Bhima's entering plantain forest

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत्र ते पुरुषव्याघ्राः परमं शौचमास्थिताः। षड्रात्रमवसन् वीराधनंजयदिदृक्षवः॥
Vaishampayana said : There lived those foremost of men, those heroes, for six nights, leading a highly pure life with the expectation of seeing Dhananjaya (Arjuna).

ततः पूर्वोत्तरे वायुः प्लवमानो यदृच्छया। सहस्रपत्रमर्काभं दिव्यं पद्ममुपाहरत्॥
Then there blew a wind from the north-east at pleasure and it brought a celestials and sunlike lotus with one thousand petals.

तदवैक्षत पाञ्चाली दिव्यगन्धं मनोरमम्। अनिलेनाहृतं भूमौ पतितं जलजं शुचि॥
The Panchala princess saw that pure and charming lotus of celestials fragrance lying on the ground being brought by the wind.

तच्छुभा शुभमासाद्य सौगन्धिकमनुत्तमम्। अतीव मुदिता राजन् भीमसेनमथाब्रवीत्॥
O king, having obtained that excellent, fragrant and blessed lotus, that blessed lady became very much delighted and she thus spoke to Bhimasena.

पश्य दिव्यं सुरुचिरं भीम पुष्पमनुत्तमम्। गन्धसंस्थानसम्पन्नं मनसो मम नन्दनम्॥
Draupadi said: "O Bhima, behold this beautiful and excellent celestials flower, it has gladdened my heart by its sweet fragrance.

इदं चधर्मराजाय प्रदास्यामि परंतप। हरेदं मम कामाय काम्यके पुनराश्रमे॥
O chastiser of foes, I shall give it to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira). Procure others (like it) for my satisfaction, so that I may take them to our hermitage in the Kamayaka.

यदि तेऽहं प्रिया पार्थ बहूनीमान्युपाहर। तान्यहं नेतुमिच्छामि काम्यकं पुनराश्रमम्॥
O son of Pritha, if I am your beloved, then procure others (like it) in large numbers, for I desire to take them to our hermitage in the Kamyaka (forest).”

एवमुक्त्वा शुभापाङ्गी भीमसेननिन्दिता। जगाम पुष्यमादायधर्मराजाय तत् तदा॥
Having said this to Bhimasena, that faultless lady of beautiful eyes took the flower and went to Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira).

अभिप्रायं तु विज्ञाय महिष्याः पुरुषर्षभः। प्रियायाः प्रियकामः स प्रायाद् भीमो महाबलः॥
Knowing the desire of their queen (Draupadi), that foremost of men, the greatly strong Bhima, set out, so that he might gratify the desire of the beloved one.

वातं तमेवाभिमुखो यतस्तत् पुष्पमागतम्। आजिहीर्षुर्जगामाशु स पुष्पाण्यपराण्यपि॥
Eager to fetch the flowers, he proceeded at a very rapid pace facing the wind, in the direction from which the lotus had come.

रुक्मपृष्ठंधनुर्गृह्य शरांश्चाशीविषोपमान्। मृगराडिव संक्रुद्धः प्रभिन्न इव कुञ्जरः॥
Taking the bow in laid with gold and also arrows resembling poisonous snakes, he proceeded like a lion in rage or an elephant in rut.

ददृशुः सर्वभूतानि महाबाणधनुर्धरम्। न ग्लानि च वैकलव्यं न भयं न च सम्भ्रमः॥
All creatures stared at that wielder of the great bow and arrows. Neither exhaustion, nor languor, nor fear, nor confusion.

