The speech of Satyaki

सात्यकिरुवाच यादृशः पुरुषस्यात्मा तादृशं सम्प्रभाषते। यथारूपोऽन्तरात्मा ते तथारूपं प्रभाषसे।।।।
Satyaki said As the inner nature of a man is, so he speaks. As your inner nature is, so do you speak.

सन्ति वै पुरुषाः शूराः सन्ति कापुरुषास्तथा। उभावेतौ दृढौ पक्षौ दृश्यते पुरुषान् प्रति॥
There are brave men and there are cowards. Both these well defined divisions are seen among human beings.

एकस्मिन्नेव जायेते कुले क्लीबमहाबलौ। फलाफलवती शाखे यथैकस्मिन् वनस्पतौ॥
In the same family are born very powerful men and powerless ones, as the same forest contains trees that bear fruits and those that do not.

नाभ्यसूयामि ते वाक्यं ब्रुवतो लाङ्गलध्वज। ये तु शृण्वन्ति ते वाक्यं तानसूयामि माधव॥
O you who have the sign of a slough on your standard, I am not finding fault with your speech; I am, O son of Madhu, only blaming these who are listening to it.

कथं हि धर्मराजस्य दोषमल्पमपि ब्रुवन्। लभते परिषन्मध्ये व्याहर्तुमकुतोभयः॥
How can one, who even in the slightest degree speaks ill of the virtuous king, dare continue in that stain without being checked, in this assembly.

समाहूय महात्मानं जितवन्तोऽक्षकोविदाः। अनक्षज्ञं यथाश्रद्धं तेषु धर्मजयः कुतः॥
People, experts at the game of dice, challenged the noble minded one who was unskillful in the game and defeated him; how can this be a defeat in the proper sense?

एवमप्ययमत्यन्तं यदि कुन्तीसुतं गेहे क्रीडन्तं भ्रातृभिः सह। अभिगम्य जयेयुस्ते तत् तेषां धर्मतो भवेत्। समाहूय तु राजानं क्षत्रधर्मरतं सदा॥ निकृत्या जितवन्तस्ते किं नु तेषां परं शुभम्। कथं प्रणिपतेच्चायमिह कृत्वा पणं परम्॥
If the son of Kunti had been playing with his brothers at home and those people coming there, defeated him, then that would have been a proper defeat. But they challenged the king who was ever attached to the observance of the rites of a Kshatriya. They won by a mean trick; how can prosperity attend such men? And why should those man here, after fulfilling his vow, approach them in a humiliating spirit.

वनवासाद् विमुक्तस्तु प्राप्तः पैतामहं पदम्। यद्ययं पापवित्तानि कामयेत युधिष्ठिरः॥ परान् नार्हति याचितुम्। कथं च धर्मयुक्तास्ते न च राज्यं जिहीर्षवः॥
Freed now from his cxile in the forest he has now attained to the position of his grandfather. Even if this Yudhishthira is secking property wrongfully, it is not proper that he should beg other people's property though it would be righteous on their part not to surrender the kingdom.

निवृत्तवासान् कौन्तेयान् य आहुर्विदिता इति। अनुनीता हि भीष्मेण द्रोणेन विदुरेण च॥
Through Bhishina, Drona and Vidura have passed the prescribed period unknown in exile, yet have they said that they have been recognized.

न व्यवस्यन्ति पाण्डूनां प्रदातुं पैतृकं वसु। अहं तु ताञ्छितैर्बाणैरनुनीय रणे बलात्॥
They would not now consent to give back the ancestral territories of the Pandavas. And I shall persuade them by means of cold arrows in the field of battle.

पादयोः पातयिष्यामि कौन्तेयस्य महात्मनः। अथ ते न व्यवस्यन्ति प्रणिपाताय धीमतः॥
And make them fall at the fect of the noble son of Kunti. If they refuse to fall at the feet of the wise (Yudhishthira).

न हि ते गमिष्यन्ति सहामात्या यमस्य सदनं प्रति। युयुधानस्य संरब्धस्य युयुत्सतः॥
Then must they with their ministers go to the kingdom of death (Yama); they cannot surely withstand Yuyudhana (myself) determined to fight.

वेगं समर्थाः संसोढुं वज्रस्येव महीधराः। को हि गाण्डीवधन्वानं कश्च चक्रायुधं युधि।१५।।
Can the mountains bears the force of the thunderbolt? Who can bear the force of him who uses the Gandiva as his bow (Arjuna) and of him who has the wheel in his hand (Bhimasena)?

मां चापि विषहेत् क्रुद्धं कश्च भीमं दुरासदम्। यमौ च दृढधन्वानौ यमकालोपमद्युती। विराटद्रुपदौ वीरौ यमकालोपमद्युती॥
(Who can bear force of) myself when in wrath or of the Bhima who is hard to approach or of the twin brothers who firmly grasp the bow and whose effulgence is like that of Yama (who carries away life) and Kala (who cuts the thread of life) and the heroes Virates and Drupada who have the same quality?

को जिजीविषुरासादेद् धृष्टद्युम्नं च पार्षतम्। पञ्चैतान् पाण्डवेयांस्तु द्रौपद्याः कीर्तिवर्धनान्॥
What man valuing his life can approach the descendant of Prishata Dhrishtadyumna also the five sons of the Pandavas who have added to Draupadi's glory.

समप्रमाणान् पाण्डूनां समवीर्यान् मदोत्कटान्। सौभद्रं च महेष्वासममरैरपि दुःसहम्॥
And who are the equals of the Pandavas in valour and in every other respect and having the true pride of a soldier or (who can approach) the son of Subhadra, whose impetus is hard to be borne even by the gods.

गदप्रद्युम्नसाम्बांश्च कालसूर्यानलोपमान्। ते वयं धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रं शकुनिना सह॥ कर्णं चैव निहत्याजावभिषेक्ष्याम पाण्डवम्। नाधर्मो विद्यते कश्चिच्छत्रून् हत्वाऽऽततायिनः॥
And (who can approach) Gada, Pradyumna and Samba resembling Kala, the son of the fire. We shall after killing the son of Dhritarashtra, with Shakuni and also Karna in battle appoint (as king) the Pandava. It is no sin to destroy an enemy who would have slain ourselves.

अधर्म्यमयशस्यं च शात्रवाणां प्रयाचनम्। हृद्गतस्तस्य य: कामस्तं कुरुध्वमतन्द्रिताः॥
It is both impious and shameful to beg from enemies; do speedily, therefore that which is his (Yudhishthira's) heart-felt desire.

निसृष्टं धृतराष्ट्रेण राज्यं प्राप्नोतु पाण्डवः। अद्य पाण्डुसुतो राज्यं लभतां वा युधिष्ठिरः॥ निहता वा रणे सर्वे स्वप्स्यन्ति वसुधातले॥
Let the Pandava get the kingdom surrendered by Dhritarashtra. This day cither shall Yudhishthira, the son of Pandu get the kingdom or all our enemies fall on the ground stain in battle.