The words of Duryodhana, in Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच अथ दुर्योधनो राजा समरे भीष्ममब्रवीत्। द्रोणं च रथशार्दूलं कृपं च सुमहारथम्॥
Vaishampayana said Then the king Duryodhana said in the battle field to Bhishma, Drona, the foremost of warriors and as also to the mighty car-warrior Kripa.

उक्तोऽयमर्थ आचार्यो मया कर्णेन चासकृत्। पुनरेव प्रवक्ष्यामि न हि तृष्यामि तं ब्रुवन्॥
Both myself and Karna had said this to the preceptor. I mention it again for I am not satisfied with speaking (once).

पराभूतैर्हि वस्तव्यं तैश्च द्वादश वत्सरान्। वने जनपदे ज्ञातैरेप एव पणो हि नः॥
This was the condition that if defeated at dice the Pandavas will live in woods and countries for twelve years unknown to us.

तेषां न तावन्निर्वृत्तं वर्तते तु त्रयोदशम्। अज्ञातवासो बीभत्सुरथास्माभिः समागतः॥
The thirteenth year is still going on and not yet complete. Bibhatsu, who is living in disguise, has come to us.

अनिवृत्ते तु निर्वासे यदि बीभत्सुरागतः। पुनादश वर्षाणि वने वत्स्यन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
Now if Bibhatsu comes before the term of exile is over, the Pandavas shall have to pass another twelve years in the forest.

लोभाद् वा ते न जानीयुरस्मान् वा मोह आविशत्। हीनातिरिक्तमेतेषां भीष्मो वेदितुमर्हति॥
Whether by covetousness they have forgotten it or whether it is a mistake on our part, it is proper that Bhishma should calculate the shortness or excess (of the fixed period).

अर्थानां च पुनद्वैध नित्यं भवति संशयः। अन्यथा चिन्तितो ह्यर्थः पुनर्भवति सोऽन्यथा।॥
Doubt always exists in one of the alternatives of an object; an object, thought of in one way, becomes another (in the end). Even persons, conversant with morality, are confounded in their own acts; (we have come) to fight with the Matsya's stationed in the north.

उत्तरं मार्गमाणानां मत्स्यानां च युयुत्सताम्। यदि बीभत्सुरायातस्तदा कस्यापरानुमः॥ त्रिगर्तानां वयं हेतोर्मत्स्यान् योद्भुमिहागताः।
If however Bibhatsu has come what fault is ours? We have here to fight with the Matsya's on behalf of the Trigartas.

मत्स्यानां विप्रकारांस्ते बहूनस्मानकीर्तयन्॥ तेषां भयाभिभूतानां तदस्माभिः प्रतिश्रुतम्। प्रथमं तैर्ग्रहीतव्यं मत्स्यानां गोधनं महत्। सप्तम्यामपराठे वै तथा तैस्तु समाहितम्॥
Various were the oppressions of the Matsya's described to us-and we promised them help, assailed with fear as they were. And the arrangement with them was that they should first, on the afternoon of the seventh lunar day, seize the great collection of the precious kine of the Matsya's.

अष्टम्यां पुनरस्माभिरादित्यस्योदयं प्रति। इमा गावो ग्रहीतव्या गते मत्स्ये गवां पदम्॥
And at sun-rise of the eighth lunar day we should seize these kine when the king of Matsya's would be pursuing those seized first,

ते वा गाश्चानयिष्यन्ति यदि वा स्युः पराजिताः। अस्मान् वा [पसंधाय कुर्युर्मत्स्येन संगतम्॥
It may be that they are bringing the kine, or being defeated are coming to us for negotiating peace with the Matsya's.

अथवा तानपाहाय मत्स्यो जानपदैः सह। सर्वया सेनया साधु संवृतो भीमरूपया। आयातः केवलं रात्रिमस्मान् योद्भुमिहागतः॥ तेषामेव महावीर्यः कश्चिदेष पुरःसरः। असमाढोतुमिहायातो मत्स्यो वापि स्वयं भवेत्॥ यद्येष राजा मत्स्यानां यदि बीभत्सुरागतः। सर्योद्धव्यमस्माभिरिति नः समयः कृतः॥ अथ कस्मात् स्थिता ह्येते रथेषु रथसत्तमाः। भीष्मो द्रोणः कृपश्चैव विकर्णो द्रौणिरेव च॥ सम्भ्रान्तमनसः सर्वे काले ह्यस्मिन् महारथाः।
Or it may be that having driven them off, the king of Matsya's, leading his people and his army of fierce warriors, income to make upon us night attacks. Perhaps someone powerful amongst them or even the king of Matsya's himself is coming to defeat us. Be he the king of Matsya's or Bibhatsu, we must all fight with him. This is our condition. Why are all these leading car-warriors Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Vikarana and Drona's son now sitting panic-stricken on their cars?

