth quickly birds of the Kapinjala species,

येन सर्वा दिशो राजन् पिबन्निव निरीक्षते। तस्माद् वक्त्राद् विनिश्चेरुस्तित्तिरास्तस्य पाण्डव॥
From the one by which, o king, he looked as if he would absorb (the cardinal points) came forth, O son of Pandu, birds of the Titara species.

यत् सुरापं तस्यासीद् वक्त्रं त्रिशिरसस्तदा। कलविङ्काः समुत्पेतुः श्येनाश्च भरतर्षभ।॥
And from the mouth of the three-headed one which used to drink wine, came out birds of the Kalavinka species and birds of prey, O best among the race of Bharata.

ततस्तेषु निकृत्तेषु विज्वरो मघवानथ। जगाम त्रिदिवं हृष्टस्तक्षऽपि स्वगृहान् ययौ॥
They having come out, Indra became tranquilized and went to heaven and the wood cutter too, well pleased, went home.

मेने कृतार्थमात्मानं हत्वा शत्रु सुरारिहा। त्वष्टा प्रजापतिः श्रुत्वा शक्रेणाथं हतं सुतम्॥ क्रोधसंरक्तनयन इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।
This chief among the gods, having killed his enemy, thought himself gratified. Tvashtri, the lord of all beings, having heard of the slaying of his son by Shakra, said these words with eyes red with wrath.

त्वष्टोवाच तष्यमानं तपो नित्यं क्षान्तं दान्तं जितेन्द्रियम्। विनाऽपराधेन यतः पुत्रं हिंसितवान् मम॥
Tvashtri said due to my My son who was ever devoted to devotion, of a forgiving nature, endowed with selfcontrol and who had brought his passions under his control, has been killed by you without any fault.

तस्माच्छकविनाशाय वृत्रमुत्पादयाम्यहम्। लोकाः पश्यन्तु मे वीर्यं तपसश्च बलं महत्॥
For this reason shall I create Vritra with a view to destroy Shakra. Let the worlds see my influence and power as also the great strength devotion.

स च पश्यतु देवेन्द्रो दुरात्मा पापचेतनः। उपस्पृश्य ततः क्रुद्धस्तपस्वी सुमहायशाः॥
Let the chief of the gods also see it who is vile and of a vicious nature. Then the wrathful devotee of very great fame having performed his ablutions.

अग्नौ हुत्वा समुत्पाद्य घोरं वृत्रमुवाच ह। इन्द्रशत्रो विवर्धस्व प्रभावात् तपसो मम॥
And having made his offerings to fire and having created the hero Vritra said-"O you foe of Indra, grow up through the strength due to my devotions."

सोऽवर्धत दिवं स्तब्वा सूर्यवैश्वानरोपमः। किं करोमीति चोवाच कालसूर्य इवोदितः॥
He grew up and the height of his figure reached beyond the sky and could be compared with the sun or fire. Like the sun that rises at the time of the annihilation of the universe, he said-"What shall I do?"

शक्रं जहीति चाप्युक्तो जगाम त्रिदिवं ततः। ततो युद्धं समभवद् वृत्रवासवयोर्महत्॥
And the powerful one, being told to slay Shakara, went to the third heaven. And then there was a fierce battle between Vritra and Vasava.

संक्रुद्धयोर्महाघोरं प्रसक्तं कुरुसत्तम। ततो जग्राह देवेन्द्रं वृत्रो वीरः शतक्रतुम्॥
O you the best among the race of Kuru! There was a hot contest between the two, both of whom were fired with wrath and then the hero Vritra caught hold of the chief among the gods who had performed a hundred sacrifices.

अपावृत्याक्षिपद् वक्त्रे शक्रं कोपसमन्वितः। ग्रस्ते वृत्रेण शक्रे तु सम्भ्रान्तास्त्रिदिवेश्वराः॥
And opening his mouth the wrathful one threw him into his mouth. And Shakra being swallowed up by Vritra, the lords of the third heaven became very much terrified.

असृजस्ते महासत्त्वा जृम्भिकां वृत्रनाशिनीम्। विजृम्भमाणस्य ततो वृत्रस्यास्यादपावृतात्॥ स्वान्यङ्गान्यभिसंक्षिप्य निष्क्रान्तो बलनाशनः। ततः प्रभृति लोकस्य जृम्भिका प्राणसंश्रिता॥
They highly powerful then created the Yawn which was to destroy Vritra and then the slayer of Bala contracted his limbs and came out of the open mouth of the yawning Vritra. Since that day has the yawn remained in the breath of men.

जहषुश्च सुराः सर्वे शक्रं दृष्ट्वा विनिःसृतम्। ततः प्रववृते युद्धं वृत्रवासवयोः पुनः॥
And seeing Shakra come out the gods all became joyful and then Vritra and Vasava again engaged themselves is fight.

संरब्धयोस्तदा घोरं सुचिरं भरतर्षभ। यदा व्यवर्धत रणे वृत्रो बलसमन्वितः॥ त्वष्टस्तेजोबलाविद्धस्तदा शक्रो न्यवर्तत। निवृत्ते च तदा देवा विषादमगमन् परम्॥
0 best among the race of Bharata, the fierce contest between the two, fired with ire, lasted for a long time, when in battle Vritra, possessed of power, got the victory through the strength due to the inner spirit of Tvashtri. Shakra turned his back and he turning his back the gods were very much depressed.

समेत्य सह शक्रेण त्वष्टस्तेजोविमोहिताः। अमन्त्रयन्त ते सर्वे मुनिभिः सह भारत॥
Being pierced with the spirit of Tvashtri they untied with Shakra and all held a consultation with the Rishis, O son of Bharata.

किं कार्यमिति वै राजन् विचिन्त्य भयमोहिताः। जग्मुः सर्वे महात्मानं मनोभिर्विष्णुमव्ययम्। उपविष्टा मन्दराग्नेये सर्वे वृत्रवधेप्सवः॥
Filled with dread they thought, O king, on what could best be done. Seated at the summit of Mandara, they all desirous of the destruction of Vritra, went in imagination of Vishnu, who was never to be destroyed.