कदाचिज्जुषते पार्थमात्मजं मातरिश्वनः। द्रौपद्याः प्रियमन्विच्छन् स बाहुबलमाश्रितः॥
Ever took possession of that son of Pritha and of Vayu (wind). Desiring to please Draupadi, that hero of great strength of arms,

व्यपेतभयसम्मोहः शैलमभ्यपतद् बली। स ते द्रुमलतागुल्मच्छन्नं नीलशिलातलम्॥ गिरि चचारारिहरः किन्नराचरितं शुभम्। नानावर्णधरैश्चित्रंधातुदुममृगाण्डजैः॥
That mighty one, free from fear or exhaustion, began to ascend the mountain. That slayer of foes roamed over that beautiful place adorned with trees, creepers and shrubs and paved with black stone and frequented by the Kinnaras. With various minerals, plants, beasts and birds and many colours,

सर्वभूषणसम्पूर्ण भूमेर्भुजमिवोच्छ्रितम्। सर्वत्र रमणीयेषु गन्धमादनसानुषु॥ सक्तचक्षुरभिप्रायान् हृदयेनानुचिन्तयन्। पुस्कोकिलनिनादेषु षट्पदाचरितेषु च।॥ बद्धश्रोत्रमनश्चक्षुर्जगामामितविक्रमः। आजिघ्रन् स महातेजाः सर्वर्तुकुसुमोद्भवम्॥ गन्धमुद्धतमुद्दामो वने मत्त इव द्विपः। वीज्यमानः सुपुण्येन नानाकुसुमगन्धिना॥ पितुः संस्पर्शशीतेन गन्धमादनवायुना। ह्रियमाणश्रमः पित्रा सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः॥
It appeared like an upraised arm of the earth adorned with all ornaments. That hero of matchless prowess, fixing his look at the slopes of the Gandhamadana, adorned with the flowers of every season and revolving various thoughts in his mind and with his ears, eyes and mind riveted to the spots resounding with the notes of male Kokilas and ringing with the hum of black bees, like an elephant in rut roving mad in the forest, smelt the excellent fragrance proceeding from the flowers of all seasons. He was fanned by the fresh breeze of the Gandhamadana, full of fragrance of various flowers and as cooling as a feather touch. On his fatigue being removed, the down on his body stood on end.

स यक्षगन्धर्वसुरब्रह्मर्षिगणसेवितम्। विलोकयामास तदा पुष्पहेतोररिदमः॥
That chastiser of foes sought for the flowers all over the mountain, frequented by the Yakshas, the Gandharvas, the celestials and the Brahmanas Rishis.

विषमच्छदैरचितैरनुलिप्त इवाङ्गुलैः। वलिभिर्धातुविच्छेदैः काञ्चनाञ्जनराजतैः। सपक्षमिव नृत्यन्तं पार्श्वलग्नैः पयोधरैः॥
Being brushed by Saptachada tree and besmeared in red, black and white minerals, he looked decorated with the lines of holy unguents drawn by fingers. The mountain with clouds stretching at its sides looked as if it was dancing with outspread wings.

मुक्ताहारैरिव चितं च्युतैः प्रस्रवणोदकैः। अभिरामदरीकुञ्जनिर्झरोदककन्दरम्॥
On account of the trickling of the waters of the springs, it appeared to be adorned with necklaces of pearls. It contained romantic caverns, groves, cascades and caves.

अप्सरोनूपुररवैः प्रनृत्तवरबर्हिणम्। दिग्वारणविषाणग्रैर्घष्टोपलशिलातलम्॥
There were innumerable beautiful peacocks dancing to the tinkling of the bangles on the arms of Apsaras. The rocky surface of the mountains had been worn away by (the continual brushing of) the tusks of great elephants.

स्रस्तांशुकमिवाक्षोभ्यैर्निम्नगानिः सृतैर्जलैः। सशष्पकवलैः स्वस्थैदूरपरिवर्तिभिः॥ भयानभिज्ञैर्हरिणैः कौतूहलनिरीक्षितः। चालयन्नुरुवेगेन लताजालान्यनेकशः॥ आक्रीडमानो हृष्टात्मा श्रीमान् वायुसुतो ययौ। प्रियामनोरथं कर्तुमुद्यतश्चारुलोचनः॥
With the waters of the streamlets falling down, the mountain looked as if its clothes were getting loosened. That handsome son of Vayu (wind) playfully and cheerfully went on, pushing away innumerable entwining creepers. The stags stared at him in curiosity with grass in their mouth; and as they never knew what fear was, they were not frightened and they did not run away. Eager to fulfill the desire of his beloved, that hero of beautiful eyes,

प्रांशु कनकवर्णाभः सिंहसंहननो युवा। मत्तवारणविक्रान्तो मत्तवारणवेगवान्॥
That youth, of the splendour like the color of the gold, having a body as strong as that of the lion, treading like a mad elephant and possessing the prowess of a mad elephant.

