The fight between Rama and Bhishma

भीष्म उवाच ततोऽहं निशि राजेन्द्र प्रणम्य शिरसा तदा। ब्राह्मणानां पितॄणां च देवतानां च सर्वशः॥
Bhishma said Then during the night, 0 great king, having bowed to all the Brahmanas, my fore fathers, all the gods,

नक्तंचराणां भूतानां राजन्यानां विशाम्पते। शयनं प्राप्य रहिते मनसा समचिन्तयम्॥
To all those beings that walk about in the night, to all elements, earth, water, fir, air and the sky, and to all kings, O lord of earth, I lay down on my bed, and being all alone, I began to reflect (thus).

जामदग्न्येन मे युद्धमिदं परमदारुणम्। अहानि च बहून्यद्य वर्तते सुमहात्ययम्॥
This terrible battle, between myself and Jamadgnya, being as it is of high and mighty consequence, lasted for many a day.

न च रामं महावीर्यं शक्नोमि रणमूर्धनि। विजेतुं समरे विप्रं जामदग्न्यं महाबलम्॥
And yet I have not been able to vanquish, in fight on the field of battle, this twice-born Rama, known as Jamadgnya who is of great might and energy.

यदि शक्यो मया जेतुं जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान्। दैवतानि प्रसन्नानि दर्शयन्तु निशां मम॥
I indeed, it lies in my power to vanquish this powerful son of Jamadagni, let the gods, well-pleased, show themselves to me during the night.

ततो निशि च राजेन्द्र प्रसुप्तः शरविक्षतः। दक्षिणेनेह पार्श्वन प्रभातसमये तदा।॥
Then, O great king, mangled with arrows, as I lay asleep that night on my right, at about dawn came,

ततोऽहं विप्रमुख्यैस्तैर्यैरस्मि पतितो रथात्। उत्थापितो धृतश्चैव मा भैरिति च सान्त्वितः॥
Those foremost of Brahmanas by whom I had been raised up when I had fallen down from chariot, and who had held me and comforted me, saying, “Fear not.”

त एव मां महाराज स्वप्नदर्शनमेत्य वै। परिवार्याब्रुवन् वाक्यं तन्निबोध कुरूद्वह॥
Even they, O great king, showing themselves to me (during my sleep) in a dream, stood around me, and spoke these words; Hear them, O perpetuator of Kuru's race,

उत्तिष्ठ मा भैर्गाङ्गेय न भयं तेऽस्ति किंचन। रक्षामहे त्वां कौरव्य स्वशरीरं हि नो भवान्॥
Rise up and do not fear, O son of Ganga, you have not the least fear, for we will protect you, O son, who are own body.

न त्वां रामो रणे जेता जामदग्न्यः कथंचन। त्वमेव समरे रामं विजेता भरतर्षभ॥
Rama, the son of Jamadagni, by no means will vanquish you in battle. (Rather), you will vanquish Rama in battle, O best of Bharata's race.

इदमस्त्रं सुदयितं प्रत्यभिज्ञास्यते भवान्। विदितं हि तवाप्येतत् पूर्वस्मिन् देहधारणे॥
This well-beloved weapon you will recognize for it was known to you in your previous birth.

प्राजापत्यं विश्वकृतं प्रस्वापं नाम भारत। न हीदं वेद रामोऽपि पृथिव्यां वा पुमान् क्वचित्।।१२
It appertains to the lord of all creatures (Brahma) and was manufactured by the divine architect; it is named Prasvapa, O Bharata. It is not known even to Rama nor to any body else on the earth.

तत् स्मरस्व महाबाहो भृशं संयोजयस्व च। उपस्थास्यति राजेन्द्र स्वयमेव तवानघ॥
Recollect it therefore, O you of mighty arms, and apply it steadily and with all your strength. It will come to you of itself, O you great king and sinless one.

येन सर्वान् महावीर्यान् प्रशासिष्यसि कौरव। न च रामः क्षयं गन्ता तेनास्त्रेण नराधिप॥
By this weapon, by which O son of Kuru, you will hold in check all persons of mighty energy, Rama will not be killed outright, O king of men.

एनसा न तु संयोग प्राप्स्यसे जातु मानद। स्वप्स्यते जामदग्न्योऽसौ त्वद्वाणबलपीडितः॥
No crime will therefore attach to you o giver of honors. And this son of Jamadagni will fall asleep, afflicted by the might of this weapon of yours.

ततो जित्वा त्वमेवैनं पुनरुत्थापयिष्यसि। अस्त्रेण दयितेनाजो भीष्म सम्बोधनेन वै॥
Having thus vanquished him, you yourself will raise him up again to the battle-field by that dear weapon, O Bhishma, known as Samabodhana.

एवं कुरुष्व कौरव्य प्रभाते रथमास्थितः। प्रसुप्तं वा मृतं वेति तुल्यं मन्यामहे वयम्॥
Do as we tell you, O son of Kuru, seated on your chariot at day-break. Asleep or dead, We consider it to be the same.

न च रामेण मर्तव्यं कदाचिदपि पार्थिव। ततः समुत्पन्नमिदं प्रस्वापं युज्यतामिति॥
O king, Rama will not die by any means. Apply therefore, this (weapon) Prasvapa, happily brought for you.

इत्युक्त्वाऽतर्हिता राजन् सर्व एव द्विजोत्तमाः। अष्टौ सदृशरूपास्ते सर्वे भासुरमूर्तयः॥
Having said this all those best of Brahmanas vanished, O king. They were eight in number, resembling one another in appearance, and shone brightly, having no material bodies.