The returning of Vidura

वैशम्पायन उवाच गते तु विदुरे राजन्नाश्रमं पाण्डवान् प्रति! धृतराष्ट्रो महाप्राज्ञः पर्यतप्यत् भारत॥
Vaishampayana said: O king, O descendant of Bharata, after Vidura had gone to the hermitage of the Pandavas, the greatly wise Dhritarashtra repented for his actions.

विदुरस्य प्रभावं च संधिविग्रहकारितम्। विवृद्धिं च परां मत्वा पाण्डवानां भविष्यति॥ स सभाद्वारमागम्य विदुरस्मारमोहितः। समक्षं पार्थिवेन्द्राणां पपाताविष्टचेतनः॥
Remembering the great intelligence of Vidura in war and in peace and thinking of the future prosperity of the the Pandavas, he (Dhritarashtra), having been pained at the recollection of Vidura and having come to the door of the Assembly-Hall, fell down senseless in the presence of the kings.

स तु लङ्वा पुनः संज्ञां समुत्थाय महीतलात्। समीपोपस्थितं राजा संजयं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Regaining consciousness, the king rose from the ground and spoke thus to Sanjaya who was standing by.

भ्राता मम सुहृच्चैव साक्षाद्धर्म इवापरः। तस्य स्मृत्याद्य सुभृशं हृदयं दीर्यतीव मे॥
Dhritarashtra said : My brother and my friend (Vidura) is like the God of Justice himself. Remembering him, my heart burns in grief.

तमानयस्वधर्मज्ञं मम भ्रातरमाशु वै। इति ब्रुवन् स नृपतिः कृपणं पर्यदेवयत्॥
Go bring to me soon my brother, learned in the precepts of morality. Saying this, the king wept bitterly.

पश्चात्तापाभिसंतप्तो विदुरस्मारमोहितः। भ्रातृस्नेहादिदं राजा संजयं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Burning in repentance and being overwhelmed with sorrow at the recollection of Vidura, the king, from the brotherly love again spoke to Sanjaya thus-

गच्छ संजय जानीहि भ्रातरं विदुरं मम। यदि जीवति रोषेण मया पापेन निथुतः॥
Dhritarashtra said : O Sanjaya, go and ascertain whether my brother, Vidura, expelled by my wretched self through anger, still lives or not.

न हि तेन मम भ्रात्रा सुसूक्ष्ममपि किंचन। व्यलीकं कृतपूर्वं वै प्राज्ञेनामितबुद्धिना॥ स व्यलीकं परं प्राप्तो मत्तः परमबुद्धिमान्। त्यक्ष्यामि जीवितं प्राज्ञ तं गच्छानय संजय॥
That greatly wise and immeasurably intelligent brother of mine has never done me the slightest wrong. It is that greatly wise man who has suffered wrong at my hands. O Sanjaya, seek him and bring him here or else I shall not live.

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा राज्ञस्तमनुमान्य च। संजयो बाढमित्युक्त्वा प्राद्रवत् काम्यकं प्रति॥ सोऽचिरेण समासाद्य तद् वनं यत्र पाण्डवाः। रौरवाजिनसंवीतं ददर्शाथ युधिष्ठिरम्॥ विदुरेण सहासीनं ब्राह्मणैश्च सहस्रशः। भ्रातृभिश्चाभिसंगुप्तं देवैरिव पुरंदरम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard these words of the king, Sanjaya respectfully approved them and saying “Be it so", he set out for the Kamyaka (forest). He soon arrived at the forest where were the Pandavas, He saw Yudhishthira, clad in deer skin, guarded by his brothers and seated with Vidura and thousands of Brahmanas, like Purandara (Indra) in the midst of the celestials.

युधिष्ठिरमुपागम्य पूजयामास संजयः। भीमार्जुनयमाश्चापि तद्युक्तं प्रतिपेदिरे॥
Coming to Yudhishthira, Sanjaya duly worshipped him. He was received with due respect by Bhima, Arjuna and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva).

राज्ञा पृष्टः स कुशलं सुखासीनश्च संजयः। शशंसागमने हेतुमिदं चैवाब्रवीद् वचः॥
He was asked by the king about the welfare of all. When he was comfortably seated, he told the reason of his coming in these words.

संजय उवाच राजा स्मरति ते क्षत्तद्धृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः। तं पश्य गत्वा त्वं क्षिप्रं संजीवय च पार्थिवम्॥
Sanjaya said: O Vidura, the son of Ambika, king Dhritarashtra, has remembered you. Returning soon, revive that king.

सोऽनुमान्य नरश्रेष्ठान् पाण्डवान् कुरनन्दनान्। नियोगाद् राजसिंहस्य गन्तुमर्हसि सत्तम॥
O descendant of Kuru, O excellent one, with the permission of these best of men, the Pandavas, you should at the command of that lion among kings (Dhritarashtra) return to him.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तु विदुरोधीमान् स्वजनवल्लभः। युधिष्ठिरस्यानुमते पुनरायाद् गजाह्वयम्॥ तमब्रवीन्महातेजाधृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः। दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसिधर्मज्ञ दिष्ट्या स्मरसि मेऽनघ॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed, the intelligent Vidura, ever attached to his relatives, returned to Hastinapur with the permission of Yudhishthira. The greatly powerful and energetic Dhritarashtra thus spoke to him, “O virtuous man, O sinless one, by good luck alone I have got you. By good luck alone, you have remembered me.

अद्य रात्रौ दिवा चाहं त्वत्कृते भरतर्षभ। प्रजागरे प्रपश्यामि विचित्रं देहमात्मनः॥
O best of the Bharata race, I was sleepless through the day and through the night. I was suing myself as one that has been lost on earth.

सोऽङ्कमानीय विदुरं मूर्धन्याघ्राय चैव ह। क्षम्यतामिति चोवाच यदुक्तोऽसि मयानघ॥
He then took Vidura on his lap and smelt his head. He said, "O sinless one, forgive me for the words that I spoke to you.

विदुर उवाच क्षान्तमेव मया राजन् गुरुर्मे परमो भवान्। एषोऽहमागतः शीघ्रं त्वदर्शनपरायणः॥ भवन्ति हि नरव्याघ्र पुरुषाधर्मचेतसः। दीनाभिपातिनो राजन् नात्र कार्या विचारणा॥
Vidura said: O king, I have forgiven you. You are my Guru (superior), worthy of my highest respect, I have speedily come here, being eagerly desirous of seeing you. O best of men, all virtuous men are partial to those that are distressed. O king, this is scarcely the result of deliberations.

पाण्डोः सुता यादृशा मे तादृशास्तव भारत। दीना इतीव मे बुद्धिरभिपन्नाद्य तान् प्रति॥
O descendant of Bharata, your sons are as dear to me as those of Pandu. But as they are now in distress, my mind yarns for them.

वैशम्पायन उवाच अन्योन्यमनुनीयैवं भ्रातरौ द्वौ महाद्युती। विदुरोधृतराष्ट्रश्च लेभाते परमां मुदम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Addressing each other thus in apologetic words, the two illustrious brothers, Vidura and Dhritarashtra, became greatly happy.