The retreat of Drona

वैशम्पायन उवाच कृपेऽपनीते द्रोणस्तु प्रगृह्य सशरं धनुः। अभ्यद्रवदनाधृष्यः शोणाश्वः श्वेतवाहनम्॥
Vaishampayana said After Kripa had been taken away, the irrepressible Drona, having red horses, taking up his bow to which an arrow had already been set, rushed towards Arjuna of white horses.

स तु रुक्मरथं दृष्ट्वा गुरुमायान्तमन्तिकात्। अर्जुनो जयतां श्रेष्ठ उत्तरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing near him the preceptor moving on in hi golden chariot, Arjuna the foremost of victors, addressed Uttara saying

अर्जुन उवाच यत्रैषा काञ्चनी वेदी ध्वजे यस्य प्रकाशते। उच्छ्रिता प्रवरे दण्डे पताकाभिलरकृता। अत्र मां वह भद्रं ते द्रोणानीकाय सारथे॥ अश्वाः शोणाः प्रकाशन्ते बृहन्तश्चारुवाहिनः। स्निग्धविदुमसंकाशास्ताम्रास्याः प्रियदर्शनाः। युक्ता रथवरे यस्य सर्वशिक्षाविशारदाः॥
May you fare well, O charioteer; take m before Drona's army, on whose high standard appears the emblem of a golden altar and around which flags are streaming, whose car is drawn by red, big, highly beautiful, trained, pleasant-looking and quiet horses of the colour of coral and having copper-coloured faces.

दीर्घबाहुर्महातेजा बलरूपसमन्वितः। सर्वलोकेषु विक्रान्तो भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्॥
Of large arms, great energy, endued with beauty and strength, the powerful son of Bharadvaja is known in all the worlds for his prowess.

बुद्ध्या तुल्यो ह्युशनसा बृहस्पतिसमो नये। वेदास्तथैव चत्वारो ब्रह्मचर्यं तथैव च॥
In intelligence he is like Shukra, and in the knowledge of moral laws like Brihaspati. He is equally well-read in the four Vedas, and follows the Brahmacharya mode of life.

ससंहाराणि सर्वाणि दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि मारिष। धनुर्वेदश्च कात्र्येन यस्मिन् नित्यं प्रतिष्ठितः॥
All the celestials weapons with the means of their withdrawal, and the entire science of archery always reside in him.

क्षमा दमश्च सत्यं च आनृशंस्यमथार्जवम्। एते चान्ये च बहवो यस्मिन् नित्यं द्विजे गुणाः॥
Forgiveness, self-control, truthfulness, disinclination to injury and straight forwardness these and various other accomplishments always live in that twice-born one.

तेनाहं योद्धमिच्छामि महाभागेन संयुगे। तस्मात् तं प्रापयाचार्यं क्षिप्रमुत्तर वाहय॥
I wish to fight with that great one in battle. Therefore, O Uttara, take me soon to the preceptor.

वैशम्पायन उवाच अर्जुननैवमुक्तस्तु वैराटिहेमभूषणान्। चोदयामास तानश्वान् भारद्वाजथं प्रति॥
Thus accosted by Arjuna, Virata's son urged the horses adorned with gold towards the car of Bharadvaja's son.

तमापतन्तं वेगेन पाण्डवं रथिनां वरम्। द्रोणः प्रत्युद्ययौ पार्थं मत्तो मत्तमिव द्विपम्॥
Drona rushed with great force towards Partha, the son of Pandu, the foremost of carwarriors, who was advancing like a mad elephant rushing at another such.

ततः प्राध्मापयच्छङ्ख भेरीशतनिनादिनम्। प्रचुक्षुभे बलं सर्वमुद्भूत इव सागरः॥
Drona then blew his conch, the sound of which resembled that of a hundred trumpets. And the whole army was agitated thereat like the ocean.

अथ शोणान् सदश्वांस्तान् हंसवर्णैमनोजवैः। मिश्रितान् समरे दृष्ट्वा व्यस्मयन्त रणे नराः॥
Beholding his excellent red horses mixing with those (of Arjuna) white as swans and fleet as the mind in the encounter, all people were filled with surprise.

