Gathering of the golden lotuses

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तानि महार्हाणि दिव्यानि भरतर्षभ। बहूनि बहुरूपाणि विरजांसि समादद॥
Vaishampayana said: O best of the Bharata race, Bhima then began to gather those rare, celestials, variegated and fresh flowers in profusion.

ततो वायुर्महाशीघ्रो नीचैः शर्करकर्षणः। प्रादुरासीद् खरस्पर्शः संग्राममभिचोदयन्॥
Then rose suddenly a high and violent wind, piercing to the touch and blowing gravels and stones.

पपात महती चोल्का सनिर्घाता महाभया। निष्प्रभश्चाभवत् सूर्यश्छन्नरश्मिस्तमोवृतः॥
Fearful meteors began to fall with thundering roars. Being enveloped by darkness, the sun became pale and his rays were obscured.

निर्घातश्चाभवद् भीमो भीमे विक्रममास्थिते। चचाल पृथिवी चापि पांसुवर्षं पपात च॥
As Bhima displayed his prowess dreadful sounds of explosions rang through the sky; the earth began to tremble and dust fell in showers.

सलोहिता दिशश्चासन् खरवाचो मृगद्विजाः। तमोवृतमभूत् सर्वं न प्राज्ञायत किंचन॥
Beasts and birds cried in shrilled voices; everything was enveloped in darkness and nothing could be seen.

अन्ये च बहवो भीमा उत्पातास्तत्र जज्ञिरे। तदद्भुतमभिप्रेक्ष्यधर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Other evil omens also appeared. Saying this strange phenomenon, the son of Dharma, Yudhishthira,

उवाच वदतां श्रेष्ठः कोऽस्मानभिभविष्यति। सज्जीभवत भद्रं वः पाण्डवा युद्धदुर्मदाः॥ यथारूपाणि पश्यामि स्वभ्यग्रो नः पराक्रमः। एवमुक्त्वा ततो राजा वीक्षांश्चक्रे समन्ततः॥
That foremost of speakers, thus spoke, “Who will overcome us? OPandavas, who are always invincible in battle, be blessed. Arm yourself. From what I see I am of opinion that time has come near, when we are to display our prowess." Having said this, the king looked around.

अपश्यमानो भीमं तुधर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। ततः कृष्णां यमौ चापि समीपस्थावरिंदमः॥ पप्रच्छ भ्रातरं भीमं भीमकर्माणमाहवे। कच्चित् क्व भीमः पाञ्चालि किंचित् कृत्यं चिकीर्षति।।
Having not seen Bhima, Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, that chastiser of foes, asked Krishna (Draupadi) and the twins who were near by, about his brother Bhima of fearful deeds, “O Panchala princess, is Bhima intent upon performing some great act?

कृतवानपि वा वीरः साहसं साहसप्रियः। इमे ह्यकस्मादुत्पाता महासमरदर्शनाः॥ दर्शयन्तो भयं तीव्र प्रादुर्भूताः समन्ततः। तं तथावादिनं कृष्णा प्रत्युवाच मनस्विनी। प्रिया प्रियं चिकीर्षन्ती महिषी चारुहासिनी॥
Or has that hero who delights in daring deeds already achieved some great feat? These omens appear on all sides, indicating a great battle and portending some fearful danger.” When he said this, the intelligent Krishna, (Draupadi) of sweet smiles, his beloved wife, thus spoke to him to remove his anxiety.

द्रौपद्युवाच यत् तत् सौगन्धिकं राजन्नाहृतं मातरिश्वना। तन्मया भीमसेनस्य प्रीतयाद्योपपादितम्॥
"O king, the golden lotus that was brought here by the wind, I showed to Bhimasena out of love. I also told that hero "If you can find.

अपि चोक्तो मया वीरो यदि पश्येर्बहून्यपि। तानि सर्वाण्युपादाय शीघ्रमागम्यतामिति॥
More of these flowers, get all of them (for me); and soon come back." O son of Pandu, that mighty armed hero with the desire of gratifying my wish,

स तु नूनं महाबाहुः प्रियार्थं मम पाण्डवः। प्रागुदीची दिशं राजंस्तान्याहर्तुमितो गतः॥
Has perhaps, O king, gone towards the north-east to get them.” Having been thus addressed by her, the king thus spoke to the twins,

उक्तस्त्वेवं तया राजा यमाविदमथाब्रवीत्। गच्छाम सहितास्तूर्णं येन यातो वृकोदरः॥
“We must all soon go along the path Vrikodara (Bhima) has gone. Let the Rakshasas carry all those Brahmanas who are fatigued and who are weak.

