The Svayamvara of Damayanti

बृहदश्व उवाच अथ काले शुभे प्राप्ते तिथौ पुण्ये क्षणे तथा। आजुहाव महीपालान् भीमो राजा स्वयंवरे॥
Brihadashva said: When the auspicious hour, the sacred lunar day and the propitious season set in the king Bhima summoned all the rulers of the earth to the Svayamvara.

तच्छ्रुत्वा पृथिवीपाला: सर्वे हृच्छयपीडिताः। त्वरिताः समुपाजग्मुर्दमयन्तीमभीप्सवः॥
Hearing this, all the rulers of the carth, repressed by her love and filled with the desire for Damayanti, repaired (to the Svayamvara).

कनकस्तभरुचिरं तोरणेन विराजितम्। विविशुस्ते नृपा रङ्गं महासिंहा इवाचलम्॥
Those kings entered the amphi-thcater furnished with golden pillars and adorned with beautiful gates even as the furious lions force their way into the mountain caves.

तत्रासनेषु विविधेष्वासीनाः पृथिवीक्षितः। सुरभिस्रग्धराः सर्वे प्रमृष्टमणिकुण्डलाः॥
There all the rulers of the earth decked in fragrant garlands and adorned with ornaments set with gems suspended from their cars, took their respective seats.

तां राजसमिति पुण्यां नागैर्भोगवतीमिव। सम्पूर्णां पुरुषव्याङ्ग्रा।गिरिगुहामिव॥
That sacred conclave of the rulers of the earth abounded in the foremost of men even as Bhogavati abounds in the Nagas or as the mountain caves in tigers.

तत्र स्म पीना दृश्यन्ते बाहवः परिघोपमाः। आकारवर्णसुश्लक्ष्णाः पञ्चशीर्षा इवोरगाः॥
Their arms were sincwy looking like maces; and they were well-shaped and smooth, even as the five-headed snakes.

सुकेशान्तानि चारुणि सुनासाक्षिभ्रुवाणि च। मुखानि राज्ञां शोभन्ते नक्षत्राणि यथा दिवि॥
The countenance of the kings, embellished with beautiful locks and fine noses and brows, glittered even as the stars shine in the firmament.

दमयन्ती ततो रङ्गं प्रविवेश शुभानना। मुष्णन्ती प्रभया राज्ञां चढूंषि च मनांसि च॥
Thereupon the fair-complexioned Damayanti entered the amphi-theater; and thus attracted the eyes and hearts of the assembled princes.

तस्या गात्रेषु पतिता तेषां दृष्टिर्महात्मनाम्। तत्र तत्रैव सक्ताभून चचाल च पश्यताम्॥
When the kings beheld her, their cyes, unmoved, were finally fixed upon those parts of her body, wherever they had fallen first.

ततः संकीर्त्यमानेषु राज्ञां नामसु भारत। ददर्श भैमी पुरुषान् पञ्चतुल्याकृतीनिह॥
Thereupon, ( Bharata, the names of the kings having been ultered, the daughter of Bhima beheld five persons all alike in their form.

तान् समीक्ष्य ततः सर्वान् निर्विशेषाकृती स्थितान। संदेहादथ वैदर्भी नाभ्यजानान्नलं नृपम्॥
Thereafter the daughter of the king of the Vidharbhas, having seen all of them of similar forms could not make out which one was prince Nala; for doubts had already arisen in her mind.

यं यं हि ददृशे तेषां तं तं मेने नलं नृपम्। सा चिन्तयन्ती तर्कयामास भाविनी॥
Whomsoever she saw among the kings, she supposed him to be the prince Nala; and thus the thoughtful lady pondered and deliberated in her mind.

बुद्ध्याथ कथं हि देवाञ्जानीयां कथं विद्यां नलं नृपम्। एवं संचिन्तयन्ती सा वैदर्भी भृशदुःखिता॥
'How shall I discern the gods and how shall I ascertain prince Nala?' This thought engrossed the mind of the daughter of the king of the Vidarbhas and also afflicted her with great grief.

श्रुतानि देवलिङ्गानि तर्कयामास भारत। देवानां यानि लिङ्गानि स्थविरेभ्यः श्रुतानि मे॥ तानीह तिष्ठतां भूमावेकस्यापि न लक्षये। सा विनिश्चित्य बहुधा विचार्य च पुनः पुनः॥ शरणं प्रति देवानां प्राप्तकालममन्यत।
O Bharata, she deliberated in her mind upon the marks of which she heard, as appertaining to the gods, I have heard from the old men whatever marks belong to the celestials and indeed those are never seen to appertain to any one of these assembled in this earth.' Thus she thought on this subject over and over in several ways and came to the conclusion, viz., that she should, after saluting the celestials.

