Words of Draupadi

द्रौपयुवाच इदं तु ते महद् दुःखं यत् प्रवक्ष्यामि भारत। न मेऽभ्यसूया कर्तव्या दुःखादेतद् ब्रवीम्यहम्॥
Draupadi said O Bharata, what I am going to tell you now is another great grief of mine; you should not get angry with me, as I tell you this out of a sheer sadness of heart.

सूदकर्मणि हीने त्वमसमे भरतर्षभ। ब्रुवन् बल्लवजातीयः कस्य शोकं न वर्धयेः॥
Who is there whose grief is not enhanced seeing you employed in the abominable service of a cook, entirely unbecoming of you, and calling yourself as belonging to the sect of Ballava.

सूपकारं विराटस्य बल्लवं त्वां विदुर्जनाः। प्रेष्यत्वं समनुप्राप्त ततो दुःखतरं नु किम्॥ यदा महानसे सिद्धे विराटमुपतिष्ठसि। ब्रुवाणो बल्लव: सूदस्तदा सीदति मे मनः॥
What can be more distressful than this that people should know you as Virata's cook Ballava by name and fallen into servitude. When you wait on the king Virata calling yourself as Ballava the cook after getting through the work of the kitchen, then my very niind sinks into despair.

यदा प्रहृष्टः सम्राट् त्वां संयोधयति कुवारैः। हसन्त्यन्तःपुरे नार्यो मम तूद्विजते मनः॥
When the monarch in joy makes you fight with elephants and the women of his seraglio laugh my mind totally sinks in sorrow.

शार्दूलैर्महिषैः सिंहैरागारे योध्यसे यदा। कैकेय्याः प्रेक्षमाणायास्तदा मे कश्मलं भवेत्॥
When you fought with lions, tigers and buffaloes in the inner apartment of the palace in the occular presence of Kaikayi then the faint came over me.

तत उत्थाय कैकेयी सर्वास्ताः प्रत्यभाषत। प्रेष्याः समुत्थिताश्चापि कैकेयीं ताः स्त्रियोऽब्रुवन्॥ प्रेक्ष्य मामनवद्यागी कश्मलोपहतामिव। स्नेहात् संवासजाद् धर्मात् सूदमेषा शुचिस्मिता॥ योद्ध्यमानं महावीर्यमियं समनुशोचति। कल्याणरूपा सैरन्ध्री बल्लवश्चापि सुन्दरः॥ स्त्रीणां चित्तं च दुर्जेयं युक्तरूपौ च मे मतौ। सैरन्ध्री प्रियसंवासान्नित्यं करुणवादिनी॥ अस्मिन् राजकुले चेमौ तुल्यकालनिवासिनौ। इति ब्रुवाणा वाक्यानि सा मां नित्यमतर्जयत्॥
Then rising from her seat along with her maids who also rose up with her, Kaikayi beholding me with limbs uninjured and only overtaken by swoon, addressed them saying "surely it is from the affection originated by living together that this lady of beautiful smile grieves for the cook, seeing him fighting with beasts of exceeding strength. Sairandhri is one of exceeding beauty and Ballava is handsome too, the heart of woman is so hard to know; and me-thinks they both are deserving of each other. Sairandhri is seen constantly lamenting for the connection with her lover and they both have entered this royal family at the same time.” Speaking such words she always scolds me.

क्रुध्यन्तीं मां च सम्प्रेक्ष्य समशङ्कत मां त्वयि। तस्यां तथा ब्रुवत्यां तु दुःखं मां महदाविशत्॥
Beholding me getting enraged she suspects me to be attached to you which she speaks; thus I am overtaken by great grief.

त्वय्येवं निरयं प्राप्ते भीमे भीमपराक्रमे। शोके यौधिष्ठिरे मग्ना नाहं जीवितुमुत्सहे॥
Beholding you, O Bhima of terrible prowess, suffering from being fallen into such a dire calamity and sunk in grief for Yudhishthira I do not intend to live.

यः सदेवान् मनुष्यांश्च सर्वांश्चैकरथोऽजयत्। सोऽयं राज्ञो विराटस्य कन्यानां नर्तको युवा॥
Alas! that youthful one, who on a single car defeated all celestials and men, is now the dancing master of the daughters of the king Virata.

योऽतर्पयदमेयात्मा खाण्डवे जातवेदसम्। सोऽन्तःपुरगतः पार्थ कूपेऽग्निरिव संवृतः॥
That Pritha's son, who with his immeasurable energy gratified the fire-god in the Khandava forest, is now stationed in the seraglio like fire concealed in a well.

यस्माद् भयममित्राणां सदैव पुरुषर्षभात्। स लोकपरिभूतेन वेषेणास्ते धनंजयः॥
That Dhananjaya, from whom, the best of men, enemies had constant dread, is now living in a guise hated by all.

