The search of a bridegroom by Matali

नारद उवाच इयं भोगवती नाम पुरी वासुकिपालिता। यादृशी देवराजस्य पुरीवर्याऽमरावती॥
Narada said This city is named Bhogavati, ruled by Vasuki, which is similar to the city of the king of the gods-Amaravati.

एष शेषः स्थितो नागो येनेयं धार्यते सदा। तपसा लोकमुख्येन प्रभावसहिता मही॥
This one staying here is Shesha the Naga, by whom is ever upheld the earth with all her greatness by force of his austerities which is the best in this world.

श्वेताचलनिभाकारो दिव्याभरणभूषितः। सहस्रं धारयन् मूर्धा ज्वालाजिह्वो महाबलः॥
His body is of the size of the Shvetachala or white mountain and decked with diverse sorts of ornaments and holding a thousand heads with tongues like blazing fire. His strength and prowess are great.

इह नानाविधाकारा नानाविधविभूषणाः। सुरसायाः सुता नागा निवसन्ति गतव्यथाः॥
Here live, passed the reach of pain, the sons of Surasa, Nagas, of many species and sizes and with diverse sorts of ornaments.

मणिस्वस्तिकचक्राङ्काः कमण्डलुकलक्षणाः। सहस्रसंख्यां बलिनः सर्वे रौद्रा: स्वभावतः॥
And having the mark of gem, Svastika, circles and Kamandulu-all of them, each with the strength of a thousand, are by nature fierce.

सहस्रशिरसः केचित् केचित् पञ्चशताननाः। शतशीर्षास्तथा केचित् केचित् त्रिशिरसोऽपि च॥
Some of them are thousand headed, some have five hundred faces, some, again, have a hundred heads and some three.

द्विपञ्चशिरसः केचित् केचित् सप्तमुखास्तथा। महाभोगा महाकायाः पर्वताभोगभोगिनः॥
Some have twice five heads, some have seven faces and all of them are addicted to great pleasures and have huge bodies resembling the mountains of this earth.

बहूनीह सहस्राणि प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। नागानामेकवंशानां यथाश्रेष्ठं तु मे शृणु॥
There are many thousands and millions and hundreds of millions of unaccountable Nagas, listen to me as I say the few names of the foremost among them of a single race.

वासुकिस्तक्षकश्चैव कर्कोटकधनंजयौ।। कालियो नहुषश्चैव कम्बलाश्वतरावुभौ॥ बाह्यकुण्डो मणि गस्तथैवापूरणः खगः। वामनश्चैलपत्रश्च कुकुरः कुकुणस्तथा॥ आर्यको नन्दकश्चैव तथा कलशपोतकौ। कैलासकः पिञ्जरको नागश्चैरावतस्तथा॥ सुमनोमुखो दधिमुखः शङ्खो नन्दोपनन्दकौ। आप्तः कोटरकश्चैव शिखी निष्ठुरिकस्तथा॥ तित्तिरिर्हस्तिभद्रश्च कुमुदो माल्यपिण्डकः। द्वौ पद्मौ पुण्डरीकश्च पुष्पो मुद्गरपर्णकः॥ करवीरः पीठरकः संवृत्तो वृत्त एव च। पिण्डारो बिल्वपत्रश्च मूषिकादः शिरीषकः॥ दिलीपः शङ्खशीर्शश्च ज्योतिष्कोऽथापराजितः। कौरव्यो धृतराष्ट्रश्च कुहुरः कृशकस्तथा॥ विरजा धारणश्चैव सुबाहुर्मुखरो जयः। बधिरान्धौ विशुण्डिश्च विरसः सुरसस्तथा॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः कश्यपस्यात्मजाः स्मृताः। मातले पश्य यद्यत्र कश्चित् ते रोचते वरः॥
They are Vasuki, Takshaka, Karkotaka, Dhananjaya, Kalia and the two, Kambala and Ashvatara, Bahyakunda, Mani, Apurana, Khaga, Vamana, Elapatra, Kukura, Kukuna, Aryaka, Nandaka, Potaka, Kailasaka, Pinjaraka and the Naga Airavata, Sumanmukha. Dadhimukha, Shankha, Nanda, Upanandaka, Apta, Kotaraka, Shikhi and Nisthuraka, Tittiri, Hastibhadra, Kumuda, Malyapindaka, the two Padmas, Pundarika, Pushpa, Mudgaraparnaka, Karavira, Pitharaka, Samvrita, Virtta, Pindara, Mushikada, Shirishaka, Dilipa, Shankhashirsha, Joytishka, Aparajita, Kauravya, Dhritarashtra, Kuhura Krishna, Virajas, Daharana, Subahu, Mukhara, Jaya, Badhira, Andha, Vishundi, Virasa and Surasa, these and many others are known to the son of Kashyapa, O Matali; see if in the region any bridegroom is to your liking.

कण्व उवाच मातलिस्त्वेकमव्यग्रः सततं संनिरीक्ष्य वै। पप्रच्छ नारदं तत्र प्रीतिमानिव चाभवत्॥
Kanva said While Narada was speaking, Matali had been gazing steadfastly; and he asked Narada being highly pleased.

स्थितो य एष पुरतः कौरव्यस्यार्यकस्य तु। द्युतिमान् दर्शनीयश्च कस्यैष कुलनन्दनः॥
This one standing before Aryaka of the Kauravya race-this effulgent being worthy to look at-whose race dose he delight?

कः पिता जननी चास्य कतमस्यैष भोगिनः। वंशस्य कस्यैष महान् केतुभूत इव स्थितः॥
Who is his mother and what race dose he come from? Of what race dose he stand like the flagstaff?

प्रणिधानेन धैर्येण रूपेण वयसा च मे। मनः प्रविष्टो देवर्षे गुणकेश्याः पतिर्वरः॥
By his intelligence, patience, beauty and age is my heart attracted, O divine Rishi. He will make husband for Gunakeshi.

कण्व उवाच मातलिं प्रीतमनसं दृष्ट्वा सुमुखदर्शनात्। निवेदयामास तदा माहात्म्यं जन्म कर्म च॥
Kanya said Seeing Matali, of cheerful mind owing to his seeing Sumukha, Narada informed him the greatness, the birth and the works of that youth.

नारद उवाच ऐरावतकुले जात: सुमुखो नाम नागराट्। आर्यकस्य मतः पौत्रो दौहित्रो वामनस्य च॥
Narad said Born in the race of Airavata, he is the chief of the Nagas, named Sumukha, the grandson of Aryaka and on his mother's side he is the grandson of Vamana.

एतस्य हि पिता नागश्चिकुरो नाम मातले। नचिराद् वैनतेयेन पञ्चत्वमुपपादितः॥
His father is the Naga named Chikura, O Matali and quite recently he was killed by the son of Vinata.

ततोऽब्रवीत् प्रीतमना मातलि रदं वचः। एष मे रुचितस्तात जामाता भुजगोत्तमः॥
Then did Matali, being of heart, speak to Narada these words-'O Sire, this best of the Naga race selected son-in-law.'

क्रियतामत्र यत्नो वै प्रीतिमानस्यनेन वै। अस्मै नागाय वै दातुं प्रियां दुहितरं मुने।॥
Accomplish; take some pains, for I am pleased with him-O Muni, take some pains to bestow on this Naga my beloved daughter.