मत्तवारणताम्राक्षो मत्तवारणवारणः। प्रियपार्थोपविष्टाभिर्व्यावृत्ताभिर्विचेष्टितैः॥ यक्षगन्धर्वयोषाभिरदृश्याभिर्निरीक्षितः। नवावतारो रूपस्य विक्रीडनिव पाण्डवः॥ चचार रमणीयेषु गन्धमादनसानुषु। संस्मरन् विविधान् क्लेशान् दुर्योधनकृतान् बहून्।।
Having coppery eyes like those of a mad elephant and possessing the prowess of checking a mad elephant, began to roam on the romantic sides of the Gandhamadana with two beautiful eyes uplifted and thus displaying a novel beauty. The wives of the Yakshas and the Gandharvas, sitting invisible by the side of their husbands, stared at him turning their faces and making various motions. He (then) remembered the various woes caused by Duryodhana.

द्रौपद्या वनवासिन्याः प्रियं कर्तुं समुद्यतः। सोऽचिन्तयद् गते स्वर्गमर्जुने मयि चागते॥
Eager to do the favourite work of Draupadi exiled in the forest, he thought, "Now that Arjuna had gone to heaven and I have come away

पुष्पहेतोः कथं त्वार्यः करिष्यति युधिष्ठिरः। स्नेहान्नरवरो नूनमविश्वासाद् बलस्य च॥ नकुलं सहदेवं च न मोक्ष्यति युधिष्ठिरः। कथं तु कुसुमावाप्तिः स्याच्छीघ्रमिति चिन्तयन्।।३४।
In search of the flowers, what will Yudhishthira now do from affection; and doubting their prowess, that foremost of men Yudhishthira will not allow Nakula and Sahadeva to come in search of us. How can I obtain the flowers soon?" He thought thus.

प्रतस्थे नरशार्दूलः पक्षिराडिव वेगितः। सज्जमानमनोदृष्टिः फुल्लेषु गिरिसानुषु॥
And that foremost of men proceeded with the speed of the king of birds (Garuda), with his mind and sight fixed on the delightful sides of the mountain.

द्रौपदीवाक्यपाथेयो भीमः शीघ्रतरं ययौ। कम्पयन् मेदिनी पद्भ्यां निर्घात इव पर्वसु॥
Having the words of Draupadi as his provisions for the journey, Bhima went with greater speed, shaking the earth with his tread as does a hurricane.

त्रासयन् गजयूथानि वातरंहा वृकोदरः। सिंहव्याघ्रमृगांश्चैव मर्दयानो महाबलः॥ उन्मूलयन् महावृक्षान् पोथयंस्तरसा बली। लतावल्लीश्च वेगेन विकर्षन् पाण्डुनन्दनः। उपर्युपरि शैलाग्रमारुरुक्षुरिव द्विपः॥
Frightening the herds of elephants, the lions, tigers and deer, uprooting and crushing large trees, forcibly tearing plants and creepers like an elephant ascending higher and higher the summit of a mountain.

विनर्दमानोऽतिभृशं सविधुदिव तोयदः। तेन शब्देन महता भीमस्य प्रतिबोधिता:॥
He roared fearfully as does the clouds surcharged with lightning. Awakened by the loud roaring of Bhima,

गुहां संतत्यजुर्व्याघ्रो निलिल्युर्वनवासिनः। समुत्पेतुः खगास्त्रस्ता मृगयूथानि दुद्रुवुः॥
Tigers came out of their dens while other wild animals hid themselves in their own. The birds flew away in alarm and herds of deer ran (in all directions).