तौ स्थौ वीर्यसम्पन्नौ दृष्ट्वा संग्राममूर्धनि। आचार्यशिष्यावजितौ कृतविद्यौ मनस्विनौ॥ समाश्लिष्टौ तदान्योन्यं द्रोणपार्थो महाबलौ। दृष्ट्वा प्राकम्पत मुहुर्भरतानां महद् बलम्॥
Beholding those car-warriors, in the field of battle, the preceptor and disciple, Drona and Partha, both endued with prowess, irrepressible, learned, high-minded and greatly powerful, engaged with each other, the huge army of the Bharatas continually trembled (in fear).

हर्षयुक्तस्ततः पार्थः प्रहसन्निव वीर्यवान्। रथं रथेन द्रोणस्य समासाद्य महारथः॥
Reaching Drona's car by his own, the mighty car-warrior and highly energetic Partha was filled with joy, and smiled.

अभिवाद्य महाबाहुः सामपूर्वमिदं वचः। उवाच श्लक्ष्णया वाचा कौन्तेयः परवीरहा।॥
Saluting him, the mighty-armed son of Kunti, the slayer of hostile heroes, said in sweet and becoming words.

उषिताः स्मो वने वासं प्रतिकर्म चिकीर्षवः। कोपं नार्हसि नः कर्तुं सदा समरदुर्जय॥
Having spent out the term of our exile in the woods, we wish to take revenge. O you irrepressible in battle, it does not behove you to be always angry.

अहं तु प्रहते पूर्वं प्रहरिष्यामि तेऽनघ। इति मे वर्तते बुद्धिस्तद् भवान् कर्तुमर्हति॥
O gentle one, I will not strike you unless you strike me first. This is my determination. Do what you like.

ततोऽस्मै प्राहिणोद् द्रोणः शरानधिकविंशतिम्। अप्राप्तांश्चैव तान् पार्थश्चिच्छेद कृतहस्तवत्॥
Thus addressed, Drona discharged at him more than twenty shafts. But the light-handed Partha severed them all before they could fall down on him.

ततः शरसहस्रेण रथं पार्थस्य वीर्यवान्। अवाकिरत् ततो द्रोणः शीघ्रमस्त्रं विदर्शयन्॥
Displaying his weapons the energetic Drona soon covered Partha's chariot on all sides with thousands of arrows.

हयांश्च रजतप्रख्यान कङ्कपत्रैः शिलाशितैः। अवाकिरदमेयात्मा पार्थं संकोपयन्निव॥
As if to work up Partha with anger, that one of incomparable energy covered his horses of silvery hue with sharpened and Kankafeathered arrows.

एवं प्रववृते युद्धं भारद्वाजकिरीटिनोः। समं विमुञ्चतो संख्ये विशिस्वान् दीप्ततेजसः॥
When the encounter thus took place between Drona and Arjuna, they equally discharged in battle fiery arrows.

तावुभौ ख्याकर्माणावुभौ वायुसमौ जवे। उभौ दिव्यास्त्रविदुषावुभावुत्तमतेजसौ।
Both of them were equally illustrious and equal to the wind in speed, equally conversant with celestials weapons and gifted with great energy.

क्षिपन्तौ शरजालानि मोहयामासतुर्नुपान्॥ व्यस्मयन्त ततो योधा ये तत्रासन् समागताः।
When they spread a net-work of arrows, they bewildered the kings. And all the warriors, that were present there, were filled with wonder.

शरान् विसृजतोस्तूर्णं साधु साध्वित्यपूजयन्॥ द्रोणं हि समरे कोऽन्यो योद्धुमर्हति फाल्गुनात्।
(They all) admired Drona who quickly shot arrows, exclaiming “Well done! well done! Who else can fight with Drona in battle except Phalguni (Arjuna)?

रौद्रः क्षत्रियधर्मोऽयं गुरुणा यदयुध्यता इत्यब्रुवढानास्तत्र संग्रामशिरसि स्थिताः॥
Surely the duty of a Kshatriya is very hard, since he fights with his preceptor.” Thus did the people, stationed in the battle field, say.

वीरौ तावभिसंरब्धौ संनिकृष्टौ महाभुजौ। छादयेतां शरव्रातैरन्योन्यमपराजितौ॥
Worked up with anger those two longarmed heroes, confronting each other, and each capable of vanquishing the other, covered each other with arrows.

विस्फार्य सुमहच्चापं हेमपृष्ठं दुरासदम्। भारद्वाजोऽथ संक्रुद्धः फाल्गुनं प्रत्यविध्यत॥
Then inflated with anger, the son of Bharadvaja, drawing his huge bow plated with gold and hard to be severed, struck Phalguni.

