The destruction of Indrajita

मार्कण्डेय उवाच तावुभौ पतितौ दृष्ट्वा भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। बबन्ध रावणिर्भूयः शरैर्दत्तवरैस्तदा॥
Markandeya said : Seeing those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana drop down on earth, the son of Ravana tied them in a net-work of arrows, granted to him as boons.

तौ वीरौ शरबन्धेन बद्धाविन्द्रजिता रणे। रेजतुः पुरुषव्याघ्रौ शकुन्ताविव पञ्जरे॥
Those heroes, those valiant of men, thus covered by that net-work of arrows on the field of battle looked like a couple of birds confined in a cage.

तौ दृष्ट्वा पतितौ भूमौ शतशः सायकैश्चितौ। सुग्रीवः कपिभिः सार्धं परिवार्य ततः स्थितः॥ सुषेणमैन्दद्विविदैः कुमुदेनाङ्गदेन च। हनुमन्नीलतारैश्च नलेन च कपीश्वरः॥
Seeing those two (brothers) lying stretched on the ground, pierced with hundreds of arrows, Sugriva, the king of the monkeys together with Sushena, Mainda, Dvivida, Kumuda, Angada, Hanuman, Nila, Tara, Nala and (other) monkeys stood surrounding them.

ततस्तं देशमागम्य कृतकर्मा विभीषणः। बोधयामास तौ वीरौ प्रज्ञास्त्रेण प्रबोधितौ॥
Then, the successful Vibhishana arriving at that place and restoring those two heroes to consciousness by means of the weapon (named) Prajna brought them back to senses.

विशल्यौ चापि सुग्रीवः क्षणेनैतौ चकार ह। विशल्यया महौषध्या दिव्यमन्त्रप्रयुक्तया॥
Then Sugriva soon drew out the arrows (from their bodies). And by that highly-potent medicine, Vishalya, applied with the celestials mantras,

तौ लब्धसंज्ञौ नृवरौ विसल्यावुदतिष्ठताम्। गततन्द्रीक्लमौ चापि क्षणैनैतौ महारथौ॥
Those two foremost of men recovered their senses. (And) the arrows being extracted from their bodies, those mighty car-warriors sat up and became, in a moment free from pain and fatigue.

ततो विभीषणः पार्थ राममिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनम्। उवाच विज्वरं दृष्ट्वा कृताञ्जलिरिदं वचः॥
O Partha, seeing Rama, the descendant of Ikshvaku perfectly free from pain. Vibhishana, with joined hands said these words,

इदमम्भो गृहीत्वा तु राजराजस्य शासनात्। गुह्यकोऽभ्यागतः श्वेतात् त्वत्सकाशमरिन्दम॥
"O tormentor of foes, at the command of the king of kings, a Guhyaka has come (to you) from the Shveta mountains, with this water.

इदमम्भः कुबेरस्ते महाराजः प्रयच्छति। अन्तर्हितानां भूतानां दर्शनार्थं परंतप॥
O chastiser of foes, Kubera, the king of kings has sent you this water in order that you may behold all invisible beings.

अनेन मृष्टनयनो भूतान्यन्तर्हितान्युत। भवान् द्रक्ष्यति यस्मै च प्रदास्यति नरः स तु॥
If you wash your eyes with this you and any man whom you may give this will be able to see all invisible creatures."

तथेति रामस्तद् वाारि प्रतिगृह्याभिसंस्कृतम्। चकार नेत्रयोः शौचं लक्ष्मणश्च महामनाः॥ सुग्रीवजाम्बवन्तौ च हनुमानङ्गदस्तथा। मैन्दद्विविदनीलाश्च प्रायः प्लवगसत्तमाः॥
Saying “be it so" Rama took that water and minded Lakshmana, Sugriva, Jambuvana, Hanuman, Angada, Mainda, Dvivida, Nila and almost all the foremost of monkeys did the same.

तथा समभवच्चापि यदुवाच विभीषणः। क्षणेनातीन्द्रियाण्येषां चढूंष्यासन् युधिष्ठिर॥
(Thereupon) what Vibhishana had said, (exactly) came about. And, O Yudhishthira, soon their eyes became capable of perceiving objects beyond the reach of the senses.

इन्द्रजित् कृतकर्मा च पित्रे कर्म तदाऽऽत्मनः। निवेद्य पुनरागच्छत् त्वरयाऽऽजिशिरः प्रति॥
On the other hand, the successful Indrajita, having informed his father of what he had done, soon returned to the field of battle.

तमापतन्तं संक्रुद्धं पुनरेव युयुत्सया। अभिदुद्राव सौमित्रिविभीषणमते स्थितः॥
(And) as he (Indrajita) desirous of battle, was advancing wrathfully, the son of Sumitra, at the advice of Vibhishana rushed at him.

अकृताह्निकमेवैनं जिघांसुर्जितकाशिनम्। शरैर्जघान संक्रुद्धः कृतसंज्ञोऽथ लक्ष्मणः।१७।।
And desirous of slaying Indrajita, who was elated with success and who had not yet completed his daily sacrifice, Lakshmana, at a hint (from Vibhishana) assailed him wrathfully with arrows.