ऋक्षाश्चोत्ससृजुर्वृक्षांस्तत्यजुर्हरयो गुहाम्। व्यजृम्भन्त महासिंहा महिषाश्चावलोकयन्॥
Birds left the trees, tigers forsook their dens, the mighty lions were roused from their slumber and the buffaloes stared,

तेन वित्रासिता नागाः करेणुपरिवारिताः। तद् वनं स परित्यज्य जग्मुरन्यन्महावनम्॥
The elephants in great alarm surrounded by the female elephants felt that forest and ran to more extensive ones.

वराहमृगसंघाश्च महिषाश्च वनेचराः। व्याघ्रगोमायुसंघाश्च प्रणेदुर्गवयैः सह।॥
The boars, the deer, the lions, the buffaloes, the tigers, the jackals and the Gavyas and all other wild animals in herds began to cry.

रथाङ्गसाह्वदात्यूहा हंसकारण्डवप्लवा:। शुकाः पुंस्कोकिला: क्रौञ्चा विसंज्ञा भेजिरे दिशः॥
The ruddy goose, the Yallendulas, the ducks, the kapandavas, the plavas, the parrots, the male kokilas and the herons all flew in confusion in all directions.

तथान्ये दर्पिता नागा: करेणुशरपीडिताः। सिंहव्याघ्राश्च संक्रुद्धा भीमसेनमथाद्रवन्॥
Some proud elephants, urged by female elephants and also some lions and tigers in great anger rushed at Bhimasena.

शकृन्मूत्रं च मुञ्चानां भयविभ्रान्तमानसाः। व्यादितास्या महारौद्रा व्यनदन् भीषणान् रवान्॥
As they were bewildered with fear, these fearful animals discharge urine and dung and set up loud yells with gaping mouths.

ततो वायुसुतः क्रोधात् स्वबाहुबलमाश्रितः। गजेनान्यान् गजाञ्छ्रीमान् सिंहं सिंहेन वा विभुः।।४७। तलप्रहारैरन्यांश्च व्यहनत् पाण्डवो बली। ते वध्यमाना भीमेन सिंहव्याघ्रतरक्षवः॥
Thereupon the illustrious and the handsome son of Vayu, the mighty Pandava, depending on his own strength of arms, began to kill in anger one elephant with another elephant and one lion with another lion. He killed others (smaller animals) with slaps. Being thus killed by Bhima, the lions, the tigers, the leopards,

भयाद् विससृजुर्भीमं शकृन्मूत्रं च सुनुवुः। प्रविवेश ततः क्षिप्रं तानपास्य महाबलः॥ वनं पाण्डुसुतः श्रीमाञ्छब्देनापूरयन् दिशः। अथापश्यन्महाबाहुर्गन्धमादनसानुषु॥
Loudly cried and discharged urine and dung in great fear. The handsome son of Pandu, the mighty armed hero, entered into that forest resounding all sides with his shouts. The mighty armed hero then saw on the slopes of the Gandhamadana.

सुरम्यं कदलीषण्ड बहुयोजनविस्तृतम्। तमभ्यगच्छद् वेगेन क्षोभयिष्यन् महाबलः॥
A charming forest of plantain trees extending to many yojanas. The greatly powerful hero, agitating (the forest), went with great speed towards it.

महागज इवास्रावी प्रभञ्जन् विविधान् दुमान्। उत्पाट्य कदलीस्तम्भान् बहुतालसमुच्छ्यान्॥
Like a large elephant breaking many trees and uprooting innumerable plantain trees as high as many palm trees put one upon the other.

चिक्षेप तरसा भीमः समन्ताद् बलिनां वरः। विनदन् सुमहातेजा नृसिंह इव दर्पितः॥
That foremost of all strong men Bhima threw them on all sides; that greatly powerful hero, as proud as a lion, sent up loud shouts.