स सायकमयैर्जालैरर्जुनस्य रथं प्रति। भानुमद्भिः शिलाघौतैर्भानोराच्छादयत् प्रभाम्॥
Then shooting at Arjuna's car a goodly number of sharp arrows, bright as the sun, he covered the rays of the sun.

पार्थं च सुमहाबाहुर्महावेगैर्महारथः। विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैर्मेघो वृष्ट्येव पर्वतम्॥
That mighty car-warrior of large arms wounded Partha with sharpened arrows, as the clouds discharge showers on a mountain.

तथैव दिव्यं गाण्डीवं धनुरादाय पाण्डवः। शत्रुघ्नं वेगवान् हृष्टो भारसाधनमुत्तमम्॥
Taking up the best of bows, the celestials Gandiva, capable of destroying enemies and carrying a heavy weight, the son of Pandu delightedly.

विससर्ज शरांश्चित्रान् सुवर्णविकृतान् बहून्। नाशयन् शरवर्षाणि भारद्वाजस्य वीर्यवान्।
Shot a number of variegated golden arrows; and that energetic (hero) baffled the downpour of shafts made by Bharadvaja's son.

तूर्णं चापविनिर्मुक्तैस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥ स रथेन चरन् पार्थः प्रेक्षणीयो धनंजयः।
And speedily discharged arrows from the bow that appeared as wonderful. Moving about in his car, Dhananjaya the son of Pritha, worthy of being looked at.

युगपद् दिक्षु सर्वासु सर्वतोऽस्त्राण्यदर्शयत्॥ एकच्छायमिवाकाशं बाणैश्चक्रे समन्ततः।
Displayed his weapons simultaneously in all the quarters. He converted the sky, with his arrows, into one (expansive) shade.

नादृश्यत तदा द्रोणो नीहारेणेव संवृतः॥ तस्याभवत् तदा रूपं संवृतस्य शरोत्तमैः।
Drona was not visible (like the sun) enshrouded mist. Thereupon covered on all sides with excellent arrows, he appeared.

जाज्वल्यमानस्य तदा पर्वतस्येव सर्वतः॥ दृष्ट्वा तु पार्थस्य रणे शरैः स्वरथमावृतम्।
Like a burning mountain. Beholding his own chariot enveloped in the battle by the shafts of Partha.

स विस्फार्य धनुः श्रेष्ठं मेघस्तनितनिस्वनम्॥ अग्निचक्रोपमं घोरं व्यकर्षत् परमायुधम्।
He, drawing his excellent bow making a sound like that of clouds, took up a huge weapon like a wheel of fire.

व्यशातयच्छरांस्तांस्तु द्रोणः समितिशोभनः॥ महानभूत् ततः शब्दो वंशानामिव दह्यताम्॥
Then Drona, ornament of an assembly, discharged sharpened arrows. Then arose a sound like that of bamboo's when set on fire.

जाम्बूनदमयैः पुढेश्चित्रचापविनिर्गतैः। प्राच्छादयदमेयात्मा दिशः सूर्यस्य च प्रभाम्॥
That of immeasurable energy enveloped all the quarters and the lustre of the sun with gold-winged arrows discharged from a variegated bow. one

ततः कनकपुङ्खानां शराणां नतपर्वणाम्। वियच्चराणां वियति दृश्यन्ते बहरो व्रजाः॥
Those arrows, with depressed knots and golden wings, when they passed through the sky, looked like so many birds.

द्रोणस्य पुङ्खसक्ताच प्रभवन्तः शरासनात्। एको दीर्घ इवादृश्यदाकाशे संहतः शरः॥
The arrows shot from Drona's bow touching one another by the wings appeared like one long-extending row of arrows in the sky.

एवं तौ स्वर्णविकृतान् विमुञ्चन्तौ महाशरान्। आकाशं संवृतं वीरावुल्काभिरिव चक्रतुः॥
Those heroes, then shooting their golden arrows, enveloped, as it were the welkin with a downpour of fire-brands.

शरास्तयोस्तु विबभुः कङ्कबर्हिणवाससः। पङ्क्त्यः शरदि खस्थानां हंसानां चरतामिव॥
Decked with the feathers of Kanka birds, these arrows looked like a number of cranes wandering in the autumnal sky.

युद्धं समभवत् तत्र सुसंरब्धं महात्मनोः। द्रोणपाण्डवयो?रं वृत्रवासवयोरिव॥
Then there ensued a highly terrific encounter between the high-souled Drona and Arjuna like that between Vritra and Vasava.