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं तदान्योन्यं जिगीषतोः। अतीव चित्रमाश्चर्यं शक्रप्रह्लादयोरिव॥
Then between those (warriors) each desirous of vanquishing the other, there took place an exceedingly wonderful battle like that (which had taken place) between Shakra and Pralhada.

अविध्यदिन्द्रजित् तीक्ष्णैः सौमित्रिं मर्मभेदिभिः। सौमित्रिश्चानलस्पर्शेरविध्यद् रावणि शरैः॥
Then Indrajita pierced the son of Sumitra by sharpened arrows capable of penetrating into the vital parts. And the son of Sumitra too wounded the son of Ravana with arrows having the touch of fire.

सौमित्रिशरसंस्पर्शाद् रावणिः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः। असृजल्लक्ष्मणायाष्टौ शरानाशीविषोपमान्॥
Pierced by the arrows of the son of Sumitra, Indrajita, being senseless with rage, discharged at him eight darts (fierce) as poisonous snakes.

तस्यासून् पावकस्पर्शः सौमित्रिः पत्रिभिस्त्रिभिः। यथा निरहरद् वीरस्तन्मे निगदतः शृणुः॥
Listen, attentively as I tell you, how the heroic son of Sumitra killed (Indrajita) by means of three arrow of fiery energy.

एकेनास्य धनुष्मन्तं बाहुं देहादपातयत्। द्वितीयेन सनाराचं भुजं भूमौ न्यपातयत्॥ तृतीयेन तु बाणेन पृथुधारेण भास्वता। जहार सुनसं चापि शिरो भ्राजिष्णुकुण्डलम्॥
By one of these (arrows), he severed from his body that arm which wielded the bow; by the second, he cut down to the ground that arm which wielded the arrows and by the third arrow of keen edge and bright lustre he cut off his head having a beautiful nose and decked with earrings.

विनिकृत्तभुजस्कन्धं कबन्धं भीमदर्शनम्। तं हत्वा सूतमप्यस्त्रैर्जघान बलिनां वरः॥
Deprived of head and arms, the trunk looked terrible. Having slain him (Indrajita), the strongest of the strong, (Lakshmana) killed his charioteer with weapons.

लङ्कां प्रवेशयामासुस्तं रथं वाजिनस्तदा। ददर्श रावणस्तं च रथं पुत्रविनाकृतम्॥ स पुत्रं निहतं ज्ञात्वा त्रासात् सम्भ्रान्तमानसः। रावणः शोकमोहा” वैदेहीं हन्तुमुद्यतः॥
Then the horses dragged away the car into Lanka and Ravana then saw that his son was not on the car. Knowing (from this) that his son was killed, Ravana, his mind being agitated with fear and afflicted with grief and sorrow was actuated with the desire of killing the daughter of the king of Mithila.

अशोकवनिकास्थां तां रामदर्शनलालसाम्। खङ्गमादाय दुष्टात्मा जवेनाभिपपात ह॥
And that evil-minded one, taking his sword, furiously rushed at Sita, who was living in the Ashoka gardens longing for the sight of Rama.

तं दृष्ट्वा तस्य दुर्बुद्धेरविन्ध्यः पापनिश्चयम्। शमयामास संक्रुद्धं श्रूयतां येन हेतुना॥
Now hear how Avindhya, seeing the evilminded one bent on this reprehensible act, softened down his wrath by showing these reasons.

महाराज्ये स्थितो दीप्ते न स्त्रियं हन्तुमर्हसि। हतैवैषा यदा स्त्री च बन्धनस्था च ते वशे॥
(He said) "Placed as you are on the throne of this renowned and mighty empire, you should not kill a woman. This woman (to all intents and purposes) is already slain in as much as she is a prisoner in your power.

न चैषा देहभेदेन हता स्यादिति मे मतिः। जहि भर्तारमेवास्याहते तस्मिन् हता भवेत्॥
In my opinion, she would not be killed if her body were destroyed. Kill her husband and then she will be killed too.

न हि ते विक्रमे तुल्यः साक्षादपि शतक्रतुः। असकृद्धि त्वया सेन्द्रास्त्रासितास्त्रिदशा युधि॥
Even the very lord of a hundred sacrifices is no match for you in prowess. You have several times struck terror into the hearts of Indra together with the celestials in battle."

एवं बहुविधैर्वाक्यैरविन्थ्यो रावणं तदा। क्रुद्धं संशमयामास जगृहे च स तद्वचः॥
With these and similar other words, Avindhya pacified the wrath of Ravana who accepted his advice.

निर्याणे स मतिं कृत्वा निधायासिं क्षपाचरः। आज्ञापयामास तदा रथो मे कल्प्यतामिति॥
Then resolving to set out (for the field of battle himself) that night-ranger put his sword into sheath and ordered his attendants) to prepare his car.