ततः सत्त्वान्युपाक्रामद् बहूनि सुमहान्ति च। रुरुवानर सिंहांश्च महिषांश्च जलाशयान्।॥
Then he met with innumerable huge animals, deer, monkeys, lions, buffaloes and also aquatic animals.

तेन शब्देन चैवाथ भीमसेनरवेण च। वनान्तरगताश्चापि वित्रेसुगपक्षिणः॥
With the roarings of these (animals), as well as with the shouts of Bhima, the wild animals living in distant forests were also alarmed.

तं शब्द सहसा श्रुत्वा मृगपक्षिसमीरितम्। जलार्द्रपक्षा विहगाः समुत्पेतुः सहस्रशः॥ तानौदकान् पक्षिगणान् निरीक्ष्य भरतर्षभः। तानेवानुसरन् रम्यं ददर्श सुमहत् सरः॥
Having heard this noise of the beasts and birds, thousands of aquatic fowls suddenly rose into air. That foremost of the Bharata race (Bhima), then went in that direction. He then saw a vast and romantic lake.

काञ्चनैः कदलीषण्डैर्मन्दमारुतकम्पितैः। वीज्यमानमिवाक्षोभ्यं तीरात् तीरविसर्पिभिः॥
That fathomless lake was being fanned by the golden plantain trees on its banks, which were slowly shaken by the soft breeze.

तत् सरोऽथावतीर्याशु प्रभूतनलिनोत्पलम्। महागज इवोद्दामश्चिक्रीड बलवद् बली॥
Going down to the waters of that lake adorned with innumerable lotuses and lilies, that greatly powerful hero sported merrily there like a mighty elephant in rut.

विक्रीड्य तस्मिन् सुचिरमुत्ततारामितद्युतिः। ततोऽध्यगन्तुं वेगेन तद् वनं बहुपादपम्॥
Having sported there for a long while, that immeasurably effulgent hero got up in order to enter quickly into the forest abounding in trees.

दध्मौ च शङ्ख स्वनवत् सर्वप्राणेन पाण्डवः आस्फोटयच्च बलवान् भीमः संनादयन् दिशः॥
Then the Pandava (Bhima) sounded with all his might his loud-blowing conch. Striking his arms with his arms, the mighty Bhima made all the points of heaven resound.

तस्य शङ्खस्य शब्देन भीमसेनरवेण च। बाहुशब्देन चोग्रेण नदन्तीव गिरेगुहाः॥
Filled with the sounds of the conch and with the shouts of Bhimasena and also with the sounds made by the striking of his arms, the caves of the mountains seemed roaring.

तं वज्रनिष्पेषसममास्फोटितमहारवम्। श्रुत्वा शैलगुहासुप्तैः सिंहैर्मुक्तो महास्वनः॥
Hearing those loud striking of his arms resembling the roaring of thunder, the lions sleeping in their caves (awoke and) uttered great howls.

सिंहनादभयत्रस्तैः कुञ्जरैरपि भारत। मुक्तो विरावः सुमहान् पर्वतो येन पूरितः॥
O descendant of Bharata, being frightened by the yelling of the lions, the elephants also sent forth tremendous roars which filled the mountain.

तं तु नादं ततः श्रुत्वा मुक्तं वारणपुङ्गवैः। भ्रातरं भीमसेनं तु विज्ञाय हनुमान् कपिः॥
Having heard these loud sounds and known that Bhimasena was his brother, the monkeychief, Hanuman, the ape.

दिवंगमं रुरोधाथ मार्ग भीमस्य कारणात्। अनेन हि पथा मा वै गच्छेदिति विचार्य सः॥ आस्त एकायने मार्गे कदलीषण्डमण्डिते। भ्रातुर्भोमस्य रक्षार्थं तं मार्गमवरुध्य वै॥
With the desire to do good to Bhima and to secure his safety, obstructed the path to heaven. Thinking thus, he lay across the narrow path adorned with plantain trees.