नान्यत्र युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽस्ति तथाऽऽत्मा प्रणिधीयताम्॥१७ आच्छिन्ने गोधनेऽस्माकमपि देवेन वज्रिणा। यमेन वापि संग्रामे को हास्तिनपुरं व्रजेत्॥ शरैरेभिः प्रणुनानां भग्नानां गहने वने। को हि जीवेत् पदातीनां भवेदश्वेषु संशयः॥ दुर्योधनवचः श्रुत्वा राधेयस्त्वब्रवीद् वचः। आचार्य पृष्ठतः कृत्वा तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्॥
There is no other help but fighting now. Make up your minds, therefore, Even, for seizing these precious kine, we have got to fight with the Divine holder of thunder-bolt or with Yama. Who is there that will be able to go to Hastinapur? Pierced by my shafts, when running away from the battle field through the woods, who amongst the infantry shall be able to escape with his life, while that of the cavalry is so doubtful? Keeping, the preceptor behind, do you make all arrangements.

जानाति हि मतं तेषामतस्त्रासयतीह नः। अर्जुने चास्य सम्प्रीतिमधिकामुपलक्षये।॥
He knows their views and strikes terror into our minds. I perceive his affection for Arjuna is very great.

तथा हि दृष्ट्वा बीभत्सुमुपायान्तं प्रशंसति। यथा सेना न भज्येत तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्॥ हृषितं ह्यपशृण्वाने द्रोणे सर्वं विघदृितम्।
Seeing him only come he sings the praises of Bibhatsu. Make such arrangements that our army may not break up. Every thing has been confused for Drona's having heard of his horses' neighs.

अदेशिका महारण्ये ग्रीष्मे शत्रु वशं गताः। यथा न विभ्रमेत् सेना तथा नीतिविधीयताम्॥
Make such arrangement that these soldiers, coming to a distant country in the summer, and in the midst of this huge forest, may not be routed and vanquished by the enemy.

इष्टा हि पाण्डवा नित्यमाचार्यस्य विशेषतः आसयनपरार्थाश्च कथ्यते स्म स्वयं तथा॥
The Pandavas are always the favourites of the preceptor. He betrays by his words that he is for others.

अश्वानां हृषितं श्रुत्वा कः प्रशंसापरो भवेत्। स्थाने वापि व्रजन्तो वा सदा द्वेषन्ति वाजिनः।२५॥
Hearing only the neighs of horses who would ever praise a man? Whether walking or standing the horses neigh.

सदा च वायवो वान्ति नित्यं वर्षति वासवः। स्तनयित्नोश्च निर्घोषः श्रूयते बहुशस्तथा॥
The winds always blow and Indra always showers rain and the roar of the clouds may be heard many times.

किमत्र कार्यं पार्थस्य कथं वा स प्रशस्यते। अन्यत्र कामाद् द्वेषाद् वा रोषादस्मासु केवलात्॥
What has Partha to do with these and why should he be praised? It is so either for the desire of doing good to him or for hatred and anger towards us.

आचार्या वै कारुणिकाः प्राज्ञाश्चापापदर्शिनः। नैते महाभये प्राप्ते सम्प्रष्टव्याः कथंचन॥
Preceptors are wise, virtuous and very kind to all creatures but they should not be consulted in hours of danger.

प्रासादेषु विचित्रेषु गोष्ठीषूपवनेषु च। कथा विचित्राः कुर्वाणाः पण्डितास्तत्र शोभनाः।।२९।
It is in beautiful places, assemblies and gardens where beautiful speeches are to be made that the learned men seem to be in their proper places.

बहून्याश्चर्यरूपाणि कुर्वाणा जनसंसदि। इज्यास्त्रे चोपसंधाने पण्डितास्तत्र शोभनाः॥
The learned shine in the concourse of men, where they perform many wonderful things and there where sacrificial vessels and their uses are necessary.

परेषां विवरज्ञाने मनुष्यचरितेषु च। हस्त्यश्वरथचर्यासु खरोष्ट्राजाविकर्मणि।॥ गोधनेषु प्रतोलीषु वरद्वारमुखेषु च। अन्नसंस्कारदोषेषु पण्डितास्तत्र शोभनाः॥
In the knowledge of learning the weak points of others, in studying the characters of men, in the science of horses, elephants and cars, in treating the diseases of asses, camels, goats, sheep and kine, in making plans of buildings and gates, in pointing out the defects of food and drink the learned are truly in their elements.

पण्डितान् पृष्ठतः कृत्वा परेषां गुणवादिनः। विधीयतां तता नीतिर्यथा वध्यो भवेत् परः॥
Leaving behind the learned who speak highly of the heroism of the enemy, do you so arrange that the enemy may be killed.

गावश्च सम्प्रतिष्ठाप्य सेनां व्यूह्य समन्ततः। आरक्षाश्च विधीयन्तां यत्र योत्स्यामहे परान्॥
Keeping the kine secure arrange the army in battle array. Keep guards in proper places so that we may fight with the enemy.