History of Agastya

लोमश उवाच ततो जगाम कौरव्य सोऽगस्त्यो भिक्षितुं वसु। श्रुतर्वाणं महीपालं यं वेदाभ्यधिकं नृपः॥
Lomasha said: O descendant of Kuru, then Agastya wept out to beg wealth from the king Shrutarvana who was considered to be richer than other kings.

स विदित्वा तु नृपतिः कुम्भयोनिमुपागतम्। विषयान्ते सहामात्यः प्रत्यगृहणात् सुसत्कृतम्॥
Having learnt of the arrival of the pot-born Rishi on the frontier of his kingdom, the king went out with his ministers and received the holy man with all respects.

तस्मै चार्घ्यं यथान्यायमानीय पृथिवीपतिः। प्राञ्जलिः प्रयतो भूत्वा पप्रच्छागमनेऽर्थिताम्॥
Having duly offered the Arghya, the king with joined hands, submissively inquired the reason of the Rishi's arrival.

अगस्त्य उवाच वित्तार्थिनमनुप्राप्तं विद्धि मां पृथिवीपते। यथाशक्त्यविहिंस्यान्यान् संविभागं प्रयच्छ मे॥
Agastya said : O lord of earth, know, I have come to you for wealth. Give me a portion of your wealth according to your ability.

लोमश उवाच तत आयव्ययौ पूर्णौ तस्मै राजा न्यवेदयत्। अतो विद्वन्नुपादत्स्व यदत्र वसु मन्यसे॥
Lomasha said: Telling him that his income and expenditure were the same, that king said "Take from my wealth whatever you please to take."

तत आयव्ययौ दृष्ट्वा समौ सममतिर्द्विजः। सर्वथा प्राणिनां पीडामुपादानादमन्यत॥
Having seen that his income and expenditure are the same, that Rishi who always saw both sides with equal eyes thought that if he took anything (from that king's wealth), he would injure creatures.

स श्रुतर्वाणमादाय नश्वमगमत् ततः। स च तौ विषयस्यान्ते प्रत्यगृहणाद् यथाविधि॥ तयोरय॑ च पाद्यं च ब्रनश्वः प्रत्यवेदयत्। अनुज्ञाप्य च पप्रच्छ प्रयोजनमुपक्रमे॥
Taking therefore Shrutarvana with him, he went to Bradhnashva. Having learnt of their arrival at the frontier of his kingdom he received them duly by offering them Arghya and water to wash their feet. He then with their permission inquired the reason of their coming.

अगस्त्य उवाच वित्तकामाविह प्राप्तौ विद्ध्यावां पृथिवीपते। यथाशक्त्यविहिस्यान्यान् संविभागं प्रयच्छ नौ॥
Agastya said : O ruler of earth, know, I have come to you for wealth. Give me a portion of your wealth according to your ability,

लोमश उवाच तत आयव्ययौ पूर्णौ ताभ्यां राजा न्यवेदयत्। अतो ज्ञात्वा तु गृहणीतं यदत्र व्यतिरिच्यते॥
Lomasha said: Thereupon the king, telling them that his income and the expenditure are the same, said “Knowing this, take from my wealth whatever you please to take."

तत आयव्ययौ दृष्ट्वा समौ सममतिर्द्विजः। सर्वथा प्राणिनां पीडामुपादानामन्यत॥
Having seen that his income and expenditure were the same, the Rishi who always saw both sides with equal eyes thought if he took any thing from him he would injure other creatures.

पौरुकुत्सं ततो जग्मुस्त्रसदस्युं महाधनम्। अगस्त्यश्च श्रुतर्वा च ब्रधनश्वश्च महीपतिः॥
Then Agastya, Shrutarvana and the king Bradnashva all went to Purukutsa's son Trasadasya of great wealth.

त्रसदस्युस्तु तान् दृष्ट्वा प्रत्यगृहणाद् यथाविधि। अभिगम्य महाराज विषयान्ते महामनाः॥ अर्चयित्वा यथान्यायमिक्ष्वाकू राजसत्तमः। समस्तांश्च ततोऽपृच्छत् प्रयोजनमुपक्रमे॥
O great king, having learnt of their arrival at the frontier of his kingdom, the high-minded Trasadasyu went out and received them duly. That foremost of kings of the Ikshvaku race, having duly worshipped them, asked the reason of their coming.

अगस्त्य उवाच वित्तकामानिह प्राप्तान् विद्धि नः पृथिवीपते। यथाशक्त्यविहिंस्यान्यान् संविभागं प्रयच्छ नः॥
Agastya said: O ruler of earth, know, that I have come to you for wealth. Give me a portion of your wealth according to your ability.

लोमश उवाच तत आयव्ययौ पूर्णौ तेषां राजा न्यवेदयत्। एतज्ज्ञात्वा ह्यपादध्वं यदत्र व्यतिरिच्यते॥ तत् आयव्ययौ दृष्ट्वा समौ सममतिर्द्विजः। सर्वथा प्राणिनां पीडामुपादानादमन्यत॥
Lomasha said: Telling them that his income and expenditure were the same that king said, “knowing this take from my wealth whatever you please to take. Having seen that his income and expenditure were the same, the Rishi who saw both sides with equal eyes thought that if he took anything, he would injure other creatures.

ततः सर्वे समेत्याथ ते नृपास्तं महामुनिम्। इदमूचुर्महाराज समवेक्ष्य परस्परम्॥
O great king, then all those monarchs looking at one another and speaking all together thus spoke to the great Rishi.

अयं वै दानवो ब्रह्मन्निल्वलो वसुमान् भुवि। तमतिक्रम्य सर्वेऽद्य वयं चार्थामहे वसु॥
O Brahmana, there is a Danava on earth named Ilvala who of all persons possesses the largest wealth. Let us all go to day to him and ask wealth from him.

लोमश उवाच तेषां तदासीदुचितमिल्वलस्यैव भिक्षणम्। ततस्ते सहिता राजनिल्वलं समुपाद्रवन्॥
O king, the suggestion to beg wealth from Ilyala appeared to them proper; and they all then went to Ilvala.