मात्र प्राप्स्यति शापं वाधर्षणां वेति पाण्डवः। कदलीषण्डमध्यस्थो ह्येवं संचिन्त्य वानरः॥ प्राजृम्भत महाकायो हनूमान् नाम वानरः। कदलीषण्डमध्यस्थो निद्रावशगतस्तदा॥
With the object that the Pandava (Bhima) inight not meet with any curse or defeat by entering the plantain forest, the huge Hanuman lay down there as if overcome by drowsiness.

जृम्भमाणः सुविपुलं शक्रध्वजमिवोच्छ्रितम्। आस्फोटयच्च लाडूलमिन्द्राशनिसमस्वनम्॥
He began to yawn, lashing his long tail, which resembled a (sacrificial) pole consecrated to Indra and he roared like thunder.

तस्य लाडूलनिनदं पर्वतः सुगुहामुखैः। उद्गारमिव गौर्नर्दनुत्ससर्ज समन्ततः॥
On all sides round, the mountain echoed through the mouths of its caves. Those sounds were like the lowings of a cow.

लाङ्कलास्फोटशब्दाच्च चलितः स महागिरिः। विघूर्णमानशिखरः समन्तात् पर्यशीर्यत॥
Shaken by the sounds produced by the lashing of his tail, the mountain, with its summits, tottered and crumbled down on all sides.

स लाडूलरवस्तस्य मत्तवारणनि:स्वनम्। अन्तर्धाय विचित्रेषु चचार गिरिसानुषु॥
Rising above the roaring of mad elephants, the sounds of the lashing of his tail spread over all the slopes of the mountain.

स भीमसेनस्तच्छ्रुत्त्वा सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः। शब्दप्रभवमन्विच्छंश्चचार कदलीवनम्॥
Having heard this noise, the down of Bhima's body stood on end. He began to roam over that plantain tree in search of the source of these sounds.

कदलीवनमध्यस्थमथ पीने शिलातले। ददर्श सुमहाबाहुर्वानराधिपति तदा॥
The mighty-armed hero saw the monkeychief in the plantain forest, lying on an elevated rocky base. was

विद्युत्सम्पातदुष्प्रेक्षं विद्युत्सम्पातपिङ्गलम्। विद्युत्सम्पातनिनदं विद्युत्सम्पातचञ्चलम्॥
He was difficult to be looked at as a flash of lightning is; he was of coppery colour; he was as quick-moving as lightning.

बाहुस्वस्तिकविन्यस्तपीनह्रस्वशिरोधरम्। स्कन्धभूयिष्ठकायत्वात् तनुमध्यकटीतटम्॥
He had a short fleshy neck supported on his shoulders; his waist slender in consequence of the fullness of his shoulders.

किंचिच्चाभुग्नशीर्षेण दीर्घरोमाञ्चितेन च। लाडूलेनोर्ध्वगतिनाध्वजेनेव विराजितम्॥
His tail, covered with long hair and bent a little at the end, was raised up like a banner.

ह्रस्वौष्ठं ताम्रजिह्वास्यं रक्तकणं चलद्धृवम्। विवृत्तदंष्ट्रादशनं शुक्लतीक्ष्णाग्रशोभितम्॥ अपश्यद् वदनं तस्य रश्मिवन्तमिवोडुपम्। वदनाभ्यन्तरगतैः शुक्लैर्दन्तैरलंकृतम्॥
He (Bhima) saw Hanumana's head furnished with small lips, coppery face, long tongue, red ears, brisk eyes and bare white teeth sharpened at the edge.

केसरोत्करसम्मिश्रमशोकानामिवोत्करम्। हिरण्मयीनां मध्यस्थं कदलीनां महाद्युतिम्॥
His head was like the shining moon with hair scattered over, resembling a heap of Ashoka flowers. That greatly effulgent one was lying amidst the golden palm trees.

दीप्यमानेन वपुषा स्वर्चिष्मन्तमिवानलम्। निरीक्षन्तममित्रघ्नं लोचनैर्मधुपिङ्गलैः॥
Looking like a blazing fire with his effulgent body. That chastiser of foes was casting glances with his eyes reddened with intoxication.