वाचा च मनसा चैव नमस्कारं प्रयुज्य सा॥ देवेभ्यः प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा वेपमानेदमब्रवीत्। हंसानां वचनं श्रुत्वा यथा मे नैषधो वृतः। पतित्वे तेन सत्येन देवास्तं प्रदिशन्तु मे॥
After that with the mind and words and with joined hands, resolve upon obtaining the assistance of the gods themselves. Trembling with fear she spoke to the celestials thus, "On hearing the words of the swans I accepted the prince of the Nishadhas as my husband. For the sake of that vow of mine, O celestials, point him out to me.

मनसा वचसा चैव यथा नाभिचराम्यहम्। तेन सत्येन विबुधास्तमेव प्रदिशन्तु मे॥
As I am always firm to him either in speech or thought, so for the sake of that truth, it beloves the celestials to point him out to me.

यथा देवैः स मे भर्ता विहितो निषधाधिपः। तेन सत्येन मे देवास्तमेव प्रदिशन्तु मे॥
When it was settled to me by the celestials that the prince of the Nishadhas should be my husband; for the sake of that truth it behoves the celestials to point him to me.

यथेदं व्रतमारब्धं नलस्याराधने मया। तेन सत्येन मे देवास्तमेव प्रदिशन्तु मे॥
When I have commenced my vow for the worship of king Nala; for the sake of that truth, it behoves the celestials to reveal him to me.

स्वं चैव रूपं कुर्वन्तु लोकपाला महेश्वराः। यथाहमभिजानीयां पुण्यश्लोकं नराधिपम्॥
It behoves the Lokapalas, the most excellent of the gods, therefore, to assume their respective forms, that I may ascertain that virtuous prince (Nala).

निशम्य दमयन्त्यास्तत् करुणं प्रतिदेवितम्। निश्चयं परमं तथ्यमनुरागं च नैषधे॥ मनोविशुद्धिं बुद्धिं च भक्तिं रागं च नैषधे। यथोक्तं चक्रिरे देवाः सामर्थ्य लिङ्गधारणे॥
The celestials, having heard the words of Damayanti full of compassion and known for certain that her love for the prince of the Nishadhas was most fervent and also realizing her fixed will, purity of heart and mind and her passion for that prince, fulfilled what they had been prayed for by assuming their proper forms.

सापश्यद् विबुधान् सर्वानस्वेदान् स्तब्धलोचनान्। हृषितस्रग्रजोहीनान् स्थितानस्पृशतः क्षितिम्॥
She then beheld all the gods, not perspiring, with fixed eyes and spotless garlands (round their neck) and seated without touching the earth.

छायाद्वितीयो म्लानस्रग्रजः स्वेदसमन्वितः। भूमिष्ठो नैषधश्चैव निमेषेण च सूचितः॥
She, on the other hand, saw Nala standing pre-eminent with his own shadow and (unlike the gods) full of perspiration and with floral wreaths stained with dust and the king of the Nishadhas was also seated on the ground with staring eyes.

सा समीक्ष्य तु तान् देवान् पुण्यश्लोकं च भारत। नैषधं वरयामास भैमीधर्मेण पाण्डव॥
O Bharata, she saw both the celestials and that righteous king. But, O descendant of Pandu, the daughter of Bhima accepted (as her husband) the prince of the Nishadhas in accordance with her vow.

विलज्जमाना वस्त्रान्तं जग्राहायतलोचना। स्कन्ध देशेऽसृजत् तस्य स्रजं परमशोभनाम्॥ वरयामास चैवैनं पतित्वे वरवर्णिनी।
The bashful and larged-eyed maiden held the flying-end of her cloth and put a most handsome garland round his neck. Thus the . fair-faced damsel had chosen him as his lord.

ततो हाहेति सहसा मुक्तः शब्दो नराधिपः॥
Thereupon all the celestials suddenly gave utterance to their woe by saying, Ah! Alas!!

देवैर्महर्षिभिस्तत्र साधु साध्विति भारत। विस्मितैरीरितः शब्दः प्रशंसद्भिर्नलं नृपम्॥
O Bharata! all the celestials and the great sages became struck with amazement and uttered the cry. “Excellent and Excellent” while at the same time they were praising king Nala.

दमयन्तीं तु कौरव्य वीरसेनसुतो नृपः। आश्वासयद् वरारोहां प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना।॥
O Kauravya! the prince-the son of Virasena, with the gladness of heart, consoled that faircomplexioned maiden thusयत् त्वं भजसि कल्याणि पुमांसं देवसंनिधौ।

तस्मान्मां विद्धि भर्तारमेवं ते वचने रतम्॥
O blessed one, as you rejecting all the gods, choose a man to be your lord; so know me, therefore, for your husband, ever ready to obey your words (of command).

यावच्च मेधरिष्यन्ति प्राणा देहे शुचिस्मिते। तावत् त्वयि भविष्यामि सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
O you of blameless smiles, I truly promise to you that as long as my life will reside in my body, till then I will continue to be yours.