वहन्तु राक्षसा विप्रान् यथाश्रान्तान् यथाकृशान्। त्वयध्यमरसंकाश वह कृष्णां घटोत्कच॥
O Ghatotkacha, you are like a celestials; carry Krishna (Draupadi). In my opinion and it is quite evident, Bhima has entered (the forest).

व्यक्तं दूरमितो भीमः प्रविष्ट इति मे मतिः। चिरं च तस्य कालोऽयं स च वायुसमो जवे॥
It is long since he has gone away; he resembles the wind in speed. In leaping over the grounds, he is like the son of Vinata (Garuda),

तरस्वी वैनतेयस्य सदृशो भुवि लङ्घने। उत्पतेदपि चाकाशं निपतेच्च यथेच्छकम्॥
He will even leap into the sky and come down at will. O night-rangers, we shall follow him through your prowess.

तमन्वियाम भवतां प्रभावाद् रजनीचराः। पुरा स नापरानोति सिद्धानां ब्रह्मवादिनाम्॥ तथेत्युक्त्वा तु ते सर्वे हैडिम्बप्रमुखास्तदा। उद्देशज्ञाः कुबेरस्य नलिन्या भरतर्षभ॥ आदाय पाण्डवांश्चैव तांश्च विप्राननेकशः। लोमशेनैव सहिताः प्रययुः प्रीतमानसाः॥
He will never first offend the Siddhas, learned in the Vedas." O best of the Bharata race, saying "Be it so," the son of Hidimba (Ghatotkacha) and the other Rakshasas, who knew the place where the lotus-lake of Kuber was situated, cheerfully started with Lomasha, carrying the Pandavas and many of the Brahmanas. Going with great speed, they saw the blessed forest,

ते सर्वे त्वरिता गत्वा ददृशुः शुभकाननाम्। पद्मसौगन्धिकवती नलिनी सुमनोरमाम्॥
Adorned with golden lotuses and other lilies and surrounded by beautiful woods. On its shores they saw the high-souled and energetic Bhima.

तं च भीमं महात्मानं तस्यास्तीरे मनस्विनम्। ददृशुनिहतांश्चैव यक्षांश्च विपुलेक्षणान्॥
And (they saw) also the slain Yakshas of large eyes, with their bodies, eyes, arms and thighs smashed and their heads crushed.

भिन्नकायाक्षिबाहूरून् संचूर्णितशिरोधरान्। तं च भीमं महात्मानं तस्यास्तीरे व्यवस्थितम्॥ सक्रोधं स्तब्धनयनं संदष्टशनच्छदम्। उद्यम्य च गदां दो• नदीतीरेष्ववस्थितम्॥
On seeing the high-souled Bhima standing on the shore of that lake in angry mood and with steadfast eyes and biting lips, with his mace upraised by his two hands, like Yama with his mace at the universal dissolution.

प्रजासंक्षेपसमये दण्डहस्तमिवान्तकम्। तं दृष्ट्वाधर्मराजस्तु परिष्वज्य पुनः पुनः॥
(Having him) Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) again and again embraced him and thus spoke to him in these sweet words "O son of Kunti, what have you done?

उवाच श्लक्ष्णया वाचा कौन्तेय किमिदं कृतम्। साहसं बत भद्रं ते देवानामथ चाप्रियम्॥
Be blessed; if you wish to do good to me, you should never again commit such rash acts, nor offend the celestials."

पुनरेवं न कर्तव्यं मम चेदिच्छसि प्रियम्। अनुशिष्य तु कौन्तेयं पद्मानि परिगृह्य च॥
Having thus addressed that son of Kunti (Bhiima) and taken those flowers, those celestials-like heroes sported in that lake.

तस्यामेव नलिन्यां तु विजह्वरमरोपमाः। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु प्रगृहीतशिलायुधाः॥
seen (When they were thus sporting) the hugebodied guards of that garden, armed with rocks as their weapons came to that place.

प्रादुरासन् महाकायास्तस्योद्यानस्य रक्षिणः। ते दृष्ट्वाधर्मराजानं महर्षि चापि लोमशम्॥ विनयेन नताः सर्वे प्रणिपत्य च भारत॥ सान्त्विताधर्मराजेन प्रसेदुः क्षणदाचराः। विदिताश्च कुबेरस्य तत्र ते कुरुपुङ्गवाः॥
Seeing Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) and the great Rishi Lomasha and Nakula and Sahadeva and also the other foremost of Brahmanas, They all, O descendent of Bharata, bowed down their heads to them in humility. Being pacified by Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) the Rakshasas were gratified.

ऊषु तिचिरं कालं रममाणाः कुरूद्वहाः। प्रतीक्षमाणा बीभत्सुं गन्धमादनसानुषु॥
With the permission of Kubera, those foremost of the Kurus pleasantly lived for sometime, at that spot on the slopes of the Gandhamadana (mountain) awaiting for Vivatsa (Arjuna). were