तौ गजाविव चासाद्य विषाणाप्रैः परस्परम्। शरैः पूर्णायतोत्सृष्टैरन्योन्यमभिजघ्नतुः॥
They wounded each other with arrows shot from bows drawn to the highest stretch like two elephants assailing each other with their tusks.

तौ व्यवाहरतां युद्धे संरब्धौ रणशोभिनौ। उदीरयन्तौ समरे दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि भागशः॥
Those two angry heroes, ornamenting the battle-field, fighting according to the practice, showed many celestials weapons in due order.

अथ त्वाचार्यमुख्येन शरान् सृष्टाञ्छिलाशितान्। न्यवारयच्छितैर्बाणैर्जुनो जयतां वरः॥
one Arjuna, the foremost of victors, warded off, with sharp arrows, the sharpened arrows shot by the foremost of preceptors.

दर्शयन् वीक्षमाणानामस्त्रमुग्रपराक्रमः। इषुभिस्तूर्णमाकाशं बहुभिश्च समावृणोत्॥
Showing many weapons to the spectators, that of dreadful prowess speedily enveloped the sky with many arrows.

जिघांसन्तं नरव्याघ्रमर्जुनं तिग्मतेजसम्। आचार्यमुख्यः समरे द्रोणः शस्त्रभृतां वरः। अर्जुनेन सहाक्रीडच्छरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि वर्षन्तं तस्मिन् वै तुमुले रणे। अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य फाल्गुनं समयोधयत्॥ तयोरासीत् सम्प्रहारः क्रुद्धयोर्नरसिंहयोः। अमर्षिणोस्तदान्योन्यं देवदानवयोरिव॥ ऐन्द्र वायव्यमाग्नेयमस्त्रमस्त्रेण पाण्डवः। द्रोणेन मुक्तमानं तु ग्रसति स्म पुनः पुनः॥ एवं शूरौ महेष्वासौ विसृजन्तौ शिताञ्छरान्। एकच्छायं चक्रतुस्तावाकाशं शरवृष्टिभिः॥ तत्रार्जुनेन मुक्तानां पततां वै शरीरिषु। पर्वतेष्विव वज्राणां शराणां श्रूयते स्वनः॥ ततो नागा रथाश्चैव वाजिनश्च विशाम्पते। शोणिताक्ता व्यदृश्यन्त पुष्पिता इव किंशुकाः॥ बाहुभिश्च सकेयूरैर्विचित्रैश्च महारथैः। सुवर्णचित्रैः कवचैर्ध्वजैश्च विनिपातितैः॥ योधैश्च निहतैस्तत्र पार्थबाणप्रपीडितैः। बलमासीत् समुद्घान्तं द्रोणार्जुनसमागमे॥ विधुन्वानौ तु तौ तत्र धनुषी भारसाधने। आच्छादयेतामन्योन्यं ततक्षतुरथेषुभिः॥ तयोः समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं भरतर्षभ। द्रोणकौन्तेययोस्तत्र बलिवासवयोरिव॥ अथ पूर्णायतोत्सृष्टैः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। व्यदारयेतामन्योन्यं प्राणद्यूते प्रवर्तिते॥ अथान्तरिक्षे नादोऽभूद् द्रोणं तत्र प्रशंसताम्।
(Beholding) Arjuna, the foremost of men, of fierce energy, discharging celestials weapons in that great battle and killing (soldiers) the foremost of preceptors and warriors Drona, played with Arjuna with arrows of depressed knots. And warding off his weapons with his, Bharadvaja's son fought with Arjuna. Then there ensued an encounter between those two foremost of men, worked up with anger and striking each other, like that between the celestials and demons. Arjuna repeatedly warded off with his own, the weapons Aindra, Vayavya and Agneya discharged by Drona. Shooting sharp arrows, those two great heroes converted the sky, with a shade. Coming down on the bodies of the enemy's heroes, the shafts, discharged by Arjuna, made a sound like that of thunderbolt striking against a mountain. Then, o king, the elephants, cars and horses, covered with blood, looked like Kinsuka trees crested with flowers. And in that encounter between Drona and Partha, the field being filled with arms adorned with variegated bangles, mighty car-warriors' golden coats of mail, banners struck down, and warriors slain and assailed by Partha's shafts, the army were terrified. And moving their bows capable of bearing stain, they covered each other with shafts. O foremost of Bharatas, there took place a great encounter between Drona and Arjuna like that between Bali and Vasava. Then with arrows of depressed knots shot from the bows fully drawn, they struck each other even at the risk of their lives. There was heard a voice in the sky speaking highly of Drona.