तं वानरवरंधीमानतिकायं महाबलम्। स्वर्गपन्थानमावृत्य हिमवन्तमिव स्थितम्॥ दृष्ट्वा चैनं महाबाहुरेकं तस्मिन् महावने। अथोपसृज्य तरसा विभीर्भीमस्ततो बली॥ सिंहनादं चकारोग्रं वज्राशनिसमं बली। तेन शब्देन भीमस्य वित्रेसुमंगपक्षिणः॥
The intelligent Bhima saw that mighty and huge monkey-chief lying like a second Himalayas obstructing the path of heaven. Seeing him alone in that great forest the undaunted, the mighty-armed and the greatly strong Bhima, quickly came to him and uttered a loud lion-like roar. At his that loud roar, beasts and birds were terrified.

हनूमांश्च महासत्त्व ईषदुन्मील्य लोचने। दृष्ट्वा तमथ सावज्ञं लोचनैमधुपिङ्गलैः। स्मितेन चैनमासाद्य हनूमानिदमब्रवीत्॥
The greatly powerful Hanuman opened his eyes but partially and looked at him with thorough disregard with eyes reddened with intoxication. Then smilingly addressing him, he thus spoke to him.

हनूमानुवाच किमर्थं सरुजस्तेऽहं सुखसुप्तः प्रबोधितः। ननु नाम त्वया कार्या दया भूतेषु जानता॥
Hanuman said: Why have you awakened me, ill as I am? I was comfortably asleep. As you have reason, you should certainly show kindness to all creatures.

वयंधर्मं न जानीमस्तिर्यग्योनिमुपाश्रिताः। नरास्तु बुद्धिसम्पन्ना दया कुर्वन्ति जन्तुषु॥
Being born in the animal kingdom we do not know what Dharma is. But men having reason show kindness to all animals.

रेषु कर्मसु कथं देहवाक्चित्तदूषिषु। धर्मघातिषु सज्जन्ते बुद्धिमन्तो भवद्विधाः॥
Why do then men like your august self commit acts that are harmful alike to body, speech and heart and which are also destructive of virtue.

न त्वंधर्म विजानासि बुधा नोपासितास्त्वया। अल्पबुद्धितया बाल्यादुत्सादयसि यन्मृगान्॥
You know not what virtue is. You have not taken advice from the wise men. You have but little sense and therefore from childishness you destroy lower animals.

ब्रूहि कस्त्वं किमर्थं वा किमिदं वनमागतः। वर्जितं मानुषैर्भावैस्तथैव पुरुषैरपि॥
Tell me who you are. Why have you come to the forest devoid of humanity and human beings?

क्व च त्वयाद्य गन्तव्यं प्रब्रूहि पुरुषर्षभ। अतः परमगम्योऽयं पर्वत: सुदुरारुहः॥
O foremost of men, tell me also where you intend to go today. It is impossible to go any further; the yonder mountain is inaccessible.

विना सिद्धगति वीर गतिरत्र न विद्यते। देवलोकस्य मार्गोऽयमगम्यो मानुषैः सदा॥
O hero, except success in asceticism there is no other means to go to that place. This is the way to the celestials regions. It is always impassable by men.

कारुण्यात् त्वामहं वीर वारयामि निबोध मे। नातः परं त्वया शक्यं गन्तुमाश्वसिहि प्रभो॥
O hero, O lord, out of kindness I ask you, to desist. Listen to my words. Further up from this place you are not able to go. Therefore desist.

स्वागतं सर्वथैवेह तवाद्य मनुजर्षभ। इमान्यमृतकल्पानि मूलानि च फलानि च॥ भक्षयित्वा निवर्तस्व मा वृथा प्राप्स्यसे वधम्। ग्राह्यं यदि वचो मह्यं हितं मनुजपुङ्गव॥
O foremost of men, you are welcome here to day in every way. If you at all accept my words, then rest here partaking of fruits and roots as sweet as ambrosia. Do not for nothing be killed.