यस्य ज्याक्षेपकठिनौ बाहू परिघसंनिभौ। स शङ्खपरिपूर्णाभ्यां शोचन्नास्ते धनंजयः॥
That Dhananjaya, whose arms are likes inaces of iron and are marked by the strokes of the bow-string, is living in grief with his wrists covered with conch-bracelets.

यस्य ज्यातलनिर्घोषात् समकम्पन्त शत्रवः। स्त्रियो गीतस्वनं तस्य मुदिताः पर्युपासते॥
The singing sound of that one, the sound of whose bow-string caused tremble to his enemies, is now courted by only delightful women.

किरीटं सूर्यसंकाशं यस्य मूर्धन्यशोभत। वेणीविकृतकेशान्तः सोऽयमद्य धनंजयः॥
That Dhananjaya, whose head was decked with a diadem of solar effulgence, is now appearing with braids ending in ugly curls.

तं वेणीकृतकेशान्तं भीमधन्वानमर्जुनम्। कन्यापरिवृतं दृष्ट्वा भीम सीदति मे मनः॥
O Bhima, seeing that mighty wielder of bow, Arjuna, with braids ending in ugly curls and surrounded by damsels, my heart is stricken with distress.

यस्मिन्नस्त्राणि दिव्यानि समस्तानि महात्मनि। आधारः सर्वविद्यानां स धारयति कुण्डले॥
That high-souled one, to whom all the celestials weapons are known, and who is the repository of all the sciences, is now wearing a pair of ear-rings.

स्प्रष्टुं राजसहस्राणि तेजसाप्रतिमानि वै। समरे नाभ्यवर्तन्त वेलामिव महार्णवः॥ सोऽयं राज्ञो विराटस्य कन्यानां नर्तको युवा। आस्ते वेषप्रतिच्छन्नः कन्यानां परिचारकः॥
That youthful one, whom myriads of kings of matchless prowess could not overcome in fight, even as the great ocean cannot overleap its banks, is now the dancing master of the daughters of king Virata and passes his days in disguise as one in the capacity of a servant to them.

यस्य स्म रथघोषेण समकम्पत मेदिनी। सपर्वतवना भीम सहस्थावरजङ्गमा।॥ यस्मिट्ठाते महाभागे कुन्त्याः शोको व्यनश्यता स शोचयति मामद्य भीमसेन तवानुजः॥
O Bhima, that exalted younger brother of yours, the rattling sound of whose car-wheels made the entire earth with all her mountains and forests and with all things mobile and immobile, tremble, and O Bhimasena, who being born, all the grief's of Kunti vanished, now causes me to lament for him.

भूषितं तमलंकारैः कुण्डलैः परिहाटकैः। कम्बुपाणिनमायान्तं दृष्ट्वा सीदति मे मनः॥
Beholding him approaching me adorned with golden ear-rings and other ornaments and with wrists with bracelets of conches, my heart sinks into sorrow.

यस्य नास्ति समो वीर्ये कश्चिदुर्व्या धनुर्धरः। सोऽद्य कन्यापरिवृतो गायन्नास्ते धनंजयः॥
That Dhananjaya, to whom there is no bowman on the entire earth, equal in prowess, is now passing his days in singing surrounded by women.

धर्मे शौर्ये च सत्ये च जीवलोकस्य सम्मतम्। स्त्रीवेषविकृतं पार्थं दृष्ट्वा सीदति मे मनः॥
Beholding that son of Pritha honored to the world for virtue, prowess and truthfulness, now living in the hated guise of a woman, my heart sinks into sorrow.

यदा ह्येनं परिवृतं कन्याभिर्देवरूपिणम्। प्रभिन्नमिव मातङ्गं परिकीर्णं करेणुभिः॥ मत्स्यमर्थपतिं पार्थं विराटं समुपस्थितम्। पश्यामि तूर्यमध्यस्थं दिशो नश्यन्ति मे तदा॥
When I look upon that good-like Partha surrounded by females in this music hall like an elephant of rent temples encircled by sheelephant before Virata, the king of the Matsyas, then all the cardinal points seem to me to have lost their existence.

नूनमार्या न जानाति कृच्छ्रे प्राप्तं धनंजयम्। अजातशत्रु कौरव्यं मग्नं दुर्दूतदेविनम्॥
Surely my mother-in-law does not know Dhananjaya sorely distressed with sorrow; nor does she know the descendant of Kuru, Ajatashatru, addicted to vicious gambling thus sunk in misery.