दुष्करं कृतवान् द्रोणो यदर्जुनमयोधयत्॥ प्रमाथिनं महावीर्यं दृढमुष्टिं दुरासदम्।
Drona has performed a difficult feat for he fights with Arjuna, of great energy, firmhanded, irrepressible and an afflicter of foes.

जेतारं देवदैत्यानां सर्वेषां च महारथम्॥ अविभ्रमं च शिक्षां च लाघवं दूरपातिताम्। पार्थस्य समरे दृष्ट्वा द्रोणस्याभूच्च विस्मयः॥ अथ गाण्डीवमुद्यम्य दिव्य धनुरमर्षणः। विचकर्ष रणे पार्थो बाहुभ्यां भरतर्षभ॥ तस्य बाणमयं वर्षं शलभानामिवायतिम्। दृष्ट्वा ते विस्मिताः सर्वे साधु साध्वित्यपूजयन्॥६५। न च बाणान्तरे वायुरस्य शक्नोति सर्पितम्।
The conqueror of the celestials and Daityas and of all mighty car-warriors. Beholding in battle Partha's certain aim, training, lightness of hand and the range (of his arrows), Drona was stricken greatly with wonder. Then taking up with his hands the celestials bow Gandiva, the energetic Partha, O foremost of Bharatas, drew it. Beholding the downpour of his shafts coming down like a swarm of locusts, they, all filled with wonder, exclaimed “Well done! well done!" Even the very air could not penetrate into the space intervening between his arrows.

अनिशं संदधानस्य शरानुत्सृजतस्तथा॥ ददर्श नान्तरं कश्चित् पार्थस्याददतोऽपि च॥
The on-lookers could not mark any cessation between Partha's taking up arrows and shooting them.

तथा शीघ्रास्त्रयुद्धे तु वर्तमाने सुदारुणे। शीघ्रं शीघ्रतरं पार्थः शरानन्यानुदीरयत्॥
In that dreadful battle of quickly discharged weapons Partha, speedily and more speedily, shot arrows.

ततः शतसहस्राणि शराणां नतपर्वणाम्। युगपत् प्रापतस्तत्र द्रोणस्य रथमन्तिकात्॥
Then simultaneously hundreds and thousands of arrows with depressed knots came down upon the car of Drona.

कीर्यमाणे तदा द्रोणे शरैर्गाण्डीवधन्वना। हाहाकारो महानासीत् सैन्यानां भरतर्षभ॥
O foremost of Bharatas, beholding Drona entirely enveloped with shafts shot by the holder of the Gandiva bow, the army set a mighty lamentation.

पाण्डवस्य तु शीघ्रास्त्रं मघवा प्रत्यपूजयत्। गन्धर्वाप्सरसाचैव ये च तत्र समागताः॥
Even Indra spoke highly of the lighthandedness Arjuna in the discharge of arrows, as also the Gandharvas and Apsaras who came there.

ततो वृन्देन महता स्थानां रथयूथपः। आचार्यपुत्रः सहसा पाण्डवं पर्यवारयत्॥
Then encircled by a vast array of cars, the mighty car-warrior, the son of the preceptor obstructed Partha.

अश्वत्थामा तु तत् कर्म हृदयेन महात्मनः। पूजयामास पार्थस्य कोपं चास्याकरोद् भृशम्॥
Though greatly enraged with him, Ashvathama praised in his mind that deed of the high-souled Arjuna.

स मन्युवशमापन्नः पार्थमभ्यद्रवद् रणे। किरज्छरसहस्राणि पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्॥
Then possessed by wrath, he encountered Partha in battle and discharged at him a downpour of arrows like clouds discharging their watery contents.

आवृत्य तु महाबाहुर्यतो द्रौणिस्ततो हयान्। अन्तरं प्रददौ पार्थो द्रोणस्य व्यपसर्पितुम्॥
Then turning his horses towards Drona's son, Partha offered Drona an opportunity to retreat.

स तु लब्ध्वान्तरं तूर्णमपायाज्जवनैर्हयैः। छिन्नवर्मध्वजः शूरो निकृत्तः परमेषुभिः॥
Securing an opportunity, he too, with his coat of mail and banner shattered, and wounded with great arrows, quickly went away on his swiftly-coursing horses.