दमयन्ती तथा वाग्भिरभिनन्द्य कृताञ्जलिः। तौ परस्परतः प्रीतौ दृष्ट्वा त्वग्निपुरोगमान्॥ तानेव शरणं देवाञ्जग्मतुर्मनसा तदा।
Damayanti, with joined hands, showed due respect to him (Nala) by similar expressions. Thereupon the happy pair, each having seen those celestials headed by Agni, mentally prayed for their protection.

वृते तु नैषधे भैम्या लोकपाला महौजसः॥ प्रहृष्टमनसः सर्वे नलायाष्टौ वरान् ददुः।
Then the guardians of the worlds of great splendour, beholding the prince of the Nishadhas accepted by the daughter of Bhima, became greatly gratified; and they all granted to Nala eight boons.

प्रत्यक्षदर्शनं यज्ञे गतिं चानुत्तमां शुभाम्॥ नैषधाय ददौ शक्रः प्रीयमाणः शचीपतिः।
At first Shakra, the husband of Sachi, well pleased, bestowed upon the king of the Nishadhas a boon. viz., that in the sacrifices he should attain to divinity and thence to each of the extraordinarily great and happy abodes.

अग्निरात्मभवं प्रादाद् यत्र वाञ्छति नैषधः॥ लोकानात्मप्रभांश्चैव ददौ तस्मै हुताशनः।
Agni gave assurance of his own presence wherever the king of the Nishadhas would wish. Hutashana also granted to him regions as resplendent as himself.

यमस्त्वन्नरसं प्रादाद्धर्म च परमां स्थितिम्॥
Then again Yama lent him a superior taste for food, as well as a highest place in virtue.

अपां पतिरपां भावं यत्र वाञ्छति नैषधः। स्रजश्चोत्तमगन्धाढ्याः सर्वे च मिथुनं ददुः॥
The presiding god of the water granted to Nala the boon of his own presence wherever he would wish, as well a floral wreaths of superior fragrance. Thus each one of the assembled gods had given Nala a couple of boons.

वरानेवं प्रदायास्य देवास्ते त्रिदिवं गताः। पार्थिवाश्चानुभूयास्य विवाहं विस्मयान्विताः॥ दमयन्त्याश्च मुदिताः प्रतिजग्मुर्यथागतम्।
Having granted these boons to him, all the celestials returned to heaven. And the monarchs also, having witnessed this choicemarriage of Damayanti with Nala, became filled with astonishment; and highly gratified, went away wherever they came from.

गतेषु पार्थिवेन्द्रेषु भीमः प्रीतो महामनाः॥ विवाहं कारयामास दमयन्त्या नलस्य च।
And after the departure of the best rulers of the earth, the lofty-minded and well-pleased Bhima celebrated the marriage ceremony of Damayanti and Nala.

उष्य तत्र यथाकामं नैषधो द्विपदां वरः॥ भीमेन समनुज्ञातो जगाम नगरं स्वकम्।
The foremost of men, the prince of the Nishadhas, having passed there some time his in-laws house, then return to his own city with the permission of the king Bhima.

अवाप्य नारीरत्नं तु पुण्यश्लोकोऽपि पार्थिवः॥ रेमे सह तया राजञ्छच्येव बलवृत्रहा।
O king, that righteous prince, having obtained a maiden like a gem, began to enjoy her sweet company, even as the slayer of Bala and Vritra enjoys the company of Sachi.

अतीव मुदितो राजा भ्राजमानोंऽशुमानिव॥ अरञ्जयत् प्रजा वीरोधर्मेण परिपालयन्।
The warlike monarch, resplendent as the sun, was exceedingly glad to rule and maintain his subjects most righteously.

ईजे चाप्यश्वमेधेन ययातिरिव नाहुषः॥ अन्यैश्च बहुभिर्धीमान् क्रतुभिश्चातदक्षिणैः।
That talented one like Yayati the son of Nahusha held the horse and several other sacrifices, offering abundant gifts of the Brahmanas.

पुनश्च रमणीयेषु वनेषूपवनेषु च॥ दमयन्त्या सह नलो विजहारामरोपमः।
Then again Nala passed his days in joy in the company of Damayanti in the woods and the pleasure gardens, even as the immortals themselves.

जनयामास च ततो दमयन्त्यां महामनाः। इन्द्रसेनं सुतं चापि इन्द्रसेनां च कन्यकाम्॥
Thereupon the illustrious prince begot upon Damayanti a son named Indrasena and a daughter named Indrasenā.

एवं स यजमानश्च विहरंश्च नराधिपः। ररक्ष वसुसम्पूर्णां वसुधां वसुधाधिपः॥
Thus the ruler of the earth, the fore-most of men having celebrated the sacrifices and passed his days in joy (with Damayanti), governed the earth abounding in wealth.