तथा दृष्ट्वा यवीयांसं सहदेवं गवां पतिम्। गोषु गोवेषमायान्तं पाण्डुभूतास्मि भारत॥
0 Bharata, beholding Sahadeva, the youngest of you all, in the capacity of a protector of kine and in the guise of a cowherd, I grow pale.

सहदेवस्य वृत्तानि चिन्तयन्ती पुनः पुनः। न निद्रामभिगच्छामि भीमसेन कुतो रतिम्॥
Thinking over and over of Sahadeva's office I cannot obtain sleep what to speak of rest?

न विन्दामि महाबाहो सहदेवस्य दुष्कृतम्। यस्मिन्नेववंविधं दुःखं प्राप्नुयात् सत्यविक्रमः॥
0 mighty-armed one, I know not of Sahadeva's sin for which that one of unfailing prowess suffers thus.

दूयामि भरतश्रेष्ठ दृष्ट्वा ते भ्रातरं प्रियम्। गोषु गोवृषसंकाशं मत्स्येनाभिनिवेशितम्॥
O foremost of the Bharata's beholding the beloved brother of yours, the foremost of men, appointed by the king of the Matsyas in looking after his kine, I feel grieved.

संरब्धं रक्तनेपथ्यं गोपालानां पुरोगमम्। विराटमभिनन्दन्तमथ मे भवति ज्वरः॥
Beholding that hero clad in red garments, busy in gratifying Virata and posing himself at the head of the cowherds, fever comes on me.

सहदेवं हि मे वीर नित्यमार्या प्रशंसति। महाभिजनसम्पन्नः शीलवान् वृत्तवानिति॥
My mother-in-law always speaks of that heroic Sahadeva as one possessed of high reputation, good character and excellent conduct.

ह्रीनिषेवो मधुरवाकधार्मिकश्च प्रियश्च मे। स तेऽरण्येषु वोढव्यो याज्ञसेनि क्षपास्वपि॥ सुकुमारश्च शूरच राजानं चाप्यनुव्रतः। ज्येष्ठापचायिनं वीरं स्वयं पाज्ञालि भोजये:।३९॥ इत्युवाच हि मां कुन्ती रुदती पुत्रगृद्धिनी। प्रव्रजन्तं महारण्यं तं परिष्वज्य तिष्ठती॥
Kunti, greatly attached to her sons, stood weeping with Sahadeva in her arms, while he was starting (with us) for the great forest and addressed me thus-"Sahadeva is bashful, sweet-voiced, virtuous, and very dear to me, therefore, Yajnaseni cheer him up while he feels dejected and tend him in the forest, day and night. He is tender and brave, devoted to the king, heroic and always respectful to his elder brother; O Panchali, feed him yourself."

तं दृष्ट्वा व्यापृतं गोषु वत्सचर्मक्षपाशयम्। सहदेवं युधां श्रेष्ठं किं नु जीवामि पाण्डव।॥
Beholding that Sahadeva, the best of warriors, engaged in tending kine and lying on calf skins at night, O Pandava, how can I live?

यस्त्रिभिनित्यसम्पन्नो रूपेणास्त्रेण मेधया। सोऽश्वबन्धो विराटस्य पश्य कालस्य पर्ययम्॥
Again that one, who is gifted with the three attributes of beauty, arms and intellect, is now tending the steed of Virata. Lo! how times change!

अभ्यकीर्यन्त वृन्दानि दामग्रन्थिमुदीक्ष्य तम्। विनयन्तं जवेनाश्वान् महाराजस्य पश्यतः॥
Granthika, at whose presence hostile forces ran away from the field of battle, is now engaged in training horses before the king driving them with speed.

अपश्यमेनं श्रीमन्तं मत्स्यं भ्राजिष्णुमुत्तमम्। विराटमुपतिष्ठन्तं दर्शयन्तं च वाजिनः॥
I now see that graceful one wait upon the richly dressed and excellent Virata, the king of the Matsya's and make a show of his horses before the king.

किं नु मां मन्यसे पार्थ सुखिनीति परंतप। एवं दुःखशताविष्टा युधिष्ठिरनिमित्ततः॥
O Pritha's son, afflicted with hundreds of sorrows on account of Yudhishthira, do you deem me happy, O repressor of foes.

अतः प्रतिविशिष्टानि दुःखान्यन्यानि भारत। वर्तन्ते मयि कौन्तेय वक्ष्यामि शृणु तान्यपि॥
O Bharata, there are various other woes greater than these which I am afflicted with; listen, O son of Kunti, I shall relate tell them all to you.

युष्मासु ध्रियमाणेषु दुःखानि विविधान्युत। शोषयन्ति शरीरं मे किं नु दुःखमतः परम्॥
Alas, you being all alive these various woes (render my person emaciated) undermine my system; what can be sadder than this?