The battle between Arjuna and Ashvathaman

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो द्रौणिर्महाराज प्रययावर्जुनं रणे। तं पार्थः प्रतिजग्राह वायुवेगमिवोद्धतम्।
Vaishampayana said Then, Drona's son, O king, encountered Arjuna in battle. Partha then faced him, moving like the wind.

शरजालेन महता वर्षमाणमिवाम्बुदम्॥ तयोर्देवासुरसमः संनिपातो महानभूत्।
With a downpour of shafts like the raincharged clouds. There ensued a mighty encounter like that between the gods and demons.

किरतोः शरजालानि वृत्रवासवयोरिव॥ न स्म सूर्यस्तदा भाति न च वाति समीरणः।
The sun then did not pour its rays and the wind did not blow. And they covered each other with a net-work of arrows, like Vritra and Vasava.

शरजालावृते व्योम्निच्छायाभूते समन्ततः॥ महांश्चटचटाशब्दो योधयोर्हन्यमानयोः।
The sky was enveloped with shafts and there was a shade all around. When the two combatants fought with each other, there was a mighty cracking sound.

दह्यतामिव वेणूनामासीत् परपुरंजय॥ हयानस्यार्जुनः सर्वान् कृतवानल्पजीवितान्।
Like that of bamboo's when on fire. O conqueror of enemies' cities, greatly assailed by Arjuna, his horses.

राजन् न प्रजानन्त दिशं काञ्चन मोहिताः॥ ततो द्रौणिर्महावीर्यः पार्थस्य विचरिष्यतः। विवरं सूक्ष्ममालोक्य ज्यां चिच्छेद क्षुरेण ह। तदस्यापूजयन् देवाः कर्म दृष्ट्वातिमानुषम्॥
Were so bewildered, that they could not make out which way to go. Then finding out the weak point of Partha, who was roving about, the highly powerful son of Drona cut off his bow-string with a sharp arrow. Beholding his superhuman deed, the deities spoke highly of him.

द्रोणो भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्चैव महारथाः। साधु साध्विति भाषन्तोऽपूजयन् कर्म तस्य तत्॥
Exclaiming "Well-done Well-done" Drona, Bhishma, Karna, and the mighty carwarrior Kripa too, applauded his deed.

ततो द्रौणिर्धनुः श्रेष्ठमपकृष्य स्थर्षभम्। पुनरेवाहनत् पार्थं हृदये कङ्कपत्रिभिः॥ ते
Then drawing his that best of bows, the son of Drona again wounded Partha, the foremost of car-warriors, on the breast with Kanka-feathered shafts.

ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः प्रहस्य स्वनवत् तदा। योजयामास नवया मौळ गाण्डीवमोजसा॥
Then, laughing, the mighty-armed Partha set a strong and fresh string to his Gandiva.

ततोऽर्धचन्द्रमावृत्य तेन पार्थः समागमत्। वारणेनेव मत्तेन मत्तो वारणयूथपः॥
Then drawing his bow to the shape of a crescent, Partha proceeded as an infuriated leader of an elephant herd when met by another.

ततः प्रववृते युद्धं पृथिव्यामेकवीरयोः। रणमध्ये द्वयोरेवं सुमहल्लोमहर्षणम्॥
Then there took place a great hair-stirring encounter between those two heroes peerless on earth.

तौ वीरौ ददृशुः सर्वे कुरवो विस्मयान्विताः। युध्यमानौ महावीर्यो यूथपाविव संगतौ॥
The Kurus, all filled with wonder, saw those two highly powerful heroes like two elephant chiefs.

तौ समाजघ्नतुर्वीरावन्योन्यं पुरुषर्षभौ। शरैराशीविषाकारैर्बलद्धिरिव पन्नगैः॥
With burning arrows of the shape of serpents, those two foremost of men struck each other.

अक्षय्याविषुधी दिव्यौ पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः। तेन पार्थो रणे शूरस्तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः॥
And because the high-souled son of Pandu, Partha, has a pair of inexhaustible celestials quivers, he remained in battle unmoved like a mountain.

अश्वत्थाम्नः पुनर्बाणा: क्षिप्रमभ्यस्यतो रणे। जग्मुः परिक्षयं तूर्ममभूत् तेनाधिकोऽर्जुनः॥
Ashvathama's arrows however, being speedily discharged, were all exhausted and for this Arjuna beat him down.

ततः कर्णो महाचापं विकृष्याभ्यधिकं तदा। अवाक्षिपत् ततः शब्दो हाहाकारो महानभूत्॥
Then drawing to its full his huge bow, Karna twanged it, and thee arose exclamations of Alas!"

ततश्चक्षुर्दधे पार्थो यत्र विस्फार्यते धनुः। ददर्श तत्र राधेयं तस्य कोपो व्यवर्धत॥
Then Partha looked forward to where from came the twang of the bow and saw the son of Radha, at which his anger was excited.

स रोषवशमापन्नः कर्णमेव जिघांसया। तमैक्षत विवृत्ताभ्यां नेत्राभ्यां कुरुपुङ्गवः॥
Desirous of slaying Karna and possessed by anger, that foremost of Kurus looked towards him with expanded eyes.

तथा तु विमुखे पार्थे द्रोणपुत्रस्य सायकान्। त्वरिताः पुरुषा राजन्नुपाजह्वः सहस्रशः॥
Then Partha going away from the son of Drona, his men, o king, shot thousands of arrows at him (Partha).

उत्सृज्य च महाबाहुद्रौणपुत्रं धनंजयः। अभिदुद्राव सहसा कर्णमेव सपत्नजित्॥
Leaving behind the son of Drona, the mighty-armed Dhananjaya, the conqueror of enemies, rushed towards Karna.

तमभिद्रुत्य कौन्तेयः क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः। कामयन् द्वैरथं तेन युद्धं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Approaching him and desiring a duel, the son of Kunti, having his eyes reddened with anger, said.