Sanjaya sent in message, in the Yanasandhi

वैसम्पायन उवाच एवं सनत्सुजातेन विदुरेण च धीमता। साधु कथयतो राज्ञः सा व्यतीयाय शर्वरी॥॥
Vaishampayana said In this way discoursing with Sanat-Sujata and wise Vidura, the king passed that night.

तस्यां रजन्यां व्युष्टायां राजानः सर्व एव ते। सभामाविविशुहृष्टाः सूतस्योपदिदृक्षया॥
That night having passed away, all the kings entered the Council Chamber with glad hearts with the desire of seeing the Suta.

शुश्रुषमाणाः पार्थानां वाचो धर्मार्थसंहिताः। धृतराष्ट्रमुखाः सर्वे ययू राजसभां शुभाम्॥
Desirous of hearing the message of those sons of Pritha, full of virtue and worldly benefit, all with Dhritarashtra at their head went to the blessed Council Chamber.

सुधावदातां विस्तीर्णा कनकाजिरभूषिताम्। चन्द्रप्रभां सुरुचिरां सिक्तां चन्दनवारिणा॥
Of a bright whit and large area and adorned with a golden floor it was beautiful as the moon and wet with sandal water.

रुचिरैरासनैस्तीर्णां काञ्चनैरवैरपि। अश्मसारमयैर्दान्तैः स्वास्तीर्णैः सोत्तरच्छदैः॥
It was covered over with handsome seats made of gold and of wood and of marble and of ivory, having excellent covers.

भीष्मो द्रोणः कृपः शल्यः कृतवर्मा जयद्रथः। अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सोमदत्तश्च बाह्निकः॥ विदुरच महाप्राज्ञो युयुत्सुश्च महारथः। सर्वे च सहिताः शूराः पार्थिवा भरतर्षभ॥ धृतराष्ट्रं पुरस्कृत्य विविशुस्ता सभां शुभाम्।
Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Shalya, Kritavarman, Jayadratha, Ashvathama, Vikarna, Somadatta, Balhika, Vidura of great wisdom and Yuyutsu of great prowess, all these heroes and rulers of the earth, O bull among the race of Bharata, keeping Dhritarashtra in the front entered that blessed Council Chamber.

दुःशासनश्चित्रसेन: शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः॥ दुर्मुखो दुःसहः कर्ण उलूकोऽथ विविंशतिः। कुरुराजं पुरस्कृत्य दुर्योधनममर्षणम्॥ विविशुस्तां सभां राजन् सुराः शक्रसदो यथा।
As also did Dushasana, Shakuni and Saubala. Durmukha, Dussaha, Karna, Uluka, Vivingshati having placed Duryodhana, the wrathful king of the Kurus, in the front, entered that Council, O king, like the gods forming the train of Shakra.

आविशद्भिस्तदा राजन्शूरैः परिघबाहुभिः॥ शुशुभे सा सभा राजन् सिंहैरिव गिरेर्गुहा।
At the time, O king, filled with those heroes, having arms like iron maces, that Council Chamber, O king, appeared like a den filled with lion.

ते प्रविश्य महेष्वासाः सभां सर्वे महौजसः॥ आसनानि विचित्राणि भेजिरे सूर्यवर्चसः।
All those mighty bowmen of great prowess having entered the hall, those of the effulgence of the sun seated themselves on the variegated seats.

आसनस्थेषु सर्वेषु तेषु राजसु भारत॥ द्वा:स्थो निवेदयामास सूतपुत्रमुपस्थितम्। अयं स रथ आयाति योऽयासीत् पाण्डवान् प्रति॥ दूतो नस्तूर्णमायातः सैन्धवैः साधुवाहिभिः।
And to all those kings, seated on their seats, O Bharata, the gate-keeper (thus) submitted for their information, the presence of the Suta's son. Here comes he with his car who was sent to the sons of Pandu. Our messenger has returned speedily by the aid of horses of Sindhu species, which are good barriers of loads.

उपेयाय स तु क्षिप्रं रथात् प्रस्कन्द्य कुण्डली। प्रविवेश सभां पूर्णां महीपालैर्महात्मभिः॥
Coming to that place quickly and dismounting from the chariot the one having earrings entered the Council Chamber full of great-souled rulers of the earth.

संजय उवाच प्राप्तोऽस्मि पाण्डवान् गत्वा तं विजानीत कौरवाः। यथावयः कुरून् सर्वान् प्रतिनन्दन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
Sanjaya said Having gone to the Pandavas, I am returned; know you this, O sons of Kuru. The Pandus salute all the sons of Kurus, each according to his age.

अभिवादयन्ति वृद्धाश्च वयस्यांश्च वयस्यवत्। यूनश्चाभ्यवदन् पार्थाः प्रतिपूज्य यथावयः॥
They pay their respects to the old and present suitable greetings to those of their age and also to those their younger. In fact, the sons Pritha present suitable greetings to all according to their respective ages.

यथाहं धृतराष्ट्रेण शिष्टः पूर्वमितो गतः। अब्रुवं पाण्डवान् गत्वा तन्निबोधत पार्थिवाः॥
What I, instructed by Dhritarashtra before having gone there from hence said to the sons Pandu, listen to that, O rulers.